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Vacation decisions Which Would YOU Choose

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1. Disney 7 day vacation including meals, value resort accomodations, park tickets included ?





2. Buy a new/used pop up camper and plan several trips to Jellystone Campgrounds, or the like, around the country?



Incredibly, the price is about the same for both options once airfair for seven in option 1 is take into consideration.





3. stay-cation, again.

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Phew - that's a tough call. I love (and I mean LOVE) Disney - so if you haven't been in a while, it would be hard for me to vote the other way. lol


However, if you're sure you'll actually DO the multiple trips of option 2 (as in, not buy the pop up camper, go on one trip and let it fizzle out afterwards), then option two provides a lot more bang for the buck - a lot of fun spread out over a longer period of time instead of all-at-once at Disney. My parents have a motorhome and I think our weekend trips with them are some of my kids' favorite memories. :D

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Phew - that's a tough call. I love (and I mean LOVE) Disney - so if you haven't been in a while, it would be hard for me to vote the other way. lol


However, if you're sure you'll actually DO the multiple trips of option 2 (as in, not buy the pop up camper, go on one trip and let it fizzle out afterwards), then option two provides a lot more bang for the buck - a lot of fun spread out over a longer period of time instead of all-at-once at Disney. My parents have a motorhome and I think our weekend trips with them are some of my kids' favorite memories. :D

we've never been to Disney--dh went as a kid. I've never been. We have gone RVing with my folks for a couple weeks at a time and they have been the best memories with the kids. The kids were little and they still talk about it fondly.

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Guest halfpinthouse

Oooo, option 2! As much as I'd like to take my kids to Disney one time in their life, I'd rather go camping many times. And this coming from someone who proclaimed she'd never go camping! We went for the first time last fall and were sold. Can't wait to go again!

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My dd is counting the days until ds is old enough for us to do the Disney trip, so I hear your struggle.


However, that said, our best memories have been in our camper. Sometimes we'll drive up the road just 15 miles and camp for just one night just to get that "get-away" feeling. Roast some hot dogs and make some-mores, play some games before bed - can't beat it! I'm getting teary-eyed now thinking of the memories we've had in our camper.

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so I'm a tad bit swayed that way. I love Disney and you and the kids have never been. So there is that.


BUT I think you should go with option 2. You could take the pop-up to Disney, eventually. The campsites are cheaper than a hotel and I've heard they are very nice compared to other campgrounds. For some reason $35 for a site sticks in my head, but that may be a tent site. Got my Passporter - current edition so current prices - partial hookup is $43-45 (value season) to $82-84 (holiday season) all the way to a preferred campsite $62-64 (value) to $104-106 (holiday). So you could make it work, maybe not now, but at some point.


You get more bang with the pop-up even if you don't go to Disney!

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Can you combine the first two? Travel to Florida via pop-up instead of flying? Then spend one or two days at Disney. I think I remember that they have a campground on site.




I think this sounds like a great hybrid option. I hate parks, rides, lines, over priced things, and sensory overload - but we're likely headed to Disney this year. The military special is too great. BUT - that notwithstanding - I'd rather get a pop up and go tool around all over the place. I think it would be great fun to get an RV and spend a year on the road when we do American history.

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We have done both of the first two, and we plan to combine them this summer. Why not drive to Disney and save alot of money? We live in Texas, and the drive was 2.5 days to Disney in Florida. The kids were 1,2,and5, and they were wonderful the whole trip. We saved several thousand in plane tickets vs. the $500 or so it cost in gas. Disney was incredible, but I had never been so it was all new to me.

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Definitely #2. We are RV'ers...have a hard side travel trailer that we tow around the country. We have been able to go so many places and see so much of America & Canada because we have our "accomodations" with us. One thing I LOVE about the trailer is I know how clean it is! I know the sheets & towels are clean! I also love that we save $$ on food because we plan it and bring it with us. The kids love that part because they get to choose "special" meal items....things that we don't normally buy/prepare at home.

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I assume you're talking about Disney World, not Disneyland.


As much as I love Disneyland (and I'm sure I would love Disney World, too) I would say do the camper. Of course, I've been to Disneyland over 30 times so doing something else would be ok :D, but ITA that your travel vacation would be a once-in-a-lifetime event, while Disney World will still be waitng for a future visit.

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I would never choose to go to Disney over camping. I am one of those people who would rather camp dozens of times with my family than fight the crowds at a commercial theme park. Any park, not just Disney.


Quiet woods/hiking/exploring over expensive/crowds/overstimulation any day of the week!



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1. Disney 7 day vacation including meals, value resort accomodations, park tickets included ?





2. Buy a new/used pop up camper and plan several trips to Jellystone Campgrounds, or the like, around the country?



Incredibly, the price is about the same for both options once airfair for seven in option 1 is take into consideration.





3. stay-cation, again.


Just to reiterate the overwhelming majority vote you've already received - the moments we've spent camping with our kids are invaluable. Camping offers quality time as a family unlike any other vacation we've ever taken!

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ITA with this--love Disney, hate camping, 'nuff said.


:iagree:It is a lot of money to spend on one trip, but Disney is my favorite place, so it would be worth it to me. Any opportunity to go to Disney World, I'd take it! But you know your own family best... are you all more a camping family or more a Disney-type family? I think most families probably lean more toward one or the other.

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I grew up in So. Cal. so we went to Disneyland about once a year. We also tent camped all over California and the Pacific Northwest. I would take the pop-up trailer over Disney. I have such great memories of climbing enormous granite rocks, making forts with driftwood on the beach, campfire talks, afternoon hikes and collecting rocks and agates. I loved those moments.


Disney is great, but nature is better.

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1. Disney 7 day vacation including meals, value resort accomodations, park tickets included ?




2. Buy a new/used pop up camper and plan several trips to Jellystone Campgrounds, or the like, around the country?



Incredibly, the price is about the same for both options once airfair for seven in option 1 is take into consideration.



I vote to drive to Disney World. I don't know where you are in the Midwest, but we drove there from Ohio several years ago and saved on plane fare. My boys, who at the time were just-turned-8 and almost 4 years old, loved Disney. But, we aren't a camping family so I would never buy a pop-up. I think there is something really special about a Disney vacation with young kids. There is definitely a window of time, in my mind, after which they have outgrown all the Magic Kingdom characters and such. It was important to me to go to Disney when my kids would still be excited about meeting Mickey Mouse, kwim? We plan to take them again when they are older, but it won't be as special as going when they were young.

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We've done the Disney trip and the Tent trailer/RV thing. I'd choose the RV. If your goal is to spend quality time as family this is the way to go.


Disney is GO, GO, GO. If you have younger children 6 and under, Disney is very tiring, and frustrating (thankfully we didn't take the baby :tongue_smilie:). My girls were scared with many of the rides. After we went on "Frog and Toad" ( I forgot how scary it is :blush:); they questioned us at each ride "Is this one scary Momma?". They ended up enjoying the outdoor climbing attractions best (Brother Bear Redwood Creek, Tarzan's Treehouse, Tom Sawyers Island). This is what they enjoy when we camp (climbing, hiking, exploring etc.)! Until they are older and can handle standing in line, walking all day, aren't so impressionable, and can go on all the rides, we will not be going back.


For now we have an RV, we used to have a tent trailer. Recently we went to the Grand Canyon in the RV. This was a lot of fun! The whole family enjoyed this, even to baby got to go this time :). We could do things in our own time, and way. We also saved a lot of money on food, because we didn't eat out. An RV/tent trailer can be used over and over again for family fun.

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we're approx. 1600 miles north of Orlando, FL. That would be about 2.5 days to drive there, X number days at Disney, and 2.5 days to drive home.


We did talk about doing a hybrid vacation. The size of our family limits our resort options to a value suite at $3600 or a Cabin at the Wilderness Resort for $3900. (park tickets, meal plan, magic express to/from airport, insurance, and resort fees) + we still have to buy 4 airline tickets even though we have air miles for at least 3 tickets.


Last night I found used popups (2008, and 2003) that sleep 8 for $3500 - $4000.

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we're approx. 1600 miles north of Orlando, FL. That would be about 2.5 days to drive there, X number days at Disney, and 2.5 days to drive home.


We did talk about doing a hybrid vacation. The size of our family limits our resort options to a value suite at $3600 or a Cabin at the Wilderness Resort for $3900. (park tickets, meal plan, magic express to/from airport, insurance, and resort fees) + we still have to buy 4 airline tickets even though we have air miles for at least 3 tickets.


Last night I found used popups (2008, and 2003) that sleep 8 for $3500 - $4000.


In that case, I change my vote. Buy the pop-up. :D

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Fort Wilderness Campground is a lot of fun if you ever do decide to make the trip in an RV (or stay in the cabins.) There is horse back riding, a petting zoo, nightly outdoor movie/sing-a-long with smores and Chip and Dale. You can rent water craft to ride around the lake, rent bikes, ride a Segway, walk trails, and more I'm forgetting. They are rehabbing the main pool adding a water slide, a hot tub, and other fun water features, or so my little Disney birdies tell me. I'm ready to go myself. :auto:

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This may or may not help you. I hate Disney. I hate the prices, I hate the crowds.


I'd go for the pop-up camper. But a heads up. Make sure you use it otherwise it becomes a great home for vermin. There's just so much more out there than "disney". I vote for camping.

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The trips we've taken to "destinations" have always left us more tired than rejuvenated. On the other hand, camping has always produced great memories and relaxation (think taking a hike in the cool of the morning, then hanging out on an uncrowded beach for the afternoon, then making s'mores by the campfire at night).


A camper or pop-up makes it so easy to just take off- you can even have all the camping clothes in there ready to go. Just grab some food and you're gone.

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Me, too.....I say do them both! As I read all of the posts I thought that each answer was valid. So why not get a used pop-up and head to Florida? We were just to Disney this past summer with my ENTIRE family and it was a blast!!!!! I will always remember that trip! We were there for the one week deal and stayed at the Animal Kingdom Lodge...incredible! We even took the children to the beach one day and saw jellyfish swimming among us. Everyone, and I mean everyone, had the time of their life!


Camping is also something we do as a family every summer. The memories we have doing this are endless and every time we go we tell stories about times before.


It would be fun to hear what you decide to do.

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we did disney last year. it was the best vacation we ever had. if I had the money we'd be doing it again now (we went exactly one year ago).


My dc have multiple allergies, plus celiac. Disney accomodated--to the point older dc could go and get meals on their own. I have not had a week where I didn't think about food in 7 years. Vacations require me to really think about food because we have to figure out where we can or where we can get gluten free supplies to cook. Disney did all the thinking.


I have a child with a significant disability. Disney accomodated. They gave a special pass and it made the trip fantastic for him.


My oldest dc is a young teen with all the needs of "freedom". With the multipark pass and Disney bus system he could start the day with us and then go out on his own, without us worrying. There's only so many places Disney transit goes, but ds felt really independent.


Each of my dc needs something completely different. Disney did that. Dd got thrill rides. Oldest ds got find his favorite thing--Norway (who knew?). Youngest got cuddle time with characters.


Now, if I'd never been to Disney, I'd have a hard time deciding, but now that I've been it's a no brainer. I love the idea of RVing. Maybe I'll get to do it w/o kids one day. But if I'm going to take the time to plan and the expense to go I need to know I can relax. Our family's life in general is hard. Disney would be definite go for us.

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1. Disney 7 day vacation including meals, value resort accomodations, park tickets included ?





2. Buy a new/used pop up camper and plan several trips to Jellystone Campgrounds, or the like, around the country?



Incredibly, the price is about the same for both options once airfair for seven in option 1 is take into consideration.





3. stay-cation, again.

Well, another option might be to tent-camp across the country and spend just a couple of days at Disneyland.

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Wow, I don't think I could let my child go off on their own like that! But, it sounds like it worked out well for your family!


I grew up in Southern CA and went to Disneyland about a million times! That and Knotts Berry Farm were the places we went for school and chruch trips. We went to Universal Studios a few times too, and Magic Mountain....But mostly Disney. I loved going, and I've wanted to take my children, since they've never been.


Yet, my family went tent camping a LOT while I was growing up, and those are some of my most special memories! It's really a family connection time, which was always very special for me.


So this would be a hard choice! I think that living where we are, where it rains a lot, we wouldn't enjoy the camping as much, so may not make the investment worth it. Yet, in my heart that's what I would want to do! Then I'd try to fit in a drive and camp trip to Disney sometime, as others have mentioned!

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we did disney last year. it was the best vacation we ever had. if I had the money we'd be doing it again now (we went exactly one year ago).


My dc have multiple allergies, plus celiac. Disney accomodated--to the point older dc could go and get meals on their own. I have not had a week where I didn't think about food in 7 years. Vacations require me to really think about food because we have to figure out where we can or where we can get gluten free supplies to cook. Disney did all the thinking.


I have a child with a significant disability. Disney accomodated. They gave a special pass and it made the trip fantastic for him.


My oldest dc is a young teen with all the needs of "freedom". With the multipark pass and Disney bus system he could start the day with us and then go out on his own, without us worrying. There's only so many places Disney transit goes, but ds felt really independent.


Each of my dc needs something completely different. Disney did that. Dd got thrill rides. Oldest ds got find his favorite thing--Norway (who knew?). Youngest got cuddle time with characters.


Now, if I'd never been to Disney, I'd have a hard time deciding, but now that I've been it's a no brainer. I love the idea of RVing. Maybe I'll get to do it w/o kids one day. But if I'm going to take the time to plan and the expense to go I need to know I can relax. Our family's life in general is hard. Disney would be definite go for us.

Please elaborate on how disney helped with the food allergy meal planning piece. This is a concern. I totally undid my ADAH-sa kid over New Year by allowing juice boxes (100% Juice) for the weekend as a treat. It's taken 2 weeks to get her back under control again in many ways. This is a concern and does play a part in our decision.

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Disney for me. Go at a low crowd, moderate temp time of year, and it's *wonderful*. Camping would be fun, but *work* for you. Fly in, take Disney's Magical Express (free and they gather your checked luggage for you, so it shows up magically in your room later on), the Dining Plan means you never have to cook... It's just so *easy*.


But I love Disney. And I have no affinity for camping. (Especially not in a "camper". If I'm going to camp, I want to hike in and set up my site and all that... I don't "get" camper and car camping...)

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No! New York is where I'd rather STAY.

I get allergic smelling HAY.

I just adore a penthouse VIEW.

Dah-ling I love you...but give me PARK AVENUE!!! :D


Bill (who'd also settle for Paris :tongue_smilie:)



Green Acres is the place to be

Farm livin' is the life for me

Land spreadin' out so far and wide....

Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside!:001_smile:


I vote go to Disney and Manhattan, and camp on the beach and in the country!:D

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No! New York is where I'd rather STAY.

I get allergic smelling HAY.

I just adore a penthouse VIEW.

Dah-ling I love you...but give me PARK AVENUE!!! :D


Bill (who'd also settle for Paris :tongue_smilie:)

The chores!

The stores!

Fresh air!

Times Square!


You are my wife!

Good bye, city life!

Green Acres we are there!


Bah-dum bum!



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If your kids have never been to Disney - take them. It is child abuse not to take them at least once during childhood. JK!


We went once with the older kids - just once. But we all loved it. It was the funnest time we have ever had as a family. Animal Kingdom is the BOMB!!! My husband was dreading Disney - he HATES crowds and lines and heat etc. We went in Jan. We had fantastic weather (yes it was cooler at night but still warm enough to swim in our hotel's heated pool.) We had NO LINES FOR ANYTHING! OMG it was out of this world. My DH had a blast and would go back in a heart beat. FYI - we were exhausted by the time we got back!


Buy "The Unofficial Guide To Walk Disney World". It is awesome. We stayed off park and rented a car. It was easy peasy.


Having said that, if my kids had been to Disney at least once, I would do the camping trip. Camping is a blast too and would be MY personal choice for a vaccation. We camp with our horses and ride all day!


Have fun which ever way you go! :party:

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Most nights I would say go for #2. But tonight I was online searching out info about WDW because my bros and sil to be are planning to get married in the park , and WOW is all I can say, I am so excited to not only get to WDW but also the surrounding attractions of dolphin cove, sea world and Busch(sp?) gardens. Apr/May 2010 can not get her fast enough in my books.


Now for me aside from staying at my grandma's in BC as a kid in the summer for 2 weeks each year I have never left my province, let alone gone to anywhere near as huge as WDW. If given a choice between the 2 I would chose the disney vacation because I would likely never get another. I have not had a vacation since I was 14 which is the last time I went to my grandma's with my folks, after that they left me behind, so a dream trip yup I'd take it.


Typically though I would say the camper is the better value, and provides more opportunities for future vacations, even just for a weekend for the whole family.

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We are 1300 miles from Orlando (we have family in FL) & it only takes us 23 hours to get there.


I am thinking get the camper and do WDW on the cheap, in the camper, when you feel like it, if you ever feel like it. The value resorts, with AAA are like 89/night. And it will be even cheaper in the pop up to camp there. The Wilderness area is very relaxing.


Don't forget to tack on insurance for the pop up as well.


We've gone to Disney, and camped various places, and I don't know that a creative family *has* to choose one over the other--unless they hate one over the other...of course. :)

Edited by LibraryLover
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