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Homeschool poll

Do you homeschool?  

  1. 1. Do you homeschool?

    • yes, full-time
    • yes, before school
    • yes, after school
    • yes, part-time home, part-time in public/private school
    • no, but used to
    • no, not at all, never have, probably won't

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I used to, but due to some health problems that happened a couple of years ago with my dh, we decided it was time to enroll the kids in school.


I'm still very much a supporter of homeschooling and classical education in general, though. :) In fact, I'm pursuing certification to teach English and (hopefully!) Latin as well!

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Well you didn't have an option that fit me. Lazy mother that makes her kids homeschool themselves.


Fine. Just to see the boots I'll fit myself in somewhere.


Here they are: http://www.horseandsport.com/EquiStarKampers.htm


I can't believe I hijack my own threads. :willy_nilly:


I'm getting them from a friend whose dd used to ride. They're brand new.

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Well you didn't have an option that fit me. Lazy mother that makes her kids homeschool themselves.


Fine. Just to see the boots I'll fit myself in somewhere.


I thought I was the only one who made the kids homeschool themselves and if they are too young I make one of the older ones do it. :D Bad Homeschool Mother.

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I thought I was the only one who made the kids homeschool themselves and if they are too young I make one of the older ones do it. :D Bad Homeschool Mother.


I did all the work until they hit high school, then I turn them loose. So far it's worked, one in college, one too young to be in college is in college and the other three are working on their own. This is our 17th year.

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I'm now one of the "no - but used to" folks. Ya'all are so amazing here, I can't bear to leave. So I won't! :-)


Let me think -

ds#1 - 4.5 years at home (came home halfway through 3rd grade. Went back for 7th - came home for 8th. In public school for high school - graduates this year.)

ds#2 (autism kid) 1 year. (His needs are better met in private placement.)

dd#1 - 3.3 years (came home last quarter of first grade. Went back start of 5th grade - she is my difficult kid and we get along better NOT homeschooling. She is a sophomore this year.)

dd#4 -4.5 years. (Did first and second at home - then into school, repeated second, third was in split class so back home for fourth - tried fifth at school but came back home halfway through and jumped into 6th grade material - did 6/7th grade stuff at home following year - now is in middle school. )


Only one year were all four home. Each year throughout grammar and middle school who stayed home vs. went to school depended on the needs of each kid (and they sure are all very different!) and what was available at the local school.


I figured between one kid and another I spent a bit over 8 total years with at least one kid at home.

Edited by JFSinIL
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Another full-timer here. It's awfully late in the week for me to do this much math...let's see. My daughter turned 5 in 1994, so if I only count official school-age years I've been homeschooling for 15 years. Right? I guess we're in the midst of our 16th year?


I have 11 more years to go, counting the current school year. Which seems to work out that each kid goes to school for 13 years. But they overlapped one year. :confused:


This poll is not helping my confidence in my teaching ability.

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