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Is this reasonable?


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Long story short, I have a group of girlfriends who go to the beach every year together.   We all went to the same boarding school in Africa together.  There are about 35 invited, but usually about 10-14 can actually come.  It is our entire graduating class (women only) who are invited.  So, some I am close to and others not as close, but I still enjoy their company.  I say all that to explain the following.


I live in a major city.  So, instead of spending the extra to fly to the beach, some ask if they can fly into my city and spend the night and go with me.  In the past, this has not been an issue because I wasn't working, the boys weren't in school, and we had plenty of time.


But now, I work full time and the boys are in school full time.


Two of the women (both of whom I am actually NOT close to)  now have asked me if they can fly into my city, have me pick them up, spend the night, and then on Sunday, ride back with me and I take them to the airport.


Just for perspective, the beach is 4 hours to the East of me.  The airport is almost an hour to the West of me.


If they can arrive on Wed. by 3pm, I can pick them up after work without going too far out of my way.  But Sunday will be the issue. I will have to drive an additional 2 hours on top of the 4 hour Beach drive just to get them to the airport and back.  Never mind that I have no idea if their flights will coordinate times.


Would I be a horrible person to explain the above and say that they can come if they are willing to share an Uber to the Airport on Sunday from my house to get back to the airport?  


I LOVE this weekend and look forward to it every year, but even when I wasn't working, it takes a lot out of me.  I am in charge of quite a bit of it, which I also love, but again, it wears me out.  I am just thinking the additional 2 hours plus all the entertaining, hosting, etc....will be more than I can deal with.





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There is nothing wrong with telling someone you have no way to get them back on Sunday because of prior obligations.


The same thing happens to us frequently because the closer airport is expensive flights, and the airport further away has cheaper flights. Usually the savings is only $100 to $200 round trip. So, I am expected to pay for a round trip of gas, tolls, and parking just so visitors can save a little money. No way. I tell them I will pick them up if they fly into the airport nearby. They can rent a car or use a shuttle service if they fly into the far away airport.

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You are working now and just can't do it. That is in no way unreasonable.


If it won't be too much stress, I would tell them that the extra two hour drive to the airport and back is not possible on either Wednesday or Sunday because of getting home from or ready for the work week.  If they can Uber to your house Wednesday and Uber to the airport Sunday, you will drive them to the beach.


If thinking about that is stressful, I think it's perfectly reasonable to say "I can't drive anyone this year."  In my case, there would just be too many moving parts to pack and get the family ready to leave to have people show up on my doorstep at the agreed upon time.  I'd need flexibility to leave an hour later without having people waiting on me.  I would be telling them no rides this year.

Edited by Joules
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There is nothing wrong with telling someone you have no way to get them back on Sunday because of prior obligations.


The same thing happens to us frequently because the closer airport is expensive flights, and the airport further away has cheaper flights. Usually the savings is only $100 to $200 round trip. So, I am expected to pay for a round trip of gas, tolls, and parking just so visitors can save a little money. No way. I tell them I will pick them up if they fly into the airport nearby. They can rent a car or use a shuttle service if they fly into the far away airport.


I wish hubby would tell his relatives this, they used to live in Chicagoland and KNOW the airport they pick (Midway) is far, FAR more inconvenient then O-Hare for us!  Yet they still insist on using the airport that forces hubby to navigate through and south of the city (up to two hours each way in traffic, and when is there NOT traffic in and around a big city?) rather than the airport that is a 40 minute at most straight shot down the tollway from us ( we live west of O'Hare).

. Grrrrr.

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Well, one person already purchased an airline ticket BEFORE asking.  Thankfully, she arrives at a time I can swing by after school to do a pick up and I have already told her she will have to spend the night in the office on a mattress on the floor as we don't have space without displacing a teen who has to go to school in the morning.


Honestly, that space really won't hold two mattresses comfortably, but it will have to do if they really want to stay here.  


I have now sent an email to both of them explaining that I will do pick ups on my way home from work ONLY, so if the 2nd one wants to come, she needs to arrive before 4pm.  I have also explained that I cannot provide transportation to the airport once we get back and they will need to share an Uber or something.


I can let them stay on the floor in our office (on mattresses) and I can give them a ride to/from the beach.  


That is more than enough really.   Next year I will be VERY clear from the start.  


I am taking 2 days off of work to go.  

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Well, one person already purchased an airline ticket BEFORE asking.  


This is a bold, and I believe a rude move if she still expects you to do anything for her.  I don't even do this with my own family. I always check first. 


It's probably easier to be a little rude with a near stranger, actually. Not as worried about putting them out.  I wouldn't go out of my way at all with this person.

Edited by wintermom
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First, this post sounds like the beginning to a novel! :)


I think it's totally cool to say, "my life has changed 180 and I'm totally slammed with full-time work, the kids. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I can barely do the beach."


I would much rather know the truth of your situation versus your taking on me as a headache. . . and I figure it out somewhere along the way. I'd be mortified to think that I'd encroached on your busy life!



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Very reasonable to say you can't get off work to drive to the airport and they should hire a cab or similar.


I assume you have room in your car for extra people and bags, since you didn't mention that as an issue.  But if it is an issue, then it would also be very reasonable to opt out of driving others and tell them to rent a car or something.

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Is this reunion always in the same location, close to your city? If so, it seems that over the years you've been VERY gracious about helping out all these travelers and past classmates. Maybe it's time to hold this reunion in a different location and share the burden around a little more? 

Edited by wintermom
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Is this reunion always in the same location, close to your city? If so, it seems that over the years you've been VERY gracious about helping out all these travelers and past classmates. Maybe it's time to hold this reunion in a different location and share the burden around a little more? 


Not exactly close.  It is still 4 hours away.


If it gets moved too far away, I won't be able to go anymore, so I take on a bit more hoping we can stay local enough for me to attend.


Does that make sense?


There ARE some others at another city, also 3-4 hours from the beach.  I have suggested she look into flights there too, and ask those folks.

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Even not so close friends in that scenario are still like family.  At least that is the case for my boarding school friends from 30 some years ago.   I don't think that there is anything wrong with explaining the situation.  If an Uber is too expensive then hopefully they can change their flight to land somewhere closer to the beach. 

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Even not so close friends in that scenario are still like family.  At least that is the case for my boarding school friends from 30 some years ago.   I don't think that there is anything wrong with explaining the situation.  If an Uber is too expensive then hopefully they can change their flight to land somewhere closer to the beach. 



The problem is that the beach flights are almost double.  I get it.  I do, but I just can't accommodate this time around.

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Just say no and don't feel guilty.  "I'm sorry, but due to my work and family schedule this year I am unable to assume an hostess duties at my home or juggle any trips to the airport."  They are adults and will work out their own travel plans.  Your home and labor is not a given in this situation.  If you want to add "Please feel free to ask in the future because my schedule may change" it may take some of the sting out and leave that door open.  However, you might now WANT that door to be open.  Four hours of extra driving is a lot to ask of anyone. They'll pay more, but they'll probably have a better time if they fly into the area they are staying.  


ETA:  Can they pool their resources, fly into the cheaper airfare place, then share the rental of a room and car to get to the beach?  If that is more expensive, they may as well fly to the beach.

Edited by KungFuPanda
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The problem is that the beach flights are almost double.  I get it.  I do, but I just can't accommodate this time around.


What is so special about a beach that is so inconvenient for flights? Sounds like a pain in the butt for most people to get to. I don't get it. Pick somewhere that's easier to get to for an annual gathering. Surely the point is to see each other, not drive blooming 4 hours after a long flight.

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I wish hubby would tell his relatives this, they used to live in Chicagoland and KNOW the airport they pick (Midway) is far, FAR more inconvenient then O-Hare for us!  Yet they still insist on using the airport that forces hubby to navigate through and south of the city (up to two hours each way in traffic, and when is there NOT traffic in and around a big city?) rather than the airport that is a 40 minute at most straight shot down the tollway from us ( we live west of O'Hare).

. Grrrrr.

Unrelated to the OP, but why on earth don't they take the train from Midway to O'Hare? I used to live by Midway, but routinely took the train to O'Hare to fly the one airline that flew into my parents' hometown. It's not a hard trip by train -- certainly easier than forcing someone to drive across Chicago!

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