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s/o: did you ever have your lunch money stolen?

Was your lunch money ever stolen?  

  1. 1. Was your lunch money ever stolen?

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • I was out stealing other kids' money!
    • Other

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No, but I was not in ps until high school and the people at my private school were generally very nice and well behaved. Public school was SUCH a shock in high school. I had never dreamed that other kids would act the way that they did in my high school. The sad thing is it was the best high school in my area, and would be considered a great school no matter where it was.

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I voted other. We were only allowed to buy lunch once a year on our birthday, so it was a huge deal for me. When I turned 10, I was SO excited to get my hot lunch (we were pretty low on food that year at home). My nasty teacher said we didn't have time for me to go to the cafeteria (she wanted our class to go sit outside and eat), and when I started crying told me I was being a baby and a pain. This was a private school.

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No, never. But even though we were dirt poor my mother always packed an extra drink in my lunchbox when I took my own lunch because there was a girl I ate lunch with who never had a drink. She always sent extra money for recess too. As I got older and had an allowance that I kept with me and I brought lunch money and break money several of the 'well-to-do' kids would be begging for lunch money. So my friends and I always fell for it and gave them fifty cents here, a dollar there. The kids in my school always looked out for each other though. If one kid started being mean to another we'd all gang up and tell them to knock it off (we didn't threaten them with harm, just threatened to tell the teacher); if anyone needed help we all did what we could to help (we took turns carrying book bags for kids with broken legs- for example).

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I voted other. We didn't buy lunches at school - we brought them from home. When they did experiment with hot lunches, parents paid in advance along with tuition (a private school.) A couple of times, my lunch mysteriously disappeared, but I later found it in the fridge at home:)


I did have my notes for a speech stolen right before I had to give it. I searched everywhere. The teacher made me give the speech anyway, so I had to do it from my memory and my rough outline. Gee, after I finished my speech, the notecards mysteriously turned up - on my desk. Yeah, somebody took 'em.

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I voted other. We were only allowed to buy lunch once a year on our birthday, so it was a huge deal for me. When I turned 10, I was SO excited to get my hot lunch (we were pretty low on food that year at home). My nasty teacher said we didn't have time for me to go to the cafeteria (she wanted our class to go sit outside and eat), and when I started crying told me I was being a baby and a pain. This was a private school.


How horrible!! :grouphug:


I went to a rough Junior High, and there was an attempt by a bully to relieve me of my lunch money early in my first year (7th grade).


I knew giving up the money would mean a year of hell, so I popped the bully in the mouth. And no one bothered me again.




Nowadays, you'd get the "zero tolerance for violence" speech and get suspended.


I did have my notes for a speech stolen right before I had to give it. I searched everywhere. The teacher made me give the speech anyway, so I had to do it from my memory and my rough outline. Gee, after I finished my speech, the notecards mysteriously turned up - on my desk. Yeah, somebody took 'em.


That is just SO RUDE!

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Mine was never stolen, but I rarely ever bought my lunch. I went to a small Christian school and wasn't ever worried about it. My older sister went to public school through 7th grade. She did have money stolen, water poured on her seat right before she sat down and a small group of bullying girls. That prompted our move to the Christian school.

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I was in public school for 12.5 years (did public K for half the year) and never had anything stolen.
I don't recall having things stolen at school (maybe a cool pencil here and there). I have had things stolen from me several times on the job! I have also experienced ethnic bullying in the lunchroom on the job. The minority (me, of course) never (or was last) got to use the microwaves.
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YES! In elementary school as early as 3rd grade all through to high school. I went to some of the worst schools in Miami. It was so bad that when i saw one of the worst schools in Nashville, I envied the students and wished I had gone to a school like that.


I edited to say that I wasn't bullied out of the money. It was always stolen out of my bag. And they were pretty sneaky too. I could not figure out how they got to it. In elementary and middle school it was because I was carless and that is when I never let my bag out of my sight. But in high school, my bag was in my sight and my money was still stolen. I stopped putting it in my bag and I put it in my pocket. Problem solved.

Edited by Peri
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In elementary school we had lunch tickets. Pretty hard to steal. On the occasions I bought my lunch I kept in my pocket until time to hand it in.


I usually brought my own lunch though. And some boy at our bus stop when I was in 2nd grade used to kick my Secret Of Nimh lunch box.


In middle school I was "popular" (ha-ha) so no one would have dared steal my lunch money.


In high school, no one did that sort of thing, at all.

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I always took my lunch. Everybody knew what was in my lunch bag - 2 slices of Wonder bread (or a plain hamburger bun if we were out of bread) and 10 saltines with crunchy peanut butter between them. Nobody wanted my lunch.


One time my lockermate and I ended up with each other's lunch bags. Her lunch bag had nothing but candy in it. She was quite disappointed with mine. Her lunch period was before mine.


Did anybody else have lockermates? In elementary and middle school, all lockers were for 2 kids each. In high school, there were 4 kids/locker. After my books got stolen from my locker several times in high school, I refused to use it any more.

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No, I never had my lunch money stolen. When my Dad was sick with leukemia and I had outgrown my coat some of our relatives purchased a new coat for me. But at the High School I walked out of the bathroom leaving it on a coat hook just long enough to walk down the hall and then hurry back to find that it had been taken. It was never turned in to lost and found. :crying:

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No, I almost always brought lunch from home. But there were times when I was pushed, hit, kicked, and insulted. (High school, too--I noticed several people said it didn't happen in high school to them.) When I was in elementary school and I told my mom I was being 'teased', she told me to ignore them. I didn't realize that she didn't understand what was going on from the words I had used. Well, it's hard to ignore people hitting and pushing you, but I really tried hard. I pulled out a book and tried to read and not respond to the bullying. They stole my book and tore it up.

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I think "stealing lunch money" is really more a euphemism for any bullying behavior that occurs. Did I actually have my lunch money stolen? No, I usually brought my lunch. But I was bullied in other ways.


At my school, I just had a parent complain to me today that one second grade girl was stealing another 2nd grade girl's lunch every day and this is at a "good" Christian school.

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No, never had my lunch money stolen and neither have my kids. I think you see that more on TV. However, I did have my purse stolen when I went to lunch. I was so sad because we had just moved there and I had pictures of all my friends from back home in there. that was life in South Florida.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

No, I never had my money stolen. I was on reduced lunch, I only had a quarter for lunch every day. That was fine with me till high school when reduced/free lunch people had to go through a separate line. Then I was so embarrassed to find myself on the opposite side of the cafeteria from most of my friends. So, I just stood in line with them and had a chocolate milkshake for lunch every day because it was only a quarter. Then I spent the rest of lunch period in the library.


It was even more mortifying when I would get asked to go to the Burger King across the street for lunch and had to turn it down. I never explained my lack of funds, so I'm pretty sure most of the kids in my classes thought I was stuck up or anti-social. High school is depressing if you have no money.


I did have clothes and gym shoes stolen out of my PE locker.

Edited by Virginia Dawn
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