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Could we talk about first grade plans again?

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I know there were some threads on here but I can't find them with "search" :confused:


I would LOVE to know what you are all planning for you first graders! Or, what you did in the past with your first graders that you really want to share with us. :)


Include extra curriculars too like piano or sports.


I plan on:



HWT maybe cursive


Outdoor survival with dh... more for fun but dh/ds's idea.


Maybe french... maybe too much?

SOTW + activity guide.



boy scouts

wrestling? maybe.

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Next year will be our first time with 1st grade but I can tell you what we have planned.


TOG tag-a-long with level 1 of Writing Aids

Singapore 1A and B

Apologia Botany

The 2nd half of Phonics Pathways (we use this for spelling and dictation too)

Harp and Laurel Wreath

Memoria Press copybook 2

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I have a first grader this year. He is doing:


phonics - OPG with happy phonics and ETC. I choose books for him to read from various lists.


WWE level 1


handwriting - RFH, sometimes copywork of my choosing


math - Math u see alpha and MOTL


history - SOTW with activity guide (mainly coloring pages and notebooking. Lots of extra reading (us reading to him) from the AG and WTM suggestions.


Science - literature based at home. We choose a subject and read lots of books on it. He also takes a lot of science at coop. We are just starting some nature walks/journaling.


PE - at coop in the fall, and kind of random this spring until soccer starts


Art - picture study and reading biographies of artists, art projects at coop and home


Music - listens to music and reading biographies of composers


I loosely follow WTM but don't do grammar or spelling in first grade and we do more art/music. For implementation we tend to be CMish with short lessons and a longer narrating style.

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My daughter will be a sort of combo K/ 1st grader, but here is what I have planned:


Reading out loud (CLP Nature Reader, R&S Bible readers, I See Sam books, easy books from library)


ETC (start with book 4, see how far we get). But I've heard some people say that books 4 on are really difficult for younger kids, so I'm open to more suggestions.) If this isn't a good option, use All About Spelling or Read Write Type.


Webster's Syllablry on white board? (will try this, see how it goes)


going to try to have her read silently for a few minutes a day


handwriting practice/ copywork

some memory work (poetry, Classical Conversations)


finish Right Start B, start C.


a couple of art projects and science experiments a week. Learn about some famous artists and their works.


lots of read alouds (literature ones from Read Aloud Handbook/ Sonlight/ Real Learning/ Latin Centered Curriculum/ Five in a Row; and lots of folk and fairy tales. Bible stories. Science and social studies ones on themes.)


Montessori geography maps and landform cards/ models.


Puertas Abiertas or La Clase Diverdita for Spanish. (Anyone have any advice or opinions? I'm still dithering.)


Classical Conversations once a week, though I am not going to try to keep up with it at home. We'll do some sporadic review, but I'm seeing this as a supplement and a way to scratch her "going to school at a school place with other kids" itch.


music lessons and pe stuff in the community

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This is our first time through first grade as well. I plan on:

Horizons math K

Finish Phonics Pathways (???) Move into some "real" books (Little bear, Frog and Toad, etc.)

Copywork made up by me

Bible stories, one a day from ds's childrens bible

AO's literature selections as written in AO yr1

WTM version of science--Biology broken into Animals, Human Body, and Plants, using library books and various reference books we own.

SOTW and Activity guide.

Art--three artists' work (Cassatt, Renoir, Manet) and lots and lots of homegrown crafts.

Music--three composers (Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi) and lots and lots of homemade music.


Anyway, thats the plan. We'll see how it actually plays out...;)

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Although I have two high schoolers, this will be my first time to homeschool first grade!:D He has an early fall birthday, so while he is registered as a first grade he will be using mostly second grade materials.


DS will use-

HOD Bigger (modified 4-day schedule for Proverbs Study, History/Geography, Science, Math Exploration, Read-Alouds, Handwriting, Poetry, and Art)

Christian Light Education Language Arts 2

SRA Specific Skills Series Level B

Calvert Discoveries in Reading Grade 3

Kumon Math


Singapore CWP

RS Farsi

Calvert Discoveries in Music


We are looking into joining a Thursday afternoon enrichment program and he may play soccer.



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I'll have a first grader this fall and my plans for him are:


History: Biblioplan Ancients w/SOTW activity guide

Memory work: Harp & Laurel Wreath

handwriting: Mom made sheets

Science: CLP nature reader 1 and our interests

Writing: WWE lv.1 wkbk.

Art: DWC

math: Singapore 1A/1B

language:Abeka Oral language exercises

Greek Alphabeterion

phonics: WRTR/ Blended phonics (trying this)



his older brother will teach him the drums and we'll do mostly outside play.

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Last year my then first grader did the following:


MATH: Singapore 1B and 2A with Miquon Red and Blue

LA: SWO B & C, copywork, read library books aloud to me, and listened to our family read alouds

HISTORY: TruthQuest AHYS 1

SCIENCE: Apologia Zoology 1

MUSIC: Classical Kids tapes and Getting to Know the World's Greatest Composer's biographies

MEMORY WORK: memorized Bible verses and poems


She also did a few critical thinking books and swimming lessons.



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Cursive Penmanship (I make my own with SW)


Singapore Math, with an eclectic mix of RS math games, MEP maths, Miquon as we need it and have time...... Singapore is my main curric though.


Tinman Press logic and Mind Benders


Ancients - I'm using ATTA for library books, FMOG/FMOR

Bible - GL guide to OT


Apologia Astronomy (I've got Zoo I too, not sure when we'll get to it)


Literature from AO, and more...


Piano/music by me


Hey Andrew, Teach Me SOme Greek 1- I may not start this in 1st, but I have it on hand. (waiting for ds to be reading fluently in English 1st)

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We're doing 1st grade next year with:


Five in a Row + FIAR Nature Studies + Galloping the Globe (I wanted a strong geography focus for this year before we start history)

Right Start Math B

Writing With Ease 1

First Language Lessons

All About Spelling 1

La Clase Divertida 2

Kinderbach piano (Although at the rate she's going, she'll finish this before Fall. Not sure what program we will use if that happens. Maybe The Violin Book or the Alfred piano series.)


PE - Probably a combo of dance (she loves her ballet and tap classes), swimming, gymnastics, soccer and/or karate. She is allowed to do 3 "extracurricular" activities at a time, so we have been rotating dance, gymnastics and swimming this year. We may just continue with the same for 1st grade.


I'm also considering enrolling her in a drama class for some memory work and fun.

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For my son, who is currently 6 1/2 - we plan to:


Math - Saxon 2

Language - FLL 1

Handwriting - Zaner-Bloser 2

ETC - 2,3,4....

Going to give Five In A Row a try (starting Before RIR when it arrives in mail any day now)

Also planning to see how lapbooking works this coming week and will start with The Story of Ferdinand and see if he likes doing it!

Science - Most likely Neoe

First grade mapping skills by Evan-Moor

History - STOW ancients

Bible - still undecided


So far, that's it!

I am 8 lessons away from finishing Saxon 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This is our tenative plan...


Singapore 1B

Italics C

Song School Latin

Easy French (jr.)

My own language notebook (including narration, copywork, grammar,beginning comp., picture study, nature study, etc.)

Jr. version of Botany to tag along with big sister

History-CHOW, 50 Famous Stories, Boys and Girls of Colonial Days, Ancients picture books, etc.

Literature-Anderson's Fairy Tales, Peter Rabbit and Friends, Favorite Greek Myths, Tales from Odyssey,Garden of Verse, etc.

Bible storybook


Music-Suzuki and traditional piano lessons w/theory and composer studies


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I'll have a first grader next year and this is what is planned so far...and subject to change!


TOG Y3 U1-4 (LG)

Math...Right Start B moving to C (he is starting B this week)

Phonics...OPGTR (finish this) & ETC

Writing/Narration/Dictation...WWE 1

Grammar...Growing with Grammar Level 1 (we'll see how this goes)

Science...lots of living books, lapbooks, experiments, and nature study (I let the boys' interests guide this subject)


Thinking about throwing in First Favorites from Veritas Press, but I am not too sure.


Classes he'll probably take through our charter school once a week...

Science...they are studying Astronomy next year.


Music Appreciation...they use Themes to Remember


Computer...maybe Kidspiration or a "how to" type of class.

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We're starting first grade next January. Here's what I have planned as of now:


TOG Year 1 ancients (using their writing program and SOTW read-aloud)

Singapore math 1B/2A

FLL + some extra copywork

ETC 6-8

Better Chinese - My First Chinese Words

Literature Pockets

REAL science year 1 - Biology

Zoology curriculum I'm designing myself based on biomes (mostly read-alouds)

Orchestra Study

Draw Squad/Draw.Write.Now.


Extra curriculars:

Piano Lessons


Group voice class

Maybe a co-op PE class

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Guest Alte Veste Academy

Here's our plan. History and science are plans that I created on my own. We're doing two years of American history before our world history rotation begins.


History - ReLiving American History (explorers through Civil War)

Science - Discovering America: Inquiry Science for Explorers and Naturalists, Pioneers and Patriots

Nature Study - Outdoor Hour Challenges (We spend one full day a week at a nearby state park.)

Language - WWE/FLL/AAS, American Poetry Study

Math - Saxon/Living Math

Art - NEH Picturing America, Great American Artists, CM Style American Art Study

Music - Alfred's Kid's Guitar Course, CM Style American Music Study

Foreign Language - RS Spanish

Physical Education - Gymnastics, Swimming, Baseball

Handicrafts/Life Skills - Woodworking, Restoring 1970 Buick Skylark with Dad, Quilting/Embroidery, Veggie & Fairy Gardening

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We did first grade last year:


MCP Math (but wish we had done BJU Math! Live and learn)

WinterPromise Animals and Their Worlds

WinterPromise LA1

God Made Music 1

WinterPromise Chess: A Knight's First Moves- We only did 6 weeks, but will continue every summer as time permits

I Can Do All Things Art (Barry Stebbing)- this wasn't a hit.

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I have this all typed out in a weekly format, but it was too big to attach. :glare: So here goes:


Bible - SonlightĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Core 1 Bible Curriculum


Memory Work - Bible Verses, VP History Cards


History - Sonlight Core 1, TWTM-style notebooking, History Pockets, and CHOW workbook


Literature - Sonlight Core 1 Read-Alouds, plus any supplementary materials


Handwriting - A Reason for Handwriting A and B


Spelling - Spelling Workout B and C


Grammar - FLL


Writing - WWE


Math - Finish Horizons 1, begin Horizons 2. Miquon Red


Reading - Sonlight 2 Advanced readers, extras from library and VP


Science - R.E.A.L. life science


Spanish - Teach Them Spanish 2


Art - Come Look with Me series, Artistic Pursuits



She'll also be doing soccer in the fall and spring. We're considering adding in music lessons as well.

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I will be doing 1st Grade for the last time next year. sigh We will be doing 1st Grade very simply as my youngest is not even close to reading.


Here is my plan:

living math--I am going to attempt to do this year without a curriculum. As I said, this is my third time doing Grade 1 math and I really want to see if I can do it on my own.

Bartons Reading and Spelling



I am doing unit studies for history and science with my two oldest if my youngest wants to join in that is fine but I am not going to push it.

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My middle child will be a first grader in the fall. Here's the plan so far:


Finish OPGTR



Singapore 1A/B

SOTW 3 w/AG and extra American History (Time Travelers' cds, etc.) with older brother

Science and Art also together, but undecided

Outdoor Hour Challenges

Kindermusik classes

Scripture study

Lots of library books

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It's amazing to see the different choices everyone is making for first grade!


Here's my list for next year:


Reading: Elson Readers


Math: MCP book A


Phonics: ETC 4




Spelling: Spelling workout


Science: God's Design for Life


History: SOTW 1


Bible: still undecided


Spanish: still undecided


Extras: Co-op classes

Softball (or maybe another sport)



I was a little nervous that I had planned for too much, but then I saw how much everyone else is doing. I think this will be just right.

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The fun thing about answering this question over and over, as I gear up to teach first grade again, is that my answers keep changing. I have a complete and accidental record of my thoughts on the Storyteller's first grade year in these "post your plans!" threads.


Since you asked for extracurriculars, let me explain that my state requires us to teach music, visual arts, health and physical education (as well as geography, U.S. history, arithmetic, reading, writing, spelling, the English language, and science). Despite this, I'm hoping to plan an LCC year and let the subjects I don't want to directly teach take care of themselves in an unschooly fashion. (Celebrating Memorial Day counts as U.S. history, right?)


My son will enter first grade already having been six years old for six months, and he will turn seven in January of this school year.


Mathematics - Finish up Mathematical Reasoning C before moving into whatever level of Singapore the placement test suggests.

Latin - Rosetta Stone

English - Finish up Writing With Ease 2 and move into 3.

Music - Pianimals Phonics 4 Piano

Visual Arts - Continue with Ed Emberley books.


Science - Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry Pre-Level 1 and nature study

History - the recommendation in LCC for first grade, plus the Usborne Book of World History

Literature - the recommendations in LCC for first grade

Geography - Finish up Rand McNally Schoolhouse Beginner Geography & Map Activities and move into I-don't-know-what (suggestions welcome!)

Religion - a homemade course focused around holidays, incorporating a few favorite religious picture books

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You can click on the "curriculum" link in my sig to see what my 1st grader is doing this year. For extra curriculars, my dd goes to a homeschoolers gym class and swimming lessons at the YMCA once per week. She also goes to a Montesourri-type religious ed program, call Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, at our church once per week. And, she goes on Friday afternoons to my husband's college (he's a math prof) where they have a special program for homeschoolers taught by their College of Education students. The classes vary from semester to semester, but she usually takes art, science, or language classes there.

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In the fall my dd will be doing

easy readers

ETC 6-8

Math- horizons or ALAbacus A

MP Copybook I

Living Memory and other memory work: Bible, Latin, VP cards, geography, history, etc.

IEW Poetry section III & IV

Prima Latina

Shurley Grammar jingles and simpe exercises


Timbedoodles Geography puzzles-


lots of read-alouds


Co-op: art, science, geography, presentations, drama, field trips, chorale and music

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My current plans for DS, who will be 6 at the end of May:



*continue with Explode the Code (he'll probably be in the middle of ETC 3 by then) and easy readers (right now he's working his way through the Now I'm Reading series.

*Start WWE 1 and FLL 1




not sure yet. He's doing Singapore 1A right now, but I'm considering switching to Right Start.


Science: we're doing Nebel's BFSU, together with my 7 yo, right now. We'll continue that in the fall, and maybe add in/move on to Pandia Press' REAL Science


History: second year of American history, again together with my 7 yo.


Spanish: I'm hoping to get Puertas Abiertas


Latin: Song School Latin


Etc: we're in a homeschool co-op that will probably be doing some kind of math or math games, a kids' book club, maybe a Spanish tutor, not sure what else one afternoon a week. If it's in the budget, I'd like to sign him up for homeschool art classes. He might or might not want to do gymnastics like his older brother.

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but the server was too busy! We're using primarily a Charlotte Mason approach next year, with bits of Classical and Oak Meadow (semi-Waldorf).


For my first-grader-to-be, are planned curriculum is as follows...


Language Arts

Oak Meadow 1

Houghton Mifflin Phonics in Action

HWOT Printing Power

Maybe: FLL 1

Read-alouds (& eventually her reading aloud) from this list



Saxon Math 1 (second half), into 2 if she finishes up 1



Oak Meadow 1 (nature studies... she'll probably listen in on her brother's 3rd grade science too)



Finish SOTW 2, start SOTW 3

Study of our local county history


Music and Art appreciation

Classics for Kids

Famous Paintings Art Appreciation (will supplement with other works of art from chosen artists)



Some sort of physical activity, not chosen yet

Hands-on art class and Spanish class at charter school

Once weekly Outdoor Hour Challenges

Once weekly Unplugged Challenges

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Well, we'll keep 1st grade simple even though he's a strong reader.


Language Arts: Queen's Language Lessons for Little Ones Vol. 3

Lots of reading to go along with SOTW 3 & possibly HWT 1

Math: Spectrum Math 2

History: SOTW 3 with older siblings

Science: CKE Biology

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I don't know for sure what we'll use next year for 1st. My current K'er is in public school this year and will join her older sister at home in the fall. I plan on doing 1st and 3rd together for History and Science and the rest is up in the air.


Math: CLE Math 100

LA: FLL, WWE, handwriting with copywork from previous, & maybe AAS?

Reading/Phonics: ? Maybe CLE or maybe not

History & Bible: SL Core 1

Science: WTM Earth/Space

Latin: Prima Latina

Critical Thinking: ?


Enrichment program for Art, PE, hands-on Science experiments, etc.


Still trying to decide about Art Appreciation, music, etc.


Need to read through this thread to see if I'm missing anything.

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Wow, my twins are going to be in first grade, and after reading this whole thread I feel VERY behind in my planning!


I'm new to these forums, so I hope I can come back and edit later . . . for now, we have


Galloping the Globe

Saxon Math


We do belong to a co-op, too.


Um. Looks like I have some work ahead of me, eh?

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A little late to the party here, but for now (haha) my plans for 1st grade next year are:


FLL 1, WWE 1 - copywork/narration & poetry memorization are included in these

Reading: read-alouds w/ him reading out loud some from a custom list I've yet to make

Reading/Phonics: finish up OPGTTR, easy readers & beginners books from list above


Horizons Math 1

SOTW 2 w/ AG (subject to change or to be supplemented by VP, SL, CHOW...)

Earth & Space Science a la WTM, w/ some help from an unchosen curriculum (R.E.A.L., God's Design, RS4K, Apologia, and others are on the list to look at)

Bible & Keys for Kids

Abeka Penmanship grade 1, manuscript (maybe... I could combine penmanship w/ copywork from other subjects and not have this separate subject)

Foriegn Language? Spanish, French or Latin... maybe, maybe not


Atelier Art




Outdoor recess daily, with the hope to include some nature study

Homeschool PE at a Gymnastics studio (more fun than actual instruction), 2x/month

Music - ? This *will* be filled in with something, I just don't know what yet. Calvert Discoveries in Music if not instrument lessons or a choir-type activity.

Homeschool Club (used to be a co-op, now we just have "focus days" and field trips together 2x/month)


Yikes, that looks like a lot for my baby when it's all written out! There may be some combining and streamlining yet to happen. My goal for this homeschooling adventure is to learn to streamline and simplify, to leave more time for fun, to follow whims and sparks of interest, and rabbit trails (literally and figuratively).

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for 1st grade (2nd kid next year - writing is the only change and science will follow her sister in 3rd grade)


finish Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading

Handwriting - print/cursive

Writing With Ease 1

First language Lessons 1

BJU Math 1

SOTW 3 (following big sister)

noeo Chem.1 (following big sister)


Music - piano/guitar

Bible Study - CBS - meet weekly, lesson daily

Baseball in the spring

dance class (if we can afford it)

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My last time with a first grader too. I have so enjoyed his K year! I am fairly new to WTM stuff, though. We are finishing the last volume of Weaver, which we have loved. Here's my thoughts for my little guy:


Math - CLE Math 100--we have started this and love it.


LA- CLE LA 100--started this also. May add in WWE eventually?


Reading - Finishing Phonics Pathways soon - then CLE Reading 100


Science - God's Design (new ones--look great) with big brother - hopefully, around 4 books!


Bible/History/Geography - Biblioplan Ancients with MOH, SOTW with AG for him and lots of literature--tag along with big brothers. And, then we are going to do Character Building for Families together.


Planning on doing English from the Roots Up over the summer with all three and then pray about adding Latin?


PE - daily 30 min. exercise time in the am. He also does CSB with Dad and brothers...not into sports...very into music...getting piano and guitar lessons from brothers right now...need to start more formal ones eventually...trying to get involved in a K/1st grade group that does fun things, but difficult with other kids too!!


I think that's all--great thread!

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This is our plan. I am still tweaking it.


Finish OPGTR with Sing, spell, read & write



RightStart Math level B

REAL Science "life science"

SOTW1 with some TOG readers (sister is doing TOG)

Song School Latin

Handwriting (using Universal Publishing Handwriting from Rainbow Resource)

Meet the Masters art program & classical kids.

Daily geography practice 1

Outdoor hour challenge

various readers from science, history, etc.

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My 1st grader

  • R&S Phonics
  • R&S Reading
  • Schoolaid Math
  • Growing with Grammar
  • Bob Jones Handwriting

and that's about it. I don't start Science or History/Social Studies until 2nd grade & writing until 3rd grade.


I started WWE with my 2nd grader but we haven't finished it, so that's why I decided to wait until 3rd grade ;)

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My upcoming first grader will be doing:


MFW Creation to Greeks with older siblings. He's not going to be required to actually do anything, but sit and listen when I read. Everything else will be up to him.


History For Little Pilgrims


LLATL Blue - includes Italic Handwriting B


Singapore Primary Math 1A/B

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