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So, middle-aged ladies with chin hair...


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I'm officially menopausal, and it's getting worse. I already had some, but now I'm shaving in the shower and have an electric razor as well.


I saw a brochure in the dermatologists office for laser hair removal, and it's $120 a session with at least four sessions required. Not at present.


The budget is somewhat tight, but I might have some latitude later in the year.




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My middle dd has Hashimoto's (thyroid problems) and has LOTS of facial/neck hair-- enough that she has to shave daily-- if not multiple times a day...


Laser works great on her-- look at 'Living Social' and 'Groupon' for coupons to salons.  Dermatologist offices use the same equipment and charge about 10 times more...(and it rarely is the Dr who does the work-- usually a tech with the same training as the salon).


DD has to go in about every 6 weeks for maintenance.   Her issue now is that she is in the UK and hair removal salons are in short supply (especially out in northern England where she is at grad school).


DD has light skin with dark hair-- so laser is perfect for her.


Me on the other hand... my chin hairs are grey... so razor or tweezer-- at least there are not too many...



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Lasers as permanent means of removal do not work for everyone.  I have mild PCOS and attempted laser removal for facial hair (probably vanity, as mine wasn't terribly awful or unmanageable).  Not only did the laser treatment not work, it actually made the growth worse than it had been.  And I got terrible break outs all over the treated areas until I finally gave up and stopped treatments.    Now I have slightly more facial hair to deal with and wish I had never attempted laser removal in the first place.


It did, however, work great for my sister.  She worked for a laser removal company and had almost every bit of hair removed from her entire body (for free).  She has very minimal regrowth years later.

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I have a full "patch" of hair on each corner of my chin. My neck is getting there. Ironically my mustache is just a few fine dark hairs. Those can be plucked.


I'm going to try Surgi-Cream from Sally Beauty Supply for hair removal. The dermatologist said that gives some people a break from shaving the dense areas.


When our finances improve, I'll shop around for laser treatment. The dermatologist does run half-off specials twice a year, and I live in an area where Groupon is a possibility.

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I have PCOS. I found my first chin hair at 15 or so. I tried electrolysis in college but didn't have the funds to continue. With every pregnancy, especially with my boys, it got worse and worse. It's all up and down my neck, and unfortunately it's hard to see to tweeze. I shave at least once a day.


I wonder about laser making things worse. I know if I had tried laser I might think it was making it worse, when in reality it's been hormones and age that have exacerbated the problem.


I want to do something. I find the amount of hair quite horrifying, tbh. But I have never been able to decide between laser and electrolysis.

Edited by DesertBlossom
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It was not a popular suggestion on the other thread, but I have a little Epilady it does an awesome job of keeping my chinny chin chin (and mustache) under control, so as to avoid RegGuheert's suggestion above!!


It really doesn't hurt that much and it just takes a few minutes to run along my jawline.  It did hurt at first and it caused some breakouts, but I've had it for a couple years and I have gotten used to it.  It's quicker and less painful than plucking individually, and no mess from wax.  

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I wrote a much longer post about this in the other ("waxing") thread, but my recommendation is to just shave.  It's so easy and fast and chemical and pain free (or at least it has been all these things for me).  I imagine waxing hurts a bit, I know bleaching does, plucking has started to hurt more than it used to (coarser hair, probably) -- plus all these things take time. I shave my face and neck once every two weeks (three minutes max) and spot shave my chin once every 1-2 days (one minute max -- I just wet the razor and run it over my chin thoroughly). I never use shaving cream or anything -- just warmish water.  Moisturize and done. As mentioned above, I love how smooth my face feels and makeup (although I don't wear much) looks and feels nicer when it's applied. 

Edited by milovany
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It was not a popular suggestion on the other thread, but I have a little Epilady it does an awesome job of keeping my chinny chin chin (and mustache) under control, so as to avoid RegGuheert's suggestion above!!


It really doesn't hurt that much and it just takes a few minutes to run along my jawline.  It did hurt at first and it caused some breakouts, but I've had it for a couple years and I have gotten used to it.  It's quicker and less painful than plucking individually, and no mess from wax.  


I'm glad I'm not the only one.  If you do it frequently it really doesn't hurt at all.  I leave it in the drawer next to the computer and occasionally go over that area.  I also use it on the top of my toes.  The toes occasionally hurt, but then I only do that infrequently.  

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I am um, well into menopause and finally got tired of pulling individual white hairs off my upper lip and shaved them off for the first time a month or so ago. 


Thankfully, they are white and not too obvious, because I have never been very hairy.  But gee, I really never imagined I would capitulate to a razor to remove a few stray hairs. 

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I have had success with epilation, but I don't have dark hairs on my chin, just blonde hairs there.


I use it on my chin, under my arms and on my legs. If you're inclined to drink wine or something stronger, you might want a glass before your first time. ;) I sure wish I'd had something the first time I did my under arms! The hair comes back softer and thinner. Maintenance is 1-2 times a week for me, but sometimes I push that.

Edited by Angie in VA
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I have a little at home wax thing.  You heat up the little pot of wax until it melts, smear it on with a popsicle stick thingy, and rip it off.  I do the corners of my mouth, my chin & a few random ones on my neck.  The ones at the corners of my mouth and my neck are dark and soft like eyelashes or eyebrow hair.  The hairs on my chin are stiff, wiry & white.


Oh the joys of peri-menopause.


Amber in SJ

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