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Best presidential calculator quiz I have seen yet.

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Hmmmm..... This helps explain why I was not on baord with McCain for most of the election season. If he had not of chosen Palin for VP I still would be writing in Baby Leo Kitty name.


John McCain (Republican)

79.25% match


Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 64.15%

Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 56.60%


Barack Obama (Democrat) - 35.85%

Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 18.87%


Ralph Nader (Independant) - 9.43%

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I matched most closely with Nader, then with Cynthia McKinney (Green Party). Obama was third.


Bob Barr of the Libertarian Party and Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party rank ahead of McCain for me, which was shocking to me because I am certainly not Christian and I don't consider myself to be socially conservative at all! I'm really surprised that I am least compatible with McCain.



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I have heard of McKinney but never seen her speak and I have no idea what her platform is. I agree with Baldwin but can not support his party's platform. I like Nader but don't align with his politics very well. I have no comment on the other two. :)

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I have heard of McKinney but never seen her speak and I have no idea what her platform is. :)


She's the one who had a smack down with the D.C. police last year when she tried to go around the metal detector. She did not have her ID on (the congressional lapel pin) and the policeman didn't recognize her (gee, you mean he doesn't have 400+ faces memorized? gosh) He tried to stop her, she punched him. The policeman filed charges, but I think things were smoothed over (the policeman wasn't happy about it, though).

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I matched most closely with Nader, then with Cynthia McKinney (Green Party). Obama was third.


Bob Barr of the Libertarian Party and Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party rank ahead of McCain for me, which was shocking to me because I am certainly not Christian and I don't consider myself to be socially conservative at all! I'm really surprised that I am least compatible with McCain.




Same here, although I am not surprised about the McCain thing...

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I did it twice - once where I left everything equally important and the other where I ranked things.


First time I got: Obama, Barr, Baldwin, and Nadar


Second time I got: Baldwin, Nadar, Obama, Barr


Both times McCain was at 35% (which is funny because I have *always* voted Republican!


What a crazy mix - I am soooo conservative about somethings and so liberal about others. This time it means I can't vote for anyone but Barr! (My only choices in NC are Obama, Barr, and McCain.)

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My results:


ralph nader 94% thats a big percentage! I've voted for him once before


barack obama 69% this is who I'm voting for this time, surprise!


cynthia mckinney 67%


bob barr 51%


chuck baldwin 46%


john mccain 22%



Well, no wonder you and I could not agree on a political issue to save our lives ;-)

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Nader 78.33%

Obama 68.33%

McKinney 61.75%

Barr 56.67%

Baldwin 35%

McCain 28.33%


I never consider Nader because it is a vote that can't win. Why doesn't he join the democratic party?



I wonder why Ron Paul didn't run on the Liberatarian ticket. He could have easliy won and gotten SO many more votes. Little mad at him about this. :glare:

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It was really accurate. I am closest to the Constitution party. And that is what I got, my second was Libertarian.


Third was not really a suprise, it was Obama. I'm not opposed to all of his ideas, but I can't agree with him on health care, education and moral issues. So I am voting for McCain.

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Great...my top matches are people I know nothing about and don't stand a chance in winning anyway. I really dislike that situation. "Waste a vote" or vote your conscience. The things I disagree with Obama about are big enough mountains to feel like I have no choice but vote away from him but I don't 100% agree with McCain. Between the two, I don't particularly want either but McCain is slightly in better agreement.


Why do I feel like I'm trying to choose between the lesser of two evils?? Ugh :willy_nilly:

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Great...my top matches are people I know nothing about and don't stand a chance in winning anyway. I really dislike that situation. "Waste a vote" or vote your conscience. The things I disagree with Obama about are big enough mountains to feel like I have no choice but vote away from him but I don't 100% agree with McCain. Between the two, I don't particularly want either but McCain is slightly in better agreement.


Why do I feel like I'm trying to choose between the lesser of two evils?? Ugh :willy_nilly:



I don't feel that way about this particular election, but I know what you mean. In the last election, my vote was not so much *for* a political candidate as it was a vote *against* who he was running against.


Sometimes its just like that, unfortunately. If there were more parties that truly had a chance, we're stronger and bigger, then it might be different.

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Great...my top matches are people I know nothing about and don't stand a chance in winning anyway. I really dislike that situation. "Waste a vote" or vote your conscience. The things I disagree with Obama about are big enough mountains to feel like I have no choice but vote away from him but I don't 100% agree with McCain. Between the two, I don't particularly want either but McCain is slightly in better agreement.


Why do I feel like I'm trying to choose between the lesser of two evils?? Ugh :willy_nilly:


I feel your pain, Jessica, I REALLY do. I cannot rally around EITHER of the major party platforms at all. And I voted for Dubya as the "lesser of two evils" TWICE, so you can imagine that I'm...questioning that whole line of thinking. ;) We're a couple of weeks away from the election, and I STILL don't know what to do. My family is trying to persuade me to vote one way (the lesser of two evils!), and my neighbors are pushing hard the other way (change we can believe in!). I guess that I'm too idealistic to vote with the former and two cynical to vote with the latter. :D


Right now I wish I were in one of those solidly red or blue states instead of in "battleground" VA. If I were, I'd vote third party for sure. What to do????

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This is why I wish more people would vote third party. If no one ever does, how will other parties ever develop? It is frustrating. I feel like the two parties have a stranglehold on the gov't.


I know, I'm with you on that one. You're exactly right, and its an argument I've used when flamed for the times I've voted 3rd party. Its gotta start somewhere, or it will never come to be on its own.

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This is why I wish more people would vote third party. If no one ever does, how will other parties ever develop? It is frustrating. I feel like the two parties have a stranglehold on the gov't.


You're right. That's the only way to make some changes in that area. It's just hard to do and appears impossible to convince enough people to do it. The country has become so stuck to Democratic or Republican it feels a waste to vote any other. You're right though...

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flamed for the times I've voted 3rd party.


I remember when Bush was running the first time and everyone (well, liberals, anyway) was all up in arms about people voting for Nader. There were all kinds of nasty accusations of Nader and Nader voters being the "spoilers." It made me so angry because the real spoilers of democracy are all the people who DON'T VOTE!



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I got 95% Ralph Nader, 87% Obama... my lowest was 22% McCain. Doesn't surprise me. But although I agree with him on lots of things, I don't really like Ralph Nader on a personality basis. I'll stick with Obama.


Kay, I think our results were exactly the same (to the percentage point in each case). That's something, huh?


And I wouldn't vote for Ralph Nader if someone put a gun to my head :D



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Kay, I think our results were exactly the same (to the percentage point in each case). That's something, huh?


And I wouldn't vote for Ralph Nader if someone put a gun to my head :D




I won't even show Nader score but it was like 80, 'cause I wouldn't vote for him ever. I also would never vote for Barr.


Barack Obama (Democrat) - 76.23%

Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 68.85%

Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 37.70%

Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 31.15%

John McCain (Republican) - 19.67%


Maybe after this election I will look more closely at what the Green and Constitution Parties are all about.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

My result was Chuck Baldwin, which is a relief because I was beginning to wonder if I should vote at all. Even though dh is voting for Chuck, I haven't done much research lately and didn't want to vote for him just because dh is going to.

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Hmmmm..... This helps explain why I was not on baord with McCain for most of the election season. If he had not of chosen Palin for VP I still would be writing in Baby Leo Kitty name.


John McCain (Republican)

79.25% match


Chuck Baldwin (Constitution) - 64.15%

Bob Barr (Libertarian) - 56.60%


Barack Obama (Democrat) - 35.85%

Cynthia McKinney (Green Party) - 18.87%


Ralph Nader (Independant) - 9.43%

:iagree:That is pretty much what I got for a result.

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I think I must be a weirdo...


I got 60% Obama and 60% Barr (Libertarian).


I'm planning on voting for McCain.


I'm confused. :confused:


It might be because I answered unsure too much. Like for "military action on Iran". I said Unsure. I don't support it right NOW but I wouldn't say I would never support it in any instance. I think maybe I overthought the questions.

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Of the candidates remaining in the race, the calculator matched me with (pretty much) the guy who shares most of my views. I just don't know if I can bring myself to actually vote for him.


This is ME! I just did it and found the same thing. I just don't know that I can do it because I just have the "feeling". I need to mail my absentee vote today! UGH!

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