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Found it! The tackiest house is for sale


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She said "Ewok Village!" I'm dying.


I was thinking New Money Hobbit.

Yep, this is totally how the Sackville Bagginses were planning to pimp out Bag End!



Well, that was all really extra.


Dd was fascinated by the lack of doors, while I was stuck on all the hard surfaces.  Doesn't it look like it would be a LOUD place to live, with nothing to block the sound?  I kept thinking about dog toenails clicking all the way through the house.



Guys, re: noise, you are all forgetting that the owner's furniture and 1200 dragon-themed black velvet tapestries were removed.  The tapestries really help with the noise and warm the place up enormously...  

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Yep, this is totally how the Sackville Bagginses were planning to pimp out Bag End!



:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



DD14 said that looks like a house Jean-Ralphio or Dennis Feinstein would own. The truly hilarious thing, though, is that the median sales price of the surrounding neighborhood is $62K!!!

Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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It says the median house in the neighborhood is $159,000.  That is a far cry from $1.7M.


And the high school is very low rated.

What possessed someone to build that monstrosity in the middle of that area for that price floors me.

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I may have to duck and run for cover after saying this, but...I kind of like it. Not the furnishings or decor, but the house itself. To me, all the stone and curves have the charming geekiness of a ST-TNG set for an alien home. You know, the ones who are almost human except for a couple of latex ridges on their faces? 👽Aw, come one! Am I the only one who thinks it would be fun to live on a ST set? (Yeah, I know, Insert chirping crickets here, right?)


The 20 year old me would love this house. It's so over the top, like lottery winner on steroids over the top. You could a LOTR or sci-fi theme, add some warm paint tones, plants, disinfectant, and have a weird and wacky house. I'd be in the pool a lot anyway. I could have a bunch of houseguests and never know it unless they were in the pool too. 

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To heal ones eyes, the Great Gatsby mansion is also for sale. It also has decorative ceilings - that aren't scary.



To be honest, I liked New Money Hobbit better. Plus, it was only 1/10 of the price (not that either would fit into our budget). That said, the Great Gatsby would be much cheaper to fix up to make acceptable... I think new paint (something with color - that white kitchen is hideous!) and different furniture would vastly improve it. 

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It was owned by a former pimp who decided to get into construction after he left "the business". I'm not kidding!


Well okay. I was trying to imagine a family living there like it was a normal house, and the picture just wouldn't come to me. A pimp, I can see.


In pictures 34-36, is the ceiling... Stone...? Like, weird, protruding, white pebbles?


"This house needs some stone. No, some more. NO, MORE!!!"


I see someone already linked a video but when I read your post my first thought was, "More cowbell!"


So was that a hot tub in the middle of what I suppose is the living room, or was that a raised dance floor?


And I don't even want to know why each bedroom has multiple beds.


At first I thought it was a stage. Then I realized that's a hot tub cover. Though I wouldn't be surprised if there was a stage somewhere in that house.

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Well, based on the comments, I was actually expecting it to be worse than it looks.


It would be a great place to run & slide in socks... :lol:   (until you fell).


I hope there's no porous limestone under this house. If a sinkhole forms, this one will be a long way down because of the weight of the house itself. Seriously, how much does all that stone & marble weigh???

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One of my FB friends posted this today, and I was like "oh, that house!"

From the link -


"Jerry Hostetler, beaming, January 2001. He lived alone in the giant house, with only his cat for company." 


Didn't someone upthread mention one of the areas being a cat's paradise?  :lol: 



ETA: Also, ew. The pool doesn't look so beautiful in those photos.

Edited by Lady Florida.
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The article also says it smells of mold and mildew - to the extent the neighbors were complaining about it, and that it would probably need to be torn down. 


That article was originally written in 2013, so maybe someone came in and did some remediation? Or someone bought it cheap, cleaned it up, and is now reselling it? It looks like there was a sheriff's sale at some point, though it's really hard to tell because they seem to have updated the article several times, making the timeline unclear  :glare:


I didn't really register the staging the first time around (I was so mesmerized by the house itself!), but it is truly bizarre. 


Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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I can't imagine that house is up to code.  The lack of railings on the stairs and from the second floor to the giant hole where the stairs come up would tip  me off.  


I don't know how it works in the US, but in the UK, building work is inspected for adherence to building code and then the inspectors go away.  It's not uncommon for a handrail or something to get taken down thereafter, although not normally on an enormous staircase like that...


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Ahoy mateys!



To heal ones eyes, the Great Gatsby mansion is also for sale. It also has decorative ceilings - that aren't scary.

That kitchen is too white! Like hurts my eyes too white. Otherwise, not too bad. Homey, though? How can a mansion be called homey with so many off limits to kids areas? 

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The article linked later on in the thread says the guy started with the modest little house he and his wife and daughter once lived in and started just started adding on and buying up neighbors' properties for extra space. So the original house was probably built in 1953, but the additions started in the 70s (IIRC).

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From the link -


"Jerry Hostetler, beaming, January 2001. He lived alone in the giant house, with only his cat for company." 


Didn't someone upthread mention one of the areas being a cat's paradise?  :lol: 



ETA: Also, ew. The pool doesn't look so beautiful in those photos.



Yikes. His name is Hostetler. That is a name I associate with my Amish heritage, not pimps.


The house looks so, so cold to me. 

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