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Just wondering...

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Can any of you still fit in your wedding dress? I finally sent my off today to be preserved, but before I boxed it up, the girls wanted me to try it on. I protested, knowing full well I couldn't wear the blooming thing, but they really really really wanted to see it on me. Well they saw it, but not on me. It wouldn't zip. I knew it wouldn't. I mean, my goodness, I weigh about 35 pounds more than I did when I got married 10 years ago. But still, it was a bit depressing.



I guess I am just looking for empathy...

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Well mine is actually too big for me (in the bust area), LOL. It was just a prom dress.....that I made into a halloween outfit (corpse bride) this past year, LOL. All that breastfeeding did a number on my bust, LOL! I do weigh a little less than I did when I got married.....again....probably that breastfeeding, LOL.

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You want to hear something really sad? We had a friend do our wedding photos, & afterwards, she said that since she was thinking of someday maybe being a professional photographer, she was keeping the negatives.


She took the photos to be developed, passed them around for everybody to see before we even got back from our honeymoon, & then gave us the negatives because the pictures "turned out so bad." They were really bad.


But the *very few* pics she took of dh & me together...I've never seen. I also never had bridal pics made. She took one or two of just me the day of, but those are missing, too.


I always figured I'd just wait until after the wedding to do bridal pics. By golly. If I *ever* fit into that dress again, I don't care how old I am. I'm having the pics made!


But I have this underlying...fear?...realization?...that even if I were to lose enough weight (& I was a size 5, easy), things have...shifted. I'm pretty sure that having 4 babies moves bones around. Plus, I actually have *some* bust now. I wonder if that matters? :lol:

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My weight never seems to vary much. I was 120 or so when I met Han and that's almost exactly what I weight now. I was five months pregnant when we were married and, thanks to constant "morning" (ha!) sickness, hadn't gained more than a couple of pounds at that point. The day we were married, I wore my ski outfit, and for our party a few nights later I wore a sleeveless, black Donna Karan dress that still fits fine. (Not that I have any compelling reason to wear it.:tongue_smilie:)

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No way. I was 15 pounds underweight when I got married. I'm much "healthier" now.


Now that I look at my wedding dress (with the yellowed underarms and broken threads from when dh stepped on my train) I wonder why I was so adamant that I had to buy it and not just rent. It's not like I was going to wear it again. It would have save a couple hundred dollars and a bunch of closet space if I had rented. . . .

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Nope. I weigh the same as I did when I got married, and am in way better shape...but my rib cage is way bigger, after 5 kids.


Yeah, we can weigh the same amount but be shaped differently, can't we? I know for sure that some stuff has expanded, some stuff has increased, and the pounds, while still the same, aren't distributed exactly the same way as they were 20 years ago.:D

Edited by Colleen
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I weigh the same as I did almost 19 years ago but things are slightly shaped differently. Actually I'm pretty sure the dress would fit since the hips wouldn't matter so much. I like that I have a bit more hip than then. Being "underweight" and not much curves is pretty twiggy. At least now I have curves redistributed. :)

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I weigh about 15 pounds less than when we married, but the real issue is that 18 months of pregnancy plus 3+ years of nursing has left me much less buxom. I still have my dress, but have no desire to even try it on again -- my body is very different now, and I think that's mostly in a good way. And next week marks 7 years since I last wore it!

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I don't know if it still fits me. My gut wants to say that not only would it still fit me, but it might even be a little big. I have been curious for some time now, but I thought I was told that once the dress was cleaned, boxed and sealed, not to open it again because air would get in there and ruin the dress. Is this true? Can I not just tape the thing up again? I mean, I have always wondered how we would know if it's my dress in the box (the cleaners boxed it), and I don't see where they were able to vacuum suck the air out, so common sense tells me I can re-tape it. But then again, Common Sense died, so apparently I don't have it anymore. ;):lol:


Seriously, anyone know if I can open it, try it on and then box and re-tape it again?

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But I have this underlying...fear?...realization?...that even if I were to lose enough weight (& I was a size 5, easy), things have...shifted. I'm pretty sure that having 4 babies moves bones around. Plus, I actually have *some* bust now. I wonder if that matters? :lol:


Yes, the first part of your story is very sad. :crying:


...and the part I quoted above? Definitely.


Thighs? Bigger.

Butt? Smaller.

Waist? :smilielol5:

Bust? :auto:

Hips? Wider.

Shoulders? Bonier.





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Yep, but I was a lil pg when I wore it so I don't know if it counts :0)


Had it been a well fitting, pre-pg dress....no. I was a 5'8" 112lb size 4, now I am a much healthier size 8. I never, ever want to be a 4 again though, so this isn't a bad thing.

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