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What back to school supplies are on your list?

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It's so weird that we have such divergent opinions about the dry erase markers. I think the Quartet and Bic ones (and there used to be another brand that also had the ink meter on the side) are great. Yeah, they dry out eventually. But all the white board markers dry out. At least the ink meter ones stay vibrant until toward the very end. And I can tell they're about to go. The Expo ones I have no clue about. And every other brand I've ever tried has literally been drying out while I'm using them - like, I can feel it drying out as I write with it so they're basically one use before they become that weak dry erase lines.


The only way dry erase markers stain IME is when you leave it on the surface for a long time. Usually a dry erase marker is the best way to clean a dry erase board. It's just time consuming to color the stain.

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Graph paper composition books!!


These came out today at Walmart. I hadn't seen them before but, they look great. I bought six, but might pick up a few more to stock up.


I also bought five pencil sharpeners. Four personal and one to stay with the school supplies.


We don't need too much this year.

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Does printer ink go on sale anywhere during the school supply sales?


Not for the past few years. I didn't keep an eye on printer cartridges price before that. My old monochrome laser's original cartridge last a long time but my inkjet imitation cartridges keep being spent. I know color laser cartridges never went on sale because we intend to get a color laser printer so we were price watching for cartridges.


The printers do go on sale for some models.

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I really didn't have much in mind, til I got a $30 off a $60 purchase at Staples...then all sorts of stuff jumped in my cart 😂


Do you have a code you could share?


ETA: Does anyone have a source for cute pocket folders that I can buy online. Bonus points if they are boyish stuff. All the ones I have found on Amazon have been boring.

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Do you have a code you could share?


I just tried using it again (to see if it'd work for you), but it didn't let me. It says the coupon has already been used and to try another code 😞

Here it is just in case, but I'm afraid is a one time use:

2826 0091 3967 9681

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It's so weird that we have such divergent opinions about the dry erase markers. I think the Quartet and Bic ones (and there used to be another brand that also had the ink meter on the side) are great.

I was wondering about this too. I am sure many factors play into it? How hard/soft you write, how many kids, maybe even the weather?? We live in a very hot and dry area... I was wondering how good this is for markers.


I decided to give the Bic ones a try, they had good reviews. We'll see if I can notice a difference on how long they last :)

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I just bought a clipboard for carschooling, but other than that, I may need to get some lined paper and pencils and we should be set. 


Oh, I need a new world map. My current one doesn't have South Sudan on it, and is falling off the wall.

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I was wondering about this too. I am sure many factors play into it? How hard/soft you write, how many kids, maybe even the weather?? We live in a very hot and dry area... I was wondering how good this is for markers.



I think the board you write on matters. I had Ikea dry-erase markers with an Ikea board, and they worked fine. Then, I used them on a dry-erase 100-chart and I ended up having to use alcohol swabs to erase it (the next day, iirc).



Oh, I need a new world map. My current one doesn't have South Sudan on it, and is falling off the wall.



You just need a marker to fix the South Sudan issue. I remember drawing a line through Czechoslovakia and some lines through former Yugoslavia in public school in the 1990s (the 1994-1995 school year?). Drawing lines is memorable, i.e. educational. Which wouldn't help the falling off the wall issue, but that's what duct tape is for...

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Oh, I need a new world map. My current one doesn't have South Sudan on it, and is falling off the wall.


I just checked & our new world map has South Sudan on it. We used blue painting tape to keep ours on the wall. ;-)

I've been pleased with both the world map & the US map that comes with it. They are each 40"x28" - so not huge, but not small either.

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I think the board you write on matters. I had Ikea dry-erase markers with an Ikea board, and they worked fine. Then, I used them on a dry-erase 100-chart and I ended up having to use alcohol swabs to erase it (the next day, iirc).


Oh yes! I like dry erase educational books, but the "erase" feature doesn't work to well. They get easily stained 😠
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Do you have a code you could share?


ETA: Does anyone have a source for cute pocket folders that I can buy online. Bonus points if they are boyish stuff. All the ones I have found on Amazon have been boring.

I don't know if Office Depot has them online, but they've had some really awesome reptile ones the last couple of years :)

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These came out today at Walmart. I hadn't seen them before but, they look great. I bought six, but might pick up a few more to stock up.



Ooh, thanks for the heads up!

I also bought five pencil sharpeners. Four personal and one to stay with the school supplies.


We don't need too much this year.

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My daughter's headed to dual enrollment at the community college for most of her classes this year and I'm not sure what she'll need. She already has a laptop, laptop backpack, lunch bag, graphing calculator, and smartphone (my old one). She'll be doing freshman composition, a college transfer prep class (to get ready to transfer things to a 4 year school), and intro ASL at the college for the fall, with another English, ASL 112, and a science in the spring (probably geology or descriptive astronomy), maybe a history. She'll be in Saxon Advanced Math at home. 


At this point, the only things I can think of are some of the pens she likes, more paper for the laser printer as we're almost out, and maybe some graph paper notebooks. Any suggestions? Maybe a cute thumb drive?

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I am with luuknam on the board/marker combo. Quartet markers work fabulously well on our Quartet boards. Board dudes also work pretty well on them. We had some totally no-name markers from a Menard's back to school sale that also were good markers. 


My kids are fabulously hard on both the boards and the markers, so maybe my bar is low, lol! I do think pairing up the brand of board with the brand of markers has given us the best results so far.



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The list is so short that I'm even jealous. 


Really, truly, I think I've arrived at that spot where I'm either content (and own it) or it's a splurge not a necessity?  I never thought I'd arrive here. ;)


I am going to "splurge" on a Plum Planner for DD(14).  I'm not sure if she'll use it but she's a freshman and has a couple outside classes and I think it will feel like some kind of graduation of sorts to be planning her very own classes rather than Mama doing it?


Black Ticonderoga pencils (tradition and none of the ones we own have erasers, of course.)

Composition notebooks because it makes the middles feel older

An organizational binder for DD (14) because she'll transport things

More milk crates.  I am sorting and putting all texts in these next year for each child.  Will I use them long term? Probably not but at least I'm being honest with myself in that I simply want to feel organized this fall.


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Do people find the "good stuff" on sale? It seems I can only ever find the cheap stuff on sale at all, and the high quality supplies are just moved to the back-to-school part of the store but not discounted. But if people are finding good stuff on sale, I want to know where!


On the subject of cleaning dry erase boards - Method brand all-purpose cleaner takes *everything* off of white boards with zero work. Seriously. I had a large board that I had made a grid on with permanent Sharpie and used with the grid for 2-3 years. When I was done with the grid, I tried the Method stuff and it didn't even take elbow grease to get the Sharpie off. The stuff is miraculous.

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I bought, last month at convention: lap-sized white boards (we use them for math and anytime scrap paper would be needed), second grade ruled copywork paper, and small journals for nature study/drawing.


I've also recently bought: new dry erase markers, laminating pouches, more of the fabulous magnetic clippies that someone else linked to a while ago (really great for marking places in books), black ballpoint pens, colored ballpoint pens for correcting things (but not red -- I got blue, green, purple, and pink), multiple types of tape, printable inserts for file folder tabs, and a new three-hole punch.  Plus a basket for storing supplies for the upcoming week -- something new I'm trying next year to help us get to the fun stuff that tends to get shoves aside, and a small easel for displaying a book of the week.


Last night at WalMart I bought: a bunch of 24 packs of crayons, a couple packs of jumbo crayons for my toddler, several 12-packs of colored pencils (my big kids have big packs of colored pencils that they generally keep in their rooms, but they keep a small pack with school stuff for maps), some index cards (flashcards for DD for foreign language vocab), a couple of composition books to keep our stock full, several rulers since ours tend to get lost/broken, adult-sized scissors for my 11yo, sticky flags to mark pages in books temporarily, several glue sticks, and three white binders with the clear pockets for making our portfolios.  Oh, and more Ticonderoga pencils.  I would have bought more staples and a second set of scissors for my lefty Ker, because he tends to misplace his, but they were out of both.


Shopping for school supplies, even simple ones, makes me feel happy and secure in the same way that grocery shopping does.  I like to be prepared, I guess.

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I ordered a new box of printer paper and 6 Better Binders from Staples a few weeks ago when I had a coupon. I might need a couple more binders but I will wait until I know for sure and probably just get simple ones from Amazon. I splurged on Frixion highlighters for ME.


We don't need too much - index cards, binder rings, maybe one package of notebook paper. I will probably also get a handful of folders and notebooks to keep on hand.


I will grab some little cutesy stuff for the first day of school, but will pick those out in the store.



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Thanks to the college packing thread -- I  bought a quesadilla maker -- does that count as a school supply? LOL


I used to own one of these and we liked it -- somehow it got broken and we threw it out several years back... I'm excited to have a new one! Another quick and easy lunch option that the kids can handle more on their own!


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i need to make a list:


notebook paper


colored pencils

charcoal drawing pencil sets


scotch tape

tabbed folders

maybe some new watercolors

dry erase markers

new sharpies

gel pens

black ink drawing pens


I think I have picked up everything else already.  I use my once a week coupon from the paper for the good art supplies.  Most of what is left I will get in the regular BTS sales which should be starting up this weekend.

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Just a heads up- Walmarts school supplies are in full sales mode and already getting picked over. 17 cent single subject notebooks, Crayola products, sharpies- all of it. I just came home with a car full.

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Just a heads up- Walmarts school supplies are in full sales mode and already getting picked over. 17 cent single subject notebooks, Crayola products, sharpies- all of it. I just came home with a car full.

I wonder if this is regional. I just got back from Walmart and they didn't have any school supplies out. We DO live at the beach in Florida so that will probably have something to do with it. Beach things everywhere.


ETA: To whomever linked the Tokyo Shop website: I went down the rabbit hole and now have convinced myself I need a Midori Planner PLUS one of everything from that shop... I had planned to be done with school supplies!

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