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Things you irrationally hate


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I also hate eating noises. Especially preventable ones like inhaling food noises and open mouth chewing. It is not that hard to actually PUT food in your mouth, not shovel it up to the vanity and vacuum it in like you're an aardvark or something. If you can't chew with your mouth closed, then you took too big a bite. (Any advice on how to get a certain someone you love very much to NOT be some comfortable around me that all manners go out the window?)


Dishes that were "washed", but still dirty. "Soapy water touched it" is not my definition of clean. Newsflash ... if something had starchy food on it or baked on food, it is not going to come clean in the dishwasher without a little help. And, please, for all that is holy, wash the outside of dishes!


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YES! My DS17 was just moments ago fishing for brownie points, asking which kid does the best job of cleaning up the kitchen. I grouchily said, "As far as I can tell, none of you, because every single day, morning after morning, I have to *rewash* pots and pans that were not done correctly!" I have gone wrong with that somewhere. I have even instructed them over and over again, step by step. I have been known to put a pan on someone's *bed* because I am NOT rewashing it. I have explained. I have demonstrated. I have shown them again and again, "do you see how it streaks with your finger? That is because it still has grease on it." But no. They do not do it fully correctly, no matter what I do.

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I annoy my Dh, because just like my mother I pronounce vegetables as, ... veNgetables.


I was just watching a video of Benedict Cumberbatch mispronouncing the word penguin. Too funny. . 


My husband pronounces ambulance as "amblamce". Drives me crazy. :)

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People who tell me I look tired when I don't have makeup on. Thanks, that is just my face.

Yes, or ill. I remember one time I got it into my head that I was going to stop wearing makeup and just appreciate my natural face. Well, that went over like a hair in the macaroni salad. I was at work for like five minutes before ten people asked me if I was ill or said I looked tired. Okay, nevermind. Concealer, do your thing!

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I pretty much hate the grocery line. Almost EVERY SINGLE time, I get the line with a person in front of me that has an item with no bar code, writes a check, or forgets their wallet in the car. I let my kids pick the line hoping that I'm just a bad decision maker. Nope. It's still me with the slowest line curse.

Edited by solascriptura
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I'm not sure if I hate it because it sounds so stupid, or because it makes me feel so very old and uncool that I had no idea what it was supposed to mean the first few times I heard it. It's worse when someone age (thirty-something) uses it too.

Isn't it slang for baby or babe? I'm honestly not sure and I'm young :o

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Anyone calling me "Mommy" as in "take this to Mommy" .... 1) None of my children has ever called me Mommy (I'm Mom/Momma, never Mommy to them) and they are all over the age of 12. So it feels like someone saying this is infantilizing both of us lol


(Conversely and irrationally - yes I do call my father Daddy sometimes, you got a problem with that?)


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Some people use it as an acronym for "before anyone else." I still think it's stupid lol.


.... seriously? Never in a million years while hyped up on rockstar would I have guessed that one.

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Any sign, decoration, or social media post in command form that is supposed to be inspirational, like "Smile," "Laugh," "Go outside," "Hug your kids," "Vote," etc.



I'm dying over this.  Just before we were engaged, my husband-to-be found out exactly how violent this sort of thing makes me.  We were at a national park and a sign demanded that I imagine something.  Grrr...puts my hackles up just thinking about it.  I'm surprised he still proposed!  I do NOT like commands from non-authorities!*


I'm going to show this to him so he realizes I'm not the only one...


*INTJ cough cough


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This reminded me of my neighbor when I was little. When her kids had to use the bathroom, they asked to "puddle". Even at 5, I thought it was messed up.


I also don't like the word bottom for butt. I know it's stupid, but it drives me nuts.


As an aside, I have never worried about my gramar so much as I do here. I almost always text from my phone so I know I probably make a ton of errors. Please don't judge me too harshly. 😌

Bottom, I say bottom. What creeps me out is when people say tail. Ugh do people do that where you all are from? Every time someone says that I pretend to be shocked that they have a tail. Like, awww the poor baby fell down and hurt her tail, Im all OMG your kid has a tail. I saw something like that on Ripleys Believe It or Not. Are you going to get it removed when she gets older?


Something else that bugs me is grandparents calling their grandkids their babies. This used to send me into a rage. Another is grandparents correcting my kids. Im sitting right there back the f down. My inlaws when they tell my 4 year old over and over he isnt a baby anymore. He is a huge Mama's boy and loves playing baby and I love to play baby with him. Its no secret I enjoy my littles being little. Why rush it?

Not sure if those count as irrational hates, but I guess just people and granparents crossing boundaries.


Oh, people and their phones. I just hate people glued to their phones. We were at a dr. appt once for ds, he was a bit nervous about, so we were playing quite a bit to keep his mind off it, this woman was trying to talk to someone on her phone and she actually had the nerve to shhhh my son. He was like 2 1/2. 1. if you need quiet leave 2. dont tell my baby, tell me if you have a problem.

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Safety recommendations that are either ridiculously obvious or ridiculously unnecessary.


Automatic faucets that have malfunctioning electric eyes.


Automatic toilets that flush when you aren't done.


Having to pay to drink water.

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When a driver in front of me, in the left turn lane, decides that they actually need to go straight, so they sit there, blocking everyone behind them, until the lane next to them has emptied and they can swerve over. Well, aren't you special! If I realize I'm going the wrong way, I go ahead and turn and go around the block.

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I'm dying over this. Just before we were engaged, my husband-to-be found out exactly how violent this sort of thing makes me. We were at a national park and a sign demanded that I imagine something. Grrr...puts my hackles up just thinking about it. I'm surprised he still proposed! I do NOT like commands from non-authorities!*


I'm going to show this to him so he realizes I'm not the only one...


*INTJ cough cough


The self-checkout at the local grocery store has a awful female voice. If you scan an item and then do not put it into the bag quickly enough she says in a real b!tchy voice, "Place the item in the bagging area!" I mutter STFU back every. single. time. I hate that voice.


*fellow INTJ

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People who claim to be grammar snobs when their own grammar is terrible.  A recent incident included the word "I" being made plural.  I's.  Really??  I do not claim to be a grammar snob, so it's pretty bad when even I notice the errors.


I also hate the colors purple and yellow together.  Not a soft lavender and butter yellow, but more of jewel tone purple and a goldish yellow.  I don't know why, but seeing those colors together is like nails on a chalkboard.

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Bottom, I say bottom. 


Brits say 'bottom'.  A butt is a cigarette butt or a water butt.


Hate: enormous dragonflies that get caught in the house and you can't get them out.  I'm fine with insects in general but I hated those.  I felt so responsible for them but they were too big to catch safely.  I had to leave the house and let Husband deal with them.


Holiday rentals without blackout curtains when the sun comes up at 4am in summer.  Particularly bedrooms with skylights.  Holiday rentals where all the knives are blunt.  Holiday rentals without reading lights.  

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The word "curriculums." While, technically, it is correct (probably because it was added to the dictionary after people refused to quit saying it),

it grates on my nerves. I always internally correct it to "curricula."


Oh, and the whole "end quotes after the punctuation." That doesn't even make sense to me! If the punctuation isn't part of the quote, why do 

I need to include it within the quotation marks?? I even mentioned this in a thread a year or so back and someone proceeded to tell me the rule!

Okay . . . but that still doesn't explain WHY that rule exists.


ETA: the "washed" dishes that are still dirty. Eww! 

         And when people type, "Kk" in their texts when they mean "okay." If you're a kid, I might let it slide, but I've received this text from two different

         adults (as in, over 50yo adults)! Please.

Edited by scrapbookbuzz
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Safety recommendations that are either ridiculously obvious or ridiculously unnecessary.


Automatic faucets that have malfunctioning electric eyes.


Automatic toilets that flush when you aren't done.


Having to pay to drink water.

How about having to *pour out* the water you brought for "safety reasons" that look suspiciously similar to "We feel it is safer for you to buy our $4 wasteful bottle of water on the other side of this gate than to bring your own free water in a waste-free water bottle."

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Brits say 'bottom'. A butt is a cigarette butt or a water butt.


Hate: enormous dragonflies that get caught in the house and you can't get them out. I'm fine with insects in general but I hated those. I felt so responsible for them but they were too big to catch safely. I had to leave the house and let Husband deal with them.


Holiday rentals without blackout curtains when the sun comes up at 4am in summer. Particularly bedrooms with skylights. Holiday rentals where all the knives are blunt. Holiday rentals without reading lights.

What is a "water butt"?

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How about having to *pour out* the water you brought for "safety reasons" that look suspiciously similar to "We feel it is safer for you to buy our $4 wasteful bottle of water on the other side of this gate than to bring your own free water in a waste-free water bottle."


Um... you know you can bring in an empty water bottle and fill it on the secure side?

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Uh-oh. Don't ever get behind me at the grocery store. I don't know if it has to do with being left-handed (though that doesn't seem to make sense since the belt is on the left) or what, but I've always found it clumsy to reach over the child seat in my cart to get my stuff out. It's much easier to remove stuff from the much lower front of the cart. As soon as I finish I put the divider bar on the belt and move my cart out of the way. I do hate when people start loading their stuff on the conveyor belt before I'm done, but that's not why I unload my cart the way I do. It's just easier and less clumsy.

Already covered after I clicked multiquote, but I am only 5 feet tall. The carts come up to my chest. No way I could reach over to unload.


I also hate eating noises. Especially preventable ones like inhaling food noises and open mouth chewing. It is not that hard to actually PUT food in your mouth, not shovel it up to the vanity and vacuum it in like you're an aardvark or something. If you can't chew with your mouth closed, then you took too big a bite. (Any advice on how to get a certain someone you love very much to NOT be some comfortable around me that all manners go out the window?)



An unknown person by the name of DH does this inhaling while eating thing! Also, he breathes into his cup while drinking, then slurps or loudly swishes the drink around his mouth (says he is cleaning his dentures off), then swallows with a loud gulp! If I am ever in just the wrong mood, I may be charged with murder!


I get in front of my cart on purpose to claim my space. I want the entire conveyor belt to myself until I'm finished unloading and the person in front of me has cleared out. Then I'll pull my cart all the way through and out of the way. I don't like being bumped by the cart behind me while I'm trying to get my stuff out. Also, how do you reach over the child seat and down into the cart? And how do you reach the stuff on the bottom unless you're in front of the cart? 


Same as above. Agreed.

Well, speaking of cooking, I have a truly irrational hatred of smelling cooking odors or the smell of other people's food being heated up. It is why my house is the one with windows flung open even on zero (and a billion) degree days. If I go upstairs at night and there is the smell of frying onions on my comforter or curtains, I am airing everything out and doing the laundry like a crazy person. My children will never entertain fond memories of coming home to the wonderful smell of soup simmering in the pot, because Mom's running all the fans with the windows open and putting out bowls of vinegar. (How can I prefer the scent of vinegar to the smell of marinara sauce? I don't know.)

Oh, I absolutely despise the smells of cooking after the fact! Every time I come home from the in-laws after going over for lunch, I smell like cooking grease! When I cook particularly stinky things, like onions, I take them out on my back porch and do them in the electric skillet or crock pot or whatever. Gets kinda cold in the winter, but I don't have a range hood fan or anything and can't stand stinking up the house. 


The use of a plural verb with a singular collective noun -- Sometime between when I attended school and now this became a thing that everyone does. But I never got the memo or an explanation so it drives me bonkers. To my eyes and ears, "the team are warming up" or "the couple have one child" is just as horrid as "the cat are in the tree" or "the boy have a baseball." If you're talking about one team then the team IS warming up; if you're talking about one couple then that couple HAS a child. But apparently it's just me, because the most highly educated people that I personally know, and professional authors of books and magazines are doing this now.




I am 51, and we learned that you do that when you are referring to the individuals in the group, as opposed to the group as an entity. "The team are warming up" refers to what the individual players are doing. "The team is going to the playoffs" refers to the team as a collective thing. I still don't use it that way (I hate the way it sounds too), but it really is (or at least, was when I was in school) proper. 

Sesame Street.


Small talk.


My teen has decided to stop shaving her legs, which have become excessively hairy (like giant spider legs)- I feel waves of revulsion whenever I see them. 


I hate the first two things, and my 18 yo DD has done the same! Her legs look worse than her dad's. I don't say anything, but it grosses me out, lol.

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Um... you know you can bring in an empty water bottle and fill it on the secure side?

In some cases, perhaps, but not all. The most recent time this happened was at a university Lacrosse game. If there were bottle fillers or something like it on the secure side, I don't know where they were. And they didn't bother to mention it to me when they ordered me to pour it out.

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I irrationally hate people who call their spouse Ma,Pa, Mother, Father. It is just weird and creepy to me. I will refer to my spouse as father when speaking about him to the children. I do not call him father.


Being late. I hate being late. I do everything in my power not to be late. I live with people who have no sense if time.


The sand at the beach. It gets into everything.

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I am 51, and we learned that you do that when you are referring to the individuals in the group, as opposed to the group as an entity. "The team are warming up" refers to what the individual players are doing. "The team is going to the playoffs" refers to the team as a collective thing. I still don't use it that way (I hate the way it sounds too), but it really is (or at least, was when I was in school) proper.

Thank you, Kim, I appreciate your attempt to educate me! I might be uneducatable (is that a word?) on this issue, though! I truly do realize the problem is me, since everybody else is doing this (or should I say "everybody are doing this"? :lol: ) But I still don't understand the reasoning.


You're saying if the members of the group are acting as one, then it's singular, but if the members of the group are acting separately, it's plural? That seems like a difficult and subjective way to determine which verb should be used, when there is a simpler and much more obvious way to choose: just make the verb agree with the subject. I could understand "the team members are warming up" because then the subject is members and it's plural. But if all the team members are out on the field warming up, then is that an activity they are doing collectively or individually? I guess that would depend on whether one person was leading the group in a coordinated warm-up sequence or whether each member was doing their own method of warming up. Too complicated! Also, I hear/see people doing this when it clearly is a collective and coordinated activity: "the band are playing at O'Neill's Pub tonight."


I hope I don't sound like I'm arguing with you. It's not that at all. I really do appreciate your attempt to explain! I don't know if I'm being slow, or just stubborn, or maybe both, but I still don't get it!

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Thank you, Kim, I appreciate your attempt to educate me! I might be uneducatable (is that a word?) on this issue, though! I truly do realize the problem is me, since everybody else is doing this (or should I say "everybody are doing this"? :lol: ) But I still don't understand the reasoning.


You're saying if the members of the group are acting as one, then it's singular, but if the members of the group are acting separately, it's plural? That seems like a difficult and subjective way to determine which verb should be used, when there is a simpler and much more obvious way to choose: just make the verb agree with the subject. I could understand "the team members are warming up" because then the subject is members and it's plural. But if all the team members are out on the field warming up, then is that an activity they are doing collectively or individually? I guess that would depend on whether one person was leading the group in a coordinated warm-up sequence or whether each member was doing their own method of warming up. Too complicated! Also, I hear/see people doing this when it clearly is a collective and coordinated activity: "the band are playing at O'Neill's Pub tonight."


I hope I don't sound like I'm arguing with you. It's not that at all. I really do appreciate your attempt to explain! I don't know if I'm being slow, or just stubborn, or maybe both, but I still don't get it!

No worries. I get it, but I still think it is useless and silly, lol. I've been trying to figure out if there is an instance where it would be useful or necessary to use it that way. Coming up blank. 

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No worries. I get it, but I still think it is useless and silly, lol. I've been trying to figure out if there is an instance where it would be useful or necessary to use it that way. Coming up blank.


Useless and silly that I let it bother me? Oh, yeah, I wholeheartedly agree! :lol: That's exactly why I listed it as an irrational hatred! The only thing I can say in my own defense is that I absolutely do not attempt to correct people or argue with anyone about it -- I never even talked about this until this thread. It's just one of those "nails on a chalkboard" kind of things for me. :)

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I have an aversion to the photo Christmas and holiday cards. Tiny Prints...Shutterfly...etc.. Bleh.


I see pics of your fam on FB everyday. I would love to get a quick hand-written note and a pretty decorative card to display...stars...snow...Santa...manger scene...shoot, I'd even take a pic of green and red vodka shots...just give me the old cards!!! I am a Christmas card traditionalist! I feel that the holiday season has too much busyness and not enough quiet, so I see the old cards as a way to dial back and to not participate in the commercial hype.

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Useless and silly that I let it bother me? Oh, yeah, I wholeheartedly agree! :lol: That's exactly why I listed it as an irrational hatred! The only thing I can say in my own defense is that I absolutely do not attempt to correct people or argue with anyone about it -- I never even talked about this until this thread. It's just one of those "nails on a chalkboard" kind of things for me. :)

Noooo! Not silly that it bothers you! I was saying I think it is a useless and silly rule. I was agreeing with you, not arguing. That is why I said I was trying to think of a necessary instance to use a plural verb with a singular noun like that.  I must not communicate very well myself, lol. 

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I have an aversion to the photo Christmas and holiday cards. Tiny Prints...Shutterfly...etc.. Bleh.


I see pics of your fam on FB everyday. I would love to get a quick hand-written note and a pretty decorative card to display...stars...snow...Santa...manger scene...shoot, I'd even take a pic of green and red vodka shots...just give me the old cards!!! I am a Christmas card traditionalist! I feel that the holiday season has too much busyness and not enough quiet, so I see the old cards as a way to dial back and to not participate in the commercial hype.



This has actually inspired me to send pretty old-school Christmas cards this year. Thanks!

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Noooo! Not silly that it bothers you! I was saying I think it is a useless and silly rule. I was agreeing with you, not arguing. That is why I said I was trying to think of a necessary instance to use a plural verb with a singular noun like that. I must not communicate very well myself, lol.

The misunderstanding was 100% my fault. I know this, because I've been misunderstanding people a great deal, both online and in person, the last few days! So I apologize. I don't know what's going on with me right now. I took it in good humor when I thought you were saying I was being silly, though, because it's entirely true! :)

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I have an aversion to the photo Christmas and holiday cards. Tiny Prints...Shutterfly...etc.. Bleh.


I see pics of your fam on FB everyday. I would love to get a quick hand-written note and a pretty decorative card to display...stars...snow...Santa...manger scene...shoot, I'd even take a pic of green and red vodka shots...just give me the old cards!!! I am a Christmas card traditionalist! I feel that the holiday season has too much busyness and not enough quiet, so I see the old cards as a way to dial back and to not participate in the commercial hype.


Aww. I'm so sad. I go to a lot of trouble and expense to make those. I love receiving them. They make me so happy. I have been mourning the dearth of cards for years. I send out fifty cards, but am lucky if I get half that sent to me, and of course not all of the, are photo cards.


Although, I will say, last year, I hand-wrote a little note on every photo card I sent.

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The misunderstanding was 100% my fault. I know this, because I've been misunderstanding people a great deal, both online and in person, the last few days! So I apologize. I don't know what's going on with me right now. I took it in good humor when I thought you were saying I was being silly, though, because it's entirely true! :)

I noticed you seemed to have an awfully good attitude toward somebody you thought was calling you silly.  :)

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Hair. Not. Attached. To. Bodies.


Seriously.  If I go on vacation, walk into a hotel bathroom, and see a random hair sitting in the tub it is GAME OVER.  Pack it up.  Go home.  Fun will NOT be had.  I don't know what it's about, but hair not attached to bodies is my #1 freak out thing.  If I can identify where the hair came from, it isn't so bad.  But still.  Ewww.  


People who do not pronounce the double t's in words like "mittens" and "kittens".  When it is cold out I do not wear "mi-uns" and cats do not and have never had "ki-uns". 


Talking on the phone.  THAT was a real problem when I was a receptionist...  :huh:

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I noticed you seemed to have an awfully good attitude toward somebody you thought was calling you silly. :)

I've never seen Greta be anything but gracious.

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