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Medicine bottles

Night Elf

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The three of us who reside here daily have daily meds. I keep all of mine in a tin box in a drawer. I fill a weekly pill box with everything I need, one for A.M. and one for P.M. Then I keep those pill boxes on the kitchen window sill. 


But ds and dh just have their bottles on the counter. We look like a pharmacy! I bought a pill box for ds but he only puts one pill in it. He likes to use the bottle for the other meds. Maybe because he takes them at different times. I have two boxes though, so I don't see why he can't have them either. And DH takes one prescription and one multi-vitamin. He could certainly benefit from a pill box.


How do you store your medications and how do you dole them out? We have one cabinet that has a lazy susan in it for OTC medications like Tylenol, cough syrup, etc. I don't have another cabinet I can put all these bottles in. I have a drawer where I keep my tin box. I also keep the dog meds in a box in there. And we keep extra bottles of things in the last part of the drawer. I don't want to just dump them in there, if I can even find a way for the guys to take their meds without having to open prescription bottles each time. Suggestions?

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The three of us who reside here daily have daily meds. I keep all of mine in a tin box in a drawer. I fill a weekly pill box with everything I need, one for A.M. and one for P.M. Then I keep those pill boxes on the kitchen window sill. 


But ds and dh just have their bottles on the counter. We look like a pharmacy! I bought a pill box for ds but he only puts one pill in it. He likes to use the bottle for the other meds. Maybe because he takes them at different times. I have two boxes though, so I don't see why he can't have them either. And DH takes one prescription and one multi-vitamin. He could certainly benefit from a pill box.


How do you store your medications and how do you dole them out? We have one cabinet that has a lazy susan in it for OTC medications like Tylenol, cough syrup, etc. I don't have another cabinet I can put all these bottles in. I have a drawer where I keep my tin box. I also keep the dog meds in a box in there. And we keep extra bottles of things in the last part of the drawer. I don't want to just dump them in there, if I can even find a way for the guys to take their meds without having to open prescription bottles each time. Suggestions?

If they don't want to use a pill tray, I wouldn't worry about it.  Opening a couple pill bottles a day is nothing and doesn't require any more real effort, than making a pill tray and then opening the tray every day. 



We have copious amounts of meds due to prescriptions, OTC and vitamins (costco size). We have a small cupboard that week keep most of it in. All of our cough/cold etc items are in there too. 


DD10 takes the most on a day to day basis. I store her RX bottles in a zipper bag and then once a week I put them in a pill tray.  The pill tray helps us to know if she has had her meds or not.  So, while it is nice to not have figure out which meds/qty for each time of day, it is also more safe for her.


DD18 uses a pill tray when she is taking rx meds, but not if she is only taking vitamins.  She likes to be able to keep track of whether or not she took her meds and a pill tray makes that easy. 


DH keeps his vitamins in a plastic container in the cupboard with no lid.  That way he just reaches in and takes them. He varies his meds fairly often, so he just takes them out of the bottle. He doesn't mind opening the bottles. 


DS uses his rx bottles and keeps them on his desk. 

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We just keep our pills in the bottles, in a bin on a small table in the kitchen.  Everyone just takes their pills out as needed.  I take the most, so every morning I put them in a little cup and take them throughout the day.    It's no big deal.  When we have company, I take the whole "pill bin" into my bedroom so no one sees it (and kids can't get at it).


Are people in your house forgetting to take their pills?   Or are you just concerned with the clutter?   


ETA: Re: pill boxes - I had one once, I found it tedious to fill it in for the week. Much easier for me to just take my pills out of the bottle as needed.  So when you say someone "could certainly benefit from a pill box," well, maybe they can't because they find it inconvenient.  

Edited by marbel
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I keep all our meds in a decorative basket on my vanity cabinet of my master bathroom.


Pill trays sound like a PITA extra step I don't need.


I thought pill trays were just for people who have lots of medications they struggle to keep track of? I never thought it was for appearances sake. But then again, I wouldn't ever just leave medication laying about anyways. Because kids.

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I don't have small kids so I'm not worried about that. The reason I'm bothered is because I have about 7 bottles of prescription meds and supplements sitting on my kitchen counter. They take up a lot of room and look bad. The couple of times I've had a family get together I just take them all and throw them into my drawer but after they're gone, we have to go through the drawer and pull out everything so the guys know where their pills are. I just don't think it looks good to have prescription bottles sitting on my kitchen counter. I don't want them sitting on the sink counter in a bathroom either. I just need an extra cabinet I suppose. Then I bet the guys complain because the bottles aren't at easy access anymore. 


And yes, it takes a few minutes every Sunday night for me to fill my two pill cases but it's not that much more time than I'd have to take to open every bottle I need every morning and every night. It's not an extra step. It's a time saver. It's also an easy way for me to tell when I've forgotten to take my medication, and yes I do have reminders on my phone. 

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I use a pill box.  I keep my medicines in a short tub in a linen closet that we have repurposed two shelves for medical needs.  I keep extras of medicines, over the counter medicines, and medical devices there too.  Also I have an area where I keep expired medications until I deliver them to the sheriff's office where they have a medicine collection large container and then dispose of them in a proper way.

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I take a few pills daily. One is iron, which is giant and smelly and tastes awful even as I choke it down. When I tried using a pill box, it "contaminated" my other pills and made them all smell and taste like the iron pills. When I used to take a multi-vitamin I noticed the same effect, but less strong so I just dealt with it. But with iron there's no dealing with it other than to eliminate the pill box and take all meds straight from their prescribed containers!


I do leave my prescribed containers out on the counter. And it is unattractive, and clutters the counter. I tried moving them to a cabinet, but I'm an "out of sight, out of mind" person and that only led to me not taking the meds. I'm also not sure what it is, but there's something cathartic about opening and closing that bottle. It's just how my brain is wired, like the act of dispensing it from its own bottle "counts" in my head as me remembering to take it. Whereas a pill box technically works the same way, but then my brain gets muddled: "Did I take all of them? Did I remember to fill them all correctly??" It seems senseless to some, but a pill box makes me question everything. LOL


Would a bread box work? They're kind of bulky, so that aspect isn't met ... but it would effectively "hide" the bottles while still leaving them out, convenient, and in a flat container (as opposed to drawer or basket to rifle through).


Or perhaps a kids' insulated lunch bag ... it could be on the counter until it's in your way, then it's easily slung over a chair or door knob ... even a wall hook that's meant just for it. It could be left open for their convenience, but closed and also put up for yours?

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We have a one of those metal utility shelving units in our dining room that serves as a pantry. On the top shelf is medicine (all sorts) and my pills. Some items are in their own plastic container like the Nose Frida. I ordered a pill container that is on the way so that when I leave the house I can store one in my purse in that if I'll be out in the evening when I'm supposed to take it. I just take one. I probably should get a bill box for inside the house with all the days of the week. I keep them way up there because our toddler can get on a chair or step stool and still reach many of the shelves.

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I have a lot of meds and supplements. I use a kitchen cabinet with a little plastic set of shelves designed for spices. Like this https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0036OQU4C/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1504476744&sr=8-4&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=spice+shelves&dpPl=1&dpID=41PN87M5FvL&ref=plSrch

Edited by wapiti
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If the important thing is getting the pills off the counter, why not tell your husband and son that they need to find a new place for their meds? Let each person do what works, within your requirement that pill bottles be kept off the counter. I get that you don't like the current setup but let them find their own way to deal with it.

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My girls have a lot of meds here....lots.


I have a plastic basket that looks like a very mini laundry basket where I keep their meds. I use a sharpie to write their initial on each bottle as well as name of med and if room when it is taken.


Then once a week I get the basket out and sort their meds into AM and PM med containers. Each morning I set out AM and put it away after they take them and then after supper I do PM And put those away when they head to bed.


When we were active foster parents the meds all had to be locked up so we had a chain and number dial lock on the cabinet.

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I like the basket idea. 


I'm doing this because they don't really care. They're used to where the bottles are, but if I moved them they'd get use to it. They're both big boys. I just want to make it easy. I'm not trying to complicate their lives. I'm working on cleaning my kitchen, getting everything off the counters if possible. It's not easy. It's a hot spot and all kinds of junk collect on one big part of it. I can't use that space when preparing food and that bugs me. My kitchen isn't large.

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I keep everything in a locked cabinet next to the stove. Everything. Prescriptions, vitamins, first aid, OTC. Locked because we have to with extra kids.


The nebulizer stuff is in the cabinet over the fridge. That stuff moves the regular cabinet next month for one of our extras.


Mine only take night meds now. At 6:30, I put all their pills in one section of a dollar store pill organizer (they're like little cups that screw together), and put non pills right next to it. They take meds at 6:45 (ds) and 7:00 (dd).


If you have a large pantry or other available door, you can get a plastic shoe organizer and store everything there. This is what we did before extra kids.

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Dh and I both keep the bottles in the medicine cabinet in our bathroom. We each have our own weekly pill box that we keep on the bathroom counter (each on "our side" of the counter). I have one that needs refrigeration and because it's not in my pill dispenser I often forget to take it (it's not critical if I forget but it would be better if I remembered).


Ds keeps his in the bottles they came in and on his bedside table. He takes his ADHD meds as soon as he wakes up and his other meds at night before bed. 


We keep OTC medicines (e.g. pain relievers and allergy medicine) in a hall closet.


We're going to have our 5 and 3 year old grandsons here Thurs. - Sun. while their parents go to a no-kid wedding out of town. Obviously we'll be putting all medicines away for the time they're here.

Edited by Lady Florida.
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I like the basket idea.


I'm doing this because they don't really care. They're used to where the bottles are, but if I moved them they'd get use to it. They're both big boys. I just want to make it easy. I'm not trying to complicate their lives. I'm working on cleaning my kitchen, getting everything off the counters if possible. It's not easy. It's a hot spot and all kinds of junk collect on one big part of it. I can't use that space when preparing food and that bugs me. My kitchen isn't large.

I can relate to this - stuff on the kitchen counter really bugs me. My nemesis is charging cords - dh charges 2 watches, his phone and iPad on the kitchen counter. Usually they are only charging at night, but the cords are always around. Ugh.

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We have pill bottles in the cupboard right by the glasses. I don't like bottles in the counter, but I also want them to be readily available if needed. We have only older kids and this works for the most part. If we had younger cousins visiting I might put the daily meds in the harder to reach and open medicine box.


So, they are tucked away, but not hidden. Any time anyone needs to get a glass out, they see the pills. Easy peasy.

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I can relate to this - stuff on the kitchen counter really bugs me. My nemesis is charging cords - dh charges 2 watches, his phone and iPad on the kitchen counter. Usually they are only charging at night, but the cords are always around. Ugh.


I have a junk drawer right under that part of the counter where all the charging cords are. I'm thinking of hiding them away. You can find what you need when you need it. Why do they need to be sitting out all the time?


I'd suggest I need a bigger kitchen but then I'm sure we'd develop even more clutter! Right now our dining room table is crazy cluttered. We still sit there to eat but we move stuff to the middle of the table to carve out one small area for a plate.

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I don't have small kids so I'm not worried about that. The reason I'm bothered is because I have about 7 bottles of prescription meds and supplements sitting on my kitchen counter. They take up a lot of room and look bad. The couple of times I've had a family get together I just take them all and throw them into my drawer but after they're gone, we have to go through the drawer and pull out everything so the guys know where their pills are. I just don't think it looks good to have prescription bottles sitting on my kitchen counter. I don't want them sitting on the sink counter in a bathroom either. I just need an extra cabinet I suppose. Then I bet the guys complain because the bottles aren't at easy access anymore.


And yes, it takes a few minutes every Sunday night for me to fill my two pill cases but it's not that much more time than I'd have to take to open every bottle I need every morning and every night. It's not an extra step. It's a time saver. It's also an easy way for me to tell when I've forgotten to take my medication, and yes I do have reminders on my phone.

Presuming it is not meth, why does it look bad? Sure it isn't decorative, but I don't get how a pill box looks any better than a pill bottle. Most people have their meds "out" in some convienent manner because out of sight tends to be out of mind and meds aren't taken as regularly as they should be when put away.


How about a basket on their nightstands? For that brief period between the youngest two kids when I didn't have little people to worry about, that worked well for us and it's still when my grown sons do. Roll over, grab eyeglasses, take meds. Reverse at bedtime.

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Put them in decorative canisters?


I have DS's medicines in a clementine crate on a kitchen shelf. I put DS's in a pill box. (We call it a "smitwitfus" at my house because DS tried to read it the first time he saw it.) If they're not missing doses, I wouldn't insist they change their ways. Just put them in something you don't mind seeing on your counter. DH and dd keep their pills in their bedrooms, but they're always toying a drink around.

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The bottom shelf of one of my kitchen cabinets holds all the daily meds and supplements for dh and the kids.

My kids use weekly pill boxes.

My dh takes multiple pills multiple times per day and to have that many jumbo pill boxes on my counter is unwieldy. Daily I put his meds together in little prep bowls and bring upstairs for him.

I take one med which I keep in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom since I take it when I brush my teeth when I get up.

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I don't have small kids so I'm not worried about that. The reason I'm bothered is because I have about 7 bottles of prescription meds and supplements sitting on my kitchen counter. They take up a lot of room and look bad. The couple of times I've had a family get together I just take them all and throw them into my drawer but after they're gone, we have to go through the drawer and pull out everything so the guys know where their pills are. I just don't think it looks good to have prescription bottles sitting on my kitchen counter. I don't want them sitting on the sink counter in a bathroom either. I just need an extra cabinet I suppose. Then I bet the guys complain because the bottles aren't at easy access anymore. 


And yes, it takes a few minutes every Sunday night for me to fill my two pill cases but it's not that much more time than I'd have to take to open every bottle I need every morning and every night. It's not an extra step. It's a time saver. It's also an easy way for me to tell when I've forgotten to take my medication, and yes I do have reminders on my phone. 


The "Easy way to tell if you have missed a pill" is why we use pill boxes around here.

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I keep my one medication by my desk, the other in my purse. My supplements I have in a box on a shelf next to my desk. My father-in-law keeps his meds on a shelf in a kitchen cabinet. He keeps his diabetes gear on the dining room table with his supplements, and his injections in the fridge cold cut drawer. My mother-in-law keeps her meds in a cabinet in the dining room, on the dining room table, on the kitchen counter, in a ziploc bag on the sideboard in the dining room, in the upstairs bathroom, in her bedroom...  :huh: My son's meds are in his room in a ziploc, and every month I put them into a big pill box. One pill has to be cut into 5 pcs and gets taken every other day, another pill gets cut in half and he takes 1 1/2 every day. He doesn't have the manual dexterity to do this, so I fill it up and he takes them every night. My husband takes nothing beyond the occasional Advil. :hurray: My in-laws make it feel like we are running a pharmacy/nursing home/first aid station, lol. It's not just the meds - it's bandages, a blood pressure monitor, testing gear, alcohol wipes, peroxide, braces, nebulizers and meds to go with it, etc. I get a basket to put by their seats, it gets filled and put in a corner and another basket takes it's place... Right now there is one basket on the table, one in the corner, one in a closet and one on the front porch.  :confused1:

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