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Would this bother you?

Indigo Blue

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I want to know if it’s me or is this really something that would be considered annoying by most of us. A person is watching TV in the same room (or even in the next room). Then they get on their cell phone and start watching YouTube videos. I try to be tolerant of things, but this just makes me go nuts. (Not literally outwardly, just in my head). It’s just a noise storm and all of a sudden I can’t concentrate on what I’m doing. We’ve talked about it, and person knows. They don’t do it for long periods, then it happens again one day and my brain is so on fire that I have to yet again say something. I don’t think the person is being disrespectful. I honestly think it’s just that they get distracted and forget. Seems like in an ADD sort of way.

But I can’t tolerate two devices going in the same room. Am I just hypersensitive to this? 

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I happen to think it is rude to watch video with sound on a phone in the company of others. I think I made up this rule myself and declared it rude. I don’t recall anyone else teaching me this rule or reading it anywhere but it’s a rule in my house. I said so. 

It drives me nuts to hear sound from a video coming from someone’s phone. If I am watching a video and someone walks in the room I silence it. Apparently there are people this does not bother but it drives me absolutely nuts to hear sound from a YouTube clip or something coming from someone’s phone. 



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Annoying. Dh will just pull up videos on his phone without asking about other people using the room and I think it's really inconsiderate.

But regardless of whether it's okay or not, you've said you're annoyed, so there's a lack of regard for your experience.

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It would bother me. 

If I was watching TV with the person, I would tell them to turn off the sound on their phone/get their earbuds/leave the room because they obviously weren't interested in what is on the TV but I was, and the sound from their phone was annoying me. 

If I wasn't watching TV but was in the room, or moving in and out of the room, I'd say something like "hey, looks like you are done watching TV, turn it off please, there is too much noise." Or I might turn it off myself. 

I can see where a person can get distracted - I do myself - but two devices is too much.

Unless everyone is enjoying, or at least tolerating, the sound coming from the phone, the phone needs to be silenced or moved. That applies in public places too (though of course I have no control over strangers in public). 


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I think two things. One that this is really normal. There’s lots of people discussing this thing of needing two screens at once. Two is that yes it would drive me nuts because I hate too much noise. But I’d try to recognise that it was at least somewhat me and keep a polite tone when asking them to turn it down.

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2 hours ago, Catwoman said:

I’ll be the dissenting troublemaker.

It wouldn’t bother me at all. 

It would not bother me, either... as I sit here on the chair in my living room with DS on the couch to my right playing games on his phone, then as I was reading the OP my DH sat on the couch to my left and turned on the t.v. 😂 So, all kinds of sounds, while I sit here and read + reply.

However, I do not think it is wrong if it does bother you. Some people have higher noise tolerances than others. I can handle lots of loud, chaotic noises like games, music, conversation that are constantly changing no problem, but a consistent, repetitive noise like an alarm or mechanical failure with a consistent thump or squeal or whatever will drive me up a wall quickly.

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Yes, it's rude and would bother me. 

Not everyone can process conflicting noise-humanity isn't actually designed for that kind of thing, it's the curse of the modern world.  Can some people do it?  Sure, but that doesn't mean everyone should be subjected to it.

And yes, I would say something very directly while making unbroken eye contact.  "Why are listening to that without your ear pods when we already discussed why it's a problem?" And then I'd wait for an answer while looking expectantly at them.  That way that have to say out loud what's going on with their thought process even if it's, "Oh.  I didn't even think about it."  And I'd follow up with a very matter of fact, "When you're around others you have to think about how your actions affect them. "

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It would bother me. I am pretty sensitive to noise, and if the TV is turned on while I am reading, I just go to my room to read. If I were watching TV (rare, unless I am watching a movie or show with family members) and competing sound was on, I would ask the other to use their earphones. Thankfully, that doesn't usually happen here--the competition is between the noise and my ability to concentrate on what I am reading, whether a book or the forum or anything else.

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I have issues with TV noise.  That's me.  Not so much if someone is actually watching what's on TV, but especially if it's background noise and there's a bunch else going on.  I can get haggy if someone tries to have a conversation with me with their dit-dit-dot-dit-dot going on in the background.

For me, it doesn't seem to matter if it's 1 or more than 1 device.  One or both of my kids have been known to watch one thing on their ipad and another thing on their iphone, possibly with the TV playing a third thing and the dog barking.  That doesn't bother me, as long as I'm not trying to interact with anyone in the midst of all that.

I do require people to keep volume low enough so I can go shut my door and not hear their electronics.

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I say it depends. I do this, but SO can be hard of hearing at times and I will turn down the volume on my phone and use captions and drown out the TV sound. I generally do that if I'm sitting on the couch and he's watching TV (we use a laptop for all TV viewing, so we're generally sitting at the dining table to do that - basically the same room). 

I dislike game noises. I turn them off on the few phone games I play. They're too busy and buzzy for me. 


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