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Help me self-diagnose, esp. if you are perimenopausal or beyond


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So here's what's going on:

  • Was a little short of breath about half an hour ago, that I noticed, for no particular reason.
  • Also yawning a lot, which is unusual for me.
  • Got a mild headache.
  • Started to feel nauseous / light-headed and started getting hot.  Took off my sweater.  Started sweating.
  • Hands shaking.
  • Started feeling like my heart was beating rapidly.
  • Tight feeling in chest.
  • Lay down for a few minutes, hoping it would pass.  Arms felt heavy when I tried to move them.
  • Now not shaking (or, a lot less), not sweating, not feeling rapid heartbeat or nausea, but still have a tight feeling in my chest and a weak feeling in my legs.  These symptoms seem to be slowly passing.

To note:

  • Been feeling like I might start my "Friend" soon.
  • Been drinking coffee, which, when paired with my "Friend," has sometimes caused shaking in the past (but not in recent years that I recall).
  • Been drinking more water than usual since yesterday.
  • Am stressed out about being behind on some work - but that has never caused this kind of reaction before.

What does this sound like?  Is this what a "hot flash" is like?  I have never had one in the daytime, that I recall.


I have a lot of work to do, so I can't afford to be silly about this, but just curious what it might be.

Edited by SKL
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Well, all of the listed symptoms can be signs of perimenopause, but ime you don't usually have them all in a short period of time. 


They could also be signs of a virus, that's actually what it sounds most like to me. That's exactly how I usually get sick. 


Of course, you have to use all due caution when shortness of breath and tightness in the chest are concerned. Do you have a family history of heart trouble? 

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Well, all of the listed symptoms can be signs of perimenopause, but ime you don't usually have them all in a short period of time. 


They could also be signs of a virus, that's actually what it sounds most like to me. That's exactly how I usually get sick. 


Of course, you have to use all due caution when shortness of breath and tightness in the chest are concerned. Do you have a family history of heart trouble? 


I was thinking virus before the chest stuff started.  Now I'm thinking virus again.


I don't really have a family history of heart trouble.  The people in my family who have had heart issues had likely causes such as smoking / being electrocuted / being obese.  I don't have those kinds of issues.  My blood pressure is generally on the low side. 


I did drink a Shamrock Shake yesterday, which felt like a very bad idea.  :p  Maybe I'm being punished.

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So here's what's going on:

  • Was a little short of breath about half an hour ago, that I noticed, for no particular reason.
  • Also yawning a lot, which is unusual for me.
  • Got a mild headache.
  • Started to feel nauseous and started getting hot.  Took off my sweater.  Started sweating.
  • Hands shaking.
  • Started feeling like my heart was beating rapidly.
  • Tight feeling in chest.
  • Lay down for a few minutes, hoping it would pass.  Arms felt heavy when I tried to move them.
  • Now not shaking (or, a lot less), not sweating, not feeling rapid heartbeat or nausea, but still have a tight feeling in my chest and a weak feeling in my legs.  These symptoms seem to be slowly passing


The bolded would have me concerned, since these are signs of heart attack in women. I would err on the side of caution and see a doctor.






Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain in the center of your chest. It lasts more than a few minutes, or goes away and comes back.
  1. Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach.
  2. Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort.
  3. Other signs such as breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness.
  4. As with men, women’s most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. But women are somewhat more likely than men to experience some of the other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting and back or jaw pain.
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I was thinking virus before the chest stuff started.  Now I'm thinking virus again.


I don't really have a family history of heart trouble.  The people in my family who have had heart issues had likely causes such as smoking / being electrocuted / being obese.  I don't have those kinds of issues.  My blood pressure is generally on the low side. 


I did drink a Shamrock Shake yesterday, which felt like a very bad idea.  :p  Maybe I'm being punished.

Well, that family history has to start somewhere...


I'd probably make an appointment to get it checked out but monitor it in the meantime.  It could be a lot of things...or maybe a few things, like perimenopause symptoms and too much caffeine and maybe some low blood sugar.  But the chest discomfort is unsettling unless it can be explained by anxiety or heartburn or something. 


If the cluster of symptoms returns/worsens I'd chew an aspirin and head to the ER just to be safe. 


Hope you feel better and it turns out to be nothing. 

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I agree with Regentrude. 


Particularly the nausea, which doesn't fit with the other symptoms except in the case of heart trouble, got my attention.  


There is a simple blood test for a certain blood enzyme that is a result of even a mild heart attack that could be done quickly and that would take that worry off the table.  I would pretty aggressively go and have it.  Even if the symptoms pass, if I had suffered even slight damage to my heart, and also if I had developed a propensity for a future heart attack, I would want to know, pronto.

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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I'm in peri and the hot flashes I've had have not been like that at all. Pretty much all I get is hot--when no one else is and I haven't been doing anything that would cause me to be hotter than others around me.



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I hate going to the doctor and try to avoid it at all costs, but I would be on my way to the doctor's office or ER to get it checked out. As others have said, those can be symptoms of a cardiac issue. 


I hope it turns out to be nothing more than a weird perimenopausal moment!  :grouphug:

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Some of that sounds like perimenopause, some of it sounds like hypoglycemia, but some of it sounds like heart problems.  So since the latter is the most serious and scary, I agree with the others who have said, get checked.  Right now.  :grouphug:  Once everything is okay, please come back and update us.  But not until you're well.  Please take care of yourself!

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The bolded would have me concerned, since these are signs of heart attack in women. I would err on the side of caution and see a doctor.




This is exactly my first thought. I'd go to the dr or an er immediately.

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Some of that sounds like perimenopause, some of it sounds like hypoglycemia, but some of it sounds like heart problems.  So since the latter is the most serious and scary, I agree with the others who have said, get checked.  Right now.   :grouphug:  Once everything is okay, please come back and update us.  But not until you're well.  Please take care of yourself!


Interesting that you mentioned hypoglycemia.  About a half hour after this post, I got up to do a couple things and thought, "I feel like I'm having a sugar crash."  Ate some things and feel better now.


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As far as seeing my MD - well, I don't have an MD to see at the moment.  Only a chiropractor, and I don't know what they do for this sort of thing (but I am due for a visit, so I should probably go find out tomorrow if she'll have me).


I have some things I need to do for the next 2 hours, and then my kids will be coming home from school, so I am kind of stuck here.  I hope whatever it was was just "the perfect storm" of different minor things.

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As far as seeing my MD - well, I don't have an MD to see at the moment.  Only a chiropractor, and I don't know what they do for this sort of thing (but I am due for a visit, so I should probably go find out tomorrow if she'll have me).


I have some things I need to do for the next 2 hours, and then my kids will be coming home from school, so I am kind of stuck here.  I hope whatever it was was just "the perfect storm" of different minor things.


Not to add to your stress, but these are the exact reasons why so many woman die from heart attacks. They ignore all the symptoms and prioritize their work. 


Why not call your national health help line, if you have one, or something similar. You don't want to fool around if this is time sensitive.

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Interesting that you mentioned hypoglycemia. About a half hour after this post, I got up to do a couple things and thought, "I feel like I'm having a sugar crash." Ate some things and feel better now.


I'm glad you're feeling better! I have reactive hypoglycemia, so a lot of what you mentioned sounded very familiar. Did all of your symptoms improve when you ate?

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I'm glad you're feeling better! I have reactive hypoglycemia, so a lot of what you mentioned sounded very familiar. Did all of your symptoms improve when you ate?


Yes, except my chest still feels a little odd.  Though that could be because I am sitting in a different chair than usual....


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Thanks for this. I will prioritize getting in with some MD somewhere ....


ETA I'm not worse or anything ... just don't want to court trouble.

I think that's a wise decision.


It's worth it just to ease your mind -- but if they do find anything wrong, you can have it treated before it becomes any kind of emergency.

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These are the symptoms that my mother had, when she waited for 2 days and then got a friend to drive her to urgent care instead of calling an ambulance. We almost lost her. The urgent care called an ambulance and she crashed in the ambulance and they got her back. 


I'm glad it's a priority but ... don't mess around. Call *everywhere* to get in. 

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So here's what's going on:

  • Was a little short of breath about half an hour ago, that I noticed, for no particular reason.
  • Also yawning a lot, which is unusual for me.
  • Got a mild headache.
  • Started to feel nauseous / light-headed and started getting hot.  Took off my sweater.  Started sweating.
  • Hands shaking.
  • Started feeling like my heart was beating rapidly.
  • Tight feeling in chest.
  • Lay down for a few minutes, hoping it would pass.  Arms felt heavy when I tried to move them.
  • Now not shaking (or, a lot less), not sweating, not feeling rapid heartbeat or nausea, but still have a tight feeling in my chest and a weak feeling in my legs.  These symptoms seem to be slowly passing.

To note:

  • Been feeling like I might start my "Friend" soon.
  • Been drinking coffee, which, when paired with my "Friend," has sometimes caused shaking in the past (but not in recent years that I recall).
  • Been drinking more water than usual since yesterday.
  • Am stressed out about being behind on some work - but that has never caused this kind of reaction before.

What does this sound like?  Is this what a "hot flash" is like?  I have never had one in the daytime, that I recall.


I have a lot of work to do, so I can't afford to be silly about this, but just curious what it might be.

Sound a bit like the thread on "A Little Heart Attack". Any pain in your neck or shoulder?

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Now don't you all freak out.  :)  This has been a good thing, as it motivated me to make an appointment with an MD for all my family.  I needed to establish a relationship with an MD since our HMO shut down last year and we've nobody to call if we need a doc.


The first appointment I was able to get, though, is for March 29.


So I will talk to my friends later and decide if I should head over to urgent care after my kids go to bed.  I don't want to freak my kids out.


I'll see if we have any aspirin in the cupboard.


I'm not really having any symptoms now except for an odd thick feeling in the middle of my chest.  Could be gas or maybe I'm just super bloated from that milkshake yesterday.  I've been doing normal activities all afternoon and haven't had any recurrence of the other "symptoms."


So let me ask you guys.  IF I am having a heart episode, will my blood pressure be high?  I think we have a checker machine somewhere in the house.


Interesting, this is probably just gas, but it's making me think different thoughts.  Like, how lucky I am for all I have.  I am weird.

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Now don't you all freak out.  :)  This has been a good thing, as it motivated me to make an appointment with an MD for all my family.  I needed to establish a relationship with an MD since our HMO shut down last year and we've nobody to call if we need a doc.


The first appointment I was able to get, though, is for March 29.


So I will talk to my friends later and decide if I should head over to urgent care after my kids go to bed.  I don't want to freak my kids out.


I'll see if we have any aspirin in the cupboard.


I'm not really having any symptoms now except for an odd thick feeling in the middle of my chest.  Could be gas or maybe I'm just super bloated from that milkshake yesterday.  I've been doing normal activities all afternoon and haven't had any recurrence of the other "symptoms."


So let me ask you guys.  IF I am having a heart episode, will my blood pressure be high?  I think we have a checker machine somewhere in the house.


Interesting, this is probably just gas, but it's making me think different thoughts.  Like, how lucky I am for all I have.  I am weird.


The unusual thoughts thing is also concerning. Blood pressure isn't a reliable indicator of a heart attack.

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The unusual thoughts thing is also concerning. Blood pressure isn't a reliable indicator of a heart attack.

Yep, depending on the type of cardiac event, blood pressure could be high or low (or normal).  Same with pulse.   The good news is the main diagnostic tests are non-invasive:  Cardiac enzymes (a blood test), EKG, and Echocardiogram (ultrasound).  The bad news is they can't be done at home.

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Now don't you all freak out.  :)  This has been a good thing, as it motivated me to make an appointment with an MD for all my family.  I needed to establish a relationship with an MD since our HMO shut down last year and we've nobody to call if we need a doc.


The first appointment I was able to get, though, is for March 29.


So I will talk to my friends later and decide if I should head over to urgent care after my kids go to bed.  I don't want to freak my kids out.


I'll see if we have any aspirin in the cupboard.


I'm not really having any symptoms now except for an odd thick feeling in the middle of my chest.  Could be gas or maybe I'm just super bloated from that milkshake yesterday.  I've been doing normal activities all afternoon and haven't had any recurrence of the other "symptoms."


So let me ask you guys.  IF I am having a heart episode, will my blood pressure be high?  I think we have a checker machine somewhere in the house.


Interesting, this is probably just gas, but it's making me think different thoughts.  Like, how lucky I am for all I have.  I am weird.


If one of your children were having these symptoms would you bring them to urgent care? I sure as heck would, and you probably would, too. Why are you hesitating? Get yourself to urgent care. The kids will freak out more if you have to go in an ambulance. Just saying...

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Well, everyone has a theory (I don't mean here, but IRL).  One friend says panic attack, the other says acid reflux.  I keep burping, so I'm going with gas.  :P  That and probably a sugar crash.


I'm staying home tonight, but if anything else happens I'll head off to urgent care.

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FYI burping is another sign of a heart attack....as is the bloated feeling in the abdomen. http://www.medicinenet.com/heart_attack_symptoms_and_early_warning_signs/page4.htm



Sometimes belching or burping can accompany the nausea, and some patients have described a feeling like indigestionassociated with a heart attack. Women are more likely than men to report these less typical symptoms of heart attack, and some patients have described feeling as though they are developing the flu.....


 General epigastric (upper middle abdomen) discomfort

Sometimes the pain of heart attack is described as stomach pain, or pain in the middle of the upper abdomen. The pain usually feels more like discomfort of heaviness srather than sharp, stabbing pain, and the pain tends to persist more than a few minutes. This can occur with or without pain in the true chest area.

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Hi guys.  Thanks for caring.  :)

I went to urgent care.  Took me a while to find one that would do what I needed done, but ended up at a great one.  :)


They took my concern very very seriously!  They put me right on an EKG and tested my blood and took a chest x-ray.  The doctor wanted to admit me and make me do a stress test, but I said, I'm a single mom and my kids are getting off the school bus at 4pm.  :)


Well before anyone gets worried:  the 2 EKGs were great.  Blood test, normal.  Haven't heard back regarding the x-ray yet, but I'm gonna assume that's normal too.  The reason the doc is worried is because of my combination of symptoms as I described them, and also because he takes my family history to be bad.  I am not sure I agree with him, as those who had heart issues were either smokers, obese, or had been electrocuted in the past.  But he thought it was worrisome.  So he was insistent that I get a stress test tomorrow, and that is scheduled.  He also put me on some blood pressure meds, which seems weird since I don't have high BP, but they say, you don't want it to go up at all - what if you scream at your kids?  (Had to admit they had a point there.)  They also want me to wear a nitroglycerin patch and take aspirin.  So weird to go from no drugs to all drugged up.  :p


So I actually don't think I'm on the brink of dying or anything, but I want to get this stress test behind me and move on.  :)  I know my recent eating and exercise habits have not been great.  I can fix that.  I don't want to do anything invasive.  :)


I still have that tightness in my chest today.  Still hoping it's nothing.  "A bit of bad potato" as Scrooge would say.  :p


My bosses are not going to like the reduced level of work output ....

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Glad you went and hope the stress test results are good.  


I kind of want to know about the relative who had a heart attack but had previously been electrocuted...it really sounds like quite a story. 


My parents had heart attacks but they were smokers for decades, so I always think docs jump the gun when they hear my family history. 



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