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Please pray for dd's prom date!

dirty ethel rackham

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Dd was asked to prom a couple of weeks ago by a boy in her AP Lit class at the high school.  He is a friend of a friend..  Prom is tonight and he had not been answering texts about finalizing plans for pictures or who was driving.  She just got a text that his mom attempted suicide today and is at the hospital.  Please pray for this young man, his mother, and his family.  I have never even met him and I just want to give him a hug.  My heart just breaks for him.

Dd doesn't really know the people they were supposed to be going with to get pictures and stuff beforehand.  He is insisting that she go since she paid for her ticket already  So, she is asking some friends if she can hang out with them, even if she is not at their table at dinner.  

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And please pray for dd.  Now she is not wanting to go.  The only reason why she would go is because she already spent the money on the ticket and her dress (which was a bargain.)  She has friends, but they are all part of friend groups that she is not a part of.  Most of the people she was really close to graduated last year.  She hardly knows the people they were going to take pictures with.  

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I'm so sorry.  This touched my heart and I'll be praying for prom date, his mother, and your dd too.  I'm glad that his mother's attempt was not successful.

Perhaps you and your dd can do something special tonight?

ETA:  I realize that last line maybe sounded like it was discounting the seriousness and sadness of the entire situation, as though you can just go out and have fun and forget the whole thing!  Obviously the situation is heartbreaking.  I was more thinking that you could do something to help her keep her mind of off things -- dinner out?  A movie?  Maybe dropping her off at the hospital for awhile with some food for her date, if it's appropriate?  

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Thank you all for your prayers.  A couple of the kids in the group that was meeting to take pictures implored her to meet them and they would give her a ride.  So, with 30 minutes before they were meeting, I finished dd's hair and she got ready to go.  Here are pictures (pose inspired by SquirrellyMama's dd.)  Sun's out, Guns out!  20180428_174705-1.thumb.jpg.1fee7075f0567a5514b37b3722aa6515.jpg20180428_174652-1.thumb.jpg.653e5b91760edc153cf22ca12c6708ba.jpg

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Dd talked to her date today.  His mom had gone off her medication and spiraled downward very quickly.  They are adjusting her meds and he seemed more upbeat today.  It is a weird situation for dd because she wasn't super close with him, yet he shared this very personal info with her (probably because "family emergency" sounded too lame for ditching your prom date), but he didn't share it with his other friends.  I told her to let him know that our county's NAMI has lots of resources that my help his family.  

Thank you for all your prayers.  This young man likely has a tough road ahead.  

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