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Low Carb Breakfast Ideas


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I've never been one to be on any certain diet or anything, but I have noticed the morning I eat eggs, I have more energy, make better food choices the rest of the day, feel fuller, all that good stuff, even affects my mood.  Carbs don't bother me the rest of the day, but my body does not like carbs for breakfast.  So, I've been eating a lot of eggs lately.  What easy low carb breakfast ideas do you all have?  Thank you.

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I make 2 pans of Instant Pot egg bites every weekend. A pan is 7 egg bites. I eat 2 per day for breakfast. 

A little carbier, but still within reason, are these hash brown cups. I used to eat these every morning, but the egg bite pans are easier to clean than my ancient muffin tins. https://emilybites.com/2011/10/sausage-egg-cheese-hash-brown-cups.html

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I just do eggs, lol.I prep chopped onions and peppers and keep those on hand, and keep some cherry tomatoes on hand. Then I sautee a handful of peppers/onions, when almost done I add in a few tomatoes sliced in half. Then plate that and cook the eggs in the hot pan. 

Or I do spinach instead, and cook the spinach quick after making the eggs. 

I do sometimes add some diced roasted potato or sweet potato - again I cut and roast ahead of time and then just toss into the pan to warm towards the end. A little carbs and I do fine, but yeah, same with me as far as better putting carbs towards later in the day. 

But spinach and roasted sweet potatoes with maybe a sprinkle of goat cheese  = yum! 

Or add some mexican seasoning to the peppers/onions/tomatoes - that's yummy too 

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I mostly stick with eggs and veggies. A couple days a week I add in bacon or sausage. Some leftovers - taco filling, fajitas, cheeseburgers, ham, salmon - go great with eggs.

I can have some carbs, but do better without gluten, so sometimes I add white potatoes - as Katie said, already cooked-to my skillet. 

I add avocado to up the fat and add coconut oil to my coffee for the same reason. 

On days when I need a change, I make a coconut cream based smoothie or have plain, full fat Greek yogurt with some fruit. Occasionally pb for b’fast too. 

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I've been eating a salami sandwich for breakfast for the past few days! I can't just eat oatmeal or toast because I have a sugar crash an hour later. Even peanut butter toast isn't enough. Something about the ratios in a a sandwich are perfect.

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1 hour ago, Kanin said:

I've been eating a salami sandwich for breakfast for the past few days! I can't just eat oatmeal or toast because I have a sugar crash an hour later. Even peanut butter toast isn't enough. Something about the ratios in a a sandwich are perfect.

how funny - I also find a salami sandwich to be one of the more carb rich things that actually satisfies and doesn't leave me hungry later. Not the same for some other deli meats - it is specifically salami. 

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I eat eggs in different forms most days.  Yesterday I had some tomatillo salsa and did a quick riff on shakshuka by heating some salsa in a pan, breaking an egg into it, sprinkling it with a little cheese, then covering it and simmering till the egg was done. It was so good.

If I have fresh pico de gallo, I'll scramble some eggs with that and cheese.  

Some greens (I like arugula best) lightly sauteed in a little olive oil is great underneath a fried egg. A drop or two of sherry vinegar makes it really good. A sprinkling of feta makes it even better.

I do a lot of egg scrambles too, with leftover meats, vegetables and cheese. You can see that other than eggs, cheese is a constant for me. 

I try to keep hard boiled eggs around too, for when I'm in a hurry. 

My mom used to give us homemade chicken or vegetable beef soup for breakfast on cold winter days. I'll still eat that occasionally. 

Not completely low carb, but I also  like yogurt with muesli. For me muesli is just whole grains with nuts; I don't add fruit. Bob's Red Mill used to carry a 5-grain rolled cereal that was perfect for this, but I haven't seen that in a while. Some cooked and cooled farro is good in  yogurt too. 

Edited by marbel
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As others have said, mostly eggs.  About once a week I toss veggie odds and ends into a frittata and eat that for the next 3-4 days.  I also freeze pieces of frittata to pull out on hectic mornings.

When I’m in the mood I make salmon patties from canned salmon and eat that with a salad in the morning.  Not breakfast-y but it works for me. I always make double and freeze some.

These pancakes are delicious with nut butter and a few slices of banana.  I especially love them with Trader Joe’s Mixed Nut Butter, which I don’t share with my children.  https://balancedbites.com/content/paleo-pumpkin-pancakes-from-practical-paleo/

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New to low-carb/keto and we really like this for breakfast:

Line muffin tin wells with bulk sausage (1# for 12 wells). Beat together 6 eggs and some cream (1/4c?); season with salt and pepper or other seasoning. Pour into sausage cups. Top with shredded cheese (~1Tbsp/well). Bake at 350F for 20-30 minutes (until sausage is cooked and eggs are set; they will puff up and brown lightly).

These can be made ahead and reheated.

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20 hours ago, Gobblygook said:

Have you tried chaffles? They’re just waffles made with egg & cheese, with optional add-ins. I just recently discovered them. There are tons of recipes all over the Internet. They’re kind of like an omelet in the form of a waffle. 

I have not tried them.  Thanks!


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18 hours ago, ktgrok said:

how funny - I also find a salami sandwich to be one of the more carb rich things that actually satisfies and doesn't leave me hungry later. Not the same for some other deli meats - it is specifically salami. 

Salami sandwich is about the only sandwich that satisfies me as well.

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20 hours ago, ktgrok said:

how funny - I also find a salami sandwich to be one of the more carb rich things that actually satisfies and doesn't leave me hungry later. Not the same for some other deli meats - it is specifically salami. 

Yay! Salami fans unite!

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Eggs--I don't really tire of them; when I was pregnant with my first, I started wanting them all the time, and it hasn't stopped (I could eat them every meal, lol!). I buy uncured bacon bits to sprinkle in with them sometimes. Decaf coffee (sometimes with cream) on the side. If I have leftover non-starchy veggies, sometimes I eat those too (especially leftover roasted brussels sprouts). 


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When I'm organised I make frittata ahead of time - usually with onion, spinach, tomatoe, mushrooms  I sometimes add bacon or leftover meat or chicken.  I sprinkle cheese on top.

When I'm not so organised I have Greek yoghurt with frozen berries and mixed seeds, Seed crackers with cheese, or keto bread and cheese or cold meat.


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Bacon and eggs here. Actually, now that I’m post menopausal, just 2 eggs is enough. Scrambled. With hot sauce (like tobasco sauce) and/or salsa. I go through spells when I do fancy things with eggs, but I’ve gotten lazy. Regular scrambled eggs is quick and easy. 


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