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Confession Thread

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This thread has been done in other groups, and it can be really great :001_smile: Confessions can be light hearted and funny, or sober, totally up to whoever is posting! Have some fun with it!


I'll go first:


I confess:


  • I put my 2.5 yo on a time out this afternoon, and forgot about it. She was being so quiet, I got busy with supper prep, and remembered about 20 mins later that she was on time out. :o
  • The only reason I ate any supper tonight is because dh bought some cookies, and if I wanted any later, I knew he'd bug me about skipping supper.
  • I hate feet. Baby feet and toddler/little kid feet are the exception. I don't like having my feet touched.
  • As much as I hate feet, I go barefoot as much as possible. Figure that one out.
  • I tell people that the reason I'll never put either of the Littles in kindergarten is I'm afraid of the lawsuits for emotional distress from the teachers I'd have to deal with...and I'm not completely joking :lol:
  • I'm a book fiend. I'm addicted to literature, and if I ever won the lotto, Chapters would probably be my first spending spree.


Your turn! Add your own confessions!

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Let's see



  • I wrote in not one, but two books today
  • I ate some of my ds candy, that he had carefully divided out for the week. They were Hershey Carmel Kisses, and I had to make sure they were OK for him to eat.
  • I think Iced Tea is so horrible. Yuck, yuck, yuck. I'm English, so would you please stop offering me iced tea!


That's about it, for now anyway.

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Tomorrow morning we will be reading a new fairies book (a spin-off of the Tinkerbell movie) for our readaloud.


I like to watch Hannah Montana and Sonny with a Chance.


My cat gets knots on his back b/c I don't brush him and rarely cut them out.


My eye is half closed due to a pimple/skin infection that drains into the area. This happens to me pretty often.:confused:


My housekeeping schedule that I don't stick to has each bathroom and each bedroom cleaned every 3 weeks.


Feel free to post or PM comfort/comiseration. :tongue_smilie:

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1. I love to dream about moving all over the world and it drives my homebody, comfort seeking, security loving dh nuts! (Although finally we are planning our real move.)

2. I have assisted at the birth of 2 babies at home and it was totally incredible. I have my babies by c-section and it breaks my heart each time.

3. I wanted to live in NYC as a teenager, now my town of 3K is almost to big! :D

4. I was once in a scholarship pagent, I was more proud of myself when I didnt mess up on the jump rope routine than anything else. :D

5. I havent picked a jump rope up since (maybe I should though seeing as my body is a little mushy unlike then....hmmmmm)

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Oh! Thought of some more:


  • I rarely make my bed. Like, almost never. When I was doing the laundry, the only times the bed would get made is if I'd just washed the sheets, assuming that we didn't head up to go to bed and discover that though I'd stripped the bed, I hadn't gotten around to remaking it :o
  • My dd's have their nails done more than I do. So does my ds for that matter.
  • I secretly giggle like mad when Dh flinches because ds has his fingernails and toenails painted candy apple red.
  • I can't WAIT until sandal season hits, mainly because it'll mean a few months off from the fruitless never ending search for matching socks for the Littles.
  • I buy more socks for the Littles than the rest of the family combined, and we STILL can't find a matching pair for either of them without a massive search.
  • I'm secretly convinced that there is some sort of worm hole, monster, ghoulie or the like that has a special taste for the Littles socks, and that's where they all go.


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  • Tomorrow my 2 year old will be 3! and I feel sad...
  • I struggle daily with wanting more kids and actually being able to handle more kids (my health insurance doesn't cover maternity, so I would have to get that first :001_rolleyes:)
  • I organized all my bookshelves last week and feel GREAT about that
  • I am such an organization freak, but constantly struggle to keep the house clean...it's like a dark cloud hanging over my head
  • I collect baseball memoribilia and my dh and I tour baseball stadiums every year for our anniversary


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Oh! Thought of some more:




  • I buy more socks for the Littles than the rest of the family combined, and we STILL can't find a matching pair for either of them without a massive search.

  • I'm secretly convinced that there is some sort of worm hole, monster, ghoulie or the like that has a special taste for the Littles socks, and that's where they all go.





I feel your pain. :) I have given up and they never wear matching, If someone mentions it I tell them they match, they have another pair like it at home. :)

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This thread has been done in other groups, and it can be really great :001_smile: Confessions can be light hearted and funny, or sober, totally up to whoever is posting! Have some fun with it!


I'll go first:


I confess:



  • I put my 2.5 yo on a time out this afternoon, and forgot about it. She was being so quiet, I got busy with supper prep, and remembered about 20 mins later that she was on time out. :o



Okay, my twins are 9 yo now, but when they were 3-4ish I forgot one of them was in time out in my bedroom until he popped his little head out AN HOUR LATER to ask if he could come out now! I think I must have really been upset and he was too scared to come out ;). I just went about my business and forgot all about him...poor thing.

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1. I have terrible insomnia. Lunesta is my best friend.

2. My kids do not have a bed time. We are all late owls and go to bed late. They are just now getting to bed. They sleep late too and lessons get started about noon.

3. I am a neat freak and a control freak.

4. I tend to be judgmental but I am working on it.

5. Cherries gross me out.


I have NOT told my boss yet that I am leaving the district to move to Malaysia because I am a big fat chicken.:tongue_smilie:

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I've played Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook a sinful amount of times in the last few days (but I'm recovering from a miscarriage and had no energy to do anything else!).


On a related note, I'm irritated that having s*x, even in a committed marriage, comes with a price (see above).


I'm discouraged that I've been working out--HARD--for the past couple of months and I'm only bulkier and now my clothes don't even fit properly--haven't even lost inches. And I'm going to the beach in a few days. Sigh.


Wow...a little Debbie Downer here.

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I let my big hairy dog's fur go so long without grooming that he felted, all along his tummy. I had to carefully wiggle scissors between his skin and the fur and cut the fur while peeling it back. :001_huh: I was such a bad doggie mom! (I have dog grooming written on my calendar now once a month).


Sometimes I call the dc by the pet's names!

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1. I haven't shaved my legs in about 2 months.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who doesn't shave sometimes! I hardly ever shave at all during winter.


I just now... at 11 p.m.... realized that my son had sneaked out of his room and sacked out in the hall watching TV (thankfully just the History channel and Britcoms). Some mom I am.


I love going out dancing with other moms in my group, but at the same time, I love hosting things like mother/daughter teas and doing all the baking, from the jam and pie crusts and whipped cream on up!


I am a night owl and my ideal sleep schedule would be to sleep from 2-10 a.m. My kids and husband are NOT night owls.


It kills me to watch my kids get taller. And they are tall kids. My 6-yo is 4-1/2 feet tall. :001_huh:


I hate horror movies.


I want to go live with the Amish for a year or two.

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Here goes:



  1. I sat down and watched all 5 1/2 hours of the old early 70's BBC version of Anne of Avonlea on Friday. (Besides it's already almost too hot in Almost Mexico to do anything outside...)
  2. I'm in a book club with some girl friends, and I have never started a book sooner than 3 days before, and usually have finished the book the morning of...
  3. I spend too much time on the WTM message boards. :tongue_smilie:
  4. I bought my girls 3 packages (not little packages, the old Target multi-packs!) of Peeps for Easter, then hid them, and "forgot" to put them in their baskets. Now I eat a few every few
  5. Every time I see Marie Barrone on Everybody Loves Raymond, I think of my Mother-in-Law, whom I adore. But there are some similarities, just not the horrible ones. :001_rolleyes:
  6. Just one more (the edit): when I was working outside of the home, I could keep everything organized, including my home. Now that I'm a SAHM, I can't seem to keep the dishes out of the sink, the laundry folded or much of anything else in order. What happened? KIDS happened!


Edited by BikeBookBread
just one more confession :)
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I drank an extra glass of wine tonight instead of folding laundry.


I hate doing laundry.


I'm watching "Inside a Cult" right now, and I'm not studying cults, I'm just morbidly fascinated by them.


I'm toggling between "Inside a Cult" and "Half Ton Mom". Sick huh?

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I spend too much time on the WTM message boards. :tongue_smilie:



Me too!!


I confess that I just joined here on April 3rd of THIS YEAR and this will be my 459th post!! :eek:


I LOVE cars and always wanted to learn auto mechanics. I still do! :blushing: I wanted to take auto mechanics when I got out of highschool but my mother forbid it. I still wish I could learn enough auto mechanics to buy an old car with a classic body style like a 1969 Camaro and restore it myself. That would be a dream! For now, I satisfy my love of cars by detailing. I used to be a moderator on 3 different auto detailing websites but had to quit because of the time commitment. I recently did 2 detailing jobs on the side to raise money for my daughter's summer camp. hehe


I also am a guitar nut and own 5 electric guitars and 2 acoustics. I love to play guitar and I'm not talking about James Taylor Carol King type stuff either. Although I like that music that is not what I like to play. I like to play lead style, hard rock guitar and dream of being able to play with the technical virtuosity of Joe Satriani.


Ay, I'm so femenine aren't I?? :blushing: hehehe


At least one of my guitars is pink! ;) :D



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I made my 9 year old make herself a hot dog for supper because she didn't feel like eating earlier.

I very rarely am up when my youngest goes off to school with the 11 year old, so I never know until she comes home from school whether her clothes that day matched (I blamed the husband haha).

I NEVER make my bed - I don't really see the point, unless I need to let someone outside the house in my bedroom.

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I buy more socks for the Littles than the rest of the family combined, and we STILL can't find a matching pair for either of them without a massive search.



Meeeee tooooo! I just bought $65 worth of socks at Big Lots at Easter time and we are already struggling to find pairs! Uuuug. I guess this is linked to my other confession that I hate doing laundry. :confused:

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Meeeee tooooo! I just bought $65 worth of socks at Big Lots at Easter time and we are already struggling to find pairs! Uuuug. I guess this is linked to my other confession that I hate doing laundry. :confused:


Just buy a bazillion of the same kind (if you're getting just plain white socks). One kid gets all socks of one kind, another kid gets socks of a different kind, etc.... Try to find ones that have a different toe seam color (I think Hanes does this). Or, put a Sharpie dot on the toe of each sock of a particular size. Even w/ the black hole of socks that most laundry rooms have, you can find pairs of socks for awhile w/ this system. LOL!


My confessions? Hmmmm....


1. I have my own webkinz. :lol: (Ds bought him for me.)

2. I talk to other drivers when I'm driving (ahem... as in giving them "suggesions" on how to be better drivers, even though they can't hear me). ;)

3. I hate filling out forms or paperwork of any kind. :cursing:

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I just ate a handful of chocolate chips. My IQ is probably dropping. :D


I love That '70s Show.




I laugh all the time at the 70s show b/c one of the male characters reminds me of my hubby and no way would I admit which one, not even to my 19 yr old....:tongue_smilie:

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I hate lesson plans and academic schedules

I procrastinate till now 1:00 am

I just completed the boys weekly schedule. They like to get up between 6 and 7 to start school


They were mad last Monday because they woke up with no assigment.


I will complete a 6 week schedule. I will complete a six week schedule. I keep telling myself:D


I have other things to confess but I really need sleep. Good Night or Good Day

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The only thing classic in our homeschooling is the fact that we read classics most of the time and we just started doing a four year history routine.


I have it easy when it comes to homeschooling and it has made me lazy. Until this year, we never spent more than two hours a day doing school, unless it was to spend time doing something fun like building a clay volcano or sugar-cube pyramid. I don't know how my kids got to the academic levels that they test at; I certainly didn't teach it to them.


I spend a huge amount of time online because I don't want to do the things I should be doing.


I'd rather watch TV or a movie in the evenings than do almost anything else. The only thing that trumps TV is going to live theatre. I love live theatre, even bad community theatre.


I find nothing pleasant about being pregnant. I hate it. I even hate feeling the baby move; it drives me batty.


I hate to cuddle...with anyone over the age of about 18 months...and please do not touch me while I'm sleeping. Stay on your own third of the bed.

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  1. I sat down and watched all 5 1/2 hours of the old early 70's BBC version of Anne of Avonlea on Friday. (Besides it's already almost too hot in Almost Mexico to do anything outside...)



I confess that I didn't know this version existed...and I am a huge Anne fan. I am off to find it...

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:lol::lol::lol: LOL this just struck me so funny! hehehe I take it you like to sleep all spread out. hehe :D


I sleep on my tummy, sprawled out, and don't like any part of another person to touch me. My cats can sleep anywhere they want though.

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I'm discouraged that I've been working out--HARD--for the past couple of months and I'm only bulkier and now my clothes don't even fit properly--haven't even lost inches. And I'm going to the beach in a few days. Sigh.


Wow...a little Debbie Downer here.


I wonder if the fat will start to melt as the muscle increases your metabolism.

At least you will jiggle less at the beach. I would not wear a swimsuit unless you paid me! ANd I can't see that anyone would!

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I have serious personal space issues. I don't like when people touch me at all. Even friends know not to hug me. I did not have a receiving line at my wedding because the thought of it made me panic. Dh's family are huggers AND kissers (blech). I always make sure I am carrying something bulky in my arms when we arrive and leave their house so they can't give me a big ol' smooch. The only ones allowed to touch me are my dh and kids.


I think I've confessed this before but:

- I am a rabid Mixed Martial Arts Fan and I am so excited for UFC 98 this Saturday!!!!

- I won a bikini contest and became a Coors Light girl when I was younger (much younger) and I will NEVER tell my ds that.

- I like banana and mayo sandwhiches. :D

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I dont like to be touched when I am sleeping either. Sex is not that big of a deal. Dont like to make dinner. I have let my kids watch R rated movies - only if its historical and I do not let them see any sex. I am not very social, just in spurts. I dont do schedules anymore, one master for the year and thats it. I do get judgemental, but am reminded I need lots of work. I tend to speak to our oldest teen in "that" voice. Tend to be negative, trying to work on that too. I think a lot of Christians are hypocritical. I am a Christian and thankful I am saved by grace, not of my own works.


Gee, I am sure there is more.


forgot to add, I secretly like to watch that High School Reunion show, Gone Country and Wife Swap. And, looking at British tabloids, though most of the time, I dont know who they are talking about.

Edited by Dooley
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Ah, confession is good for the soul...




  • My boys (dh & ds) were out of town for three days this week and I didn't turn on my stove or oven once, I hate to cook.
  • I do not like to snuggle when I sleep.
  • I drive out of my way so I don't have to go over the two high bridges in our town. They go over shipping waterways so they are dastardly tall.
  • I wish my husband wasn't losing his hair.
  • I broke out my two front teeth as a child. My caps are in serious need of replacement and we're saving up money to do this (no dental insurance). But I hate smiling because one tooth is discolored because of a root canal.
  • I more excited than anyone in my family about seeing the new Terminator movie coming out this week.


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There are so many and so little time . . .


I hate, hate, hate to vacuum and tell my kids that it gives me a stress headache so they will do it for me.


I also do not like to be touched and have to remind myself to hug my children and dh (and then keep telling myself, "Don't let go first, don't let go first.").


I left my then 6yo asleep in the back seat of our 15 passenger van and didn't know it until he rang the doorbell at 3:00 a.m.


I once jumped up and down on my toddlers singing guitar and broke it because I couldn't take the sound anymore.


I am a control freak and a little OCD. I start alphabetizing my movies or cleaning out cabinets and closets when I'm stressed.


I hide good chocolate from my kids (they aren't old enough to appreciate it - and I NEED it).

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Ooooo...this is interesting! Here goes~

* I am currently having a major stress attack over my dh's business trip to Chicago...got him all packed with pocket hand cleaner and every known medicine in the civilized world into that tiny airport baggie.

*On Saturday my dh killed, not one, but two snakes in our basement. I had to leave the area, cover my eyes and ears and let my dd help him with the nasty situation. All I could do was squeal.

* I have a really fascinating sex book hiding in my underwear drawer. :D

* My dh has a basket of chocolates hiding in his underwear drawer and I frequently go to check it. :D

* I hate the neighbor's 2 stupid chickens that are ruining my beautiful garden, and would lop their heads off if I could catch them.

* I actually picked up a dead groundhog that our dog had 'played with' and disposed of it. :tongue_smilie:

* I feel sexy after doing my Wii Fit.

* I am happy that my dh has silver hair and that mine is still (mostly) brown. That cradle robber! ;)

*I am SO thankful for a summer break. I may do absolutely nothing for the next month. Or two.


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Here ya go..


1. I lost a brand-new 4 gb flash drive and I can't stop obsessing about it. I haven't told my dh yet.. even tho' I know he wouldn't be upset. I'm embarrassed about losing it!! I obsess about anything that I lose.


2. I let my kids sleep in as long as they want.


3. Sometimes I don't brush my teeth until right before my dh gets home.


4. I'm addicted to Rock Band2 (drums) and the internet.


5. I don't make my kids bathe until they stink or look bad...


6. I don't change my sheets often, reuse towels, and wear the same clothes for more than one day.


7. I am having a hard time remaining calm and being a good parent to my oldest (he pushes my buttons). I've been a terrible parent at times. Just awful. Think "Mommy Dearest."


8. I let my kids listen to "inappropriate" music and watch CSI and Punk'd.

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I wonder if the fat will start to melt as the muscle increases your metabolism.

At least you will jiggle less at the beach. I would not wear a swimsuit unless you paid me! ANd I can't see that anyone would!



That's what I keep telling myself...but I'm still waiting...


And believe me, there's plenty of jiggle left. :glare:

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* I'm addicted to FarmTown

* I'm a pack rat by nature...but have worked hard and overcome it throughout the years.

* I'm an insomniac...I think I'll get tons accomplished at night, but...

* I'm also a procrastinator

* I feel like I can't do ANYTHING if any room in the house isn't clean.

* Can I also admit to not liking the fact that the first thing people see when they look at me is that I'm "white". I don't relate to "white". I hate that every time I put Native American on the school census, the next year I get another that has me listed as Caucasian again (and yes, I AM Native American).

Edited by mommaduck
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I confess that the overwhelming reason I wanted my son's baseball team to win tonight was that I really, *really* dislike the opposing team's coach. :blushing:


LOL! We have experienced very similar feelings on the soccer field!!!!

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Oh, boy.


I would love to have a huge family. Like, double-digit kids. But I'm starting to understand that I'm a better parent in theory than in practice.


My kids (even the two who have never been to "real" school) have what I call sassy public school attitudes. And I know exactly where they got them. :tongue_smilie:


I'm a neat freak at heart, and I used to keep an immaculate home. These days, my house is beyond cluttered- it's gone straight to OMG.


My dd wore the same underwear for 3 days straight last week, and I just rolled my eyes.


I always upset my sisters when I give them advice, but I can't stop myself. I'm convinced that both are about to ruin their lives, but I lack the appropriate communication skills to advise them without alienating them.

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1) I still miss my mommy. My dad got custody when they divorced when I was 4, my mom stopped visiting when I was 8, I went to see her when I was 17, and it's now been 14 years since I've seen her.


2) I wonder what's so wrong with me that my mom doesn't love me.


3) I worry that I won't be a good enough mom. A LOT.


4) I wish my dh wanted to have more children; I'd have a bazillion if I could. (ok, maybe just 10 or so, but you get the idea)


5) I secretly like that my mil disapproves of my homeschooling, but that my dh supports me. I know that drives her crazy, and I like it. (man, that's bad)


6) I don't give my children a bath every day, and I don't know if that's normal; I'm too afraid to ask any of my friends IRL, 'cause I don't want them to think I'm gross. :001_huh:


7) I wish more people in our lives approved of the 'traditional', 'old-fashioned' kind of marriage/family that dh and I have.


8) I try so hard and fail so miserably sometimes at being a supportive wife. I mean, MISERABLY. As in, I hear myself nagging, and want to stop, but I don't. Ugh.


Wow, I've got issues. :lol:

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I throw away every one of the toys that comes in a Kids Meal.


I don't like knick-knacks, tchachkes or momentos. It's just one more thing for me to dust and pack up and move every 3 years.


I'd rather read a book than go out.


I hate exercising. I hate being hot and sweaty. I do it anyway.


I love the way clean sheets smell.


We're going on vacation this summer and will have a cabin in the woods. My mom and several of my ILs want to come stay with us for several days each, but I don't want the drama (or the complaining) they bring with them. So I lied and told them all that there is a charge for more than 4 people in the cabin (there is a charge but it's for more than 4 adults in the cabin) and they would have to pay it.

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Last time I was pregnant, I craved eating dirt so strongly that I almost ate several of the mud pies my dd made me out of potting soil and hose water.


I'm pregnant again and I crave the smell of Vicks Vapo-Rub so much that I take long whiffs of it all day long and once even put a little bit on my tongue. It was delicious!:tongue_smilie:

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