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How often do you have dessert?

How often do you have dessert?  

  1. 1. How often do you have dessert?

    • Every single night
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Special occassions only
    • Dessert, huh what is that?
    • Other

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Growing up dessert was a rare treat reserved for things like Thanksgiving and what not. Sometimes we would have a popcicle or ice cream in the summer but that is about it.


Dh grew up with some form of dessert after dinner each night. Usually nothing bit, a scoop of ice cream, a few cookies, etc. However his mom was big on cobblers and crumbles so they had those routinely also.


Our married life has mostly been like my childhood, mainly because I am pretty anti sugar for a variety of reasons.


Anyway whats the scoop in your house? Nightly, weekly, monthly, never...?

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We rarely have dessert, and if we do, its almost always fruit based. However, when I was growing up, it was an expected part of the meal.


Its interesting because we care for people who used to live in an instution of some sort. All of them over age 45-ish didn't understand (or like very much) the non-dessert thing at our house. They had always had cookies, pudding, jello or cake to round out a meal. They even do this in the hospitals.


I would love it if someone could share why, since that blows my whole Its The Generation thing to heck.

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I put weekly because usually about that often we have cookies or scoop of ice cream or homemade applesauce with cream (no sugar added). Some kind of "treat".


Unfortunately, when I make a dessert, we eat it until it's gone, so I try not to make them too often. Hubby has it before bedtime, and then a 10am snack on a Saturday, etc. He is stick thin though. I made two loaves of persimmon bread (applesauce replaced oil and lower sugar) yesterday. One is GONE already. I put the other one in the freezer.


I bake the dessert and eat one slice. The family devours the rest of it AND I GAIN THE WEIGHT. :glare:

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I put every night, but it isn't exactly every night. We usually have sorbet in the freezer for any who wants it. Since sorbet packs a lot of favor, you just need a small amount. We will occasionally make brownies, but that is only about 3 times a year. If we have guests (including family) we always have dessert.

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I make a desert nearly every night. we have things like chocolate cake, crumble, fruit pies, self saucing chocolate pudding, rice-milk-and honey, sago etc.

I have found desert is a great encourager to get kids to eat all their veggies, they don't get desert unless their plate is clean.

We are a family of very thin, active people.

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I voted everyday. A very old friend of the family once told me when my DD was a baby you should serve 2 courses at every meal because babies/toddlers will become sick of the texture before they are full. So we have cereal and toast at breakfast, sandwich and fruit at lunch and meal and desert for dinner.


Desert can be anything from yogurt, fruit, jelly & custard, pudding, cake, whatever we have on hand, almost always something homecooked.

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Mostly just on the weekends here. During the week we eat fruit after a meal and I might have a small square of dark chocolate in the evening. We generally bake cookies or brownies on the weekend and I freeze half for the next weekend. Keeps my sweet tooth in check. :001_smile: I'm one of those who would nibble all day long if it was around so I don't keep sweets in the house during the week.

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Well it used to be daily here, but we are trying to majorly change our eating habits and lifestyle to become more healthy and fit. So now it's maybe weekly. I used to bake something sweet almost everyday. Sometimes it wasn't really dessert (like scones or muffins for breakfast, or zucchini bread or banana nut bread just for a snack), but it was sugary and full of fat. And we always seemed to have something sweet in the house for the kids to have after a meal.


Now, the only baked goods left are a ziploc bag of chocolate chip brownies in the freezer that I made in October, right before our healthy makeover began.


We'll make a dessert or two to take to our family's Thanksgiving meal, but we won't be making any to keep in the house. Otherwise we end up eating way too much.


Now, I might let the kids get a cookie at Subway once a week when we go out for lunch, or let them get a package of Dip 'n Dots when we go to the science museum, but it's more of a weekly treat than a daily (or twice-daily) snack.


I am doing so well with this once a week dessert. Last week I had a miniature ramekin of creme brulee and a shot glass of chocolate mousse off the buffet when we went out for Sunday brunch at one of my favorite restaurants. This week I had a chocolate chip cookie at Subway on Saturday. Other than that I have avoided desserts.


My problem is that I have a major sweet tooth and so does dd, so if we let ourselves indulge more often, then we end up eating way too much and craving only sugary things all the time. With just once a week, we do okay.

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I voted 'other' because none of the answers quite fit - each of us has dessert if/when we *want* dessert. :)


(It's usually not anything fancy - I'm not baking pies everyday or anything...it might be a couple of cookies, handful of chips/crackers/something, banana, pudding cup, freezie, muffin, pumpkin loaf, granola bar, whatever.)

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Daily, sometimes twice a day lol. It is usually something small like a piece of candy or a scoop of pudding or something. My grandparents have had dessert every night for 50 years except during times when money was tight, so I just grew up with it. My dh grew up with large bowls of ice cream after every meal.

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We have fruit available for anyone who wants it as well as popsicles (fruit bars or homemade with juice) that the kids eat a few times a week. The kids like to bake so once or twice a week we make something for Dh's office and if it is a sweet we save a bit for dessert that night.

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Whenever I want? As long as my kids eat a decent meal I let them have some if we want. They're not overweight-they're pretty skinny actually, and I've found that the less restrictions I put on them, the less they ask/demand/sneak. The same with myself. I don't have a Can Not Have list so I find we don't over eat sweets.

Edited by justamouse
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My "Other" is that when I buy dessert, we (mostly I) gobble it up super fast - treats at breakfast, lunch, supper, snack, I can't stop!! GIVE ME COOKIES!!!!! So I only buy one thing when I'm at the store, once a week max. We (I) inhale it, then we just make chocolate milk once a day. I just HAVE to have my chocolate milk!!! Ice cream is the one thing I can keep around and not eat up too fast.


But then if you were to get a bag of cookies and just eat two eat every evening, it might actually last a week and you'd have eaten the same amount that we inhaled in a days' time;)

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...I can easily make just about "anything" a "special occasion" (ghoulish laughter:lol:).


In reality, it could be "several" times a week we have dessert but I try to avoid having it every single night (the operative word here is *try*;)).

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