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Raise your hand if baking with young children drives you crazy

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I should have done a poll, but honestly I just need some "I hear ya' sista" comments from those like me. ;) :lol:


I do it anyways because it's good for them, but I. don't. enjoy. it.


Can I get an amen?




who is baking loads of sugar cookies today.......


You're a better woman than me, Jo! I just plain 'ole don't bake with mine.:001_huh: Nope, never, no way. I bake when they are in bed or sick on the couch.:tongue_smilie: I love them too much to start baking with them.:lol:

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OH! OH! MEEEE!! And I feel so bad about it, but it makes me feel like I'm herding cats!


:iagree: Herding cats. HA! I love it.


Seriously though, I thought I was the ONLY mom who feels this way. I do let them help, but good grief, it drives me batty. I even try really hard not to let them know they're making me crazy. But oh my, 3 and 5 year old boys are not the best 'helpers' in the kitchen.

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Yep, I hear ya. Baking with the kids is never fun for me. Maybe in a few years, when they're older, it'll become something to look forward to.


I never understood that whole "bake with your toddler" thing. All the mommy magazines and websites always listed baking in the top 5 most meaningful activities to do with your toddler. And I was all: what good can possibly come from letting preschoolers spend time with a bag of sugar, a heavy rolling pin, and a hot oven????


Isn't there some sort of city ordinance against that?

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:iagree: Baking/cooking both are STRESSFUL


But then again I am not a peaceful baker. I really just want to get in, get it done, and get out. I keep meaning to cook with my oldest but I just want to be done and having them help just DRAGS it out. Dh will cook with them more than I will because he has a bit more patience in the kitchen than I do. I DO NOT LIKE TO COOK.

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I never understood that whole "bake with your toddler" thing. All the mommy magazines and websites always listed baking in the top 5 most meaningful activities to do with your toddler.


I used to feel so *guilty* when I read this type of advice, because I didn't enjoy it, either! It just seemed like so much work, and I already had enough work going on. Oh, I'd let them sprinkle coloured sugar on cookies, but the whole mixing up the dough, spooning it onto the pan, etc..............I find it much easier now that they are a bit older to let them help, because they are actually HELPFUL now. And they still like it. I didn't damage them by not letting them bake with me when they were younger. They watched and asked questions and licked the bowl and being with me made them happy. I can actually see the day coming now when I can hand my oldest a muffin recipe and he could do it mostly by himself, if he follows my instructions. Whooohooooo!


EDIT: Of course, now that I think about it, I probably could have thought of a baking project as a messy craft project instead of a baking project in which I wanted good cookies. Because with messy craft projects, I don't care how they turn out and the kids had fun with those.....anyway, trying not to take the guilt back on.......

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It gets better as they get older. If you're a control freak like me and the kitchen is *your* space, then it may never be completely okay, but it does get better. My three youngest kids helped me get some things ready for Thanksgiving dinner. It was easier than having my mother-in-law in the kitchen. She is a great mother-in-law, but we have very different personalities and styles. Gosh, I'm getting stressed just remembering it.

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A dear old friend and her family stayed with us for a week years ago(her husband was up here on a business trip) and I will never forget her scolding the children(her 2 and my 4) in the kitchen, "This is a one-butt kitchen and mine's in it! Out!" We prefer to keep the little ones at their own play kitchen sets until they are really able to be more help than hinderance in the kitchen.

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Especially since mine like to stick their fingers into everything to taste it. And, since we have been reading history and they know all about kings and "official food tasters", they insist on "making sure it's not poison." Especially since they don't really understand that if it really was, they would die.


But....I do let them "help" anyways. I feel it's a motherly obligation. One good thing, my oldest ds 9, now LIKES to cook, and took on most of the Thankgiving duties this year. I only had to do the turkey, and the "putting this into the oven" kind of thing. This is a bonus play because I HATE, HATE, HATE cooking! (As I have said before, I would rather clean a toilet or change a diaper rather than cook!)


Good luck!

Hot Lava Mama

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Yep. It's good for them but definitely a zen exercise for me. "Breathe. Breathe. They'll remember these happy memories if I can just not yell at the broken eggs and spilled sugar. Breathe. Hold it together. Just a bit longer." LOL I'm really, really looking forward to my baking starting next week. Really. :o)

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You know, it really used to drive me completely crazy until I let go of the guilt of not letting them help me. Sometimes, I say "yes" and sometimes I say "no." So be it. And they don't necessarily get to help during the whole process, either.


Usually I let a maximum of 2 at a time help me & that helps.


Oh, and another way of letting one help out without being too helpful, is to let him or her hold the digital camera & take pictures of each stage of the baking process. My four year old really liked that.

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I actually love it.


But there are lots of activities that all you good moms out there seem to love doing with your kids that I HATE. So I completely sympathize.





I don't really like to "play" with my kids. Not into games, etc. I do love to cook with them though. I start with them when they are about 2 and keep going as long as they will come in the kitchen with me.

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I have one word for you... toppings!


I have finally given up on having my toddlers/ preschoolers help with baking. I let them do toppings. I will slap icing on almost anything so they can put on sprinkles, colored sugar, coconut, chopped nuts, etc. so they can "help". Just spread out a sheet, lay out the cookies and bowls of toppings, and let them have a blast. When they are done, I just shake the sheet out outside and pack up my newly decorated treats.


My older kids love to cook and bake and will help me or cook themselves, but I have found that my nerves can't handle kiddos younger than 6 or 7 "helping." I really wish I could do it, but I can't.

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Oh, Jo, I LOVE it.


There's nothing quite like repeating "You'll get to do the next cup of flour" or "You touched what? Go wash your hands" or "Don't hit your brother with the spatula" or "No, you may not taste it yet" or "I said you can't taste it! Get your finger out of your mouth and go wash your hands!" or "You're going to fall off the chair" or "Get off of the counter" or "No, you still may not taste it yet!" or "You've all had the same amount of turns" to give me the warm fuzzies.


Yeah, I LOVE it.



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I cannot stand it. I do like it now with my 8- and 9-year-olds, but please, never leave me in the kitchen with someone younger than 5. Fortunately, my husband likes it and always let them help when they were little.


I'm thinking that chickenpatty's digital camera idea is a great idea.

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A little help, recently discovered (three minutes ago), to keep my attitude in check: have a child camcorder the cookie cutting process!


Being recorded for all posterity made me keep a smile on my face! :D


We're having fun now...we're having fun now....we're having fun now....





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AMEN! I am glad to hear that others have this same issue. So many of my friends talk about how wonderful it is to bake with their kiddos, but I try to avoid it as much as possible! December is the exception, because we have all day to clean up the kitchen since we do not do academics.

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Can I offer some hope!!!??? My oldest three LOVE cooking. They can now cook breakfast (eggs, oatmeal, bacon, etc), lunch (tuna melts, homemade mac and cheese, etc), and dinner (spaghetti, hamburgers, etc). My older two can now bake our bread and any number of things in the kitchen!


But, my 2 yo does still drive me BATTY in the kitchen!!! All I have to do is see my older ones in the kitchen to remind me that it is, indeed, worth it!!!!



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I'm just sitting here chuckling aloud at the thought of sweet Miss Molly helping you bake those cookies. Precious little angel. I'm sure she was a doll and a big helper.









You would have loved it. She twirled around, dancing with the cookie cutters! She was giddy at the whole event. Then she organized Nathan into being the Daddy while she baked imaginary foods for him. He was only allowed to recline on the pillow and she served him. :001_huh: Um...I know she didn't get that from me. :D


And dadburnit Ria, if I don't hear your voice in my head ALL. THE. TIME. encouraging me to cook with my kids. I even see your son serving me his wonderful chocolate decadence for dessert. You've pushed me past my resistence many a day. :lol:



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And dadburnit Ria, if I don't hear your voice in my head ALL. THE. TIME. encouraging me to cook with my kids. I even see your son serving me his wonderful chocolate decadence for dessert. You've pushed me past my resistence many a day.


LOL. The reward is worth it, sweetie! I'm sitting here nibbling a chocolate cookie baked by Chef Paul (13). Yum. Keep at it. Someday they'll bake for you, not with you. Give Molly a kiss for me.



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Amen, sistah!


The first one didn't "graduate" from the house without being able to feed herself (and throw a dinner party), and I doubt the other three will, either, but baking with a 7, 4, and 4? I'd rather sit in the closet and pull my own teeth out.

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HOWEVER, now my two oldest kids are 13 and 11 and LOVE to bake. (Where they got that desire from I don't know. Maybe if they're always forbidden to stir the pot, they have a longing to be in there?) I've said as long as they can do it ALL themselves, AND they can clean up so that I don't know they were ever in there - they can cook ANY TIME they want (as long as it's outside normal cooking hours.) My daughter made cookies every day for like 2 weeks this summer when she was finally able to! They were delicious! Even her brothers were trying to bribe her to make more all the time! :)

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I should have done a poll, but honestly I just need some "I hear ya' sista" comments from those like me. ;) :lol:


I do it anyways because it's good for them, but I. don't. enjoy. it.


Can I get an amen?




who is baking loads of sugar cookies today.......


AMEN sista! :iagree:Not my fav. way to spend an afternoon.

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I am sorry but I can't stand it. I wish I enjoyed being in a kitchen and teaching my girls but I don't. It takes supreme effort to not snap.


Last year I went totally out of character and did an Advent study with my 2nd most hated thing, crafts and we baked something almost every day.

In one of the photos of us putting together the gingerbread houses, there is a beer by my hand. it was 10:00 in the morning.:lol:

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