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Is this just a man thing?

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I grew up with my dad and 2 brothers 

I have a husband and son now that I live with.

at any point in my life when the males I’ve lived with have come down with a cold, it’s like they make a point so sneeze cough and blow their noses as loudly as humanly possible. So are they being dramatic or is this just something that’s carried on the Y chromosome?

(pondering this since I spent from 3-6 am listening to my dh cough, sneeze, and blow his nose, interspersed with some mild moaning) 

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My DH has complained I’m a loud sneezer. But if I’m not loud, I keep sneezing. Once it was 14 quiet sneezes before I let loose and sneezed loudly, when I finally could stop. Idk why, it’s just how it is. 

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Some people are loud, some are not. I sneeze quite loudly.  If I need to blow my nose, and try to do it daintily, it doesn't actually clear. 

I have found in general, women think their bodily noises are not as loud/objectionable as men's. (Not stating that the OP does this; it's a general observation.)  

ETA: my daughter and I whine when sick much more than my husband and son. FWIW. 

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Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

It sounds like it might be more that a cold. Does he have a fever? 

The "mild moaning" is concerning to me.

No fever. This is his normal sick noise. I have the same cold too. 

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1 hour ago, Catwoman said:

Oh, good! I'm glad it's just a cold and not anything more serious. I hope both of you are feeling better soon!


so last Tuesday I started with a kidney stone that finally passed Saturday night. Now I’m sick and so is he. He also hurt his back (that might have been the source of the moaning now that I think about it. I’m not a nice person at 3 am) 

I feel like the quota of sickness/not feeling well should have been filled already. This definitely feels unfair. However, I’m sure it will pass and we’ll be on the mends soon.

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They're being dramatic.

I have a dh, and three sons - none of them are 'dramatic' when ill.  dh will usually insist he's not sick or it's "just a cold", and rarely will go just be sick in bed (and if he is, he's really sleeping).

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My dh, his dad, his brother and now ds24 are what someone on here called yell sneezers. I swear he did not sneeze like that when we were dating or first married. It seemed to develop over time. Same with ds24. He didn’t sneeze like that when he was young. I only noticed him doing it after he moved out. They make this weird aaaahhhhh yell and then let loose with a giant loud sneeze from the mouth. I swear if they closed their mouths and sneezed through their nose their heads would pop straight off 😆

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13 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

They're being dramatic.

Not necessarily. 

I sneeze loudly most of the time, and sometimes 20 times in a row. Sneezing is pretty involuntary. 

I can control 'normal' coughing pretty well, but a coughing fit? All bets are off. 

My kids used to go into fits of laughter when I'd blow my nose.

I don't do it for funsies. I don't blow my nose in a different many than anyone else in the house, but the noises that occur are certainly different, lol.  

Sometimes I do make a noise or a moan, particularly when half-asleep but sometimes during the day - not to be dramatic, but because I've been hit with a blinding wave of sinus or ear pain.

Some people have a cold, and they get sniffly and cough a bit and feel kind of tired and funky. Other people get the same cold, and their eyeballs swell and their ears fill with fluid. They sneeze loudly because that's how God created their sneezes, they cough relentlessly because the phlegm is trying to strangle them, and they moan because of the afore-mentioned blinding waves of pain.

It's possible that pollen season has me a bit cranky right now. 

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I would say that of the 5 females living here, 2 of them are regularly loud about these things, 2 are not, and the 5th (me) is half and half.  😛

I did accuse my 17yo of having a "man cold" last week.  😛

It used to be a pet peeve of mine that one of the frequently loud people would do this for long time periods near where I was eating.  Someone said something, and that happens less now, but there are still instances of it.  On one hand, I'm sure it's not being done for the fun of it.  But on the other hand, it's interesting that this doesn't happen when we eat out or have people over.

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40 minutes ago, katilac said:


It's possible that pollen season has me a bit cranky right now. 

My point was, it's not because they are men.


I'm cranky because I will probably have to have android auto installed after market on my toyota....toyota discontinued their own thing .

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Oh my gosh my husband is the loudest sneezer I have ever heard and he passed that trait down to some of our kids. It drives me absolutely bonkers. It's ridiculous.  Like you can totally sneeze without making so much dang noise. 

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I have not really noticed the loudness of cold symptoms linked specifically to gender in my household (4 males and 2 females).

My dh sneezes REALLY loud - it's like a sneeze and shout "WHA-HOO!!" blended together. 😱

Dd literally HONKS loudly while blowing her nose. She's like a Canada goose, but don't tell her that. 😂

Ds (oldest) is a silent blower, but wads up a million tissues into tiny balls that spill all over the table and floor. 

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I don’t know what the gender divide is but we just got through a cold that has to be breaking records for producing mucous. We’ve been blowing noses for two weeks did here and it’s still lingering. It’s completely ridiculous. 

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@KungFuPanda chloropheniramine is the only thing that greatly reduces my nose running like a tap syndrome since I was a kid. I buy the Flonase tablets because of that.

5 hours ago, wintermom said:

Ds (oldest) is a silent blower, but wads up a million tissues into tiny balls that spill all over the table and floor. 

DS18 does that too. When it gets really bad, he use the charming toilet paper roll when at home. 

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5 hours ago, wintermom said:

My dh sneezes REALLY loud - it's like a sneeze and shout "WHA-HOO!!" blended together.

Yes! I know they can avoid doing it because I’ve never heard them do it away from home…so why do it at all?!? 🤦‍♀️

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1 hour ago, saraha said:

Yes! I know they can avoid doing it because I’ve never heard them do it away from home…so why do it at all?!? 🤦‍♀️

Dh and his brother do it away from home, too. I don't think they can sneeze any other way. One niece sneezes this way, too. Maybe it's gentic somehow. 😉 

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1 hour ago, saraha said:

Yes! I know they can avoid doing it because I’ve never heard them do it away from home…so why do it at all?!? 🤦‍♀️


Just now, wintermom said:

Dh and his brother do it away from home, too. I don't think they can sneeze any other way. One niece sneezes this way, too. Maybe it's gentic somehow. 😉 

If we know it is going to be a loud sneeze, we would say excuse me if we could before “running” to another room (if at home) or outside (if in a cafe) to sneeze. If I have a violent sneeze coming and I hold it in, my face is going to look very bad. DS18 had a relatively loud sneeze today at community college while doing his homework in the study area. We heard a few amused “bless you” from neighboring cubicles.

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