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Strange bad dream, by cousin too


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I feel so ridiculous bringing this up. But it is bothering me. A couple nights ago, I had a horrible graphic dream about a little girl getting killed (drowning) and seeing her pulled from the water. She was wearing the dress my little girl wears. It didn't look to be her in the face, but I suddenly realized I didn't know where my own daughter was and tried frantically looking for her, but I woke up. It was a very vivid dream with even more detail. I tried to tell my husband about it, but he was horrified and cut me off and didn't want to hear about it. I told no one else.


Later, I get a text from a cousin I am pretty close to. He tells me he had had a pretty bad dream about my daughter. I call him right away and ask what it was about. He said he couldn't remember it all now, he just knows that someone was supposed to be watching her and she disappeared and we couldn't find her.


Would you be a bit freaked out over this? It is just bothering me that we both had the similar dreams.

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No, I would not be freaked out. I know that my own worries intrude on my dreams, but I do not believe that dreams foretell the future or anything - certainly I don't think that distant people can have premonitions in dreams about stuff that is going to happen to somebody else.


I might take this as an indication that I am worried about my child for some reason - but that is normal part of mothering.

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I am going to share this just this once.  I haven't ever talked about it, and it still haunts me to this day.


I have a child who we now know has ADD, but when he was young I used to worry sick about him.  I lost him one day at Disneyland, and I have lost him various places because he wandered off.  And once he even got out of the car at a gas station, out of his carseat and out of the car.  I didn't even know it!  He was hanging on the door handle as I tried to drive away.  THANK GOD I got to the street to turn and looked in my rear view mirror!  Here was a little guy, hanging on the door handle, feet off the ground, clinging for dear life!  


But because of all of this, I sometimes had bad dreams about him.  One dream was that the kids were playing hide and seek and he was in the oven and I didn't know it and turned it on and he couldn't get out.  I can't shake the dream.  It was a DREAM!  The kid is 17 and healthy and doing well and fine.......but it still makes me feel so scared for him when I think about it.


A therapist told me finally that my dreams were my fears coming out and my mind processing them.  I am sure I am not saying that exactly right, but it helped to know that my worst fears often find their ways to my nightmares and that it doesn't mean something terrible will happen.

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A therapist told me finally that my dreams were my fears coming out and my mind processing them.  I am sure I am not saying that exactly right, but it helped to know that my worst fears often find their ways to my nightmares and that it doesn't mean something terrible will happen.


Ugh, Dawn.  :grouphug:   I liked your post because of the bolded.  I have been told this too. 


I have had somewhat similar (but not as horrifying) dreams about my kids from time to time. But the one that has had the most long-lasting effect on me was about myself: I dreamed that I crashed my car and died.  It was very realistic; I knew the particular road, one that I drove frequently during that time.  For a while after that dream I was afraid to drive on it.  That was over 30 years ago and I haven't lived in that area for 20 years. It clearly wasn't a portent of the future.  


Once a friend told me that she dreamed I'd died.  She was upset about it.  Well, that was probably almost 20 years ago and it still bothers me when I think about this.   I wish she hadn't told me.    I would never tell someone about a scary dream I had about them or their kids.  

Edited by marbel
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I always had really vivid nightmares when I was pregnant, so that's what I would be worrying about. ;)


But seriously, if you did worry about it...to what end? Would you actually change anything about how you parent or interact with your daughter? If you were going to allow her to do something, would you no longer allow her to do it, based on a dream? 

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I used to have horrible dreams of awful things happening to one of my daughters.  I had them so often that I really worried about what would happen to her.  They seemed so real, and so graphic.  She's almost 17 now, and none of those dreams ever came close to fruition, thank God.  Looking back now, she was my hardest kid when she was small.  She had sensory issues, and rages.  I think my brain was just processing both the stress of raising her, and the worry that something bad would come of all the struggles we were having.  

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I had a bad dream that part of it came true.


I was taking a nap before work on afternoon. I dreamt that someone shot through the window at table D1 and glass flew all over the table and onto the people sitting there.


I woke up so shaken and frightened that when I went to work I told the manager and my co-workers about the dream, and how we shouldn't seat anyone there, bc it was so vivid.


Fast forward thru the evening, and people got sat there. There was a rain storm that evening, with lots of wind. A few hours into my shift, there was a tremendous bang and the window at table D1 shattered, scattering glass all over the table. The sound and aftermath was just like my dream. People were screaming and little kids were crying. It was chaotic.


It wasn't a gun shot though. A metal parking sign that was outside the window blew over and smashed thru the window. It was a freestanding sign that was made by putting into a bucket of cement.


I've had other stuff like this happen. I don't understand it but it happens.

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Yep. When I was in high school, I dreamed that a good friend and his brother were in a car accident. In my dream, the car was in a cornfield and they were hanging upside down by their seat belts. The next morning, my friend came into school and excitedly told us, "Guys, [brother] and I rolled the car! We were hanging by our seat belts!" And, yes, it was in a field. Weird, right?


There is some Biblical basis for prescient dreams and for God speaking to people through dreams. However, I would be very careful about assigning special importance to any particular dream. Also, I don't believe God is the only one who can influence our dreams, IYKWIM.


I think the vast majority of dreams arise naturally from the things we see and hear and think about every day.


That does sound upsetting, OP. I don't know your religious beliefs. You might consider praying about it, if that is something you do.

Edited by MercyA
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I had a bad dream that part of it came true.


I was taking a nap before work on afternoon. I dreamt that someone shot through the window at table D1 and glass flew all over the table and onto the people sitting there.


I woke up so shaken and frightened that when I went to work I told the manager and my co-workers about the dream, and how we shouldn't seat anyone there, bc it was so vivid.


Fast forward thru the evening, and people got sat there. There was a rain storm that evening, with lots of wind. A few hours into my shift, there was a tremendous bang and the window at table D1 shattered, scattering glass all over the table. The sound and aftermath was just like my dream. People were screaming and little kids were crying. It was chaotic.


It wasn't a gun shot though. A metal parking sign that was outside the window blew over and smashed thru the window. It was a freestanding sign that was made by putting into a bucket of cement.


I've had other stuff like this happen. I don't understand it but it happens.



:scared:  :eek:

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I think we are subconsciously aware of much more than we realize. Our mind is constantly making connections and trying to reason things out.


OP you and your cousin could have seen the same movie trailer or commercial or news story.....a chikd in it could have looked like your dd....it really can be as simple as that.

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When I was a teen I had a dream that I opened the oven door and the head of a boy I knew was inside. That dream haunts me!


I also had a very vivid dream where I had my parents and my 2 year old son in my car and we drove into a large body of water. I was faced with choosing to save my mom or my child. I chose my son. That dream haunts me!!!


I dream very vividly...I always have.

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I have had dreams that have partially come true ever since I was a child, and I don't even believe in that kind of stuff. Sometimes it is mundane things like dreaming I will find a square cake tin made of folded metal with seams on the outside, perfect condition in the op shop, going there a week later and finding the cake tin on the exact shelf that I dreamt about. Silly things like that. I have also had repeated bad dreams that have not come true.


I have also had dreams so realistic and later found myself in the exact situation and had the feelings that I had in the dream swamp me and take over. Crazy.


I would not believe that dreams predict the future even though it appears to happen with me.

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This, almost exactly. I've dreamed before of my cousin getting in a car accident and the next night she did. Yes, it could be coincidence. But I've also had a dream where my grandmother, recently deceased, came to me asking me to tell my mother something that I had no clue what she was talking about. So I woke up that morning, called my mom before I even got out of bed, and told her what g-ma said. She burst out crying and hung up. I had no clue what was going on or why in the world my message was significant, but it was and it was something my mom was dealing with heavily that week. I don't understand it, but there's a lot I don't get, lol. I suspect I won't know the answers until I'm in heaven.


Okay, now this is freaky. After my grandma died, I dreamed I was in an antique shop and an old rotary phone rang. I picked it up and I knew it was my grandma, even though her voice sounded much younger. She didn't have a specific message for my mom, but I did tell my mom what she said and it was a comfort to her.


There have been many other things as well. I can't explain them and I don't understand them, but I often think of the Hamlet quote: "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." It is certainly true.


p.s. I liked your post because of the similarities to my experiences, but of course feel badly that your mom was upset. 

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After my baby girl died at birth, I often had horrible dreams about something happening to my other kids or to DH. One that was particularly vivid was of my son being hit by a car in a parking lot. That dream made me so paranoid. My counselor told me I must realize that dreams are NOT REALITY and that dreams don't portend future events. I am happy she said that, but it was hard to really make the knowledge true for me. I had a lot of fear and dreaming made that manifest.

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I have two perspectives about this: one is that I had a lot of phobias as a child, and dreamed often of dying or coming close to dying in a variety of ways related to my phobias.  Eventually I realized that I couldn't possibly drive off a bridge and drown, be on a sinking ship, be shot by armed intruders, be killed by a bomb, and be kidnapped and left to die in an underground bunker.  They were mutually exclusive.  That was reassuring, strangely enough.


The second perspective is that while I am not religious, and I don't believe in ghosts or spirits or whatever, I must acknowledge that death is an event horizon; we just don't get very much (if any) information back about what happens on the other side of the event horizon.  I have had many dreams since my dad died (5 years ago today) with him in them, and 95% of them were clearly my processing his death.  In one, though, I went into an old house and he was alive and talking, which he had not done up to that point in my dreams.  He relayed some very specific information to me - medical information I needed.  I woke up, looked up the term he'd told me, and had a major health-related realization that was important and helpful.  Most of me thinks that I'd heard this term somewhere else and my subconscious gave it back to me through the image of my dad, but I cannot rule out the idea that there was something else involved, beyond my comprehension.

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One time I lost a favorite skirt. I looked everywhere I could think of and could not find it. When I had given up on it or so I thought I had a dream and in my dream I remembered where I had left it .


Of course I had knowledge of where it was all along. My dream just worked it out for me

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Okay, now this is freaky. After my grandma died, I dreamed I was in an antique shop and an old rotary phone rang. I picked it up and I knew it was my grandma, even though her voice sounded much younger. She didn't have a specific message for my mom, but I did tell my mom what she said and it was a comfort to her.


There have been many other things as well. I can't explain them and I don't understand them, but I often think of the Hamlet quote: "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." It is certainly true.


p.s. I liked your post because of the similarities to my experiences, but of course feel badly that your mom was upset.

I have had dreams like that. But I believe when people are dead they cannot communicate with us....so to me the dream is my own is my own subconscious saying what I imagine the dead person would say. Because we knew them and we know what they would say to us.


In Titanic......when she dies and supposedly goes to heaven and sees all the good people who died....I saw that as her dream....of how it would have been had they not died.

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I have had dreams like that. But I believe when people are dead they cannot communicate with us....so to me the dream is my own is my own subconscious saying what I imagine the dead person would say. Because we knew them and we know what they would say to us.


Thank you, Scarlett! I should have been more clear, and I appreciate the reminder.


Regarding the dream about my grandma, I readily acknowledge that it could have been just a dream, just me processing her passing and my feelings about that. I wouldn't be comfortable saying that I am certain it was some kind of message.  


The dream I had about my friends being upside down in a car in a cornfield was something different, but didn't involve dead people.  :) I think people having visions and dreams is a concept supported by Scripture, although there is not much particular emphasis put on it, probably for good reason.


I am not as certain as you that the dead cannot ever communicate with us. The Bible does mention Saul speaking to Samuel's spirit (although that was forbidden, and Saul was judged for it!). And at least twice the disciples mistook Jesus for a spirit, and some of the early believers once wrongly conjectured that Peter was one, as well. 


I am certain, however, about two things: 1. Deliberately trying to contact the dead is absolutely forbidden in the Old Testament, and occult practices are forbidden in the New Testament; and 2. "even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light" (1 Corinthians 11:14). 


So, while these experiences are interesting to talk about and ponder, I don't think we should place undue emphasis on them or seek them out. That could actually be exceedingly dangerous, in my opinion. 


I am slightly familiar with your beliefs on what happens after death, and I do understand--I think--where you are coming from. 

Edited by MercyA
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I had a dream that my best friend call me to tell me that she was pregnant.  Well, she did call me that next day and guess what she said?  Yup.  It freaked her out.


I often know (or at least strongly suspect) that people are pregnant before they make the official announcement. I put that down to being familiar with common symptoms of early pregnancy and being good at noticing things. 


The same skills have led me to have pretty strong inklings about lots of other relationship and life events; I've often "sensed" when marriages are in trouble, when a couple is about to get engaged, etc. And, yes, I do dream about such things.

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Thank you, Scarlett! I should have been more clear, and I appreciate the reminder.


Regarding the dream about my grandma, I readily acknowledge that it could have been just a dream, just me processing her passing and my feelings about that. I wouldn't be comfortable saying that I am certain it was some kind of message.


The dream I had about my friends being upside down in a car in a cornfield was something different, but didn't involve dead people. :) I think people having visions and dreams is a concept supported by Scripture, although there is not much particular emphasis put on it, probably for good reason.


I am not as certain as you that the dead cannot ever communicate with us. The Bible does mention Saul speaking to Samuel's spirit (although that was forbidden, and Saul was judged for it!). And at least twice the disciples mistook Jesus for a spirit, and some of the early believers once wrongly conjectured that Peter was one, as well.


I am certain, however, about two things: 1. Deliberately trying to contact the dead is absolutely forbidden in the Old Testament, and occult practices are forbidden in the New Testament; and 2. "even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light" (1 Corinthians 11:14).


So, while these experiences are interesting to talk about and ponder, I don't think we should place undue emphasis on them or seek them out. That could actually be exceedingly dangerous, in my opinion.


I am slightly familiar with your beliefs on what happens after death, and I do understand--I think--where you are coming from.

I always enjoy your knowledge of scripture.


It is true scripture prohibits trying to contact the dead. But further my belief is that is because any attempt is actually communication with demons since when humans die they are dead.


Dreams however are something quite different.

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I always enjoy your knowledge of scripture.


It is true scripture prohibits trying to contact the dead. But further my belief is that is because any attempt is actually communication with demons since when humans die they are dead.


Dreams however are something quite different.


Thank you, Scarlett, that really means a lot to me. I always enjoy your posts and you are one of those posters with whom I often completely agree!


I do believe that deliberately attempting to contact those who have died always carries a very real risk of communicating with demons. And, yes, I agree that dreams are something different. 


I think we likely don't agree about the current state of those who have died, but that is another discussion.  :)

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I almost always realize I am pregnant through a dream (before I miss a period or take a pregnancy test).  With my 4th, I was driving somewhere, looked in the backseat, and realized there was a 4th child back there!  Sure enough, pregnant.


When I had a miscarriage (early - maybe 10 weeks), the dream I had about the baby before I took a pregnancy test was strange.  I was sitting at the top of a stadium holding a newborn, and I realized that because of the slant of the stairs or something, there was no way for me to get down to the field while holding the baby - it just wasn't possible.    Sometimes I wonder if my body/brain knew in that case not only that I was pregnant but that it was not a sustainable pregnancy.

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I have had dreams like that. But I believe when people are dead they cannot communicate with us....so to me the dream is my own is my own subconscious saying what I imagine the dead person would say. Because we knew them and we know what they would say to us.


In Titanic......when she dies and supposedly goes to heaven and sees all the good people who died....I saw that as her dream....of how it would have been had they not died.



It is interesting to me, for dying people to see the loved ones they knew on earth, who have gone on before, at their bedside. 


It has happened more than once to those I know.  For example, my aunt was dying of cancer.  About 3 days before she actually passed away, she started talking to the people at the end of her bed.  Her daughter asked, "Who are you talking to?"  My aunt was so excited....."Don't you see them?  It is Mama, and Sandy and Jenny.  They are coming to tell them they will show me where to go."


They were her mother, her SIL (who was more like a sister to her and had passed away 6 months prior), and my cousin who died very young.


I don't know if was a dream or not, but I feel that God brings us what we need for the journey when we need it.  It is a comfort to those watching and a comfort to the one dying.

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It is interesting to me, for dying people to see the loved ones they knew on earth, who have gone on before, at their bedside.


It has happened more than once to those I know. For example, my aunt was dying of cancer. About 3 days before she actually passed away, she started talking to the people at the end of her bed. Her daughter asked, "Who are you talking to?" My aunt was so excited....."Don't you see them? It is Mama, and Sandy and Jenny. They are coming to tell them they will show me where to go."




They were her mother, her SIL (who was more like a sister to her and had passed away 6 months prior), and my cousin who died very young.


I don't know if was a dream or not, but I feel that God brings us what we need for the journey when we need it. It is a comfort to those watching and a comfort to the one dying.

My grandmother had some of that. She would wake up and ask if her mama was there. She had been dead for about 60 years but when grandma was dying she kept asking about her.

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