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Am I forgetting any baby stuff??


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Between depression/mood issues, exhaustion, etc I am afraid I might be forgetting something. As in, until my midwife mentioned it, I forgot about getting nursing bras, lol! (thank goodness she put that on the birth supply list!)


I have all the stuff for the birth itself (homebirth). 


I have cloth diapers, all sizes, a few packages of baby wipes, cloth wipes if I get the urge or need, covers, and a few samples of newborn diapers (disposable). Midwife will leave a few disposable as well, for grandma changing, etc. I also registered for a pack just in case. 


We have a changing pad on top of the dresser, with a cover. 


We have a crib and  a pack and play with bassinet, with sheets. 


We have some onsies and gowns and such, and registered for more (shower on the 19th..will fill in clothes after that). I live in Florida, so not too cold here. 


Just ordered the car seat. 


Have receiving blankets. Never swaddled any of them, but registered for some swaddle things in case we try again. 


Have two pacifiers and a baby bottle, registered for more. 


Have a Spectra 2 breast pump.


Have nursing bras and nursing pads. 


Have overnight pads, and depends, for post partum bleeding and some stuff for healing any tears. 


Am I forgetting anything? Also, I need to pack a just in case hospital bag..don't want to overpack since it  is just in case..but what should i put in there? Nightgown/shirt/yogapants, undies, socks, contact case and solution, deodarant, ???

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Diapers, car seat, blanket, a few outfits, and a nursing bra or sports bra are really the only crucial postpartum items. I'd say you hit them plus a fair bit of overkill :p


Pads are useful but my midwives always gave me plenty for the worst of it, then it was just on to regular menstrual pads. Nipple cream was never much use here. Um.... chocolate? Chocolate is helpful, I always want junk food postpartum.

Edited by Arctic Mama
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Sounds like you're way better prepared than I have ever been for a baby :)

You didn't mention a stroller or baby wrap/carrier if those are things you would use.


The one thing I always take to the hospital is dried prunes, they're the best for preventing constipation troubles after birth :)

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You sound pretty set. I can honestly say I don't have as much as you and I've got a 5 week old. All I needed was a car seat, bassinet, a few outfits, diapers and wipes. But I already had all of that. Everything else is overkill to me. The hospital provided all pads and such for me so I didn't have to think about that either.

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I like to have a copy of this printed out and both dh and I look over it.



Plus an emergency birth kit.



I had an unassisted car birth with #3, 1/2 an hour from nowhere, and learned to be much better prepared for a similar situation with #4.  We had a large bin for the car with lots of clean bath towels, chux pads, the emergency kit, some other first aid stuff, a portable female urinal and tp, bottled water, a portable phone charger, important phone numbers and the booklet linked above, etc.

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Sounds like you're way better prepared than I have ever been for a baby :)

You didn't mention a stroller or baby wrap/carrier if those are things you would use.


The one thing I always take to the hospital is dried prunes, they're the best for preventing constipation troubles after birth :)


We still have an old stroller from the other kids...hoping to get another sometime. In the early days will use a carrier...hoping to get one at the shower, if not will buy one right away!


I have miralax in the house, but prunes aren't a bad idea. 


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I never really do lanolin cream, but I swear by Soothies: https://www.amazon.com/Lansinoh-Soothies-Breastfeeding-Mothers-Count/dp/B002KGHUL4?th=1


I also keep a couple of chux in the car and at home those last few weeks.


For you: breath mints or gum, granola bars, hair tie, chocolate, etc. I always want a ton of calories immediately postpartum.

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Food. Especially snacks for nursing. Oatmeal cookies.


You sound well prepared :)


I assume you have somewhere for the used diapers to go before they get washed? Wetbags/bins? and wetbags for travel?


Do you have socks for the baby? or at least those hand mitten things for when you can't cut the baby's nails short enough and they keep scratching you?


I found dermoplast to be necessary for me at a few days postpartum. Witchhazel for on top of frozen pads in the first couple of days?


What about something to keep your 6 and 3 year old occupied and happy in the first couple of weeks? New coloring books?


How will you eat in the days and weeks following the baby's arrival? Freezer meals? Will DH or DS be able to do the cooking?

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Post partum tea/red raspberry leaf tea


Mothers milk tea.


Arnica gel. (Keep in the fridge and rub on the nether region. Way better than the witch hazel pads ever were.)


Grocery list for DH or another to shop for a couple meals if you don't feel up to it any time in the first six weeks. Crockpot/freezer meals.


Emergency hospital bag: one change of clothes for mom/baby, shower stuff, books/phone charger. Three or four receiving blankets for the car seat on the way home. Keep it simple. If you have to transfer, you're likely to be there a couple days. Send DH with a list of things if you find you need something else after that.

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Food. Especially snacks for nursing. Oatmeal cookies.


You sound well prepared :)


I assume you have somewhere for the used diapers to go before they get washed? Wetbags/bins? and wetbags for travel?


Yes, diaper pail with wet bags, and smaller one for the diaper bag.


Do you have socks for the baby? or at least those hand mitten things for when you can't cut the baby's nails short enough and they keep scratching you?


Yes on socks, totally forgot about the mittens!!!!!! Thank you!


I found dermoplast to be necessary for me at a few days postpartum. Witchhazel for on top of frozen pads in the first couple of days?


Never heard of dermaplast, but yes, frozen pads are in the freezer already.


What about something to keep your 6 and 3 year old occupied and happy in the first couple of weeks? New coloring books?


​Good idea! Grandma will take them for a day or two, but after that some new stuff is a good plan.


How will you eat in the days and weeks following the baby's arrival? Freezer meals? Will DH or DS be able to do the cooking?


Not sure, honestly. I should make some freezer meals, but hate cooking when pregnant. 





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Post partum tea/red raspberry leaf tea


Mothers milk tea.


Arnica gel. (Keep in the fridge and rub on the nether region. Way better than the witch hazel pads ever were.)


Grocery list for DH or another to shop for a couple meals if you don't feel up to it any time in the first six weeks. Crockpot/freezer meals.


Emergency hospital bag: one change of clothes for mom/baby, shower stuff, books/phone charger. Three or four receiving blankets for the car seat on the way home. Keep it simple. If you have to transfer, you're likely to be there a couple days. Send DH with a list of things if you find you need something else after that.


Receiving blankets and a charger are things I did NOT think of!  I've always had oversupply, so not going to get the mothers milk tea unless there is a need. Is the raspberry leaf tea for helping the uterus contract down or?

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Do you need anything packed for your older kids? Dd2 was supposed to be a scheduled c-section while Dd1 was at daycare... Instead I went into percipitous labor after dinner at 36 weeks. We already had a hospital bag for me in the car, but I didn't have an overnight bag packed for the toddler. That would have been nice to have for her unscheduled trip to Grandma's.

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I do. I don't even like it, never use it, but feel compelled to buy it for every baby, lol!

Ha! I dont like it but require it for about 5 days. My nipples are so sensitive that it doesn't matter how perfect the latch is they still get torn to shreds the first day or 2 of breastfeeding. Then they scab over and it is super painful. That cream helps my nipples adjust to their new normal of being put to work. This time around sucked even more because I had to pump the first day since the boy was in the NICU.

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I think we're due around the same time.  Thanks for posting what you have ready, I needed it. Right now, the bassinet is still in the attic, the changing table is covered with other kids' stuff, the 3yo is refusing to leave the crib, which would be ok if I still had a pack n play but it died a horrible stinky death about 6 months ago, all the baby clothes are in the attic too (I hope), I don't have the carseat yet, I don't have nursing bras (but Maternity is having a sale right now so yay!), and I don't have any bottles in the house.


So! In my humble opinion, you are good to go! :) And now I have a better list of what I should really get around to doing.  Maybe tomorrow.  Or this weekend. I'm in town next Tuesday, so maybe it can wait until then. And maybe the baby can just hold tight another month, too, LOL .



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Just off the top of my head...nail clippers in your transfer bag. I had a surprise hospital transfer last time and had to spend 5 days there. Of course I got a torn nail right away, but I was surprised that the hospital didn't have any nail clippers or even scissors I could use, and it bugged the heck out of me, always scraping on the sheets. I think eventually a relative brought my knitting bag from home and I used the scissors in it - everyone else kept forgetting my clippers. It's a silly little thing and I won't blame you if you just kind of roll your eyes at this. :tongue_smilie:


Also, we happened to have a white noise machine with us, and the nurses kept commenting on how great and relaxing it was for the baby. One even went out a bought the same one for her new granddaughter.

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I can think of some things which may or may not appeal/apply to you but I found useful:


Baby bottle drying rack (my favorite is this one because it was good for flanges and bottles)

this one

Straw cleaners. Also prefer Munchkin brand to say, Dr. Brown's because they have a way to set them down. Shown in first link. You can pick these up separately, though. Or alternatively you could hang your straws.


Nipple Brush

They make a larger one for bottles, but I wish they just made the nipple brush with a longer handle so it could more easily be used for both! I often used it for both.


Bottle Brush

I've tried a few, this is the one I currently use for dd's straw bottle. I think it is less likely to scratch bottles and spray you with water compared to the one I have at my parents' home. The one I have over there is the OXO one.


Pumping bra

This is the exact listing I ordered, but the picture is wrong. Mine has two zippers down the front allowing you to add or remove a small panel.

Let me know if you have questions about SSC baby carriers. I just got my second one in the mail today. It's the toddler kinderpack and my previous one is the Lillebaby standard (which technically she still can use, but I find the panel height to be too short).


Oh yeah, and a nursing pillow. I got a freebie from the hospital (kinda looked like a boppy pillow) and already owned the Breastfriend one. I preferred the Breastfriend though I often went without either.

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I keep thinking of things lol


Not sure how soon you would need this, but since you mentioned bottle I will say the Lansinoh slow flow nipples were highly recommended in my LLL fb group. And you can just stick to that one speed the whole time. But you may have another brand in mind. I ended up using a few brands but stuck with those because the shape looked more natural to me. https://www.amazon.com/Lansinoh-mOmma-Slow-Flow-Nipples-Count/dp/B01J61VVR4/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1486683933&sr=8-1&keywords=Lansinoh+slow+flow


Burp cloths/bibs


Hair tie for you

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Hair ties in the transfer bag!!!!! I'd go insane if I didn't have those! Thank you!


We use Nuk bottles after having three kids in a row (4 if you count me as a baby) that wouldn't use any other brand. I don't really plan to need bottles for a while, but good to have a few. I do have a bottle brush but not a nipple brush, should get that, thank you!


Also, I'd forgotten gas drops and also gripe water. Will get those. And maybe some infant tylenol. Everything else that was mentioned I think we have. 

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Receiving blankets and a charger are things I did NOT think of! I've always had oversupply, so not going to get the mothers milk tea unless there is a need. Is the raspberry leaf tea for helping the uterus contract down or?

Yes ma'am! I didn't use the tea with the first two, but I was giveen IM piticocin and another med in the hospital after the boys. With little miss number three, my midwife made me a gallon of it. I didn't think it was a big deal. 12 hours later, I was chugging it. It made a big difference, especially because she was two pounds bigger than either of my boys and a much better nurser. Get. The. Tea. Lol


The nursing issues I had were related to prematurity, but the few times that I needed the mothers milk tea was always late at night. I would drink a cup, a quart of water, and in under an hour I would have a sleeping baby. Always at the 3,10, and 21 day marks when baby was crying, "more milk mamma!" and more nursing just hurt. With #3, I used the tea for the first five days in the evening and it seemed my milk supply was much more even.


Edited because Sleepy brain doesn't type well.

Edited by Elizabeth 2
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I would have tums in the hospital bag. My pregnancy heartburn didn't go away right away, and I was very annoyed that after my hospital birth, the nurses couldn't get me any tums without dr's orders. 


OH! Smart!!!!! I'm on prilosec daily, didn't even think to pack some!

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Ooo, I loved Dermaplast--it's a cooling spray that helps heal the hemmies...:-)


Do you have a bouncy seat for the baby so that you can put the little mite down and sing to him in the kitchen while you make dinner? :-)


Yes indeed. My first was born in the hospital and they hooked me up lol


For the second (homebirth), I sent DH out to the store, after a few days of not being able to sit or lay or move without pain down there. There is a red lid dermoplast and a blue lid dermoplast. The blue lid one is the one to get. 


On the pain thought, do you have Motrin at home for afterpains? 

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I do. I don't even like it, never use it, but feel compelled to buy it for every baby, lol!


Lanolin is great for chapped lips. We use it all the time. You can also use it as diaper cream. It's especially good for the first few days to help you get the meconium off the baby's bottom. (strangely my spell checker doesn't know what meconium is - odd)


Do you have a name picked yet? You're not truly ready until you have a name picked.


For a home birth make sure that you have juice on hand. I don't know if your list specified that but I would be lost without my juice.


Don't forget to pack your preferred camera.

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Yes indeed. My first was born in the hospital and they hooked me up lol


For the second (homebirth), I sent DH out to the store, after a few days of not being able to sit or lay or move without pain down there. There is a red lid dermoplast and a blue lid dermoplast. The blue lid one is the one to get. 


On the pain thought, do you have Motrin at home for afterpains? 


Good to know! And yes, have motrin for afterpains. 

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Bulb syringe is on the registry, will get another though so I know I have one, good call. I have gatorade for the birth and after, but not juice. I'll get some apple juice. We do have a swing and a bouncy seat (both handed down from friends - yay)


Baby does have a name - Rosemary Grace :)


Will add lip balm to the hospital bag. 

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Bulb syringe is on the registry, will get another though so I know I have one, good call. I have gatorade for the birth and after, but not juice. I'll get some apple juice. We do have a swing and a bouncy seat (both handed down from friends - yay)


Baby does have a name - Rosemary Grace :)


Will add lip balm to the hospital bag. 


Ooooh, I love that name!!!

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I would be afraid that I would suck the snot in my mouth!


This was my fear, too. But they come with filters that are supposed to stop it. I have tried ours a few times, but by the time I got it dd was a bit older and she moves her head away if I try. So I don't know if it's much use to us. I think I got it for her around the time she turned two.


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This was my fear, too. But they come with filters that are supposed to stop it. I have tried ours a few times, but by the time I got it dd was a bit older and she moves her head away if I try. So I don't know if it's much use to us. I think I got it for her around the time she turned two.



I got the nosefrida, preparing for the birth. I let the midwives use the bulb syringe that they had me order for their post birth suctioning, but used nosefrida whenever I needed it after that. It works a lot better than the bulb syringe, and it's much easier to clean. 


My only issue with it is that the red thing falls out when I'm trying to suck snot from a wiggly baby. 


It came in handy the few times she was sick and had a lot of mucus. Now that she is more mobile, (12 mo) it's harder to hold her down to use it. 


I've never had mucus touch the foamy filter thing thought I've pulled out loads of it. I haven't replaced the filter yet either since snot hasn't touched it. 

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Yes, olive oil was actually on the list for the birth kid. Not sure what you mean by breast shells?


Here is a link https://www.amazon.com/Philips-Avent-Comfort-Breast-Shell/dp/B000058DQJ/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1486826046&sr=8-1&keywords=breast+shells

They are really nice for the first few weeks of nursing. If you are prone to sore and cracked nipples. It helps your nipples breathe even when you have clothing on. 


If you are prone to engorgement a milk saver is nice. /www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=milk+saver they are nice to get some milk out prior to putting the baby on the breast to avoid the baby gagging on the over flow. But your not pumping so your don't get more than just the first burst of milk that often chokes baby and makes them not want to latch.

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