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Well, it finally got us ... Covid

dirty ethel rackham

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On Thursday, dh found out that a coworker with whom he works closely, tested positive for Covid. So he started being more cautious and we upped our mask-wearing diligence.  Then he came home from work sick on Friday.  A whole weekend of isolation, getting him treatment since he has had a heart attack, cleaning, disinfecting, preparing food for just in case ... and on Monday, while I was at work, I felt that tickle in the back of my throat.  My manager practically threw me out and I got tested on the way home (per work protocol).  And I tested positive.  Good thing dh is on the mend because I get dizzy walking to the bathroom.

So, I survived clinicals in a hospital in one of the hottest zip codes for community transmission pre-vaccine (where we called the ER "the miasma of Covid Soup") only to get it now.  

We are OK but I feel bad for the coworkers that I left in the lurch this week ... I had 3 nights of call that someone else has to do.  And it sounds like K, who was visiting us during this time, has come down with it again.  This is her 3rd time having Covid, 2nd time since being vaxxed.  She was planning on getting a booster this week.  I'm worried about her since I can't drop off food or anything.  Looking at doordash or something to send her some stuff.  And I'm rambling ....   

Be careful out there.  Cases are spiking, likely due to holiday gatherings.  

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Thanks for all the good wishes.  Day two and I'm a little more functional with the help of Dayquil and Nyquil, but the chest congestion is settling in and my nose is a faucet.  So far, showers and fluids (especially tea) are helping with that.  If only our Mucinex wasn't expired. 

I had a ton of administrative red tape to go through from one of my employers and I was so foggy I kept having to have them repeat stuff several times and I couldn't remember my own email address!  I have to do 2x daily check-ins via an app. They somehow think I can come back on Friday, which is day 4 per CDC counting (first day of symptoms is day 0.)  Not happening.  I'm not confident I can cover call on Saturday night like I'm scheduled.  On another note, it is nice to know I'm needed.  My coworker (who was a classmate in school) was on her own today and she told me it was a $#!tshow.  Several double-booked exam slots with only 1 tech to cover.  

My other employer is a lot more reasonable - planning for me not being fully up to speed by my shift next Tuesday.  

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2 hours ago, dirty ethel rackham said:

Day two and I'm a little more functional with the help of Dayquil and Nyquil, but the chest congestion is settling in and my nose is a faucet.  So far, showers and fluids (especially tea) are helping with that.  If only our Mucinex wasn't expired. 

Ugh,  I hate having faucet nose. So uncomfortable and awkward. Unless it’s more than a couple years out of date, I would take the Mucinex honestly, unless it’s a multi use container of some kind. I’ve never used it so I don’t know what form it comes in. (This is not medical advice 😬)

I hope you’re feeling better soon. 

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Day 3.  I thought I was doing better.  I decided to shower and wash my hair, something I hadn't done in a week.  I usually only wash it 2x a week and Sunday was the day.  But I was so exhausted from taking care of my husband that I just didn't have the energy - for the drying it.  So, I showed, washed and dried my hair and then I felt like I was hit by a truck.  The neck aches, chills, and that feeling when you go swimming and you get water up your nose.  Dayquil hardly touched it today.  I think I bit off more than I can chew.  

Dh cut the grass today.  I told him it could wait but he was feeling ashamed since our neighbor had cut theirs. I hope he will feel well enough to walk the dog because I certainly can't.  Going downstairs to the kitchen is about than I can handle.  We decided to stop the isolating in the bedroom thing since it's just dh and me at home and, since he is working from home, he forgets to check on me.   

K is doing OK.  She seems to just have cold symptoms, not a flattening flu-like illness.  Hope tomorrow is a better day.  

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Thanks for asking.  Day 5 is much better. 

No fever, no body aches or headaches.  I'm still coughing but it's more of an irritated cough, not productive.  My nose isn't a faucet full time anymore, only part-time. But the skin on my nose is so raw it feels like sandpaper.  I'm sneezing a bit so I have itchy watery eyes. Not sure if this is a Covid thing or seasonal allergies.  The ringing in my ears has changed to a lower pitch, more like the rhythmic whine of a ceiling fan that's on its last legs - it sounds like our old ceiling fan before we replaced it.  It's my pulse I'm hearing.  Between the ringing and congestion, I can't hear very well.   

Dh is pretty much recovered, but tires easily. 

Haven't talked to K in a couple of days but she said she just felt like she had a moderate cold.  The at home rapid tests were negative for her, and she couldn't get her act together to go get tested.  But she's assuming she's positive and isolating accordingly.

Yesterday, I did a full wipe down of the high touch surfaces in our house and we were able to open up for a while to get air out the Covid miasma.  Today, I stripped all the beds (in our bedroom, dd's room that the less-sick person slept in, and the spare room that Jacki stays in when she's here.)  Now I rest.  Tomorrow, I will do another big wipe down of the house and another air out.  

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Day 8:

I'm doing pretty well.  A little residual cough and some congestion.  My ears were so clogged that I could hardly hear anything.  My husband complained that I had the TV on too loud in the lower level when he was in bed.  (If he had told me so, I would have at least put on headphones. )  And I was having some balance issues (every time I got up or turned my head too fast, I lost my balance.)  And the ringing in my ears made me think that I had left something running and my car sounded weird when I drove it.  

'm due to return to work on Wednesday at my hospital job so I went to immediate care and I wouldn't be able to communicate well with my patients.  Also, at my clinic job, I need to be able to hear well to perform some of the exams that we regularly get.  I would probably be giving really incorrect results.  So I went to immediate care to see what they could do and they found I had bulging ear drums with lots of fluid.  So I'm on a short course of steroids to clear that up and I can hear better already after one dose.  Hoping that its back to normal on Friday.  

I hope all of you who are suffering get over it pretty quickly.  

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4 hours ago, dirty ethel rackham said:

Day 8:

I'm doing pretty well.  A little residual cough and some congestion.  My ears were so clogged that I could hardly hear anything.  My husband complained that I had the TV on too loud in the lower level when he was in bed.  (If he had told me so, I would have at least put on headphones. )  And I was having some balance issues (every time I got up or turned my head too fast, I lost my balance.)  And the ringing in my ears made me think that I had left something running and my car sounded weird when I drove it.  

'm due to return to work on Wednesday at my hospital job so I went to immediate care and I wouldn't be able to communicate well with my patients.  Also, at my clinic job, I need to be able to hear well to perform some of the exams that we regularly get.  I would probably be giving really incorrect results.  So I went to immediate care to see what they could do and they found I had bulging ear drums with lots of fluid.  So I'm on a short course of steroids to clear that up and I can hear better already after one dose.  Hoping that its back to normal on Friday.  

I hope all of you who are suffering get over it pretty quickly.  

I'm sorry you're sick too! It's so strange how covid hits different people differently. I hope you continue to recover quickly!! 

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