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What time is it where u r and WHY r u awake?

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It's only 10:39 pm here. I am awake while waiting for my last kid to fall asleep then I am going to make a paint chip word family game for ds6, a clothespin game for dd, finish my lesson plans for next week, and then clean guinea pig cage and the livingroom before I head to bed around 1:30ish or so.

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It's only 10:39 pm here. I am awake while waiting for my last kid to fall asleep then I am going to make a paint chip word family game for ds6, a clothespin game for dd, finish my lesson plans for next week, and then clean guinea pig cage and the livingroom before I head to bed around 1:30ish or so.


Thank you. Why? Cuz you just reminded me that I need to fix my board clock here ~ it's telling me you posted at a bit past 1:30am..seems I'm still partly on island time. :tongue_smilie:


Same zone as the lovely lady above me ~ and I'm up cuz, well, I slept in until past 7am this morning and I'm not tired yet. Dh went to bed, sleepy. Ds10 is asleep, dd12 is watching tv in her room.

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9:44pm. Just put the 2yo to bed, ds15 is doing dishes, dd10 just headed out the door to a sleep over across the street.


Dh and a friend have been pounding, banging, and generally making a lot of noise to day, as we work on a porch we are adding on to our house. They just stopped at 9:30pm and started at 9am. Dd2 has noise issues so she has been an emotional wreck today. It was pouring down rain outside so I couldn't take her out to play, so that made it worse.


It has been a very, very long 12hour day.



ETA update: 10:53pm watching Mythbusters on TiVo.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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It's 9:51pm Arizona time, which is Mountain Standard. We don't turn the clocks forward. Dh is doing something on the computer, I'm working on business paperwork, and dd is doing Algebra corrections and on FB. I've got two cats on my desk and a dog at my feet. We're all listening to country music. It's been a nice day and a nice relaxing evening.

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12:39 am Central time zone...I'm waiting for my sister to show up so I can say hi, here's your bed and good night...It is way past my bedtime...I've become more used to going to bed around 11pm-ish and then waking up sporadically throughout the night to make sure my lil one is still breathing (or to feed him if he wakes up on his own)...We had a scare a week and a half a go and that apnea monitor just doesn't give me the piece of mind I need...Me poking him while he sleeps, though, gives me great piece of mind...

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It's 1:31 AM here. We're going to the state fair tomorrow, so I'm trying to get everything organized so I'll be ready to go. I'm going to sneak out early with dd so we can have breakfast there together. :D Dh will meet his family as planned, and he'll go with them to meet up with us, so I'm not REALLY ditching him. Mama/big-girl-baby time is fun, I've discovered. :D

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Its now 10.30 am here on Sunday morning- 1st day of the working week here.


Has been a slow start for us, as we have been on skype all morning, wishing our fathers/father-in-laws a "Happy Fathers Day!" ( in Oz)


Now, I'm having a cup of coffee, and in about 1/2 hr, we will start our school work.


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Its Sunday afternoon here- a couple of hours on from the OP's post, its 2.30 pm. Its Fathers Day in Australia, and dh and dd went to visit dh's parents. I coulndt go because I am still alittle sick (and MIL firmly asked dh not to let me come if I am at all sick!). I dont mind.

I am sitting here reasearching IPods and Iphones and wondering which way to go.

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It's a few minutes shy of midnight. Baby keeps waking up crying every time she is horizontal. I think her reflux is bugging her a bit and I think she has her first cold. I'm on the tail end of what was a very mild cold for me. Hopefully, it will be mild for her too.

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It's a few minutes shy of midnight. Baby keeps waking up crying every time she is horizontal. I think her reflux is bugging her a bit and I think she has her first cold. I'm on the tail end of what was a very mild cold for me. Hopefully, it will be mild for her too.


Joanne, I don't know if you have tried this yet but my youngest had reflex and my ped recommended having her sleep in a bouncy seat or car seat to keep her head elevated.

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Cool! Tell me more!

We are leaving for the US in 5 days. There is 10 hours difference between Melbourne time and NY time, we've been moving earlier to bed and to rise so that we are closer by a few hours and hopefully to minimise the jetlag.

I'm not a morning person but I started getting up earlier, shifting 1/2 an hour twice a week. I used to struggle out of bed at 8.30am and I can now struggle out at 5.30am or bounce out at 6.30am. :)

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