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A prayer request and a warning...

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I wanted to ask if you would please pray for healing for me. My coffee maker exploded in my face yesterday evening and I suffered 2nd degree burns. I have blisters and am missing some skin on my cheek by my chin and off of the tip of my nose (sorry. Gross I know! ) The area on my nose seems to be the worst burnt area. I am treating the areas and keeping them clean, but I wanted prayer for healing and also hoping that I won't have much if any scarring on my face. I also wanted to take the opportunity to warn anyone else who may use a similar type of stovetop coffee pot for making espresso (cuban) coffee. I've used them always and never once had a problem with one, but these things are very dangerous. The brand is IMUSA and I got it at Walmart about a year or so ago. I already contacted them this morning to let them know what happened and hopefull they will recall these ones if there is a defect in them. My safetly valve did not work and hence the explosion. I thank God though because my son was not in the room as he usually is always underfoot and I thank God most of all that the top part of the pot itself did not hit me directly. It missed my face by about an inch and slammed into the wall behind me with such force that it left 2 deep gashes in the wall! I cannot imagine if it had hit me directly. It probably could have killed me!! So please, if you have one of these coffee makers or know someone who does, please don't use it. It looks like this.






Thank you all so much for your prayers! :)




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Have you been to a burn specialist? I would hope a specialist could help with the healing not leaving scars. They can also prescribe cream that helps it not hurt so bad (silver sulfadine, I think). Did they tell you not to get sun on your newly healed skin? (wear lots of sun lotion after it's healed.) I'm sorry this happened to you. Glad it didn't get into your eyes!

Prayed for you!

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No I haven't been to the doctor yet. I think it is healing okay, but my husband and daughter are out of town right now at camp and my son is severely Autistic and doesn't do well when I have to go to the doctor. My husband will be home tomorrow so I know I can go after that without a problem. I think it is healing okay so far and I called my friend who is a nurse and I'm going to see if she will come by and look at it and tell me if it's healing properly.

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Oh, my goodness! I'll be praying for you!


Keep us posted on what the company says.


I just can't imagine how bad it would have been had your ds been in there with you.


I agree with Jacqui about seeing a specialist, too.




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Oh, my goodness! I'll be praying for you!


Keep us posted on what the company says.


I just can't imagine how bad it would have been had your ds been in there with you.


I agree with Jacqui about seeing a specialist, too.





Thanks. I probably will go as soon as my dh and dd get back home. :)

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Oh, I am so sorry! Burns hurt so badly. Hopefully your friend can help you out. A nurse friend of mine bandaged my son's burn when we were visiting on vacation she had some silvadene (silver sulfadine) on hand. Praying here and hoping that you don't have too much pain and it heals quickly.:grouphug:

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Thanks. I probably will go as soon as my dh and dd get back home. :)


I don't mean to be harsh, but there should be no "probably" with regards to seeing a doctor about serious burns. You should not wait for your dh to get home either. Burns are very prone to infection. And good healing depends on early treatment.


Please do not wait.

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I am so glad that your eyes and such were not injured. This is awful to read and please, please see a specialist for your skin care. the first few days are so crucial. I am praying that you are not in pain right now and am also thankful that your little one was not hurt. Please, please keep us posted . Thank you for sharing this information in an effort to spare others. You are a kind and gracious lady to even now think of others first. Rest , do what the docs say and know that healing thoughts and prayers are being offered for you.

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It missed my face by about an inch and slammed into the wall behind me with such force that it left 2 deep gashes in the wall! I cannot imagine if it had hit me directly.


And your eyes are okay!!


Here's to good healing. They are getting better at fixing scars, BTW.

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How scary! I'm so glad the lid did not hit you and that your son was not in the room. I'm so sorry that you have been burned. Try to get some help as soon as possible. I hope your friends has looked at it and can give you more advice. My prayers are with you.


Let us know what the company says. I wonder if they would help you out with any medical costs that arise.


Take care!:grouphug:

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Thank you everyone for the prayers and advice. I will call the doctor's office tomorrow and see about getting a referral for a specialist. You can pray also that my son does well in the dr.'s office as he will have to be with me. :) Yes, my eyes were miraculously spared! Amazing! God is good! :)

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Ohhhh...so sorry. Can I suggest using aloe as much as possible. It will help with the pain and help with scarring. I burnt my arm on my iron and kept putting aloe on it. You can't hardly tell where the burn was and I would say it was 2nd degree...a little worse than sunburn. My daughter always uses aloe when she get sunburned and swears by it.

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Thanks. I'm alternating between aloe and neosporin. I guess it should have occurred to me to go to the doctor sooner, but I confess I think I'm still a bit dazed and in shock about the whole thing. Once the immediate "am I okay, is everyone else okay" was over, I felt just kind of in shock. My friend the nurse has just finished her shift and is on her way over here. She said she had some stuff that was really good for burns that she is bringing me.

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So sorry about your awful injury! We have a coffee maker like that although we don't use it anymore. My fil has one too and I'm not sure if he uses it much. I will pass on your info to him. I'm almost certain that he didn't get it at Walmart but it looks the same. Thanks for the warning. I pray that your burns heal quickly and w/o leaving scars.


:grouphug: Blessings,

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I also wanted to take the opportunity to warn anyone else who may use a similar type of stovetop coffee pot for making espresso (cuban) coffee. I've used them always and never once had a problem with one, but these things are very dangerous. The brand is IMUSA and I got it at Walmart about a year or so ago. I already contacted them this morning to let them know what happened and hopefull they will recall these ones if there is a defect in them. My safetly valve did not work and hence the explosion. So please, if you have one of these coffee makers or know someone who does, please don't use it. It looks like this.






Thank you all so much for your prayers! :)






ACK! We have this! We have used it alot in the past with no problem ,but

not for at least a year or so. Thanks for the warning ! Praying for fast healing and thanking Him it wasn't worse.




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Thank you all for your kind words and especially for the prayers. My friend came and brought me some triple antibiotic cream from the hospital where she works. She said that it looks like it is healing well. I am happy about that, but my face is horribly discolored. I searched my insurance company's website and found a dermatologist who was rated highly on a medical review site I may not even need a referral to go see her. She has published 14 articles in medical journals and seems very qualified. I will call her office first thing in the morning and see if I can see her. :) I'll keep you posted. Thank you so much for your prayers and well wishes. :grouphug:

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I also wanted to take the opportunity to warn anyone else who may use a similar type of stovetop coffee pot for making espresso (cuban) coffee. I've used them always and never once had a problem with one, but these things are very dangerous. The brand is IMUSA and I got it at Walmart about a year or so ago.


Thank you for this warning....we have two similar coffee pots (large and small) but they are a different brand/both made in Italy, so I'm hoping they're okay. We've never had a problem with the valve.

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I'm glad you found a dermatologist that you can see, but I think a plastic surgeon consult is in order. Let us know how you are! Love and prayers! :grouphug:


Well, this lady is both a dermatologist and a cosmetic surgery specialist, unfortunately I wasn't able to see her today as she apparently doesn't work on Fridays. The girl on the phone told me to call back on Monday and they would see if they could get me in to see her. She told me in the meantime to just go to the emergency room. My husband is do to arrive in about an hour and so after that I will see about going to the emergency room. I called the company who makes the coffee maker this morning also and they said that this is the first report that they have had of this happening but that one case was enough to do something about it. She wants me to send the pot to her, but I told her that I was still waiting to hear back from Walmart's corporate office and didn't know if they would need to see the pot too. I guess we'll just see what happens.


A friend on FB just mentioned her's exploding this morning! WOW!



Oh my gosh!! Was she hurt?? Was it the same brand do you know?? Poor thing!! I pray that nobody was in the room when it happened.

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Thank you for this warning....we have two similar coffee pots (large and small) but they are a different brand/both made in Italy, so I'm hoping they're okay. We've never had a problem with the valve.



That is what I have too. The small one and the large one. They used to always be made in Italy and I've used them forever. Nothing ever went on them except the handles! In fact this last one that I bought from Walmart was to replace one with a broken handle and they were the only store who had the large size. I don't know if it was made in Italy though. I am wondering if it was made in China?? I know there are some QC issues with Chinese stuff. :(

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I did a rotation in a burn clinic. Keep the burns moist, no cotton, clean sterile gauze moistened with sterile water (you can get this in the pharmacy). Do NOT let them scab, scabs are scars. Don't apply any ointments to the burn, and no butter ( I have seen people do this)it gets in the way of new cells developing without any scars. Go see a physician as soon as you can .


I use one of these for coffee, by mom brought it back from Puerto Rico because the ones in the stores here are so cheaply made. Good Luck:grouphug:

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Well, I FINALLY got in to see a doctor yesterday after trying 3 times!! He said that my wounds were clean which was a relief! After treating them at home for 6 days I was worried about any infection or anything that I might be doing wrong and I was relieved when he said they were healing properly. He prescribed me an ointment to put on my face 3 times a day and it is working wonders!! I cannot believe it!! I put it on around noon yesterday when I got home from the pharmacy and even just hours later I could see a difference and today my face looks much much better. Today is the first day too where I'm not in constant pain too so I am much happier about that. :) I'm tender, but it's not that throbbing radiating pain that I've been having so I am glad. :) The lady from IMUSA called me again this morning too and she has assured me that they will do everything in their power to make sure that this doesn't happen to anyone else. She is sending me a mailer to return the coffee pot to them in and she will keep in touch with me about the developments. I am praying too that this was just a fluke with my pot and doesn't happen to anyone else either. I know I was lucky. Someone else might not be so lucky and I shudder to think of it! Thank you all so much for your prayers!! I cannot tell you enough how grateful I am. Thank you, thank you, thank you! :grouphug:

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