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Britney Spears lyric controversy...

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It is on the Yahoo page this morning. Try as I could, I could not figure out what the problem with it was. The problem comes with "If You Seek Amy." Something about saying it slow and it becomes vulgar.


Maybe I'm getting old and don't know all the new hip vulgar terms, but I just didn't get it. any help?

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Once you actually hear her sing it, you'll get it right away. I heard about it last week and the article I read had a link to that portion of the song. While I was listening to it, my 14 year old ds walked through the room and I thought he was going to die when he heard it.

What was she thinking? And ignore that question...her dad is her conservator and is making all of her decisions...what was HE thinking?

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The F word combined with the word "me."


I couldn't leave it alone so I googled it and found the story that explained this. I would never have gotten that from the title. Maybe had I heard her singing it. I'm not sure why parents are so mad. You buy a Britney Spears album for your child and you are bound to end up with problems.



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here's the chorus:


Love me hate me

Say what you want about me

But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy

Love me hate me

But can’t you see what I see

All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy


and here's the song on youtube


took me a minute to catch it - but yep, there's no mistaking it. Okay, I have to admit I laughed - my sense of humour is a little weird sometimes. ;)


(doesn't mean I'd let my dd11 listen to it though! Not that she has any idea who Britney Spears really is....she *does* know who Jamie Lynn is from a show, but doesn't really know the older sis)

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Oh, I don't know.


I mean, she's really, really been through the wringer these past few years, so from that perspective, I find the song kind of funny. Not funny like "here, 7 year old DD, listen to this!" but funny in a I'll-turn-it-up-and-sing-along-when-alone-in-the-car type way.


And if you take the meaning of the vulgarity to be more like "F---ed over" than the sexual meaning, well, she's got a point. Heck, her own mother has screwed her over and messed her up, to say nothing of her ex, Disney, the media...I mean, that poor girl never had a chance. I would like to think the song means she's got her head on straight now and is no longer vulnerable to those types of people.


(Who knew I knew so much about Brittany Spears!? I think this is the first time I've admitted publically that I *like* her, and her music. So there!)

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Oh, I don't know.



(Who knew I knew so much about Brittany Spears!? I think this is the first time I've admitted publically that I *like* her, and her music. So there!)


Quietly raising hand. I've been following the news about her for quite a while. If you live your life in the public eye, everything is scrutinized. I'm glad to see she's making her way back. I hadn't read the words to the song, but I heard it and thought - did she really say that? Now I know what she was saying. Anyway - I heard womanizer once and the dang thing go stuck in my head.

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It's hard to tell if she's raised the bar, or what. I mean, it is clever, in a low way. It's like that board game, is it taboo? The one where you read the sentence over and over sounding like a moron (in this case, sounding like a who--), while everyone laughs (or gasps), knowing what you're saying. Seems like there is a lesson in there somewhere. Don't repeat something you don't understand? A little bit of knowing is a bad thing?


I laughed, but then, my daughter has a very low opinion of Spears and her "music", so I guess I can laugh from a safe distance.

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The words sound like letters in the alphabet and SPELL something...


If - Letter after g in the alphabet

You- U

See - C

(the K in seek combines with Amy) and you get - K...ME


Does that help?


LOL - this threw me, but I've got it now.


You mean the letter BEFORE g in the alphabet.....I was struggling "h" "u"......


I get it now! "F" "u"......oh, yeah. I'm slow.

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Blech. I think it just shows she's trashy. Even if she is declaring she won't be used again, it's still trashy. She may be famous and rich but she's classless.


I agree 100%. As a human being, I feel sorry that her life derailed and I'm glad that she's getting back on track via the conservatorship - BUT, generally speaking, I have no pity for these girls who do just about anything to be famous and then cry that they have no privacy. Especially when they are willing to bare all - literally - via so many well-planned "wardrobe malfunctions."


I don't think this song is cute or clever whatsoever. I find it discouraging that the mentality seems to be that regardless of what kind of person someone is, nothing matters as long as someone "wants" him or her. Being "hot" seems to trump all qualities of decency and morality. I've already explained to my dd why someone like Britney - at least the packaged version that we see - goes against just about everything I want her to stand for as both a woman and a person, and she understands. There was a time not so long ago that selling sex and acting trashy were looked down upon by society. How they ever wound up on so high a pedestal is beyond me.

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:eek: I "got it" after it was spelled out, but then I was thinking- someone had to have a lot of imagination to come up with that. So, I went to you tube and sure enough they had it, and I listened and YEAH- when you hear the song it is obvious. Not only is it obvious it is very clear from the lyrics is was meant to say that, not an accident. Of course I do know a little of Brittany's rep, haven't listened to her music- not my type, but if you listen, you can definitely hear what she wants you to. It is catchy though, because I have listened once, and it s still going through my head. So be careful.

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LOL, has anyone here seen *that* video? That's kind of an inside joke.


OK, here goes...


Not only do I know all of the words to "Oops I did it Again," I know the dance, too. I can't help it, I have a soft spot for the girl. :tongue_smilie:


I am not getting on a high "defend the Pop Tart" horse, I am just saying that as a human being and a mom, I feel for her. My personal feeling is that she suffered from terrible post partum depression and that is why she seemed to be losing her mind. She is young, and two babies in as many years does things to your mind and body. I really do feel badly for her. Who among us hasn't done stupid things? I have. I have done lots of stupid things. I was just lucky that none of them were publicized. :D



As far as the lyrics to the Womanizer song, well, let's just say that I will not buy the album for my boys, nor would I want them listening to music that is riddled with obscenities.

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:eek: I "got it" after it was spelled out, but then I was thinking- someone had to have a lot of imagination to come up with that. So, I went to you tube and sure enough they had it, and I listened and YEAH- when you hear the song it is obvious. Not only is it obvious it is very clear from the lyrics is was meant to say that, not an accident. Of course I do know a little of Brittany's rep, haven't listened to her music- not my type, but if you listen, you can definitely hear what she wants you to. It is catchy though, because I have listened once, and it s still going through my head. So be careful.


I realized after I posted that I didn't "get it" from the video because I couldn't understand the lyrics. :lol: Maybe if I listened to it over and over, I might pick it up -- but one or two tries didn't do it. And this was *after* I read the post that said what the words in the chorus were!


I'm still laughing about "The ants are my friends, they're blowin' in the wind . . ." 'cause that's about the kind if thing I'd probably come up with myself -- and be surprised no one else knew the "real" words. :lol:

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What would you give for a big-time "do-over"? That's what she got, and she plumb threw it away.


This was her perfect opportunity to emerge, reinvented, sophisticated, mature.... an opportunity to show her true talent and gain the respect of a new, wider fan base.... and this is the best she's got to offer?


Trash, indeed.

Edited by AuntieM
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She is scum, there is no other word for her (well there are, but I would never use them on this board, and try never to use them period).


I quite honestly do not care what her background was or is and how she was mistreated as a child. None of that changes what she is today.

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