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Is there any way (besides Botox) to stop eye twitching?


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My right lower lid has been involuntarily twitching for probably two weeks now. It’s very annoying! I saw some stuff on the web about caffeine, and I might cut out all caffeine if I can’t get this thing to quit but I really don’t ingest much caffeine anyway, so I don’t know if that will help. 

Any ideas? 

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10 minutes ago, ClemsonDana said:

Mine twitch during allergy flare ups, so benadryl helps.

That’s something I didn’t think of. This might help. I do have other allergies at the moment. 

I am allergic to wood fireplace ash, yet we have a fifteen-foot brick fireplace. 🙄

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You might try increasing your magnesium intake to see if it helps - deficiency is related to tics and twitches. Good food sources are beans, nuts, veggies, and molasses. I'm sure Google can tell you specifics. Epsom salt baths can help increase magnesium levels, too. Alcohol, calcium, and caffeine can negatively affect magnesium levels.  Whole grains can also be a problem, since they have phytates which can interfere with absorption of magnesium and other minerals. 


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I get this when I am stressed or getting way too little sleep, but probably the number one culprit for me is (tragically!) too much caffeine. My meds affect the metabolism of caffeine, so it stays in my body much longer and at much higher levels than it does for most people. This article lists medications which affect the metabolism of caffeine (it's the second table in the article, not the first). 

Agreeing with klmama that magnesium should help. Natural Calm is a good brand.

It's so annoying, I know! 

Edited by MercyA
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5 hours ago, Quill said:

My right lower lid has been involuntarily twitching for probably two weeks now. It’s very annoying! I saw some stuff on the web about caffeine, and I might cut out all caffeine if I can’t get this thing to quit but I really don’t ingest much caffeine anyway, so I don’t know if that will help. 

Any ideas? 

Insane levels of methylcobalamin might help!

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Potassium. I take a supplement that is about the amount in a banana every day. Sometimes 2. If I miss and have to catch up, sometimes 3. It's not generally recommended because too much or too little potassium can do bad things to your heart, but food-sized doses are probably fine.

Why not just eat potassium-rich foods? If that works, it works. It does not work for me no matter how many potatoes, bananas, kiwis, or lima beans I eat, but a supplement fixes it like magic.

Especially if you tend to drink things that are naturally diuretic, you could be low on potassium. 

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Hmmm. I’ll put bananas on my list tommorow. 

I have some Natural Calm I’m going to take tonight before bed. 

It has been lessened today, so maybe my extra sleep is helping.

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The last one I had went on so long, I went to the optometrist. He said their latest thing to try was drinking tonic water. It contains quinine, which they gave to malaria patients for help with muscle spasms. I bought a 12 pack and drank one a night with dinner. The twitch did go away. Can't say whether it was the tonic water, but it didn't hurt. Might have tasted better with a little gin.

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I think the twitching has gone away. It hasn’t twitched today. I did take magnesium yesterday, but I think getting to sleep later yesterday and today was really the key. But thanks, everyone, for the suggestions! 

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