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Used Shoes (Thrift Store s/o)

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If you shop at thrift stores for bargains, do you buy shoes there too? For some reason buying used shoes worn by strangers grosses me out in a way that buying used clothes doesn't. Set me straight--is this irrational? I want to know if I'm missing something.


I can't buy used shoes, either. I think it's because I don't feel like I ever really can get them clean, and all I can think about is the fact that someone else had their dirty, nasty, sweaty feet in them.


I think you're perfectly rational :D.

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I can't tell you whether it is irrational or not, but I can tell you you are not alone! I shopped consignment shops when Dh was in grad school and have continued because I can get great clothes at such a fantastic deal. However, I have never been able to buy shoes. It grosses me out, too.

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I don't buy used shoes at thrift stores, but I have found new shoes at thrift stores! If you can tell that the sole is flawless and the shoe is new and the shoe fits... I am okay with it... But, I don't pick them up if they are used.


That said, I did have friends once who gave us some used shoes. Knowing the family and the children and being little kid shoes, I did accept them and we did use them... hmmm

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If you shop at thrift stores for bargains, do you buy shoes there too? For some reason buying used shoes worn by strangers grosses me out in a way that buying used clothes doesn't. Set me straight--is this irrational? I want to know if I'm missing something.


Not irrational and also better for growing feet to get new shoes that can "mold" to them and them alone :)

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I've bought some really cool docs at the goodwill for $15. For me, they're great! I probably have about 10 pairs and they are not "used" as you might think. Maybe a bit, but now they're molded to my feet:-) So, I guess it's what kind of shape and shoe you're talking about.

When my parents were married, my father was totally embarrassed about my mom shopping at thrift stores. He asked my mom how much money he'd have to make for her to stop shopping at thrift stores, and she told him that there's no amount that he could make to have her stop.

One of the seriously wealthiest couples we know goes thrift shopping together. With money comes freedom from peers! Who cares if you can afford $1000, if you can find it for $50!



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Well, I have bought a pair of shoes but they were shoes that had never been worn still had original price tag on bottom of shoe. Main reason for this is it is a good way to get athletes feet or at least that is what I have been told.


We do not buy used shoes or underwear, swimsuits, pjs and socks from thrift, garage, or yard sales. We also do not buy used or refitted mattresses.


If it can be washed and is an outer garment I'll buy used but an ubelievable amount of clothes I just bought at a local thrift were new with the original tags still on them.

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I'll buy used shoes at yard sales when I can see the family they've come from, and only when they look practically new. Most of the time we buy new from the store (we do hand them down from girl to girl if they have remained in good condition). Maybe we shouldn't but I've got enough other things to worry about.:tongue_smilie:

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I love to shop the seasonal consignment sales in my area. I only buy shoes if they are in new or like new condition. If the soles are worn or the insides look dirty, I pass on them. The best shoes to look for are dressy shoes because they get so little wear. Think about all the people who only get dressed up for Christmas and Easter....

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We buy used shoes at yard sales and thrift stores. Usually they are dressy shoes that have not had much wear. I don't buy athletic shoes, because they are in bad shape by that point. I get these on sale new. My dd has a huge selection of fun shoes that I bought at yard sales for $ .50-1.00 per pair.


We have never had any problems with the shoes being molded to the wrong shape or anything, but I never buy leather, so man-made fabrics may wear differently.

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If you shop at thrift stores for bargains, do you buy shoes there too? For some reason buying used shoes worn by strangers grosses me out in a way that buying used clothes doesn't. Set me straight--is this irrational? I want to know if I'm missing something.


I bought shoes when kiddo was little. I'd find Striderites that looked new. But, after about size 8, the shoes are always worn. Sometimes I can find great looking snow boots (we have snow once a year here).


Shoes are easy to evaluate. Do they smell, are they worn at the heel, is the lace frayed. Really, shoes don't hide wear well.

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unless, as some people pointed out, they are brand new with tags or obviously new. DS's doc says never buy used shoes because they seldom can be washed and infections are easy to pass through used shoes. Another reason is because shoes mold to one's foot. She said the same goes for passing shoes down among family members, something I had never thought of before.


As far as shoes for DS goes, he has one pair of Crocs, one pair of sneakers, and one pair of boots. All are bought a bit big (also against doctor's advice but since DS hit a growth spurt about a year ago, I can't afford to buy him new shoes every month) and he's expected to make them last for at least a year (not talking about outgrowing them or regular wearing them out but about chewing on them, losing them, dragging his feet so he wears them out, etc). If he requests something more expensive (like name brand Crocs), it's with the understanding that they must last longer and will not be replaced before then.


We also will not buy used underwear or socks (no matter how many times I'd wash it, I'd still be creeped out by it), and seldom will we buy used pajamas or bathing suits. Usually only for camp when I know he'll most likely lose said object. Used sheets or mattresses are other things I just can't bring myself to buy.



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And I have some really strange, crazy ocd dc. They are all girls though and I think that they just find it really hard to pass up shoes. I don't seem to have the girl shoe gene but all my girls do. They can be magnetically sucked into a shoe store or dept. while chanting "shoes, shoes, shoes" in a trance. I have 4 girls and probably 50 pairs of girls shoes. I only buy needed shoes but they will spend their savings at the thrift store for extra shoes. They all get passed down too. My girls have blown our shoes from wearing them too much. I am funny about my shoes and have to guard them jealously. I once caught one of my girls wearing my brand-new, leather sandles outside in a rain storm. I almost had a fit. And my shoes all seem to mysteriously go missing so that when I try to leave them house I sometimes have to spend 10 minutes searching for a pair of my shoes. :001_huh:

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I wear a particular SAS shoe because of nerve damage in one foot, and unfortunately they're over $100 new. I buy a pair anytime I run across them in a thrift store or on eBay. On eBay I ask specifically where they got them and how many times they were worn, and usually I pay only $30 or so.

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For me it's not a cleanliness issue - shoes mould to the wearer's foot, so it doesn't seem right to buy them second hand when they are shaped to another foot.




Thats my exactly my reasoning.

I dont even pass shoes down between my own kids.

They all wear their shoes down in different ways.

Its new shoes...or nothing :D

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I won't buy used shoes and I won't let one dd pass hers down to her sister. The foot structure of every person is different. The wear on the shoe and the molding of the footbed could be problematic for the next wearer's foot. Then, of course, is the whole hygiene issue. ick,.

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If you shop at thrift stores for bargains, do you buy shoes there too? For some reason buying used shoes worn by strangers grosses me out in a way that buying used clothes doesn't. Set me straight--is this irrational? I want to know if I'm missing something.


If not for used shoes my dc would be barefoot!:D

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I've heard the thing about used shoes being bad for your feet--but I have to wonder. We pass on our shoes from kid to kid, and then give them to the cousins. So far so good, but since we are barefoot about 95% of the time they grow out of their shoes rather than wear them out. Maybe that rule only applies to shoes that have had a lot of wear. Anyone know?

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... or swimsuits! :001_huh:


And I will use all those things "used." Maybe I'm just gross!:D Really, though, if I were so picky, my dc wouldn't have clothes. I don't *buy* used underwear, but I take hand-me-downs. I imagine that used shoes are no worse for your feet than ill-fitting dollar store shoes. I wash the clothes and they wear them.


Maybe it is because we really can't afford to buy stuff new. If we could, I might feel differently.

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I've bought used shoes for my kids at thrift shops fairly often, I have bought used shoes for myself a few times. I use lysol aersol spray in them to kill off anything. It may seem yucky but when you get as poor as we are, you have no choice. I do not buy under wear or bras used, and that is it. Everything else including shoes is fair game.

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