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Vegetables for breakfast


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I need some new suggestions for vegetables for breakfast, particularly cooked, because as it gets cold, I'm not really into raw veggies in the morning. I eat an egg or two every single day, and sautéed mushrooms many days out of the week. I could use ideas for other things. If it's a big casserole or something that I could make and reheat, that would work too.


It needs to be low sugar/carb. I'm not diabetic but lean a bit in that direction, so I'm watching my blood sugar levels in hopes of not hitting gestational diabetes. A fried egg and a fried avocado give me perfect numbers, but a fried tomato instead of the avocado was too much first thing in the morning. So, no white potatoes (sweet might be okay, haven't tried them), no bread/oatmeal, and maybe tomatoes if they're mixed with other veggies/cheese/fats. Pinterest has lots of ideas for veggie fritters, casseroles, etc., but if anyone has any favorites, I'd love to hear them!

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We get a CSA in the summer so we get all sorts of random veggies.  I've been making random veggie egg bake.  I lightly cook or saute veggies, chop them up and thrown in enough eggs and cheese to hold them together.  350 oven 45-60 minutes depending if I used a pie plate or larger casserole dish.  I have an egg bake in my fridge right now that has onions, peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, curly leaf kale, a few potatoes, a dash of italian seasoning, cheddar.  You could lay off the higher carb veggies.

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I like to shred Brussels sprouts and sauté those, sometimes with some sweet potatos and/or mushrooms, and sometimes alone. Sautéed cabbage is my favorite quick go-to. I flavor it with curry & cumin sometimes, or lemon pepper or just plain.



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Roast some broccoli, then break a fried egg over it. Or steam some spinach and stir a fried egg and/or some melted cheese into that. Or just serve yourself roasted veggies and leftover meat.


Frittata is great too, it's like a big baked omelet/crustless quiche with whatever you want in it (spinach and mushrooms make a good choice) and you can make a big one and then just cut chunks out of it as you go. 

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Once or twice a week, I make a big batch of roasted asparagus, roasted beets, sautéed mushrooms and mashed cauliflower to keep in the fridge for breakfast.    


And as others have already mentioned, we love to add lots of veggies to scrambled eggs.  Onion, jalapeño, bell peppers, and broccoli w/ some shredded pepper jack cheese is our favorite.

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We often eat fried or poached eggs over mashed root veggies (like rutabaga, sweet potato, celery root, turnip, etc....) or over roasted veggies (just about anything).  I will make a big batch and serve it over a few mornings.  I also like eggs over fried cabbage or greens too.  I am not into sweet things for breakfast and have a CSA so the combo means lots of veggies for breakfast.

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Any combo of fried zucchini, tomato, onion, spinach and garlic or mushroom is good with egg.


I wonder if your blood sugar would cope better with the tomato if you did half a tomato and half an avocado or something?


I love when I eat veggie breakfasts but of course rarely do it.

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DH has sweet potatoes with breakfast about every other day. We bake a bunch on the weekend, and when he wants breakfast, he will take one out and slice it up and heat it up in the skillet along with his egg.


I like to make a double batch of quiche or frittata at least once a month, basically cleaning out leftovers in the veggie and cheese drawers.


I recently got something yummy at Wegman's hot dinner bar that I saved for breakfast: wedges of baked cauliflower au gratin. I don't have a recipe, but plan to try to recreate it.

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Most days when I'm home for breakfast I'll saute summer squash or zucchini (potato when those aren't available), mushrooms, red & green bell pepper, onion, spinach, tomato, and a fresh basil leaf along with two fried eggs for breakfast.  Hubby uses the same veggies - and has added okra - then puts his into a burrito.  It's really, really good.

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I'm liking all these ideas -- thanks everyone!


Yes, half a tomato and half an avocado would probably be better for my blood sugar. I just happened to have whole tomatoes one day, so I quartered one and fried it up, and then today I happened to have an avocado, and I noticed different results. I like tomatoes sautéed with zucchini and mushrooms, topped with mozzarella (it's the flavors of pizza), so it would be nice to be able to do that.

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I fry an egg or two over medium, then fill my egg pan with baby spinach and sauté that for a minute or two. I like the slightly runny yolk with the spinach.


If I have more time, I'll do a scramble with any combination of onions, peppers, mushrooms, broccoli, and spinach.


Edited to add: I forgot about my favorite winter fried eggs. I make roasted Brussels sprouts, carrots, and parsnips with bacon as a side dish often. When I have leftovers, I fry my eggs, then sauté the roasted veggies and bacon in the egg pan to reheat and serve over the eggs.

Edited by AnnE-girl
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Zucchini slice! It is an Australian dish. You grate up zucchini and maybe some carrot, and mix it with sautéed onions, shredded cheese, eggs, and a bit of flour to hold it together. Then bake it in the oven. It's savory and delicious. Taste.com.au has a good recipe for it.

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I fill a small, cast iron skillet with baby arugula and sauté it. Add beaten eggs and push it around a bit to set on the bottom. Add feta or goat cheese, sautéed mushrooms or tomatoes or whatever, then stick under the broiler for 2-3 minutes. It works with kale or spinach too, but arugula is my favorite.


Leftover sweet potato or butternut squash chunks make great hash. Sauté onions with bacon or sausage, add potatoes, salt/pepper/spices, get them heated up, then crack an egg or two on top. Broil until eggs are set.

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