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A new venting thread


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Update from original vent (which turned out to be a bad case of cancer) in Post #193.   :party:


I know there used to be a venting thread, but in a quick look, it wasn't coming up for me.  Shall we start another?  Venting can be so helpful mentally (I think).


For some reason  :lol: I'll start.


My mom and I talked (as usual) last Sunday.  She had been having left side chest pains that radiated down into her left arm for almost a week.  (BIG alarm bell for me)  Then she went on to say earlier in the week she had gone to see her doctor and he told her it was just a pulled muscle. (???)  She should take extra strength painkillers and wait it out.  (?????)


My mom is in her 70s, very overweight, been a Type II diabetic for 50 years, and now has this chest/arm pain that won't go away and the default idea is a pulled muscle?  Granted, she plays badminton, so that idea is not out of the picture, but as default?


When it didn't go away, he decided to schedule her for a stress test.  This happened yesterday (well over a week later).  Surprise!  She failed.  


Now all seems to be on track with helping her in a timely manner, so no "advice" or whatever needed, but I just had to vent about the process of getting to this point.  :cursing:


I know I have my own health/nerve issues, but those are strange ones, so my being frustrated has a reason.  Most doctors don't have a clue and aren't interested in figuring out puzzles and I'm too frustrated to keep hunting one down who is interested.  It's frustrating, but on its own level, and with cause.


My mom's, OTOH, seems so CLASSIC, so WTH?   :banghead:


Vent over.  Free free to add yours.  It need not be medical, of course.  Just a vent.

Edited by creekland
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What is it about doctors?! Ugh. I made a point to exercise this morning even though I didn't want to because I don't want to fall into their hands earlier than I must. Gotta keep healthy just to stay away from the doctors.

Edited by Garga
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I'm glad your mom finally saw a doctor... but it does sound pretty frustrating.


My own vent:


I need to get away.  We've been planning a camping trip to WV for nearly 2 months and I've been giddily looking forward to it.  I was going to leave early tomorrow and be the lead person. It's first-come-first served camp sites.  Having the WHOLE day to myself on the mountain.    But, now the weather looks semi crappy and I'm coming down with a cold.  :crying:  We're fair-weather tent campers so the thought of living out of a tent in the cold rain whilst fighting a cold isn't all that appealing.  Oh and aunt Flo decided to arrive today after 6 weeks.  Thanks  :glare:  Ugh.  


I'm also annoyed with my dh because some of the best weekends have been taken up with other commitments two of which I asked him NOT to commit to so far in advance (because I wanted a chance to go camping). 


downing Tiger Sauce, Airborne and elderberry syrup. 

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Ugh, I am so sorry to hear that.  My Mom did the exact same thing a couple years back, arm pain for days, by the time she got to the hospital we had almost lost her.

Glad she is getting help now.

Venting, sure, I would love to, but if I start, it will be a cascade of things I am currently shoving back with Netflix, books and wine. ;)

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I'm glad your mom finally saw a doctor... but it does sound pretty frustrating.


My own vent:


I need to get away.  We've been planning a camping trip to WV for nearly 2 months and I've been giddily looking forward to it.  I was going to leave early tomorrow and be the lead person. It's first-come-first served camp sites.  Having the WHOLE day to myself on the mountain.    But, now the weather looks semi crappy and I'm coming down with a cold.  :crying:  We're fair-weather tent campers so the thought of living out of a tent in the cold rain whilst fighting a cold isn't all that appealing.  Oh and aunt Flo decided to arrive today after 6 weeks.  Thanks  :glare:  Ugh.  


I'm also annoyed with my dh because some of the best weekends have been taken up with other commitments two of which I asked him NOT to commit to so far in advance (because I wanted a chance to go camping). 


downing Tiger Sauce, Airborne and elderberry syrup. 


That stinks.  :(  Elderberry syrup is currently my best friend too, don't know if it should be mixed with wine, but I don't care either.

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Well that's frustrating. 


I keep waking up too damn early.  Like ridiculously early.  I don't know why or what I can do about it.


Good luck doing something about it.  If you find something, let me know.


I was thrilled that one morning last week (Wednesday to be precise), I actually slept in until 6:51am.  I haven't been able to sleep in that late since one morning back in 2013.  It doesn't matter how late I go to bed.  They are that memorable that I can recall exactly where I was and what was going on at the time.



What is it about doctors?! Ugh. I made a point to exercise this morning even though I didn't want to because I don't want to fall into their hands earlier than I must. Gotta keep healthy just to stay away from the doctors.


This incident actually made me respect my own local doc a wee bit more.  When I had chest pains (right side - NOT cardiac, though still unexplained) he insisted I do a stress test pretty quickly "just in case."  I'll admit I wasn't terribly pleased at the times as symptoms really didn't match IMO, but when I think about it I'd rather he err that way.


It boggles my mind that my mom went to her doctor with her symptoms, age, and condition and HE told her just to try painkillers and wait it out - it was probably a pulled muscle.  I keep feeling I missed part of the story somehow.


I guess I expected after my experience that the default would be to check out cardiac, then consider other things.  Apparently not.


I'm glad your mom finally saw a doctor... but it does sound pretty frustrating.


My own vent:


I need to get away.  We've been planning a camping trip to WV for nearly 2 months and I've been giddily looking forward to it.  I was going to leave early tomorrow and be the lead person. It's first-come-first served camp sites.  Having the WHOLE day to myself on the mountain.    But, now the weather looks semi crappy and I'm coming down with a cold.  :crying:  We're fair-weather tent campers so the thought of living out of a tent in the cold rain whilst fighting a cold isn't all that appealing.  Oh and aunt Flo decided to arrive today after 6 weeks.  Thanks  :glare:  Ugh.  


I'm also annoyed with my dh because some of the best weekends have been taken up with other commitments two of which I asked him NOT to commit to so far in advance (because I wanted a chance to go camping). 


downing Tiger Sauce, Airborne and elderberry syrup. 


I can't vent about my mom waiting a couple of days before seeing a doctor.  I'd have done the same.  I have done similarly for anything going wrong.  I believe pretty strongly in letting the body have a chance to heal itself and the role of being a patient is not one I enjoy.  My vent is that when she did go see a doctor he dismissed her symptoms even though they were pretty classic - or at least I thought they were.


That aside... I hope you feel better and can get a decent camping trip in!  With good weather, this weekend would be ideal.  Does Matthew's turning away from the coast help your weather forecast at all?



Ugh, I am so sorry to hear that.  My Mom did the exact same thing a couple years back, arm pain for days, by the time she got to the hospital we had almost lost her.

Glad she is getting help now.

Venting, sure, I would love to, but if I start, it will be a cascade of things I am currently shoving back with Netflix, books and wine. ;)


See above about my mom.


And you either need to vent or share the wine...  :coolgleamA:   I'll give you time to think.  I need to head out into the fields to get more cockleburrs down before the ponies decide to "help."


I suppose I could vent about how difficult cockleburr plants are to kill without using herbicides (these are right near our stocked pond - herbicides and fish generally don't get along well).  We never had these years ago.  Some unknown critter brought them in when I was out of commission a couple of years back and they exponentially increase in numbers, so the next two - three years will require all out war if we're to win the battle (sigh).

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That aside... I hope you feel better and can get a decent camping trip in!  With good weather, this weekend would be ideal.  Does Matthew's turning away from the coast help your weather forecast at all?   .......



No, it's not Matthew that will be affecting us.  There's a cold front coming down and its supposed to rain beginning Friday night into all day Saturday.   We may go on Saturday, but I don't actually put a lot of hope in getting a site.  We may wait until next week too.



Can I vent some more??!!


I got my hair done today. ..  nuff said.  t2311.gif

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Hope your mom is OK, creekland.


I am frustrated with myself. When I'm studying, I look forward so much to being on summer break - it's a 4.5 month holiday, who wouldn't be excited ?


Well, me, it turns out. I've had one week's break, been out to lunch four times, and now, without class, I feel all anxious and droopy and meaningless. I swear I did not get the 'how to enjoy things' gene, only the 'work harder to prove you are worthwhile' gene.


Also, b/c this is the venting thread, I will allow myself to continue to vent about the friend thing. I did an experiment these school holidays and waited for our so called homeschool friends to reach out to ds instead of me organizing every bloomin' thing. Well, it turned out as I anticipated. No-one called him or asked him to do anything. 


So my kids are obviously unlikable. Yay. They probably got that from me.


Also, I am stressed about my SIL who lives in Florida, but we don't know where,  (families, don't ask) and I couldn't sleep for worrying if she - no car - could evacuate with the kids if she needed to. For all I know she lives as far inland as you can get and still be Florida. Waste of sleep time.


:grouphug:  especially the friend thing.  I get it.  


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Traffic. And the people who think it is fun to congregate in packs of 20 to bicycle all together during rush hour.

Not a good idea.

And old people using cell phones while driving. You are a bad driver at the best of times. I hate this town and the fact I have to drive in rush hour every single freaking day and I don't have a job!!


Sent from my LG-H345 using Tapatalk

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My vent is simple - everything sucks and I need a nap.


/pregnant lady rant


I'm right there with you! I'm 27 weeks along and the ' can this just be over' phase has kicked in big time. Add to that all the normal pregnant annoyances I had a preterm labor scare in Saturday. Spent 4 hours in triage getting monitored. Thankfully all is well but I don't need that stress!

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I am sick of dh's work schedule once again!!! Over the summer I know it is going to be crazy and longer because they have a summer camp and he covers for a lot of people when they vacation. Well I was at my breaking point the week before school started but kept it together because the light at the end of the tunnel was in sight. Well that was 6 weeks ago and his schedule hasn't gone back to normal. He is working over 60 hours this week and does not make enough money for me to be ok with that.


I told him today that his schedule is pissing me off. He knows that means if shit doesn't go back to normal I'll be working on my resume again or working on his and applying to places for him.

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No, it's not Matthew that will be affecting us.  There's a cold front coming down and its supposed to rain beginning Friday night into all day Saturday.   We may go on Saturday, but I don't actually put a lot of hope in getting a site.  We may wait until next week too.



Can I vent some more??!!


I got my hair done today. ..  nuff said.  t2311.gif


Vent away.


I'm pretty sure I'd try next week if it rains this weekend.  I prefer fair weather camping too.


Hope your mom is OK, creekland.


I am frustrated with myself. When I'm studying, I look forward so much to being on summer break - it's a 4.5 month holiday, who wouldn't be excited ?


Well, me, it turns out. I've had one week's break, been out to lunch four times, and now, without class, I feel all anxious and droopy and meaningless. I swear I did not get the 'how to enjoy things' gene, only the 'work harder to prove you are worthwhile' gene.


Also, b/c this is the venting thread, I will allow myself to continue to vent about the friend thing. I did an experiment these school holidays and waited for our so called homeschool friends to reach out to ds instead of me organizing every bloomin' thing. Well, it turned out as I anticipated. No-one called him or asked him to do anything. 


So my kids are obviously unlikable. Yay. They probably got that from me.


Also, I am stressed about my SIL who lives in Florida, but we don't know where,  (families, don't ask) and I couldn't sleep for worrying if she - no car - could evacuate with the kids if she needed to. For all I know she lives as far inland as you can get and still be Florida. Waste of sleep time.


:grouphug:  esp for the friends thing. 


My vent is simple - everything sucks and I need a nap.


/pregnant lady rant


Did you get your nap?  It sure ought to be something pregnant ladies can mandate when needed.


I'll confess I got a nap in this afternoon, but it's far easier when one is empty nesting and setting their own schedule.

Edited by creekland
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All I can say is -  :willy_nilly:  There is too much going on.


I am taking it one day at a time. It doesn't help that doctor's appts for three members of my family (including me) meant no tennis this week. It also appears that my campout will be cancelled due to DH's surgery. I might pop up the camper and play around in it in the driveway with DGD.

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 I did an experiment these school holidays and waited for our so called homeschool friends to reach out to ds instead of me organizing every bloomin' thing. Well, it turned out as I anticipated. No-one called him or asked him to do anything. 


So my kids are obviously unlikable. Yay. They probably got that from me.


As someone who sucks at planning gatherings, I apologize.  Many of us really like other people, but have a mental block when it comes to inviting others over - it seems either too complicated, too anxiety producing, or too... something, so we procrastinate, then we feel guilty for not inviting you sooner and assume that too much time has passed, so we don't bother.  I know.  It's stupid.  All that to say, you probably aren't unlikable, your friends are lousy initiators.


My vent - My dishwasher just died.  This is the third dishwasher I'll need to buy in 10 years.  It was an expensive one too, and DH is pretty handy, so he has nursed it along for quite a while. Why can't appliances last a reasonable amount of time?

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I'm glad your mom saw a doctor finally. Sorry it was frustrating, though :(


My vent is that The Marvelous Flying Marco is waitlisted for almost every OT/ST clinic I can find (that also does natural environment). If I want to take him TO the clinics, he can get therapies immediately... but he isn't the only one with upcoming necessary appointments, and the last recommendation was 20+ hours weekly of therapies for him. There is no way I can swing that, in a clinic setting outside the home, AND keep up with DD15 and DS7's schoolwork and their doctor's appointments (DS7 has his yearly specialist visits coming up soon, too). 

But, he really, really needs especially the feeding therapy. He's down to about 2 or 3 things he will eat (as in, he would rather cry in hunger than eat anything else) and I feel trapped, so I'll probably end up doing the clinic sessions instead, even though I'm really hesitant to start it in-clinic for several (relatively valid) reasons. 

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I'm right there with you! I'm 27 weeks along and the ' can this just be over' phase has kicked in big time. Add to that all the normal pregnant annoyances I had a preterm labor scare in Saturday. Spent 4 hours in triage getting monitored. Thankfully all is well but I don't need that stress!

We're due the same week, though you'll be first with the c-section most likely. I'm sorry about the preterm labor nonsense, that is so stressful :(. I really got hit with the 'ready to be done' feeling too, and it's making me impatient. Though fortunately for all the contractions I never progress, so it's just annoying but no hospitalizing needed.


Keep that baby baking!

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We're due the same week, though you'll be first with the c-section most likely. I'm sorry about the preterm labor nonsense, that is so stressful :(. I really got hit with the 'ready to be done' feeling too, and it's making me impatient. Though fortunately for all the contractions I never progress, so it's just annoying but no hospitalizing needed.


Keep that baby baking!

Thankfully the contractions never progress but I was in a near car accident where my seatbelt put a lot of pressure on my belly. A few hours later I was cramping badly so had to make sure all was ok. Everything was but the cramping/ essentially one ongoing contraction lasted until today. This baby is staying put for a many more weeks.

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Well, I was thinking of venting in my own thread so I'll park my vent here. DD is having trouble with school. Not actual school work, but day before yesterday the PE teacher called her aside and told her some boys were saying really bad things about her in the locker room. DD is too embarrassed to tell me and I am very unhappy over it. If they were being nasty why didn't they get disciplined??? Why does dd have to know what was said about her??? Also, she left her Google account up at the school library and some erased all her homework, pictures, emails, ect. Just emptied it all into the trash and then emptied the trash. Soooo mean. Also, she has no dance experience but she is on the competitive cheer leading squad and it's getting harder and she is worried about it. 

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This is just all venty rage, and I apologize in advance.


My life is downright stupid lately. I'm a bit at the end of the rope. DH lost his job in June, which was bad. We were supposed to move to the Midwest, but DH has had just no traction on the job search. He's being super selective about what he wants, and I just don't know how it's going to happen.  A friend asked me to work for her in August, which was great, but due to a series of unfortunate events with her (and her colleagues), I actually haven't started yet. I just got off the phone with her, and now it looks like I won't be able to start until November. :banghead: 


DH took over teaching the kids a few weeks ago, and he hates it. The kids are acting like monsters due to all the changes. Both kids are pretending that they don't know stuff and DH just keeps slowing down more. DS10, who was doing 5th grade work suddenly can't figure out 3rd grade work. DS7 no longer likes to read. Little monsters! There is just nothing good happening right now. 


This sounds really pathetic. We just really need something good to happen -- a job for DH, my job to start, something. 

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I snore. My snoring has gotten worse because I am all congested. My dh has taken to complaining about my snoring and how he can't sleep.


Years of not being able to sleep due to his snoring. Years of interrupted sleep due to his insomnia. And now I have to listen to how my snoring affects him.


Dh can go jump in a lake.

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This is just all venty rage, and I apologize in advance.


My life is downright stupid lately. I'm a bit at the end of the rope. DH lost his job in June, which was bad. We were supposed to move to the Midwest, but DH has had just no traction on the job search. He's being super selective about what he wants, and I just don't know how it's going to happen.  A friend asked me to work for her in August, which was great, but due to a series of unfortunate events with her (and her colleagues), I actually haven't started yet. I just got off the phone with her, and now it looks like I won't be able to start until November. :banghead:


DH took over teaching the kids a few weeks ago, and he hates it. The kids are acting like monsters due to all the changes. Both kids are pretending that they don't know stuff and DH just keeps slowing down more. DS10, who was doing 5th grade work suddenly can't figure out 3rd grade work. DS7 no longer likes to read. Little monsters! There is just nothing good happening right now. 


This sounds really pathetic. We just really need something good to happen -- a job for DH, my job to start, something. 


:grouphug:  I hope your DH can find a job soon.  Is he looking all over or just in a certain area?  (If all over, which field - just in case anyone knows of an opening in their area?)

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We need to move, but we can't figure out where to move *to*, and every time we get a new idea of a suitable place I spend 3 million hours looking up houses and schools and homeschool groups and extracurriculars and neighborhoods and en environment and swimming holes and etc.  Then for whatever reason we decide that place is no good and all the time was wasted.  


This would be fine if I had spare time.  Instead, I am many days behind on our small business and my printer isn't working quite right and I don't know exactly how to fix it without spending $1000 every 3 weeks.


Also my 3 year old has become unpottytrained (he's been trained for 1 1/2 years).


And my DD11 has finally made a couple of sort of friends, and now we are moving.


Sadie, when I was 12 all of my previous friends abandoned me and I sat with the reject kids at lunch for a year (they were actually nicer than my "friends," but social status is a big thing in junior high, especially when you are in the bottom quartile of coolness).  It lasted for probably 18 months, then we sort of got over the puberty hump and I found a whole new group of friends and all was well (in fact, DH is the older brother of one of the HS friends).  


DH reports a similar phenomenon, except without the angst (he just moved around socially without ever feeling rejected or being uncool).  He also met his still-best-friend in high school.


It did *suck* for a while, though.  I'm sorry about your DS :(.  

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I snore. My snoring has gotten worse because I am all congested. My dh has taken to complaining about my snoring and how he can't sleep.


Years of not being able to sleep due to his snoring. Years of interrupted sleep due to his insomnia. And now I have to listen to how my snoring affects him.


Dh can go jump in a lake.


I suffered through years of not sleeping due to dh's snoring, tossing and turning, and his insistence that he listen to audio in his sleep.  Ear buds DO NOT drown out the sound for the rest of us.   Added to that my RLS and increasing insomnia due to menopause.


We now sleep in separate rooms and it's been a game-changer.  Dh doesn't like it (he's a pretty sound sleeper when he sleeps).  But, too bad.  I need my sleep and blaming him for not getting any wasn't helping our marriage at all. 

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I broke my ankle....the one that has posterior tibial tendonitis....and this same ankle that is broke on the right side of my left ankle, is dislocated on the left. I am in horrific pain, like nauseated with pain. The Loritab helps a bit, but still it hurts like the dickens. It happened at church in front of hundreds of people. My husband was out of state. The ER had a seven and a half hour waiting time. I am waiting to get in to my orthopedist.

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I broke my ankle....the one that has posterior tibial tendonitis....and this same ankle that is broke on the right side of my left ankle, is dislocated on the left. I am in horrific pain, like nauseated with pain. The Loritab helps a bit, but still it hurts like the dickens. It happened at church in front of hundreds of people. My husband was out of state. The ER had a seven and a half hour waiting time. I am waiting to get in to my orthopedist.


Ugh!  This sounds far more horrid than just a vent.   :grouphug:  Do you have help for daily activities?  Since hundreds of people saw it, are a few stepping up to help (if you want/need it)?

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I suffered through years of not sleeping due to dh's snoring, tossing and turning, and his insistence that he listen to audio in his sleep. Ear buds DO NOT drown out the sound for the rest of us. Added to that my RLS and increasing insomnia due to menopause.


We now sleep in separate rooms and it's been a game-changer. Dh doesn't like it (he's a pretty sound sleeper when he sleeps). But, too bad. I need my sleep and blaming him for not getting any wasn't helping our marriage at all.

One of us often sleeps in another room. The older I get the more I need to sleep alone. I like quiet and pitch black. Dh likes to fall asleep with the TV on. I am much more pleasant when I get enough sleep.

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My vent may be more whiney than venty... I had shoulder surgery two weeks ago.  Surgery went well, excellent results, little pain....


until I started physical therapy.  I *know* I need it - this is my second time through this.  I *know* it's hard but it gets better.


But my shoulder hurts after the exercises and I.Just.Dont.Wanna.....





but I'm doing them anyways.  I'm just complaining.....

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My vent is also frustration with myself.  My work style.  How I stress out and then the stress prevents me from getting stuff done and then I worry more.


I've been supposed to write a proposal for over a week.  It's stressful because I know there is going to be disagreement between the parties no matter how I write it.  It's contentious already and I haven't even written word one.  I sure wish I could delegate this kind of stuff.


While I'm at it, I might as well vent about perimenopause and sinus infections and kids who forget stuff and teachers who don't update their grades for weeks and weeks.  :P  And fundraisers.

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My vent is that I have an enlarged thyroid.  I've been to the doctor, had it scanned, fluid taken out, fluid taken out with the help of an ultrasound... only to be told they don't know what's going on except that it's not cancer.  So, that's a lot of money and time wasted.  I feel like the doctor kinda blew me off.  She wouldn't listen to my other symptoms, which get worse when I'm stressed or haven't gotten enough sleep.  And, now I find out that I'm pregnant.  I love my children, but I really really don't enjoy being pregnant.  This thyroid problem just adds to the stress.

Edited by Mrs.Wilson
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I snore. My snoring has gotten worse because I am all congested. My dh has taken to complaining about my snoring and how he can't sleep.

Years of not being able to sleep due to his snoring. Years of interrupted sleep due to his insomnia. And now I have to listen to how my snoring affects him.

Dh can go jump in a lake.



I snore terribly! More poor family, even those in other rooms, are kept awake by it. And for me it's terrible ... I wake up at least once every 2 hours coughing with a sore throat.


I now use the  "Good Morning Snore Solution" and it really works well. You can buy it off the internet. It looks a little like a pacifier so it's not too intrusive. I absolutely swear by it. I now sleep for hours uninterrupted and my snoring is reduced by about 95%. I can't recommend this enough

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My (silly) vent:   I HATE food shopping.


Drive to the store, walk around putting items in the cart. Take items out of the cart and put on conveyor belt. Put items back in cart. Put items in car. Take items out of car and into house. Take items out of bags and put away.


And the timing of it .... shop too soon in the week and you don't have enough to get you through the weekend. Wait too long and you end up shopping either Friday night or Saturday morning, times when I really don't want to go.


This weekend both my girls are coming home, which I am super excited for, but I don't know exactly what time they will be here. And what they will want to eat. So as soon as they do arrive ..... jump into car and start the supermarket death march.


I know, I know. First world problems! :)

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As someone who sucks at planning gatherings, I apologize. Many of us really like other people, but have a mental block when it comes to inviting others over - it seems either too complicated, too anxiety producing, or too... something, so we procrastinate, then we feel guilty for not inviting you sooner and assume that too much time has passed, so we don't bother. I know. It's stupid. All that to say, you probably aren't unlikable, your friends are lousy initiators.


My vent - My dishwasher just died. This is the third dishwasher I'll need to buy in 10 years. It was an expensive one too, and DH is pretty handy, so he has nursed it along for quite a while. Why can't appliances last a reasonable amount of time?

Do you have hard water? We do. We have to have a water softener or our appliances will die very early.


Do you also have problems with your washing machine or water dispenser on the fridge (if you have one)?

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Can I vent?


I'm in pain. Big pain. I'm allergic to almost all pain meds. I'm nauseated, vomiting, have heartburn, no appetite, and goodness, the pain. We think it's a gallstone in the bile duct. I don't even have a gallbladder, for goodness' sake!


My doc is in Africa. So I saw an NP, who ordered an MRCP (special MRI). The results are in, but NP hasn't called me back to tell me. I left her a message this am, and the receptionist told me the results had just arrived. I hope she'll call at lunch time.


I'm in pain. I hate waiting. This stinks.


On top of the gallstone, I have an ovarian cyst issue and a kidney stone that hasn't dropped yet. Something to anticipate!


I want to cry.

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I finally found a co-op I like that is basically just park days with a few field trips and arts and crafts mixed in. It is small and the women are easy to relate to( I have a hard time making friendships with women.) It is a perfect match for just what the kids and I need. Sadly, it is Friday mornings and that is the one consistent time dh is home! It would be giving up our biggest chunk of family time if we went to this co-op.


I just want to complain like a toddler at how unfair it is!

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We filed an extension.


So last weekend we spent hours sorting and filing and hunting things down.  (Thankfully this was Sunday evening.  Saturday we went to the Renn Faire, which was very fun.  So at least we had some fun.)  DH got tired of this and wanted to call it good and stop.  Last night (Thursday) we resumed.  I had work to do, but I asked him to go through our 2016 paperwork and make sure that there wasn't anything it it for 2015.  Once he finished that, which involved sorting and filing all the 2016 stuff, which will be helpful next year, I said, "OK, now we need to quickly run through our key documents file and make sure we have all the year end statements that we will need to finish."  He started doing that.  Sigh.  First he mentioned that he was missing his government pension 1099.  Then his company pension 1099.  (He worked for those fairly briefly, but long enough to collect very small pensions that the IRS would not ignore.)  Then he mentioned that he was missing his year end tax statement from his stupid Manualife stock, which he got a tiny grant of when John Hancock demutualized.  All of this is TINY amounts of money, but the IRS is pesky about ignoring them.  


So I said, look, they should all be in the key docs file, and they are all yours, and so I'm sure you have them in a little pile somewhere.  We just have to find it.  


We started hunting in every place that we could think of, it was ridiculous.  Flipping through magazines for something shoved in absentmindedly is not my idea of a fun time, but we really didn't know where else to look.  


Anyway, just as he concluded that it would be easier to call these agencies, one government, one big business, and one in another country, and get them to fax us copies pronto (oh yeah, THAT'LL happen), he found it.  The original key docs ENVELOPE had fallen behind his desk drawer because it was at the top of the pile in there so that it would be obvious and easy to find.  It had EVERYTHING in it, plus labels that I had done to keep track of it all.  Whew.


And the moral of the story is:  I take the envelope next time.  Because when I have it, I put it in the top of the annual document box, and it has nowhere to hide.


Vent:  I still have to DO the tax prep.  But at least now it looks like I can.

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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Do you have hard water? We do. We have to have a water softener or our appliances will die very early.


Do you also have problems with your washing machine or water dispenser on the fridge (if you have one)?

Yes, we have hard water, but we use a softener.  Our other appliances are workhorses - it seems we just have bad-luck with dishwashers.  **sigh**

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My (silly) vent: I HATE food shopping.


Drive to the store, walk around putting items in the cart. Take items out of the cart and put on conveyor belt. Put items back in cart. Put items in car. Take items out of car and into house. Take items out of bags and put away.


And the timing of it .... shop too soon in the week and you don't have enough to get you through the weekend. Wait too long and you end up shopping either Friday night or Saturday morning, times when I really don't want to go.


This weekend both my girls are coming home, which I am super excited for, but I don't know exactly what time they will be here. And what they will want to eat. So as soon as they do arrive ..... jump into car and start the supermarket death march.


I know, I know. First world problems! :)


I shop at Aldi and Walmart on the same day. The problem with Aldi is that they ring up the items and dump them all willy-nilly back into the cart and you have to bag them yourself.


Pick up item

Put in cart.

Pick up item

Put on conveyor belt

Pick up item

Put in bag

Pick up bags

Put in cart

Pick up bags

Put in car


Drive to walmart


Pick up item

Put in cart

Pick up item

Put on belt

Pick up bags

Put in cart

Pick up bags

Put in car


Drive home.


Pick up bags

Put in kitchen

Pick up items

Put on shelf.


It's a silly problem, of course, but my brain is mush by the time the shopping is done.

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Not a vent, but something that's been nagging me and I can't stop thinking about it.


My son is taking two classes for the first time, where I am not the teacher.  One is Spanish.


I had a question about whether or not the teacher grades the homework--does the homework grade count toward his total grade for the class.  I'm concerned about this class because I can't help him at all because it's in another language.  I have no idea where he's going wrong. 


I wrote an email to the teacher asking two questions about the grading and asking for tips on how to help someone learn something in a language I don't know.


The problem is that I wrote too much.  As usual.  I type really fast and tend to type everything I'm thinking knowing that I'll go back and edit it down.  


But this time, I didn't.  I type, type, typed and hit send.   And realized that from the teacher's point of view, I sounded frantic and clingy and hysterical.  I wasn't feeling that way!  I wasn't!  I just wanted to know how the grade worked and if she had tips on helping students learn.  But it came across as Too Much.


She wrote back two days later (2 days!) and out of the 3 questions I asked, she answered 1 (one!)


Because she's thinking, "Do not engage with the crazy parent."


I'm the crazy parent.  Only I'm not!  Honestly!  I just type too fast and typed too much.   :(


Not a vent, but I feel misunderstood.  And there's no way to defend myself because that would involve more typing and saying too much.  Blah.  Blah!  I hate knowing that my son's teacher thinks I'm a nut.   :(

Edited by Garga
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Pretty minor compared to everything else...


DS lost his favorite toy at the park.  I'd scheduled a bunch of necessary and overdue medical appointments yesterday, so DH took the afternoon off to watch the kids.  I'd preprogrammed a nearby park into the GPS for him, so he took them there after dropping me off at my first appointment.  Apparently, at some point DS buried the toy in the giant sand pit and couldn't find it again.  DH was on his phone instead of watching him so had no idea where he was playing when it was lost :glare: .  Of course this led to such an epic meltdown that they couldn't pick me up, so I had to walk from the hospital to the park and spent way too long digging in the sand for it, which made me late for my next appointment.  This morning was DS's first day back at preschool after his surgery, and he spent pretty much all of it crying because "I lost <toy>.  <toy> in the sand."  Of course, the toy is 3x the price on Amazon now, so I'm planning to drive 45 minutes this afternoon to a Walmart I thought I saw one at a few weeks ago.  I'm kicking myself now for not buying it as a backup!

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Not a vent, but something that's been nagging me and I can't stop thinking about it.


My son is taking two classes for the first time, where I am not the teacher.  One is Spanish.


I had a question about whether or not the teacher grades the homework--does the homework grade count toward his total grade for the class.  I'm concerned about this class because I can't help him at all because it's in another language.  I have no idea where he's going wrong. 


I wrote an email to the teacher asking two questions about the grading and asking for tips on how to help someone learn something in a language I don't know.


The problem is that I wrote too much.  As usual.  I type really fast and tend to type everything I'm thinking knowing that I'll go back and edit it down.  


But this time, I didn't.  I type, type, typed and hit send.   And realized that from the teacher's point of view, I sounded frantic and clingy and hysterical.  I wasn't feeling that way!  I wasn't!  I just wanted to know how the grade worked and if she had tips on helping students learn.  But it came across as Too Much.


She wrote back two days later (2 days!) and out of the 3 questions I asked, she answered 1 (one!)


Because she's thinking, "Do not engage with the crazy parent."


I'm the crazy parent.  Only I'm not!  Honestly!  I just type too fast and typed too much.   :(


Not a vent, but I feel misunderstood.  And there's no way to defend myself because that would involve more typing and saying too much.  Blah.  Blah!  I hate knowing that my son's teacher thinks I'm a nut.   :(


:grouphug: I'm an over-typer, too.

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Can I vent?


I'm in pain. Big pain. I'm allergic to almost all pain meds. I'm nauseated, vomiting, have heartburn, no appetite, and goodness, the pain. We think it's a gallstone in the bile duct. I don't even have a gallbladder, for goodness' sake!


My doc is in Africa. So I saw an NP, who ordered an MRCP (special MRI). The results are in, but NP hasn't called me back to tell me. I left her a message this am, and the receptionist told me the results had just arrived. I hope she'll call at lunch time.


I'm in pain. I hate waiting. This stinks.


On top of the gallstone, I have an ovarian cyst issue and a kidney stone that hasn't dropped yet. Something to anticipate!


I want to cry.


Just gotta add  :grouphug:  to this one too.  I hope you get answers and relief soon.


My mom called to tell me her heart procedure (basic) is Thursday.  Middle son and his gf are coming here Friday on their fall break.  (sigh)  I hate having to decide between the two.  My mom's 8 hours away from where we live, so I can't do both.  She tells me to have a good time with the kids, but my mind isn't sure which to do.

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My state is stupid. Apparently we didn't calculate our withholdings properly and we ended up owing the state a little bit more than $500, which we paid. However, if you owe more than $500 there's a $30 penalty for paying too little over the year until you actually do your tax return. The tax software we used doesn't include that penalty in your taxes, so we didn't realize we owed the penalty. Because we moved, we never received the first notice that we had to pay the extra $30, because those aren't forwarded for privacy reasons. We did, however, finally receive a bill from the state collections department with an additional $30 charge because we were now late paying the original penalty. Blah. I really hope it doesn't affect our credit too much.

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Thanks for making a place to vent!


I am so sick of the idea that talking carp about people is fine if they don't hear you.


I'm sick of the idea that it's okay for men to be lewd because it's "just locker room banter".


Imo, it *does* matter.


The thought of "men" saying horrid things about a woman they're about to interact with and then just acting "normal" feels like a really creepy power game.


I know it's a bit "woo" but I feel like every thought, word, emotion etc that we put out affects everything.


I wish everyone was kind.

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