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Woo-Hoo! The "we have a college graduate" thread! :)

Lori D.

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Ds, my youngest just to make things funny, is my first graduate. He received his combination welder degree on Thursday night. He would have graduated with honors, but he had a new instructor this year who didn't understand the timeline of things and didn't cover the required material in the right order which kept him from having a grade in metallurgy 2 months before graduation which is required for honors. He finished in only two semesters since he had DE credit. Overall grade was a 94%, a 4.0. He is hoping to hear back and be gainfully employed sometime next week. I have my fingers crossed. They did pick him out from his work and asked his instructor about him a couple of weeks before graduation. So, he ran off to the beach with a friend the day after graduation so that he could have some vacation time.


Edit to add: He got a call back from the company he wants to work for. He has a test weld (standard for the industry/you have to prove your ability under pressure for each hire) next week. If he doesn't get a case of the nerves, he should have the job he wants after that! Now, to hope he doesn't get nervous! He's off practicing this morning on thick walled pipe!

Edited by Lolly
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Ds22 officially graduated last December with a BS in Biology and a minor in Classics. With his AP and dual credit classes, he was able to do it in 3 years.   He will walk graduation with his class on Mother's day. 


ETA:   Oops.  That was supposed to be 3.5 years. 

Edited by dirty ethel rackham
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Congrats to you and your son, Lori, and to all the proud moms and accomplished kids!


We'll have our first college graduate next month, assuming he actually finishes his honors thesis! Ds21 will graduate with a BS in Psychology (minor in Biology) and is heading back to the same university in the fall to begin graduate school. 

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Dd is finally graduating from college after 6 years-one a a community college, 4 1/2 at the university and 1 semester working at Disney. Not all of her classes transferred and first semester at the 4 year school they had her sign up for the wrong class and it didn't count so she was off to a rough start. She also had a lot of anxiety and many tears the first several weeks..


Well something clicked and she joined a social sorority (not in a house) and after the first year she ended up as the VP and it snowballed from there. This year In addition to student teaching she has been part of 6 campus organizations (sorority, transfer club, two education clubs. TWLOHA, and honor society and and she was on the executive board for most. She ended up with a double education major In early childhood and elementary childhood with concentrations in Spanish and special Ed. She was just offered a job back home as a bilingual preschool teacher through a public school. She never even out out a resume since they pulled her name and qualifications off the education society data base. She is making quite a bit more than we dreamed especially for teaching preschool.


We were so worried about it taking so long and her loans piling up but since she will be living at home at first she can pay them off quickly. Now she also doesn't have to worry all summer about looking for a full time job in the fall. She is house sitting and working at the pool this summer so she will have some time to relax. I'm so proud of her and she has come so far.

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Congratulations, Lori!!!!  You have been so super-supportive of people here over the years, always making us feel like we CAN instead of we can't, no matter what the circumstances (including financial).  So whoop it up and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Woop! Woop! and AMEN!

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My oldest is graduating with a BS in computer science in June. 


He got off to a rough start so it's taken him 5 years. I'm really proud of him for recovering from his first year, figuring out what he actually wanted to major in, and doing incredibly well over the past 4 years! We're waiting to hear officially whether he will graduate summa cum laude. We're not sure if he has enough credits completed at his current institution to qualify. Nevertheless, his gpa is outstanding. :)


He is actually interviewing with Google this week! He has already had the phone interview and they are flying him to their hq for a series of in person interviews. Great experience for him even if nothing comes of it.


Dd has her last final of her sophomore year in college today!


Congratulations to all of the graduates!

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My oldest is graduating May 6th with a B.S. in Biology. I can remember dropping her off 4 years ago for the start of college like it was yesterday!


She did an Outward Bound program a few years ago and has kept in touch with the organization ever since, and now she may be taking a job with them!


Time flies by so FAST when they are in college.

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He got off to a rough start so it's taken him 5 years. I'm really proud of him for recovering from his first year, figuring out what he actually wanted to major in, and doing incredibly well over the past 4 years! We're waiting to hear officially whether he will graduate summa cum laude. We're not sure if he has enough credits completed at his current institution to qualify. Nevertheless, his gpa is outstanding. :)




Well, he needs 72 credits completed by winter quarter for the honor cord at commencement. He had 68 after winter quarter. :p So, he won't get the honor cord, but he will get the summa cum laude designation on his diploma. :D

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:party: DS#1 just graduated yesterday, earning his BA in Christian Studies with a minor in General Business, plus the Honors College, and graduating summa cum laude.



A 5-year road for him: 3 years at the local CC while living at home to save expenses and to earn his AAS in Digital Film & Video Production plus knock out his gen. ed. credits, then 2 years at the 4-year private university earning his Bachelor's. What a capstone to his 11 years of homeschooling! ;)


We are very excited and proud, and can't wait to see where the next stage of life takes him. :)



Everybody: chime in here on this thread with your own graduates this year! :)

Many congratulations!!

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DD22 graduated this past weekend with her bachelors in Music Education.   She was our first homeschool graduate and Got It Done in four years with minimal debt. She has a job lined up for summer and is interviewing now with school districts.  She also has a backup plan if the right job doesn't come thru - she has been offered two different grad school positions to get her masters in music for the fall.


It was fun helping her get moved into her first "real" apartment this weekend!  Another kid Successfully Launched!

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My middle dd has graduated from UTD with a double major in Speech Pathology and Child Learning & Development. She finished in just three years due to dual credit earned in high school. So far she has never receive a grade lower than A-.


She is going to work this year and reapply for grad school Speech Pathology for next school year. We hope that with one year of work experience and applying more widely for grad school, she will be able to get in next year. Speech Pathology is super-competitive.

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Another college grad to report!  


Ds just graduated summa cum laude with a BA in geology. He received departmental honors, too, so got to wear both the honors cords and his phi beta kappa cords at the ceremony. It was wonderful to meet his professors, his friends and the parents of his friends that housed and fed him many times over the last 4 years. 


He is planning on grad school but is first heading to Japan to teach English for a year or two. He just got his placement notification today, so is already focused on this next part of his life. 


With his graduation we are truly empty nesters as both kids are college grads and gainfully employed young adults.  What a whirlwind the last 24 years have been!


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:party:  DS#1 just graduated yesterday, earning his BA in Christian Studies with a minor in General Business, plus the Honors College, and graduating summa cum laude.



A 5-year road for him: 3 years at the local CC while living at home to save expenses and to earn his AAS in Digital Film & Video Production plus knock out his gen. ed. credits, then 2 years at the 4-year private university earning his Bachelor's. What a capstone to his 11 years of homeschooling! ;)


We are very excited and proud, and can't wait to see where the next stage of life takes him. :)



Everybody: chime in here on this thread with your own graduates this year! :)



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Dd graduated from Thomas Aquinas College a few days ago. It was a really enjoyable weekend of graduation events. She will start a new job as an apprentice teacher for a classical liberal arts school, teaching 1st grade. It has been an amazing homeschooling journey.


Congratulations to all the moms and dads of graduates!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just reporting back...


Ds did get his honor cord. :)

Bigger news....he got the job at Google! His graduation is June 12th and he starts at Google as a site reliability engineer on June 27th. We have to get him moved back down to California quickly. :) I'm super excited for him!

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Today I have two graduating!


At 10:00 my 23yo is getting her BA in German Language and International business. 


At 5:00 my 25yo is getting her MA in Educational Psychology - though she says it should really be called Educational Research.


I am already tired...and thankful that they are both graduating in the same city.


ETA: My younger daughter graduated magna cum laude - woohoo!!!


Edited by Liza Q
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Congratulations everybody!  I had two graduate this year.  One actually finished classes in December, then had to return in February for her public dissertation, and the ceremony is later this month (but she won't be attending due to it being so far away).  She was offered a dream job (for her) to run a French patisserie, even though it doesn't have much to do with her major.   :)  They are anticipating opening a restaurant in NYC since the chef has recently been awarded membership into a world-renown French pastry organization (ha!), the first American ever to be invited.  She would then be considered to run the NYC establishment.  She has accepted, been working a couple months, and loves it.  Also, just last week she was offered another job of her dreams, which she will also do, but long distance.  Her major is in advertising, marketing and design (with an emphasis on graphic arts).  She was hired as the Graphic Artist of a film production company in L.A.  Fortunately she can do this long-distance for now.  Eventually, she may have to make a decision to go with one or the other, but feels she can handle them both for now.


DS just graduated last month, and is now job-hunting and trying to decide which area to concentrate in.  (He has many areas of interest, some related to his major, some not.)  In the meantime, he and his dw are on a month-long hiatus, traveling. 


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