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Do you use an apron when you are working in the kitchen?

Guest Virginia Dawn

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I'm considering getting into the habit. Even though most of my clothes come from the thrift store, it really ticks me off when I ruin a shirt I really like, which seems to happen fairly regularly.


I'm not the neatest of cooks, but it only just recently occurred to me that wearing an apron could actually save me some money. :001_smile:

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I'm considering getting into the habit. Even though most of my clothes come from the thrift store, it really ticks me off when I ruin a shirt I really like, which seems to happen fairly regularly.


I'm not the neatest of cooks, but it only just recently occurred to me that wearing an apron could actually save me some money. :001_smile:



I *ought* to wear an apron. I own several. But, my formative years as a cook were spent (1) as a relative youngster aboard a boat and (2) as a farmer. In neither case did I give one half a hoot about the cleanliness of my clothes. In fact, I wore dirt like some sort of badge. Now, (and yes, many of my clothes are of thrift store ilk) I have a hard time remembering that my pants are not a wiping surface like they once were. I don't think to think about the consequences of flinging food until AFTER I've flipped tomato sauce onto my nice, leaf green shirt.




Is there a support group of some sort we could join?

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Guest Virginia Dawn

See, this is what I'm afraid of....owning several aprons and not wearing them. Then I'll need a support group too- AAA (apron avoiders anonymous).

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See, this is what I'm afraid of....owning several aprons and not wearing them. Then I'll need a support group too- AAA (apron avoiders anonymous).


Just pick up 1 or 2 cheap ones (about $5) at Walmart or Kmart. It was hard to get in the habit at first, but now that I am it's so nice to not have to worry about my clothes :001_smile:.


I don't have any "pretty" aprons-mine are purely functional (right now I have a what-was-once-white apron and a red & khaki striped apron). If I spent a lot on an apron, I'd worry about staining it, too.

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My grandmother always wore an apron. I mean for most of the day. She took it off before my grandfather got home. Several years before she passed away, I asked her to send me a few of her aprons. I hang them on hooks in my kitchen and for a few years, I would just walk by them and smell them. Over the past couple of years, though, my girls and I will put them on when we cook recipes I got from her or on holidays. It usually ends with me crying like a baby because they remind me so much of her and it's how I honor her memory. I'm ridiculously sentimental about her aprons if you can't tell.:blush:

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Yeah, I do. I have a couple I made. They both look like grandma aprons (or the one my grandma wore, anyway). They full aprons that go over your head and completely cover your front which is good for me since I'm a very messy cook. They have two big pockets for me to stash things in. They've saved my clothes many times.



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Tangent--or whatever it's called--oh yeah, Hijack--


I need a pretty apron (floral or fruity, not frilly) to wear at preschool, and I want something for home, too. Bonus if it comes in dd's size, too (we don't have to match, but I want her to have one).


So wear can I spend about 15 bucks and have something that makes me feel a little Susie Homemaker-ish (not with lace or frills, but not the barbeque type)?

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I have never purchased an apron. This is the sort of thing that finds me (maybe it was my dirty self that tipped people off?). One came from a previous job at a natural food store -- part of our "uniform". Another came from another job -- market manager -- it was we had available for sale, so the head "Who" gave me one. The third one was a gift. My guess is that if you let slip that you're in the market for an apron, someone would just LUV to buy you one.


Or, look in thrift stores. ;)


Also, mine are all the over the head type. The waist high sort would be completely pointless in my kitchen...but you can always just tie the other style to only cover your waist if you prefer that.

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I've never worn an apron in my life. It would be a good thing, though, given that I own no unstained shirts.


My aunt sent two of them my direction about a year ago, and they have never been on my person. It has never even occurred to me that I should try them.


This is a good idea (like tablecloths -- I never owned a tablecloth until reading about them here, and now I own 2!) that I need to implement.


How sad am I, that I never even think about these things until I read about other people who love them?


. . . off to find them, wherever I stashed them.;)

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I've never purchased one either, for the record. I do use two fairly often, I'm messy. The two I have that I like are full frontal too and are made out of a slightly heavy cotton - canvas or duck. and they each have a pocket. I wish I'd remember to wear them MORE often as I still end up with grease spots on shirts that I can never get out and then the shirt's ruined.

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All the time. Sams has a pack of 3 chefs aprons for less than $10. The older kids wear one too. My older girls have a couple of really beautiful aprons that a relative in Germany sent over. I first started wearing them about 15 years ago when a good friend in my fellowship group made one for each of us. Shazam! I haven't looked back.

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I can't think in the kitchen unless I have an apron on. I have a ton of those industrial-cook type aprons from Sam's, and some cute ones that the girls wore when they were little. We have some little girl visitors that love to put on the children's aprons and "wash" dishes.


I want to get a pretty one for special occasions, mine are pretty basic.

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Tangent--or whatever it's called--oh yeah, Hijack--


I need a pretty apron (floral or fruity, not frilly) to wear at preschool, and I want something for home, too. Bonus if it comes in dd's size, too (we don't have to match, but I want her to have one).


So wear can I spend about 15 bucks and have something that makes me feel a little Susie Homemaker-ish (not with lace or frills, but not the barbeque type)?


I saw some very cute, non-frilly aprons at Wegman's - the one in Woodbridge - when I was there. I think they were about $20. They had many different fabrics to choose from. Wegman's is pretty much a straight shot down Route 1 from you. You have to drive through Woodbridge, turn right on Opitz Blvd. and then Left on Neabsco Mills Road. Wegman's is on the right and sits back off the road a ways.




Now you have an excuse to check out the new Wegman's.:D


I sometimes wear an apron. I have several, all different styles. My favorite is a very unflattering BBQ type I bought at IKEA for about $6. It is fairly heavy-duty and covers me well. I especially dislike getting spaghetti sauce "spit" on me while it simmers so, if I can remember, I wear the apron.

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I'm considering getting into the habit. Even though most of my clothes come from the thrift store, it really ticks me off when I ruin a shirt I really like, which seems to happen fairly regularly.


I'm not the neatest of cooks, but it only just recently occurred to me that wearing an apron could actually save me some money. :001_smile:


I started with a chef's apron from K-Mart years ago. It is a half apron but very long. Now I have several and I just made my first apron. I love them. My clothes are cleaner and I just feel good wearing them.

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I'm tall and I not only have ruined nice shirts, I ruined my pants, too, so I started wearing an apron years ago. What surprised me was the comfort my kids have in seeing me in an apron. They also enjoy wearing them. Coming from the food industry, it does come natural to wear an apron. Until last April, my kids have always seen their dad wearing an apron, too.

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Yes, I wear an apron. It's silly, but I do it just as much for the psychological benefits as I do for the keeping-stains-off-my-clothes benefits. I feel like a better cook when I have an apron on.


I prefer bib aprons. My favorite is yellow with cherries and cherry blossoms printed all over it. Here's a website that has some pretty, but not frilly aprons. I've never ordered from the website before, so I can't speak to quality or service.

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LOL, no... I always felt really silly wearing one. But it's time to try again now that I am making those artisan loaves of bread! Flour tends to get everywhere.


Aprons make sense for sure if you've got any kind of messy cooking going on! I need to find some that are not made of that stiff canvas material.

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I would love to wear one when I bake. I've tried it before but it was uncomfortable. I really only bake in the winter and wearing bulky sweaters under an apron doesn't work for me. If I'm going to have to take off my sweater to wear an apron, I might as well just put on an old, ratty Tee.

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I've never worn an apron, but have admired them from afar... :)


However, I, too, am sick and tired of getting grease spots on my clothes, be they old or not! I think I could buy stock in a stain stick company!


A friend actually just sent me one in the mail a few days ago, so I am excited to start wearing it.

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Most of the time I do. My dh even won a chef hat at a crazy church "cooking" thing of sorts so I crack the kids up sometimes by being Mom the Superchef. Then I walk around talking like Supernanny and it just cracks them up. In fact I haven't done that in a while so thanks for reminding me.


The sewing club in my church made my two younger dc's aprons with their names monogrammed on the front. They are the full size and now when I mention someone helping me, they run for their aprons.


When I forget to wear mine, I always get messy so I try to keep one hanging on a hook in the kitchen.

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