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10 hours ago, MamaSprout said:

Dd got into Purdue(first year) Mechanical Engineering with Honors College. 

So she’s 4 for 4. We are done.





Her first choice is Rose, but two of the other schools offered her some nice merit money. Decisions to be made.

That’s fantastic! Congratulations to her and you. She has great options. 

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DS got into the Integrated Science Program @ Northwestern! You have to apply separately, after you're accepted to the university. He's super excited. (It's basically an honors stem major that combines physics, chem, and bio with a smidge of extra math. All very small classes)

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Kid investigated 5, was automatically admitted to the first based on dual credit work there. Applied to two others and received scholarship offers to all three for various amounts. These were all private universities; the local state school campus would have been the fallback if no big award offer had come through. 

Happily the largest award came from the top choice school, $22K annual/renewable merit scholarship based on ACT score, so it’s been accepted. I am glad to have this stage of the game done! Time to focus on shopping for the clothing needed for a significantly different climate. 

Edited by Grace Hopper
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  • 2 weeks later...

My son deposited today on his first choice school. He was offered a scholarship but financial aid is not out for anywhere, so he has a back up school too. So I guess we are signing up for housing at both places (his first choice school and his financial safety school). So, things are looking up I guess, so far.

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Dd has been accepted to 10 of 11 schools.  Rejected at 1.

UT Austin - offered CAP sophomore admission plan (basically a rejection)

Accepted at:

Texas Christian University

UT Dallas


U Alabama

UT San Antonio

University of Houston

University of Arkansas

University of Mississippi

UNC Charlotte

Abilene Christian University

She is chasing merit, so only 5 of those schools are still in the running.  She’s a finalist for 2 full rides, and she is waiting to see if she makes it to the interview round for 1 more full ride and also hear the results of a full tuition scholarship interview weekend.



Edited by JazzyMom
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DD learned yesterday that she is ‘in’ at MSU’s direct-admit nursing program. I’m actually sort of surprised, as we got some 11th-hour questions from the committee that indicated a healthy suspicion of her homeschool transcript/grades/gpa. I, as her GC, responded politely but firmly:

“We homeschool independently and in full compliance with the Michigan Department of Education’s standards. We do not utilize a state-regulated curriculum or grading system and none is required to homeschool in Michigan. 

Attached, please find our school profile, course descriptions, counselor’s letter of recommendation, and her current transcript showing grades through first semester of senior year. Together with her ACT and AP scores submitted with her MSU application, we hope this will satisfy the committee that she has achieved the highest level of academic preparation during high school, likely exceeding that of most public and private schools in the state. 

If you have any additional questions or require further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out.”

I honestly wrote them off at that point; I’m truly shocked that she was admitted (despite being more than qualified) because of their questions. It really may have just been a case where the Nurse Scholar selection committee didn’t have access to all my documentation that we submitted to admissions— they only had access to her GPA, test scores, essay, LOR, resume, without course descriptions, full transcript, school profile, etc. 

Anyway, very happy with the outcome. It isn’t her first choice, but is a very solid, affordable option!

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2 hours ago, fourisenough said:

DD learned yesterday that she is ‘in’ at MSU’s direct-admit nursing program. I’m actually sort of surprised, as we got some 11th-hour questions from the committee that indicated a healthy suspicion of her homeschool transcript/grades/gpa. I, as her GC, responded politely but firmly:

“We homeschool independently and in full compliance with the Michigan Department of Education’s standards. We do not utilize a state-regulated curriculum or grading system and none is required to homeschool in Michigan. 

Attached, please find our school profile, course descriptions, counselor’s letter of recommendation, and her current transcript showing grades through first semester of senior year. Together with her ACT and AP scores submitted with her MSU application, we hope this will satisfy the committee that she has achieved the highest level of academic preparation during high school, likely exceeding that of most public and private schools in the state. 

If you have any additional questions or require further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out.”

I honestly wrote them off at that point; I’m truly shocked that she was admitted (despite being more than qualified) because of their questions. It really may have just been a case where the Nurse Scholar selection committee didn’t have access to all my documentation that we submitted to admissions— they only had access to her GPA, test scores, essay, LOR, resume, without course descriptions, full transcript, school profile, etc. 

Anyway, very happy with the outcome. It isn’t her first choice, but is a very solid, affordable option!

Fabulous GC reply letter there!

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5 hours ago, fourisenough said:

DD learned yesterday that she is ‘in’ at MSU’s direct-admit nursing program. I’m actually sort of surprised, as we got some 11th-hour questions from the committee that indicated a healthy suspicion of her homeschool transcript/grades/gpa. I, as her GC, responded politely but firmly:

“We homeschool independently and in full compliance with the Michigan Department of Education’s standards. We do not utilize a state-regulated curriculum or grading system and none is required to homeschool in Michigan. 

Attached, please find our school profile, course descriptions, counselor’s letter of recommendation, and her current transcript showing grades through first semester of senior year. Together with her ACT and AP scores submitted with her MSU application, we hope this will satisfy the committee that she has achieved the highest level of academic preparation during high school, likely exceeding that of most public and private schools in the state. 

If you have any additional questions or require further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out.”

I honestly wrote them off at that point; I’m truly shocked that she was admitted (despite being more than qualified) because of their questions. It really may have just been a case where the Nurse Scholar selection committee didn’t have access to all my documentation that we submitted to admissions— they only had access to her GPA, test scores, essay, LOR, resume, without course descriptions, full transcript, school profile, etc. 

Anyway, very happy with the outcome. It isn’t her first choice, but is a very solid, affordable option!

Good job!

My dd is also applying to direct admit nursing programs, but mostly focused in CA and a few in the southeast.

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Can I add grad school acceptances here? DS graduated early from Cornell last December, majored in applied engineering physics. He has been accepted at University of Chicago, Harvard, MIT, and Princeton. He is 98% sure he will attend MIT. His area of interest is quantum computing - which sometimes falls under electrical engineering and sometimes under physics. (ETA as all decisions are back: also accepted at University of California Berkeley, Cornell, University of Wisconsin Madison and University of Maryland College Park. Rejected at Yale and Cal Tech. Three year fellowship at Princeton and McWhorter Fellowship at MIT.)

Some background: we homeschooled through high school and did not have access to DE. He took a ton of APs, most of them self-studied. At Cornell, all of these APs counted, which meant he could have graduated a full year early. Instead he graduated one semester early and used the extra space in his schedule for more hours of research. He was accepted into the Rawlings Cornell Presidential Research Scholars program which meant he was given his own funding for research as well as mentorship. I cannot say enough good things about this program! He was able to work in 4 different labs - 3 at Cornell and 1 at another university (he literally just picked a top university and emailed a few different professors there and got immediate responses). The mentorship he received from professors, grad students, and post docs was invaluable. Oh, and Cornell gave us a very generous financial aid package. Highly recommend this school!

Edited by rbk mama
complete information
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On 2/18/2022 at 1:52 PM, fourisenough said:

DD learned yesterday that she is ‘in’ at MSU’s direct-admit nursing program. I’m actually sort of surprised, as we got some 11th-hour questions from the committee that indicated a healthy suspicion of her homeschool transcript/grades/gpa. I, as her GC, responded politely but firmly:

“We homeschool independently and in full compliance with the Michigan Department of Education’s standards. We do not utilize a state-regulated curriculum or grading system and none is required to homeschool in Michigan. 

Attached, please find our school profile, course descriptions, counselor’s letter of recommendation, and her current transcript showing grades through first semester of senior year. Together with her ACT and AP scores submitted with her MSU application, we hope this will satisfy the committee that she has achieved the highest level of academic preparation during high school, likely exceeding that of most public and private schools in the state. 

If you have any additional questions or require further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out.”

I honestly wrote them off at that point; I’m truly shocked that she was admitted (despite being more than qualified) because of their questions. It really may have just been a case where the Nurse Scholar selection committee didn’t have access to all my documentation that we submitted to admissions— they only had access to her GPA, test scores, essay, LOR, resume, without course descriptions, full transcript, school profile, etc. 

Anyway, very happy with the outcome. It isn’t her first choice, but is a very solid, affordable option!

Damn straight. 💪🎉🎉🎉

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22 hours ago, madteaparty said:

Damn straight. 💪🎉🎉🎉

It was definitely a case where having very thorough documentation at my fingertips saved me (and DD’s shot at the highly competitive program). I feel like I owe everyone here on the WTM forums a debt of gratitude for the many years of collected wisdom shared freely here. Everything I know, I learned here from all of you!

I’m so happy that with my last DD, age 12 and in 7th grade, I won’t have to start from scratch, but can use my existing documentation as a jumping off point during her college admissions process. And I won’t hesitate to (very professionally!) growl my mama-bear growl if I get any pushback from ad-coms or others. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
19 hours ago, Farrar said:

RIT and Champlain College.

Final two and now he's officially 10 for 10!

Congratulations!  And now you're all done except for the decision-making process.  Yippee!!!

We're still waiting for a few more...but we did take a trip out to the Midwest a couple of weeks ago to see the three colleges where DC was accepted.  Wonderful trip!  Lots of driving but well worth it and fun 🙂 

And we'll be heading back to Hampshire on Saturday for another visit.  Our last visit was for the interview and tour but we didn't have a student tour guide because all the students had just had their boosters. We had a fabulous tour with an administrator but now it's time to get a student's perspective.  


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We are 4+/4 so far with news tonight that A was accepted into the iF&M program-- the international program at Franklin & Marshall with the first semester in Bath, England. He is over the moon, and so are we. 

We still have one more to hear from, then we are done, but with 4 in the yes column, he will have good choices to make.


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On 3/8/2022 at 7:49 PM, NittanyJen said:

We are 4+/4 so far with news tonight that A was accepted into the iF&M program-- the international program at Franklin & Marshall with the first semester in Bath, England. He is over the moon, and so are we. 

We still have one more to hear from, then we are done, but with 4 in the yes column, he will have good choices to make.


And we have the last decision in-- he got a yes from Gettysburg as well. The kiddo went 5/5 on college applications, and we are so pleased for him!

Now he gets to make his big decision. An impossibly long year of waiting for these decision letters is over. And now the prep for sending my last kid off to college begins! Eek, is that actually any better? I'm not sure...



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3 minutes ago, sassenach said:

DD's top 3 are all releasing today. So far we are 0/1; her first denial. Lots of tears. All 3 of these schools are big swings, so we could easily end up with none of them and that would be a big bummer of a day.

Oh, hang in there. She’s applying to direct-admit nursing right? The programs have all gotten crazy selective and competitive. I’m hoping for at least one admit for her today!

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1 hour ago, sassenach said:

DD's top 3 are all releasing today. So far we are 0/1; her first denial. Lots of tears. All 3 of these schools are big swings, so we could easily end up with none of them and that would be a big bummer of a day.

fingers crossed for good news! we're in a similar situation--3 left, all reaches, all should be out in the next few days.

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12 hours ago, Arcadia said:

We have a rejection. So now it is 2 rejections (CSU, UC) and 1 waitlist (UC). My husband was reading college confidential and saw people posting rejections left right center. 

ETA: kid applied because my husband wanted him to so he isn’t upset. This UC is really hard to get into. The one he is hoping for is next week.

Yeah, it was 2 UCs and a CSU today. Also found out when she went to log into the portals of 2 of her backup schools that she didn't actually look at what major she had been admitted to, so 2 of the schools that we thought she got nursing for, she actually got biology. So she is in at exactly ONE nursing program, and it's not a school she's excited about going to in comparison to the others.

Now I'm doubting our whole approach. I wish she had applied non-nursing to some bigger schools or nursing to more of the private schools that I think she could have gotten into....

As the grownup in the room, I know it'll all be ok in the end, but it's hard to see her so defeated about the next 4 years of her life. This kid in particular. She's so smart and hardworking. She put so much of herself into this process. 

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13 hours ago, Arcadia said:

We have a rejection. So now it is 2 rejections (CSU, UC) and 1 waitlist (UC). My husband was reading college confidential and saw people posting rejections left right center. 

ETA: kid applied because my husband wanted him to so he isn’t upset. This UC is really hard to get into. The one he is hoping for is next week.

You kid is a definition of awesome and an example of what merit should look like. Knowing who got a yes from that particular school, I am shaking from anger for you. 
Lots of hugs. 
Nothing about this process is about merit as it turns out. 

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2 hours ago, Arcadia said:

My husband vetoed applying for private universities even though we could afford if we have to. DS17 is detached from the process other than making honest effort on the personal insight questions. 

He applied for computer science and its the UC with the lowest acceptance rate. So very much like buying lottery 🤣 Besides, we are sure in my area, many have better GPA, lots of ECAs and awards, competing for the same majors.

This is what I worry about for my DS16 -- he would probably want to apply for Computer Science but I have watched some really stellar applicants get rejected because they applied to the school of Engineering.  The admit rate is so much lower.  He will have to really figure out which schools to apply engineering and which to apply to just the general college. 

We have the Calvet waiver due to my husband's VA disability, so we are only applying to state schools - no private.  At least at this point that is the plan. 

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29 minutes ago, SanDiegoMom said:

This is what I worry about for my DS16 -- he would probably want to apply for Computer Science but I have watched some really stellar applicants get rejected because they applied to the school of Engineering.  The admit rate is so much lower.  He will have to really figure out which schools to apply engineering and which to apply to just the general college. 

We have the Calvet waiver due to my husband's VA disability, so we are only applying to state schools - no private.  At least at this point that is the plan. 

Our backup plan is to apply as a transfer student for Spring 2023. UCs and CSUs ask the applicants to pick two majors so your son could pick engineering school as one choice and general college as the other. DS17 really like UCSB though so we are hoping.

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5 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

Our backup plan is to apply as a transfer student for Spring 2023. UCs and CSUs ask the applicants to pick two majors so your son could pick engineering school as one choice and general college as the other. DS17 really like UCSB though so we are hoping.

Is there a minimum number of credits needed to apply as a transfer? 

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19 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

For TAG there is. Not for general transfers. DS17 completed the IGETC and unofficially completed the requirements for the AS in computer science.

UC TAG link https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/counselors/files/tag-matrix.pdf

Unbelievable. And yet my friend's kid got into UCLA Engineering with no more than Calculus BC as a senior and not even any substantial ECs. 

I am going to remain angry for your boy. Just shocking really. 

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7 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

Our backup plan is to apply as a transfer student for Spring 2023.

This is my DD’s back-up plan too—the transfer acceptance rates are often 3-4 times higher!!!! She’s just annoyed that the IGETC transfer requirements are different from the A-G stuff she’s done, so her DE classes won’t all work for the transfer. Your son did it the right way!


I know there’s lots of anecdotal talk on these boards about how possible it is for homeschooled kids to get into the UCs, but I think the deck is REALLY stacked against homeschoolers at the highly selective campuses. At UCLA last year, 83% of the freshman admits were ELC, which leaves out anyone with a homeschool PSA. And then there are the kids that qualify by being the top 9% state-wide, which also doesn’t include those with PSAs. And then there are the HUGE numbers of out-of-state kids admitted. There’s barely any room at all left at the selective UCs! Maybe at UC Merced, where they only fill about 24% of the class using ELC. Figure 4 here is what gave me pause: https://regents.universityofcalifornia.edu/regmeet/may21/a1.pdf


There’s no way I’m playing this game with my younger kiddo. I think we’ll just focus on IGETC and try to enjoy the high school years.

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3 minutes ago, rzberrymom said:

This is my DD’s back-up plan too—the transfer acceptance rates are often 3-4 times higher!!!! She’s just annoyed that the IGETC transfer requirements are different from the A-G stuff she’s done, so her DE classes won’t all work for the transfer. Your son did it the right way!


I know there’s lots of anecdotal talk on these boards about how possible it is for homeschooled kids to get into the UCs, but I think the deck is REALLY stacked against homeschoolers at the highly selective campuses. At UCLA last year, 83% of the freshman admits were ELC, which leaves out anyone with a homeschool PSA. And then there are the kids that qualify by being the top 9% state-wide, which also doesn’t include those with PSAs. And then there are the HUGE numbers of out-of-state kids admitted. There’s barely any room at all left at the selective UCs! Maybe at UC Merced, where they only fill about 24% of the class using ELC. Figure 4 here is what gave me pause: https://regents.universityofcalifornia.edu/regmeet/may21/a1.pdf


There’s no way I’m playing this game with my younger kiddo. I think we’ll just focus on IGETC and try to enjoy the high school years.

I think you are absolutely right. I think on this board everybody likes to talk about how homeschooling doesn't hurt kids, but it does in some places. 

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It’s always ironic to me how we continually hear about the shortage of computer scientists in the US and the need for companies to be able to freely hire from around the world, but at the same time lots of excellent students are being turned away from public university computer science programs. And it’s not just in CA in my experience.

I hope everyone still waiting hears good news soon and that all your children have at least one acceptance they are very excited about.

Edited by Frances
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59 minutes ago, Roadrunner said:

I think you are absolutely right. I think on this board everybody likes to talk about how homeschooling doesn't hurt kids, but it does in some places. 

CA is its own world.  Homeschooling has never hurt any of my kids' applications (in the SE and midwest, plus Fordham, URochester).  

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37 minutes ago, 8filltheheart said:

CA is its own world.  Homeschooling has never hurt any of my kids' applications (in the SE and midwest, plus Fordham, URochester).  

I haven’t shared my DS’s results yet, they’re great but for completion I want to wait for the last ones. As tempted as I am to say “all’s well that ends well”,  even with his great results, there is no doubt in my mind  with selective schools and selective programs, and unless you are in a particular category, there is a homeschooling burden/drag that occurs.  Absolutely. I wish people were more open about this, though to be honest if someone had told me I would not have believed them. 

I am not interested in follow up posts that say “not for my kids!, because I can say “not for mine either” as he’s been admitted to programs with single digit acceptance rates.  It’s still the case homeschool stigma, unless you’re in a particular category, absolutely exists. 

Edited by madteaparty
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26 minutes ago, madteaparty said:

I haven’t shared my DS’s results yet, they’re great but for completion I want to wait for the last ones. As tempted as I am to say “all’s well that ends well”,  even with his great results, there is no doubt in my mind  with selective schools and selective programs, and unless you are in a particular category, there is a homeschooling burden/drag that occurs.  Absolutely. I wish people were more open about this, though to be honest if someone had told me I would not have believed them. 

I am not interested in follow up posts that say “not for my kids!, because I can say “not for mine either” as he’s been admitted to programs with single digit acceptance rates.  It’s still the case homeschool stigma, unless you’re in a particular category, absolutely exists. 

Selective schools are another entire category. But in terms of state schools, homeschooling being a drag is less true in general. Highly competitive publics fall into that other category. But your avg public U in plenty of states is not simply rejecting applicants bc they homeschool. 

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4 minutes ago, 8filltheheart said:

Selective schools are another entire category. But in terms of state schools, homeschooling being a drag is less true in general. Highly competitive publics fall into that other category. But your avg public U in plenty of states is not simply rejecting applicants bc they homeschool. 

By definition this is obviously true. The discussion started with UC.  

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