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Why do you visit these forums?

What is your main reason for visiting these forums?  

  1. 1. What is your main reason for visiting these forums?

    • I'm interested in classical homeschooling.
    • I'm interested in classical education in general.
    • I'm interested in homeschooling in general, but receive good ideas from visiting these forums.
    • I primarily visit the high school or college forum
    • I primarily visit the K-8 curriculum board.
    • I primarily visit one of the other forums.
    • I visit primarily because I have an area of knowledge that I can share with this community.
    • I visit primarily for social networking purposes.
    • I visit primarily to discuss politics or other socio-economic and/or religious issues.

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I didnt see because great minds think alike or This is my virtual family.


If there had been a This is My Virtual Family or This is My One and Only Support Group....something along those lines, I would have voted for that.


Because my only dc left at home is in high school, I voted the high school/college selection....but my REAL reason.....


This is My Support Group

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I use to come to the boards for advice on homeschooling. But now that my youngest child is a sophomore, I have very few questions anymore(but I'm always thankful for the answers I get when I do). Now I stop by to see if there is anything I can offer back. I spend most of my time on the high school board--but I find if I Google my board name, I am periodically asked a question on SOS Spanish, telescopes & astronomy, or some other subject about which I've previously written.


Sometimes I think it is time to move on...but not quite yet.


:) Jean

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I voted that I was interested in classical education in general. I'm not homeschooling any more, so I can't claim that. However, I hope some day to become involved with a classical school somewhere.


For me, a very close second would be social networking. I have friends on this forum, some of them very dear, and I like to keep in touch with them. My third choice (if I had one) would be that I still like to read the threads on the high school and college forums, since I have two girls currently in high school---one of them a senior and about to graduate! Yikes! :)

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I voted that I was interested in classical education in general. I'm not homeschooling any more, so I can't claim that. However, I hope some day to become involved with a classical school somewhere.


For me, a very close second would be social networking. I have friends on this forum, some of them very dear, and I like to keep in touch with them. My third choice (if I had one) would be that I still like to read the threads on the high school and college forums, since I have two girls currently in high school---one of them a senior and about to graduate! Yikes! :)


Oh---I also tried to change the poll options to add an "Other" column (which I forgot---sorry!) but couldn't figure that out. So, if anyone has another reason not yet listed, please feel free to post that here.

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I picked social networking. We do homeschool, and use WTM methods more than any other single resource, but the general board clearly isn't homeschooling-focused anymore. While a variety of topics were always discussed on this board, homeschooling used to at least be one of the primary topics. I still enjoy visiting and discussing various issues, especially because I think is the most civilized place to discuss controversial issues that I've seen anywhere online. As much as my blood boils at times, and I've made other people's blood boil too, I'm sure, ultimately I do enjoy the exchange of ideas.

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I started visiting years ago when we came across WTM before the children were around. The visits have been off and one, but now that we are homeschooling, all the information from schooling, to handling the home, to emotions, and the children's behaviors has been a gold mine. I can't express how thankful I am for the wealth of knowledge that flows through these boards. So, I have to pick homeschool in general, and all the good ideas shared

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Two things kind of surprised me about the results so far:


1. Only 1 person admitted to primarily visiting this forum for political/socio-economic/religious discussions. Given how many posters I see who seem to ONLY post in those sorts of discussions, I'm surprised the number is so low.


2. I'm a bit surprised at the "classical" vs. "homeschool in general" responses. They're pretty balanced. Many times it seems the posts on the board (or at least the topics posted) are primarily "homeschool in general" vs. specifically classical.


ETA: I began posting in 1999, when the board was only about classical education, and WTM specifically. I am quite nostalgic for that board, so maybe my perspective about #2 is related to that.

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I'll have to be honest; one of my reasons for placing this poll was because we have had a recent influx of people whom we've not seen on these forums for quite some time. They always seem to post only for political reasons, yet I rarely see them posting about homeschooling or classical education or even education in general.


And, I don't have a personal problem with individuals discussing politics on these forums. But, there are some who seem to come here only to discuss politics and for no other reason. I'd sure like to hear their thoughts on education or classical homeschooling.


After all, I thought that's why these forums were made in the first place. I'm also a long-term member of the WTM forums, having been around almost since their inception (since 2001, to be specific).

Edited by Michelle in MO
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I'll have to be honest; one of my reasons for placing this poll was because we have had a recent influx of people whom we've not seen on these forums for quite some time. They always seem to post only for political reasons, yet I rarely see them posting about homeschooling or classical education or even education in general.


And, I don't have a personal problem with individuals discussing politics on these forums. But, there are some who seem to come here only to discuss politics and for no other reason.




I've noticed this as well. I don't know that it's necessarily a bad thing (though I don't understand why visit a homeschooling board to discuss politics. There are plenty of opportunities for that other places and IRL), though I think that mainly would depend upon the personalities involved.

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ETA: I began posting in 1999, when the board was only about classical education, and WTM specifically. I am quite nostalgic for that board, so maybe my perspective about #2 is related to that.


Hillary. I just mentioned that I've been here since 2001, and most of the discussions were almost exclusively about homeschooling. Yes, there were other threads and topics even back then on the General Forums, but nothing like these days.


Missing the old days, too----not the old format, but the discussions about classical education.

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I visit because I'm a new homeschooler and learn a lot from reading many of the posts. I've also been able to ask questions and get wonderful responses. I try to be helpful whenever I can to other people's posts too. I'm mostly in the curriculum forum, reading, reading, and more reading. I like to visit the general boards too. It's a nice break away from education talk. I don't have a whole lot of friends irl, so being able to discuss something non-kid or school related with other adults is refreshing.

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Two things kind of surprised me about the results so far:


1. Only 1 person admitted to primarily visiting this forum for political/socio-economic/religious discussions. Given how many posters I see who seem to ONLY post in those sorts of discussions, I'm surprised the number is so low.




I pretty much post to the General board because I am fairly new to homeschooling. I lurk in the curriculum forum but I don't post as much because I am still learning. :)

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I visit because I'm a new homeschooler and learn a lot from reading many of the posts. I've also been able to ask questions and get wonderful responses. I try to be helpful whenever I can to other people's posts too. I'm mostly in the curriculum forum, reading, reading, and more reading. I like to visit the general boards too. It's a nice break away from education talk. I don't have a whole lot of friends irl, so being able to discuss something non-kid or school related with other adults is refreshing.

There's no doubt that these forums provide great social networking. Homeschooling is still considered to be an "odd" choice by some people, and long days being alone with the kids are a little less lonely when we have the online social support group.


I'm all for that!

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There's no doubt that these forums provide great social networking. Homeschooling is still considered to be an "odd" choice by some people, and long days being alone with the kids are a little less lonely when we have the online social support group.


I'm all for that!




Since 2001 we have lived in 6 different cities. The people I knew on the WTM boards were the only people in my life who remained the same during all those moves. (Most all of them have left the WTM boards for other pastures)


Anyway, I completely *get* the social aspect of the boards. :)

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Oh bummer. Not really enough info in the poll. I would say I visit here:


1) interested in classical education

2) wonderful discussions, mostly

3) this is the best homeschool board I know of besides Sonlight which has a fee


I joined the boards in 2002, I believe. I always remember lots of gab. Didn't we have a curriculum board and a general board then as well? Gosh, I can't remember!

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Oh bummer. Not really enough info in the poll. I would say I visit here:


1) interested in classical education

2) wonderful discussions, mostly

3) this is the best homeschool board I know of besides Sonlight which has a fee


I joined the boards in 2002, I believe. I always remember lots of gab. Didn't we have a curriculum board and a general board then as well? Gosh, I can't remember!

Unfortunately, the poll only gave 10 options; I picked 9 (but should have picked 10, to include an "other" category).


I would say your reasons fit right along with the polls. Did you post under the same name in 2002? But, I can't say I always paid attention to names as much then. With the new forums, I tend to associate names with the avatars (kind of like associating a name with a face, right? ;) )

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I didn't vote. As I said in my previous response, there's more than one single reason.


I get curric ideas, recommendations here. I get to discuss issues that others wouldn't 'get' in the same way they do here. Its a support group, an information source, a chance to talk with other adults on whatever topic, and have a healthy, intelligent discussion, especially when it comes to hot topics.


There's no one single reason. And each is as important to my sanity as the next.

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I didn't vote. As I said in my previous response, there's more than one single reason.


I get curric ideas, recommendations here. I get to discuss issues that others wouldn't 'get' in the same way they do here. Its a support group, an information source, a chance to talk with other adults on whatever topic, and have a healthy, intelligent discussion, especially when it comes to hot topics.


There's no one single reason. And each is as important to my sanity as the next.



That's It!! To Keep My Sanity!!!!:willy_nilly::willy_nilly::willy_nilly:

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I'll have to be honest; one of my reasons for placing this poll was because we have had a recent influx of people whom we've not seen on these forums for quite some time. They always seem to post only for political reasons, yet I rarely see them posting about homeschooling or classical education or even education in general.


I took time off the board last winter and this summer because we were super-busy. Right now, our schedule is a little more calm, we have a bit more downtime during the day (except Tuesdays, oh, I am coming to rue Tuesdays). But I post on all sorts of threads.

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I'm just curious: What is everyone's real motivation for visiting the WTM forums?


I'm posting a poll here, and it gives you the option of making only one choice. Based upon the content of your posts, please pick just one which accurately describes your reasons for posting on these forums?



Well, I used to check out the curriculum board to look for resources. Now, I just look to see if I can be helpful. I check out the general board for conversation.


But you all know the only real reason I keep coming back is to p*ss off certain people with my very existence. ;)

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I voted for classical homeschooling, but I don't go to the curriculum board as much as I used to...it gets too expensive! I read about something that sounds good and I look for ways to incorporate it!:D

I started coming here right after the board change (Jan or Feb of what 2007?)..my homeschooling looks nothing like what it did then! I have received so much good advice /information!


I also come here for support and social networking etc...

political threads draw me in at times, and at times I get so ticked off at them I regret opening them and try not to peek for awhile...


I take summers off from the board because we go away for 3 to 4 months to a summer place with no internet (yet).

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I guess I would pick "other" if it was an option.


I come for the intelligent conversation. Seriously, I have 3 kids 8 and under. A husband that works 60-70 hours a week, I only know a few people in the real world outside of family due to a relocation 3 years ago, and I'm not really all that close with the few people I do know, it's just that they also homeschool and have children roughly the same age as mine. I NEED to interact with other adults, and when the online conversation is better than the RL conversation, I pick the online one!

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I'll have to be honest; one of my reasons for placing this poll was because we have had a recent influx of people whom we've not seen on these forums for quite some time. They always seem to post only for political reasons, yet I rarely see them posting about homeschooling or classical education or even education in general.




Well, if you went and read what I post on you might put me in this category. But it wouldn't reflect what I read. I tend not to post on the curriculum board, instead I use the search engine when I'm looking at curriculum. I find I get my answer faster by looking at old conversations.


I also often don't feel that I have a lot to add to what has already been posted on a lot of different topics. Even though I feel that I do get a lot of information from different conversations. Just this week I read the thread about 11 yr olds with a lot of interest because it was similar to some issues we deal with. I'm always reading the threads about teens because we are just getting into that area.


For a lot of questions I have about general things I use the search engine. Just this week I reviewed every thread about beds. We're in the market and I'm thinking about a select comfort bed. Instead of posting about it, I was able to read a lot of opinions about that bed from older posts.


I have read every thread here about the swine flu because that has really concerned me this year. I haven't posted a lot on them, but I have gotten a ton of information that I have shared with other people in my family. I have loved having Perry and hornblower on this board during these discussions!


I tend to post on political threads because I love discussions on different points of views on politics. I have come to just ignore some people who I feel are just out to argue their point but not interested in seeing another persons point of view. I have learned a lot about the way other people see our country through these discussions and I post when I feel that I can add to the conversation (sometimes I post just because it's a hot subject with me).


BTW, my ds(13) has had a classical education. My dd(8) has not, she's a different kid with different needs and wouldn't do well with a classical ed. My dd(5) will probably get a classical education like my son, she needs to learn to read first though! I've been on the boards since 2002 although my post number probably doesn't reflect how often I'm here.:)


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But you all know the only real reason I keep coming back is to p*ss off certain people with my very existence. ;)




Girl, you crack me up! Now I can't hear a Jonas song without giggling. :tongue_smilie:


I come here for the High School forum... and enjoy the discussion points from folks from different POV. It is good to read posts and understand where others come from even if I don't agree. Very enriching. Sort of like a cyber support group? Chai Latte, anyone?

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Based upon the content of your posts, please pick just one which accurately describes your reasons for posting on these forums?
At this point it's primarily to keep in touch and get the pulse ~ plus give & take school-related info, now and then.
I'll have to be honest; one of my reasons for placing this poll was because we have had a recent influx of people whom we've not seen on these forums for quite some time. They always seem to post only for political reasons, yet I rarely see them posting about homeschooling or classical education or even education in general.


And, I don't have a personal problem with individuals discussing politics on these forums. But, there are some who seem to come here only to discuss politics and for no other reason. I'd sure like to hear their thoughts on education or classical homeschooling.


After all, I thought that's why these forums were made in the first place.

Yabbut like it or not, the person who created these forums has allowed them to morph, so waxing nostalgic serves no real purpose, imo. And hey, here's a crazy thought. If there are people whose opinions about education (as opposed to politics) you'd truly like to hear, why not speak directly and ask them?:)
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I tend not to post on the curriculum board, instead I use the search engine when I'm looking at curriculum. I find I get my answer faster by looking at old conversations.




I had several Latin questions, they were all answered by searches!


I also get a lot out of many education/classical specific threads that I do not post on, especially if anything I might have thought of has already been said by all the smart folks around here.


I only post a curriculum question if the searches don't match up well with my question.


I haven't updated my signature for what we're doing yet this year, but we are starting Latin as soon as I get what we really need--I bought before I found this forum and did not choose exactly what I needed.


I also like to post here because people attempting to teach their children Latin and the progymnasmata are the only people I "know" crazy/brave enough to attempt to use a Speller to teach their children to read and spell. Now that is truly classical--it was how spelling was taught in the 1600's, 1700's and early 1800's. (Actually, truly classical would be to teach reading and spelling with a syllabary in Latin before teaching reading and spelling in English, but even I am not that crazy/brave. Maybe if I have a 3rd child after I have learned Latin I will attempt it.)


The General Board states, "For general questions about classical education methods, teaching techniques, readiness, supplemental activities, field trips, assessments, frustrations, online resources, etc. or just for hanging out and chatting!" How can you be off-topic with that?


Most of my General Board posts are not curriculum specific, but they have been helpful! I found a great way to get a bleach spill out of my rug (cut carpet threads) and get annoying little sticky things off my wall (goo-gone) and ID'd a song from a plastic turtle. Small things, really, but I loved being able to find an answer quickly, the turtle song had been bugging me for years, none of my friends or family could figure out what it was.


There is always something interesting to read on the General Board, especially if you like variety, which I do.

Edited by ElizabethB
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At this point it's primarily to keep in touch and get the pulse ~ plus give & take school-related info, now and then.Yabbut like it or not, the person who created these forums has allowed them to morph, so waxing nostalgic serves no real purpose, imo.


There are so many wise and wonderful people here that it's a good place to come and get a variety of viewpoints. The boards move so fast that it can be really hard to keep up with ... and still school the kids. The older they get, the busier I get, so I don't come here as much as I used to. I said interest in classical homeschooling, but close seconds would be a couple of the other forums (fora?) and social.



I don't see a problem with letting the OP wax nostalgic -- she did go to the trouble of creating a poll, after all.



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I chose because I'm interested in homeschooling in general, but that is really only one of several reasons I come here. I have learned so much from many posters here and only some of that knowledge is about schooling.


I'm pretty shy and don't post a whole lot, but I have no friends who homeschool and don't really fit in with most of the homeschoolers in my area so having a place to came where such a variety of viewpoints can come together and, for the most part, manage to be accepting of one another is very refreshing.

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