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"reek havoc"

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For a year it has bugged me that the fancy-schmancy place in Seattle where I buy my glasses frames gives out a small info sheet that says, "Paper products can reek havoc on your lenses." So when I picked up my new specs last week, I said something. I was embarrassed, didn't want to come across as a snob or a jerk, so I tried to be gentle. The gal who was helping me knew about the error, was bothered by it and, apparently, someone else had also recently mentioned it.


Get this. It turns out that the woman typed it up (the owner, I think), used to have a client who was a rock star or some kind of entertainer with the stage name Reek Havoc. So the gal who was helping me thinks that the error came from the association that the typist had with this particular guy. Ohmygoodness.


They also printed "about a million" of those little info sheets, so my nice helper gal didn't want to say anything to the owner "until they start running out" of the darn things!


I knew y'all would just eat this up.

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My kids' orthodontist has a sign on the wall that says they are open in another location on "Wednesday's".


I told the receptionist, and she didn't seem to believe that I was right. The signs are still up, not corrected. I'm thinking about bringing in a bottle of white-out. ;)

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Well, when I'm editing I run across a lot of funny ones. The latest was in a sentence in which the author meant to say, "The woman wasn't wearing a brassiere."


What he said was, "The woman wasn't wearing a BRAZIER."


I thought, "Well, thank God for small mercies!"


And giggled the rest of the day.....

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My kids' orthodontist has a sign on the wall that says they are open in another location on "Wednesday's".


I told the receptionist, and she didn't seem to believe that I was right. The signs are still up, not corrected. I'm thinking about bringing in a bottle of white-out. ;)



I don't get what is wrong with that. What am I missing?



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I don't get what is wrong with that. What am I missing?



Where is Mrs. Mungo when we need her?!

I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. The apostrophe is not necessary; it makes Wednesday possessive.

Edited by Nicole M
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Our local library just posted a fund-raising letter. The typos are insane!


(Now, you know that because I just criticized someone else's typos, I'm bound to have one in here.):tongue_smilie:


Everyone makes typos. But these are errors. I guess we all make those, too. I'm sure I've made jillions. I'll never forget the look of perplexity and astonishment and pity on my step-mother's face when I returned to her after she'd told me to "look up" the spelling of Caesar. "I looked at every word starting with c-e and I'm telling you it's not in the dictionary!"

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For years, we have driven past a billboard that offers


"Great career opportunity in house training!"


At first glance, we thought they were offering careers for horse trainers. Which seemed very odd.


Upon further reflection, we realized they actually wanted people to train houses, not horses. LOL!


Of course what they really meant was something like this:


"Great career opportunity! In-house training!"

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For a year it has bugged me that the fancy-schmancy place in Seattle where I buy my glasses frames gives out a small info sheet that says, "Paper products can reek havoc on your lenses." So when I picked up my new specs last week, I said something. I was embarrassed, didn't want to come across as a snob or a jerk, so I tried to be gentle. The gal who was helping me knew about the error, was bothered by it and, apparently, someone else had also recently mentioned it.


Get this. It turns out that the woman typed it up (the owner, I think), used to have a client who was a rock star or some kind of entertainer with the stage name Reek Havoc. So the gal who was helping me thinks that the error came from the association that the typist had with this particular guy. Ohmygoodness.


They also printed "about a million" of those little info sheets, so my nice helper gal didn't want to say anything to the owner "until they start running out" of the darn things!


I knew y'all would just eat this up.



I always think those little slips are funny. My favourite example came from a student who turned in a paper in a course I was teaching on 19th C. Brit lit. We'd been reading Engels Conditions of the Working Class. The paper's thesis was about how industrialization helped perpetuate a doggy-dog mentality (should have read dog-eat-dog). The funniest thing of it all was that his paper fully supported the whole doggy-dog (not dog-eat-dog) concept. :lol:

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I always think those little slips are funny. My favourite example came from a student who turned in a paper in a course I was teaching on 19th C. Brit lit. We'd been reading Engels Conditions of the Working Class. The paper's thesis was about how industrialization helped perpetuate a doggy-dog mentality (should have read dog-eat-dog). The funniest thing of it all was that his paper fully supported the whole doggy-dog (not dog-eat-dog) concept. :lol:



LOL That's too cute! :)

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A few years ago, our movie theater had a movie listed on their big board called "Angles in the Outfield." (It should have said "Angels.") I asked the girl working at the ticket counter if she knew the sign said what it did, and she alerted the manager, etc, etc. No one had noticed, or at least, no one else had mentioned it. They did change it! My DH was a bit embarrassed, but the DC thought it was neat that the theater changed their sign because "Mommy told them it was wrong.";)

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"Lady Gulls seek another championship birth".

Headline in small town Oregon sports page of newspaper.



That is often the spelling used for "berth" on a hockey board I read. Someone (cough, cough) tried to point out the correct spelling (nicely) & was told she had too much time on her hands.


Really? Cuz "e" takes so much longer to type than "i." :lol:

Edited by unsinkable
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On our vacation, we visited about a dozen state or federal forests, parks, historical sites, etc. Every single one contained a spelling or grammatical error on a sign. It became a game to see who could find one first.


The restaurant down the street had a sign with an unnecessary apostrophe. They finally painted over the apostrophe. It was such a relief!!

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On our vacation, we visited about a dozen state or federal forests, parks, historical sites, etc. Every single one contained a spelling or grammatical error on a sign. It became a game to see who could find one first.


Wow!! That's actually kind of sad.

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The misused apostrophe is my pet peeve.


I really feel that so many people are now unaware of the right way to use an apostrophe vs. plural, that it might be screwed up forever!


I am always amazed that it gets past the sign printer or maker... but if they are ignorant about it...


My local favorite..... Angelas Treasure's. ????!!!!! :banghead:


a recent sign I saw on a vacant lot "Built to Suite"

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My sister in law is a wellspring of this kind of error. She wrote in an email that she didn't want to "take something for granite." :lol:


Ah, emails, yes. I had a colleague, a college professor!, ask me to"bare with" her. If it had been a certain male professor, and I'd been single, frankly, I might have considered it....


(I love the word wellspring.)

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My sister in law is a wellspring of this kind of error. She wrote in an email that she didn't want to "take something for granite." :lol:


My SIL insists that the expression is "living in squander." She & dh (her brother) bicker about it.


I've also heard 2 women say voLUMPtuous to describe their booKs. I'd hate to be volumptuous.

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We could save so many kittens if you would....




I can imagine the phone call now...


"Yes, I understand that you have a misplaced apostrophe on your signage."


"No, I am not your patient, I live in Hawaii."


"Actually, I...uh...I read about it on the internet."


"I'm just trying to SAVE THE KITTENS!"

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I see variations of that here in NC a lot. But it's because they also mispronounce "suite" as "suit". It really threw me the first time I shopped for furniture and the salesman asked if I was wanting to buy a sofa or a whole "living room suit".


Careful! I remember an argument breaking out over this issue on another board. According to Merriam-Webster, "suit" is an alternative pronunciation.

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I wouldn't want to be volumptuous, either.:D


I've heard people say "supposably" (sp??) instead of "supposedly." The first time someone said it, I thought she was kidding, but no.


Once I was in a gently crowded restaurant; sitting close to me was a well-dressed young man whose conversation I couldn't help but overhear. I was so disappointed in him when he said something was "suBtle." I had to stifle myself.:lol:

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I see variations of that here in NC a lot. But it's because they also mispronounce "suite" as "suit". It really threw me the first time I shopped for furniture and the salesman asked if I was wanting to buy a sofa or a whole "living room suit".


Part of me cringes but part of me thinks this kind of thing is sort of exciting and neat. Isn't this how dialects develop? How language evolves? Nifty stuff. :)

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I can imagine the phone call now...


"Yes, I understand that you have a misplaced apostrophe on your signage."


"No, I am not your patient, I live in Hawaii."


"Actually, I...uh...I read about it on the internet."


"I'm just trying to SAVE THE KITTENS!"




*breathe* oh- please do that!


and record the phone call. someone --quick we need a snazzy "saving kittens from misplaced apostrophes" organization name that she can say she represents. but it has to sound more clever than that ;)

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:lol: Ok, that made my laugh out loud!




Ah, emails, yes. I had a colleague, a college professor!, ask me to"bare with" her. If it had been a certain male professor, and I'd been single, frankly, I might have considered it....


(I love the word wellspring.)

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Our local library just posted a fund-raising letter. The typos are insane!


(Now, you know that because I just criticized someone else's typos, I'm bound to have one in here.):tongue_smilie:


This phenomenon really needs a name! I've done it enough times that you could name it after me. OhM's law - no, wait, that's already taken. :D (EE humor - yes, it's usually that lame.)


But really, anyone else want to volunteer?

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This phenomenon really needs a name! I've done it enough times that you could name it after me. OhM's law - no, wait, that's already taken. :D (EE humor - yes, it's usually that lame.)


But really, anyone else want to volunteer?


What about the phenomenon where once you see one printed error, suddenly they're e v e r y w h e r e ? That one needs a name, too.

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The apostrophe really bothers me, too! Especially when formally embroidered or printed on something, as in, "The Smith's." I always think to myself... I wonder *which* Smith?


Personal pet peeve: Rod Iron instead of WROUGHT iron. See it all the time on Craigslist.


All-time favorite: I saw a TON of misspellings in real estate listings when I was house hunting, but the absolute best:


Dinning room with Wayne's Coating.


Yes, "dinning." Yes, "Wayne's Coating." That Wayne sure gets around.

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When my son was in 7th or 8th grade, his teacher gave bonus points for mistakes on local signs. All the students had to do was document the location of the sign and the mistake. Needless to say, my son got a lot of help from me. My favorite was the sign at the Golden Arches advertising apple pies 2 for $100.



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