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Does anyone not take drugs?


drugs poll  

285 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the following do you take more than once a month?

    • Caffeine (chocolate or tea or coke or coffee, etc.)
    • alcohol
    • nicotine
    • prescription pharma for brain issues (sleeping pills, depression meds, etc.)
    • OTC painkillers or sleeping aids (tylenol, benadryl, advil, etc.)
    • other drugs I'm not thinking of right now
    • natural mood changers - melatonin, 5-HTP, St John's Wort, etc.
    • None! I don't take any of it!
    • (added) prescriptions for long-term physical things like blood pressure
    • hormones (not sure how this works or how to word it)

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I thought I would leave out illegal drugs as I just can't see too many homeschooling moms as meth addicts. Speed-with-redbull would go under caffeine, though.

Point of fact, speed is an amphetamine 🤣

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Vitamins are indeed mind changing, but not in the same manner as say, opiods. Take a look at the vitamin B family and the research on dementia.



Exercise is also mind changing.


I take methylB12 and avoid grains enriched with folic acid....don't have the genetics to get enough of the B12 from diet, or to process the folic acid. Its mind changing. Read Wheat Belly if you haven't already.

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I thought I would leave out illegal drugs as I just can't see too many homeschooling moms as meth addicts.

You would be surprised at how many homeschooling moms are illegal drug addicts. I've known hsing moms who have OD'ed and died from their addictions. It is surprising.

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I drink tea every morning (caffeine) and I take a daily baby aspirin (stroke prevention - I'm at high risk due to hemiplegic migraines). And I take a daily multivitamin.

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I am homozygous for a genetic mutation that leaves me susceptible to several things - and there is a history of them in my mother's family.

I take a rx for that as well as an OTC sup that supports an area in which I am affected by the genetic snp.


and I'm seriously cutting down on the chocolate.  I need to stay away from the sugar . . 

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You would be surprised at how many homeschooling moms are illegal drug addicts. I've known hsing moms who have OD'ed and died from their addictions. It is surprising.


To be fair, I don't get out much, and I don't know many homeschooling moms.  I guess it is in some ways a stressful job.

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I think some of this can also be age related.  I know some people draw the genetic short-straw and needs meds much younger.. But for me, when I was in my 20-30s I didn't take much other than an occasional pain med for headaches.  As I've aged I've developed sleep issues & Restless leg syndrom (natural supplements), seasonal allergies (OTC meds), weather related headaches/migraines (OTC), and Hashimotos (prescrip).  


I'd love it if I didn't have to do any of this but then I'd be pretty non-functional.


When my dh was hospitalized after a serious car accident about 5yrs ago the nurses were shocked he was not on any prescriptions.  He was in his 50s and slightly overweight.  He's since gone of synthroid but still, apparently it is somewhat uncommon for his age to just be on one prescription.  He's very thankful.  

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I don't like the question. Does anyone not take drugs implies illegal use to me. Not life saving medicine or supplements.


What exactly are you trying to learn?

I don't consider someone who takes an otc painkiller on occasion a drug user. Nor do I view a maintenance drug user or someone who takes herbal supplements or a multivitamin a person who uses drugs. I know they are but the connotation is different.


I would consider myself someone who doesn't take drugs yet I have been on a maintenance drug since I was 15.

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My mom says when she goes to the doctor (which she does as rarely as possible - she once walked around with a broken arm for a week before we insisted she go) they are always surprised by how few prescriptions she takes (zero), given her age.  she does smoke, drink caffeine, occasionally beer/wine, take nicotine tablets at work, and take OTC painkillers fairly regularly, though.

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I don't like the question. Does anyone not take drugs implies illegal use to me. Not life saving medicine or supplements.


What exactly are you trying to learn?

I don't consider someone who takes an otc painkiller on occasion a drug user. Nor do I view a maintenance drug user or someone who takes herbal supplements or a multivitamin a person who uses drugs. I know they are but the connotation is different.


I would consider myself someone who doesn't take drugs yet I have been on a maintenance drug since I was 15.


I would add that I don't consider someone who uses herbal/nutritional supplements instead of OTC meds or prescriptions to be more noble.   I use both depending on the need.  I feel like there's some kind of unconscience or conscience bias in that direction in the OP... but I could be reading more than is there.  It would be nice to learn more about the OP motivation for the question.


edited for clarification (not sure if I succeeded) 

Edited by PrincessMommy
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My mom says when she goes to the doctor (which she does as rarely as possible - she once walked around with a broken arm for a week before we insisted she go) they are always surprised by how few prescriptions she takes (zero), given her age.  she does smoke, drink caffeine, occasionally beer/wine, take nicotine tablets at work, and take OTC painkillers fairly regularly, though.


Yes, at 60 I have seen the surprise that I don't have prescriptions for blood pressure, statins, etc. Still just on caffeine and ibuprofen.

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I didn't mean it pejoratively, I was just curious as I realized how ubiquitous it is.  I don't think I used the term "drug user," and if I did it would be merely descriptive - one who takes or uses drugs.  I did make an exception for occasional OTC painkiller use, but someone who takes them every day or twice a week or something is, well, taking drugs.


I am not even against marijuana use - I think it should be legalized.  So it's not a judgmental thing as much as a, wow, I just realized I don't know anyone who doesn't take drugs (whether legal, pharmaceutical, "natural", illegal, etc.) regularly thing.

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I'm not sure I know anyone who doesn't take drugs when caffeine and alcohol are on the list, lol. 


My mom did not need any prescription medication until her mid-70s, and then one pill for blood pressure. She drinks coffee like a fiend, though. 

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No, I don't take OTC supplements either, and I don't find them superior to manufactured pharmaceuticals (or either of the above superior to say marijuana) - I think it really depends on the situation and the person's needs.  I would have added it to the poll but it only had 10 spots, and I didn't think something like calcium supplements affected mood (I am really mostly interested in mood-changing drugs).

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Also, looking at the poll so far, I am surprised so few people use caffeine!  I thought I read that nationally something like 80% of people take it regularly.  I know we have probably more than the national average percentage of LDS people on this board, though.


29 out of 32 responses so far is pretty high.

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Caffeine, allergy pills and melatonin are what I do on a daily basis.  I now and then have a drink and take Aleve or Tylenol.  I have quit caffeine before a few times and as soon as I have one it is all over.  Without the allergy meds, I would continuously have sinus infections.

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I drink coffee every day and alcohol (usually wine) several times a week, aside from during pregnancy or a Whole 30. I think both in moderation can be part of an overall healthy lifestyle.


I was on prescription medication for postpartum hypertension for a while after my third was born. I'd really like to avoid needing that again until I'm much older. My 89-year-old grandmother is on one blood pressure medication (and a daily multivitamin) and her doctors are always astounded by how healthy she is.

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I don't like the question. Does anyone not take drugs implies illegal use to me. Not life saving medicine or supplements.


What exactly are you trying to learn?

I don't consider someone who takes an otc painkiller on occasion a drug user. Nor do I view a maintenance drug user or someone who takes herbal supplements or a multivitamin a person who uses drugs. I know they are but the connotation is different.


I would consider myself someone who doesn't take drugs yet I have been on a maintenance drug since I was 15.


^^^This^^^ It's an oddly worded question - take drugs and need medication are phrases with different meanings. For that reason I won't be answering.


ETA: Also drinking coffee and eating chocolate are not considered "taking drugs". 

Edited by Lady Florida.
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I don't eat chocolate, no.  I don't drink caffeine (as of 2 weeks ago - we'll see how long it lasts).  I quit because it is an addiction for me, and not a healthy one. I start off with a cup of tea a day and need more and more, become irritable, grind my teeth when I sleep, never feel all that awake, get anxious easily, etc.  Withdrawal is *terrible* - like, the world is ending terrible.  So I thought, A. I'm tired of all of the side effects and of spending all day drinking caffeine, and B. I don't want to go through the withdrawal every few weeks just to reset my system so I can not have 6 cups of coffee a day.


Sugar is so hard to figure out.

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I don't eat chocolate, no.  I don't drink caffeine (as of 2 weeks ago - we'll see how long it lasts).  I quit because it is an addiction for me, and not a healthy one. I start off with a cup of tea a day and need more and more, become irritable, grind my teeth when I sleep, never feel all that awake, get anxious easily, etc.  Withdrawal is *terrible* - like, the world is ending terrible.  So I thought, A. I'm tired of all of the side effects and of spending all day drinking caffeine, and B. I don't want to go through the withdrawal every few weeks just to reset my system so I can not have 6 cups of coffee a day.


Sugar is so hard to figure out.


Sugar has no nutritional value.  It's probably even way worse than coffee.  At least coffee is mostly water and we do have a use for water.


Coffee doesn't have that effect on me.  I can drink a pot and then sleep like a rock.  I don't drink so much anymore though (GERD). 

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^^^This^^^ It's an oddly worded question - take drugs and need medication are phrases with different meanings. For that reason I won't be answering.


ETA: Also drinking coffee and eating chocolate are not considered "taking drugs". 


I guess I wasn't really wondering why people took drugs, so whether it's a needs medication issue or a likes coffee issue wasn't the question.  I just wondered if it was my limited circle, or if really almost everyone takes some sort of drug on a regular basis (for whatever reason).


Caffeine, in coffee and in chocolate, is a drug.  If you eat or drink it, you are taking a drug.  What else would you call it?


Again, I don't mean it pejoratively as I don't even thinking smoking weed is wrong.  I just mean it descriptively.

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caffiene and reflux meds. And yes, if i quit caffeine still need reflux meds. so i went back on caffeine.


Same here.  No difference.  I do think switching to a lower acid coffee helped somewhat though.


Of course I don't even know entirely what is going on with me and haven't had reflux despite not being on the meds.

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I recently tried aloe vera juice for my burnt throat.  It doesn't do shi* in case anyone wondered.  :lol:


And it tastes like @$$. 


I tried this once, and can confirm that it is not tasty.  


Those Aloe drinks are okay - they are mostly sugar, though, I think, by way of fruit juice.

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I'm PG and each time I go I get asked about medications, problems, ect. And they always ask seprately "Caffine?" No, I drink just water 99%of the time. It's like they don't believe some people don't drink Caffine drinks. I'm currently taking prenatals snd extra calcium. I have meds for mirning sickness as needed, but normally do not take any other medications. I do have one kid who takes a pill daily for a medical condition.

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Gosh, I find this so offensive. Perhaps I shouldn't but there is this prevalent view that healthy people are some how better than sick people like people have some choice in the matter. 


I take medication because I have thyroid disease which is genetic. I'd love it if I didn't have to take it but it could be much worse. I also take vitamin supplements because if I don't my levels drop and my standard of living drops considerably. 


I take OTC meds and other prescription meds as needed but thankfully that is not often. I don't drink soda and mostly stick to herbal tea. 

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