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About that crying thing...I was just in a car accident...


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It's snowing here, and we have 4 inches on the ground. Roads are slick. I was on my way to a dentist appt at 7:30. A kid came down a hill, slid through the stop sign and hit the rear passenger door of my car. The car spun around 180 degrees. I got out, told the kid and his dad (dad had decided to let kid drive to school so he could experience driving in snow...yeah...go figure) that I was okay, and then - you guessed it - started to cry. The damage to my car is fairly minimal, but still. I'm freaked out. I was scared.


Now my neck and head hurt. I told the police officer I didn't want to go to the ER; he said it sounded like whiplash. I just talked to my doc and am going in to see him later today when the roads clear up.


I am not happy.

I do not feel good.

I am upset.



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It's snowing here, and we have 4 inches on the ground. Roads are slick. I was on my way to a dentist appt at 7:30. A kid came down a hill, slid through the stop sign and hit the rear passenger door of my car. The car spun around 180 degrees. I got out, told the kid and his dad (dad had decided to let kid drive to school so he could experience driving in snow...yeah...go figure) that I was okay, and then - you guessed it - started to cry. The damage to my car is fairly minimal, but still. I'm freaked out. I was scared.


Now my neck and head hurt. I told the police officer I didn't want to go to the ER; he said it sounded like whiplash. I just talked to my doc and am going in to see him later today when the roads clear up.


I am not happy.

I do not feel good.

I am upset.





How scary! I think the crying would be expected after that.


Hope you feel better!

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It's snowing here, and we have 4 inches on the ground. Roads are slick. I was on my way to a dentist appt at 7:30. A kid came down a hill, slid through the stop sign and hit the rear passenger door of my car. The car spun around 180 degrees. I got out, told the kid and his dad (dad had decided to let kid drive to school so he could experience driving in snow...yeah...go figure) that I was okay, and then - you guessed it - started to cry. The damage to my car is fairly minimal, but still. I'm freaked out. I was scared.


Now my neck and head hurt. I told the police officer I didn't want to go to the ER; he said it sounded like whiplash. I just talked to my doc and am going in to see him later today when the roads clear up.


I am not happy.

I do not feel good.

I am upset.




:grouphug:, my friend!

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I'd go get a doctor check just to confirm the whiplash for insurance reimbursement - whatever the cost of repairing your car is, soft-tissue damage gets you 2.5 times that amount as 'pain and suffering" from the other parties insurer. I had whiplash after we were hit head-on by a guy in a new car swerving to avoid a cat. We (hubby was driving) were in his folks old massive station wagon. Neither car was salvageable afterwards - but all that we had was a cracked rib (hubby) and my whiplash.

Check with your insurance/lawyer - I just play one on tv, and what I typed above is based on our experience 18 years ago. Hope your neck feels better soon!

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My neck, shoulders, and head hurt a bit, though. I called my doctor and I have an appt. to see him at 4 today.




It might not really be "whiplash" - I bounced our van off a truck and planted it in a field a few weeks back and I was quite afraid that I'd wind up with that (afraid because we're moving and quite frankly I did not have time to be sore!) but although I was sore for a few days, it wore off...it was more like the same kinda soreness that I often get after spending the day riding stuff at the carnival...stiff, sore, owwww....then gone. Hopefully yours will be too - in the meantime, a hot bath and some...oh what's that stuff called...roba-something...it's for sore muscles...robacet? robacset? something like that! ..works really well. Glad you are (relatively) okay! :)

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I am so sorry Ria. Crying is normal, I would have cried too.


Can I rant for a moment on the Dad who decided to let his son experience driving in the snow on his way to school! That is the craziest time of day in our little neighborhood. It's dark, everyone is in a hurry..and yes, we have a hill on the way to school too..it was my worst nightare that one of my kids would miss the stop sign at the bottom of the hill.

Ugh.. my kids all figured out a different way to school and avoided that hill..

But that Dad...practice in the school parking lot SAturday afternoon! Not at the busiest time of day around a high school!

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I am so sorry Ria. Crying is normal, I would have cried too.


Can I rant for a moment on the Dad who decided to let his son experience driving in the snow on his way to school! That is the craziest time of day in our little neighborhood. It's dark, everyone is in a hurry..and yes, we have a hill on the way to school too..it was my worst nightare that one of my kids would miss the stop sign at the bottom of the hill.

Ugh.. my kids all figured out a different way to school and avoided that hill..

But that Dad...practice in the school parking lot SAturday afternoon! Not at the busiest time of day around a high school!


Yes, I was somewhat dumbfounded. The poor kid looked like he was going to be sick. Then, to make it worse, the dad called the mom and said in a nasty and disgusted voice, "You'll NEVER believe what N. just did!" and proceeded to belittle his son on the phone. It was awful. The poor kid should not have been behind the wheel in the first place...it was the dad's idea. And then the dad starting going on to the son about what this was going to do to their insurance rates. Poor kid. I smiled at him and told him that I understood that accidents happen and that the hill was slippery. It's not as if he was reckless...he was just inexperienced.



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It's not as if he was reckless...he was just inexperienced.




Exactly! Yes, their insurance rates will go up and no, it's not the kid's fault. Let's all pray for you today that you feel better soon and then send up some more prayers for that son. It might take him a lot longer to get over this accident. Our youngest totaled his Dad's car (not his fault, it truly was just a wierd situation) and it did make him a better driver over all, but he remains skittish at times.

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Oh, my goodness, Ria, I would have been a blubbering mess. I'm so sorry - I missed this yesterday but i'm so glad you're OK!


That dad sounds like my dad. "Here, let's make the kids drive in lots of stressful situations for fun, and then yell at them when they mess up. That should build their driving confidence." Gah. Poor kid.

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