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News: Baby born in Nebraska Zoo


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Holy cow! I thought that story was going to be about an animal baby, not a human baby! :laugh:


What a great story!


And for the rest of her life, whenever someone tells that girl she did something stupid, she will be able to say, "Hey, what do you expect? I was born at a zoo." ;)

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Dad's a moron. Trust your wife on these things dude.

Wow, that's kind of harsh. It sounds like neither of them -- or her mom, who was with them at the zoo -- thought the baby would be born so early, and they were leaving the zoo when her water broke, so it sounds like he was trying to get her back home. It sounds like he definitely did everything else right, and he helped deliver the baby, so I'm not going to criticize him. I think he meant well, but didn't expect everything to happen so fast.

Edited by Catwoman
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Dad's a moron. Trust your wife on these things dude.


and that's why my friend's dh went diving.  he offered to stay home even though she wasn't due for another 2-3? weeks. she insisted she was fine and he should go.   he came home to find she'd had the baby.  he was very disappointed to have not been there.


I have a friend whose dr didn't believe her.  she told him - she reaches six - and she's there (jumps to 10) and ready to push.  so, she was at six - and he  started walking out the door. . . . she was there and ready to go.

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I'm glad it worked out for them but shutting down a pregnant woman's request for medical assistance is pretty gross. Better safe than sorry. Though on the other hand if he hadn't put her off it might have happened while he was driving, which could be a lot worse. Lesson learned for him I'm sure. But no a husband should never act as gatekeeper to care providers, intervention, pain relief etc.

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Is it possible to have an unplanned birth out of hospital / home without having a press-conference after?

Not if you want a gift basket and season passes to the zoo. ;)


(Just kidding -- they seem like a sweet family, and I suspect the press approached them and they got swept up in the excitement.)

Edited by Catwoman
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Is it possible to have an unplanned birth out of hospital / home without having a press-conference after?


my sil didn't have a press conference, neither did her dil.  but then they were both at home.


eta: and this is a sil who adores drama.

Edited by gardenmom5
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my sil didn't have a press conference, neither did her dil. but then they were both at home.

And that's why they never got their gift baskets or their season passes to the zoo. Had they been thinking more clearly, they would have rushed over to the zoo as soon as they went into labor.


Gotta strike while the opportunity is hot!

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I'm glad it worked out for them but shutting down a pregnant woman's request for medical assistance is pretty gross. Better safe than sorry. Though on the other hand if he hadn't put her off it might have happened while he was driving, which could be a lot worse. Lesson learned for him I'm sure. But no a husband should never act as gatekeeper to care providers, intervention, pain relief etc.

That's what I'm protesting too. I have those weird long labors where I can't tell if I'm actually in labor until I hit transition, because they start and stop. I get that it can be confusing. I don't get where my husband should be the one to decide whether or not it is serious, though. If I mess up and go into labor after shooing someone off that's much less of a safety issue than if I'm in labor and someone keeps telling me I'm not. That happened with Benjamin, and if I'd been taken more seriously when I thought I was first in labor we might not have had any brain damage. I'd rather moms be taken seriously and checked out and sent home if need be, than the alternative.

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Having a baby at the zoo is pretty unusual. People wanted to see the family.

I get that, but personally I'd not want even my name out there, much less be willing to have a press conference. I never understand how willing people are for press time.

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Wow, that's kind of harsh. It sounds like neither of them -- or her mom, who was with them at the zoo -- thought the baby would be born so early, and they were leaving the zoo when her water broke, so it sounds like he was trying to get her back home. It sounds like he definitely did everything else right, and he helped deliver the baby, so I'm not going to criticize him. I think he meant well, but didn't expect everything to happen so fast.

I didn't think it was harsh. That she was apparently raised by a woman who would do the same thing just explains how she ended up with that guy.


Pregnancy and labor are uncertain things and always have been. Going to the hospital and feeling silly bc it turns out they didn't need to is always a common conundrum but it's always better to go than ridicule the woman.

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I didn't think it was harsh. That she was apparently raised by a woman who would do the same thing just explains how she ended up with that guy.


Pregnancy and labor are uncertain things and always have been. Going to the hospital and feeling silly bc it turns out they didn't need to is always a common conundrum but it's always better to go than ridicule the woman.

I think it's pretty unfortunate that we're judging this guy based on two or three sentences in a news article. His wife doesn't seem angry with him, and it sounds like they already have other children, so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.


And now we're judging the woman's mother as a bad mom, too? :svengo:


I'm sure when Lanny posted this story, he thought he was brightening our day with such a happy story. The mom and baby are happy and healthy. We have no idea how long her other labors have been or if she has always been a huge drama queen who wanted to rush to the ER every time she got a paper cut so maybe both her mom and her dh had good reason to think she might be exaggerating. Should they have gotten her to the hospital sooner? Of course. Absolutely. But hindsight is 20/20 and at the time, they probably assumed they had plenty of time to get her to the hospital -- and they certainly wouldn't be the first family to make that mistake. It doesn't make the husband and the woman's mother "jerks" or "morons."


I can understand saying they should have gotten her to the hospital sooner, but calling them harsh names seems just plain mean and unnecessary, because at the end of the day, the mom doesn't seem at all upset with her husband or her mother.

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I think it's pretty unfortunate that we're judging this guy based on two or three sentences in a news article. His wife doesn't seem angry with him, and it sounds like they already have other children, so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.


And now we're judging the woman's mother as a bad mom, too? :svengo:


I'm sure when Lanny posted this story, he thought he was brightening our day with such a happy story. The mom and baby are happy and healthy. We have no idea how long her other labors have been or if she has always been a huge drama queen who wanted to rush to the ER every time she got a paper cut so maybe both her mom and her dh had good reason to think she might be exaggerating. Should they have gotten her to the hospital sooner? Of course. Absolutely. But hindsight is 20/20 and at the time, they probably assumed they had plenty of time to get her to the hospital -- and they certainly wouldn't be the first family to make that mistake. It doesn't make the husband and the woman's mother "jerks" or "morons."


I can understand saying they should have gotten her to the hospital sooner, but calling them harsh names seems just plain mean and unnecessary, because at the end of the day, the mom doesn't seem at all upset with her husband or her mother.

You know what?


You're right. I would not be nearly as okay with that attitude from my husband but it's not my husband and if the mother is happy enough - who am I to sour the happy news? No one that's who.


The only acceptable response should have been "Congratulations on the beautiful baby!" Bc husband critique was not asked for.


Mea culpa.☺ï¸

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If she didn't tell him she was feeling contractions until she was on the train, there isn't much they could do until the train came to one of it's intended stops anyway.  So it doesn't really sound like the dad was keeping her from getting medical attention as some are implying.  It sounds like they started leaving the zoo as soon as they got off the train.  I'm not sure what else he could have done?  And I've been to that zoo before...it's not like the train ride is extra long that you wouldn't think you could wait until the destination to get off and head to the hospital especially if her contractions didn't start until she was already on it.  

Edited by mohsmom23
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You know what?


You're right. I would not be nearly as okay with that attitude from my husband but it's not my husband and if the mother is happy enough - who am I to sour the happy news? No one that's who.


The only acceptable response should have been "Congratulations on the beautiful baby!" Bc husband critique was not asked for.


Mea culpa.☺ï¸

No problem at all! :)


It's so hard when you read these stories and part of you wants to be happy for the family because there was a happy ending, but the other part of you knows how terribly wrong things could have gone and you hate to see the media glorifying what was really a big mistake, because you know they should have gotten the woman to the hospital sooner.


I guess I was just in the mood for some happy news today! :)

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I can understand saying they should have gotten her to the hospital sooner, but calling them harsh names seems just plain mean and unnecessary, because at the end of the day, the mom doesn't seem at all upset with her husband or her mother.

Re: getting to the hospital sooner...maybe. With our third, we knew I was in labor. I was having regular contractions, but they were very, very short and very far apart. And they were only moderately strong.


Then I had a very strong contraction. DH and I both knew things were progressing then. However, neither of us knew that with the very next contraction, I'd deliver the head. I could probably have pushed him all the way out, but I was trying to slow down to allow the midwife to arrive.  So sometimes labor surprises even experienced moms!


I am glad the mom and baby are doing well. 

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On the plus side.... given how some of my deliveries went - I totally would have been thrilled to go back and choose almost any veterinarian than the OBGYNs I got stuck with. So there's that for positivity about delivering at a zoo. ðŸ˜

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I don't see anything in the article that indicates some long delay from the dad. She told him while riding the train that she was having contractions. It sounds like when they got off the train they headed for the zoo exit. Maybe they could have gotten off the train a bit earlier, but it's not like they kept walking around the zoo for hours...Our zoo train only has one stop and that's near the zoo entrance. I don't know what the zoo in the article is like.


In any case, that baby girl is adorable and I hope the zoo gives the family a life time membership!

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On the plus side.... given how some of my deliveries went - I totally would have been thrilled to go back and choose almost any veterinarian than the OBGYNs I got stuck with. So there's that for positivity about delivering at a zoo. ðŸ˜

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Congrats to them!


I distinctly recall telling DH I was putting the infant seat in the car when I was going grocery shopping sometime around the 40 week mark with baby number five, as insurance that of course the baby wouldn't arrive while I was out. He said, "You've always wanted a shopping cart birth, right?" Uh, no. (My fourth labor was barely four hours and one push, at 38.5 weeks when my first three were well over 40, and I nearly sent DH to work 45 minutes away. If I had, he'd have missed it. So I was very nervous about baby five coming fast. He did. Barely 1 1/4 hours of labor, and after 30 minutes of that time, I was still closed up, so really only 45 minutes of that was active labor. I'm not even willing to try making it anywhere next time; it'll likely be induction or c-section early anyway.)

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“I was having contractions and it was getting closer and closer together and I was telling my husband, ‘OK, it’s time to get off the (zoo) train and let’s go to the emergency room,’ but he kept telling me I’m over-exaggerating,†the 24-year-old told the Associated Press.







Haha, oh man, Dad is never going to live that phrase down.  :lol:


Similar story, I made DH take me to the ER because I was having a terrible headache. Turned out I had meningitis and spent a week in the hospital. Long after the fact, DH confessed that he thought I was acting ridiculous to go the ER with a headache. We're both glad he never told me I was "over-exaggerating."

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I almost gave birth in a hospital parking lot. Luckily, somebody was discharged from the hospital at 5 in the morning right after we pulled up. Once that patient left the wheelchair, they came and picked me up. I had the baby in the wheelchair.


It was my third child. I knew I was in labor but did not expect to progress that fast. In hindsight, I shouldn't have started a load of laundry or packed lunch for the other two kids before leaving.

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At least they were able to get off the kiddie train before the baby came. Not a lot of room to maneuver on those suckers.


Just for the record - Omaha doesn't have a "kiddie train." It is "full size" as far as zoo trains go.



I don't see anything in the article that indicates some long delay from the dad. She told him while riding the train that she was having contractions. It sounds like when they got off the train they headed for the zoo exit. Maybe they could have gotten off the train a bit earlier, but it's not like they kept walking around the zoo for hours...Our zoo train only has one stop and that's near the zoo entrance. I don't know what the zoo in the article is like.


The zoo on/off places aren't anywhere near the zoo entrance in Omaha. There are a couple of places to board & exit and I think all of them involve a hike up very steep & long hills. I haven't been there in a couple of years and they have done extensive remodeling since then to make one of the hills more walking friendly. You are still looking at probably at least half a mile to the exit and another couple of blocks to your car.


Me, I do my last couple of days of "start labor" walking at Walmarts or at the actual hospital (countless stairs- DH's idea)! Sounds like it was a really quick labor, though. I only had a couple of those (out of five). Might be worth trading such a public birth for having it happen *really* fast.

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Just for the record - Omaha doesn't have a "kiddie train." It is "full size" as far as zoo trains go.




The zoo on/off places aren't anywhere near the zoo entrance in Omaha. There are a couple of places to board & exit and I think all of them involve a hike up very steep & long hills. I haven't been there in a couple of years and they have done extensive remodeling since then to make one of the hills more walking friendly. You are still looking at probably at least half a mile to the exit and another couple of blocks to your car.


Me, I do my last couple of days of "start labor" walking at Walmarts or at the actual hospital (countless stairs- DH's idea)! Sounds like it was a really quick labor, though. I only had a couple of those (out of five). Might be worth trading such a public birth for having it happen *really* fast.

Exactly. Living in the area, and going by it very often, getting her out is easier said than done. The train there runs around the back half of the zoo. Much of it goes around the perimeter where there are no walkways. It would be much easier to get them to a stop by continuing on the train, than to wait for paramedics to navigate back to where the train runs. Not to mention the parking lot itself is about as big as the zoo, and there is various areas of road construction going on near there. I have a feeling they wouldn't have made it to the nearest hospital (which in traffic isn't very close) in time for her to have it anyway. Getting in and out of that place is a feat in itself.


We don't know their dynamic between them, and from the interviews on local news, they both seemed very humble. The media attention seems to be a bit surprising for them both.

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On the plus side.... given how some of my deliveries went - I totally would have been thrilled to go back and choose almost any veterinarian than the OBGYNs I got stuck with. So there's that for positivity about delivering at a zoo. ðŸ˜

Omaha's one of the best zoos in the country so she had that going for her, too.

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Dude this is my worst nightmare! I have fast labors and don't mess around waiting anymore. With my last baby I planned an "induction". They broke my water a week before my due date, put in an epidural, and she was in my arms 3 hours later. Not even a whiff of pitocin. If I'd waited until I went into labor it'd have been a 1-2 hour labor based on previous pattern.


Nobody takes me seriously either. I bet this woman is like me, totally fine and not seeming in pain until suddenly she is like ready to push and screaming, lol! Even doctors often don't believe women in labor when they say they're close to delivery.

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