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Laxatives for long term use


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Ok,so my ONLY long term complication since weight loss surgery is constipation. And not awful constipation, I mean, it' snot like I go a week or something. I go daily. But it's hard, and I strain some, and I have a rectocele from past issues with constipation (before weight loss surgery) so I worry I'm doing more damage. As a small child I had issues with constipation too, and whenever I was pregnant. When pregnant my go-to solution was a bottle of sparkling apple cider, the sugar in the cider always helped. But now, that's too much sugar. And with small meals that are protein heavy I don't get as much fiber as I used to. I'm taking miralax often, but and sorry that this is so graphic, but if I use enough to work, it makes my bowel movements very sticky and difficult to finish, if that makes sense. Its like I can't find a middle ground between too hard and too soft. Fiber doesn't seem to help and makes me gassy (like bonfire and such). Fiber One cereal sort of helps sometimes, but the problem is that other times it makes it MUCH worse. It adds bulk, but if it is hard that doesn't make things better. 


I try to drink enough, that is probably part of the problem, but I'm wondering if anyone has any other options? Low sugar please, so not fruit juice or anything. Colace I can't take, it makes me have dumping syndrome for some reason (hot, sweaty, rapid heartbeat, light headed, etc). 


Years ago I tried Cascara Sagrada or something like that...um, that had a severe effect...one small does gave me diarrhea for three days. So not that!


Maybe I should order some magnesium? I get some in my vitamin and in my calcium supplement but maybe more would help. 

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I use Natural Calm (unflavored), not specifically for constipation, but it definitely has a laxative effect.  Start with a half teaspoon and work your way up until you get the effect you want.  Also, be sure you're drinking a whole lot of water.

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I use Natural Calm (unflavored), not specifically for constipation, but it definitely has a laxative effect.  Start with a half teaspoon and work your way up until you get the effect you want.  Also, be sure you're drinking a whole lot of water.


That's what I used to use, my last pregnancy. I don't really like it, but could probably get it down. Worth a try. Although I think I just heard that there were high levels of arsenic in it or something?

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Natural Calm is magnesium. I take a magnesium supplement with calcium and D3 added in a pill form. I think I have one with calcium and something else from TJs when the other is gone. It's much cheaper and no taste. Low carb does the same to me when it's never been an issue previously.

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If it's lack of fiber, try psyllium seed. I am using that for post-infectious IBS. Yerba Prima Psyllium Husks Powder (Edited to add full name of product) contains only psyllium seed husks with no added sugar, filler, etc. I mix a tsp with my oatmeal and that has worked for me. Also, some probiotics are good for constipation. I think I real Culturelle was one brand, but I could be wrong about that. http://www.amazon.com/Yerba-Prima-Psyllium-Powder-Ounce/dp/B00012NG1W/ref=sr_1_7_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1460729380&sr=8-7&keywords=yerba+prima

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I think you're going to have to play around with different things.  Psyllium seed makes me sick, whereas wheat dextrin (Benefiber) has changed my life for the better.  Stool softeners like Colace lead to leakage. You could also try calcium polycarbophil, which goes by the brand name Fiber-Con (but you should be able to find generic).  I know, it's fiber and you've rejected that, but different types may work differently for you.  Psyllium seed is fiber too, right?


I hope you find what works.  I have struggled with this my entire life. 

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haribo sugarless (MUST be the sugarless) gummy bears.  only eat a *scant* few (as in, <5). I spent time reading the reviews one day. . . . some people are just mean.  but some people used them expressly for the laxative value.



for healthier options . . .


lots of fiber

physllum fiber additives

avoid white flour products

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Flax seed oil is what really helps everything slide through easier for me.

If you are interested, start with only two capsules & increase gradually. I take 6-7 daily in two increments (either 3 or 4 at a time) with my regular multivitamins.


I have one miralax kid - and consistency is what works for him. If he doses too heavily or doesn't take it daily, he sees some of the problems you described (on a slight delay). 

I have one Natural Calm kid, but only for the calm part. She hasn't seen the laxative effect, so it must take more than she's consuming (1 tsp either morning or night, once per week is twice/day). She always takes it with tea & says she doesn't even know it is there. But that's the only time she drinks tea, so she knows it is in there.

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I should add that I'm not great at swallowing pills, so something that I have to take more than one pill of probably won't work. 


I might just need to be more consistent with the miralax. i do tend to stop it because I'm too loose, then get constipated, then take full doses several days in a row, rinse repeat. Maybe half a dose every day?

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I didn't read other answers.  I have IBS and a very sensitive bowel.  Miralax does not work for me at all and honestly makes me feel terrible.  I have found a balance of using probiotics and flax fiber.  Flax you can mix into a smoothie, juice, water, yogurt, etc.  A couple TBSP a day.  Avoiding processed sugars and white grains are important here too.

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I'd try playing around with the Miralax but making sure to take it regularly.  You could try half a dose every day or a full dose every other day.


I also find magnesium to be very helpful, but I take inexpensive magnesium oxide tablets (two 250 mg. with dinner).  I saw a local naturopath on television discussing constipation, and she said for that particular problem magnesium oxide is a great choice.


And this study says that for some people with constipation increasing fiber can be counter productive.  Trial and error has proven to me that I'm one of those people.  The less fiber I consume the more regular I tend to be.

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Can you take inulin? I had nerve damage in my first pregnancy and after trying a bunch of things, I settled on Now brand organic inulin powder. I mix one level tsp into a drink at each meal (so 3xday). I wouldn't start at that amount, though. Better to work up to it. It has a really mild, inoffensive flavor to me, and I'll drink it with water when I need to, but in other drinks it's totally undetectable. 


Psyllium and magnesium both had effects I didn't like, lol, and I do know what you're talking about with the Miralax!



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Hmm..I haven't tried inulin. I can look into it. 


I'm allowed to take whatever I need to take, with stimulants being the last resort choice. so far I haven't needed a stimulant. Maybe I'll buy some prunes this week too, I actually really like prunes :)

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White/ green tea in an empty stomach each morning (I take mine with honey and lemon and brew it with ginger and turmeric root if I have at hand). and coffee. Also, garlic, if you can find a way to eat them raw (I make a special kefir/garlic drink that for all my other sins, will let me live forever.)

Prunes never worked for me.

Edited by madteaparty
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Dh and I use unflavored/unsweetened Konsyl. Dh takes it just with water; I use watered down oj. It's just a fiber supplement--great for keeping things moving along smoothly, iykwim. They do have a capsule version--just the powder inside a capsule--but you have to take at least 6/day and we've found it doesn't seem to work as well as the powder anyway.

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Prunes don't actually have that much fiber, and they have a LOT of sugar. You only get 3 grams of fiber in a quarter cup of prunes. If you are watching sugar, I doubt you want to eat a quarter of a cup.  You might be better off with a few tablespoons of black beans mixed into your lunch, or something like that.  That is going to give you a bit more fiber and a lot less sugar. And with either, prunes or beans you are going to need water.  Stool gets hard when there isn't enough water there.  Fiber holds water and makes everything work better...but you need to have the water to begin with.


I would consider the magnesium citrate, such as natural calm.  You start with half a teaspoon and work your way up until you find a level that works for you. It is NOT a stimulant, nor is it a fiber. It draws water to the large intestine and that makes the stool softer.  It also helps with muscle recovery.  I take 2 teaspoons at night, in the water I use to take my vitamins.  It also helps me sleep, so I take it just before I go to bed.  I take it in a pint of water and I add a dash of crystal light to give it a bit of flavour. My dh takes it as well, but he doesn't need a pint of water to wash down his vitamins. I am a baby about such things, lol. So, you can easily adjust the am ount of water, even to 8 ounces or less.  But, you need the water in there to give you some relief.   I used to have problems with a hemorrhoid and I found that the magnesium did help make things a lot more comfortable. That was part of why I added it do my daily routine.


We buy natural calm via Amazon. It has the best price, we get a big 16 oz container, and it lasts us for months.


Some people find that magnesium citrate helps them with anxiety or just makes them plain old feel better.  It is something we all need and it is sorely lacking in our modern diet.  I have heard that lots of people just mix a half a tablespoon or so into their larger water bottle and sip from it all day long.


I know that you have mentioned that you have been not eating breakfast until a certain time of day.  When you stomach is empty, take advantage of that time and drink as much plain old warm water as you can.  I drink a liter of warm water in the 60-90 mins before I have any breakfast and it does encourage a bowl movement.  I know you can't drink that much at once, but try to get some down and see if that helps. That is an old fashioned remedy that my mom, the old fashioned nurse, lol, taught me.

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I should add that I'm not great at swallowing pills, so something that I have to take more than one pill of probably won't work. 


I might just need to be more consistent with the miralax. i do tend to stop it because I'm too loose, then get constipated, then take full doses several days in a row, rinse repeat. Maybe half a dose every day?


I'd recommend magnesium citrate.  I take Solgar, but any good brand works.  I take it for muscle cramping, but the regularity aspect is a nice side effect.  Taking it at night can also help you have more restful sleep.  I take two, but one might be enough.  


The only problem is the pills are rather big for all the brands I've tried.  I got a liquid supplement in a dropper for my dad, but it was really expensive.


Another option might be measuring out the right amount of this in a spoon.  It's what you use pre-colonoscopy, but it is a HUGE dose when you drink the whole bottle. Most of the groceries have a cheap store brand, and there are some that are not dyed or flavored.  (That was what I was going to try next for my dad, but he decided to take the pills.)  The only problem I see is that it might work quicker than the pill that takes time to dissolve.


Also, calcium has the opposite effect of magnesium, so I take my calcium early in the day and magnesium at night.


ETA: Just reading the replies more thoroughly...I never realized that Natural Calm is just magnesium citrate.  So there is an easy non-pill version available.

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I take magnesium in the evening to help me sleep, and regularity is a side effect. I don't like Natural Calm, so I just pop a couple of pills.


I, too, have heard that fiber-based products can be counter-effective for some people, and can irritate the bowel lining.


Coffee works as a laxative for some people.  Warm drinks in the morning on an empty stomach can stimulate the digestive tract (coffee, tea, etc).  I dimly remember reading that some people like something like lemon in warm water in the morning for this purpose, but I don't quite remember what all was involved with that -- like, was something else put in it?  Cayenne? Honey?



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I take magnesium in the evening to help me sleep, and regularity is a side effect. I don't like Natural Calm, so I just pop a couple of pills.


I, too, have heard that fiber-based products can be counter-effective for some people, and can irritate the bowel lining.


Coffee works as a laxative for some people.  Warm drinks in the morning on an empty stomach can stimulate the digestive tract (coffee, tea, etc).  I dimly remember reading that some people like something like lemon in warm water in the morning for this purpose, but I don't quite remember what all was involved with that -- like, was something else put in it?  Cayenne? Honey?


Coffee does help. I general have my first um, movement 2/3 of the way into my morning cup of coffee. I do think I should get the magnesium, although I am a bit concerned about the arsenic levels, will look more into it. 


Took the half dose yesterday, and today um...went well. Bulk, not sticky, but not hard. Maybe I just need to learn to be patient and stick to the half dose :)

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I had a kiddo on Miralax, for about 2 years.  We definitely had to play around with dosage...and we keep it on hand for when things get a bit...rabbit-pellety again. (Sorry if that's TMI.)


LOL! Rabbit pellets is exactly what happens to me (without fiber...with fiber it's not small pellets, but just as hard). But today was better, and I have my half dose in my iced tea here :)

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I have been in the habit of making Apple/Carrot/Flax muffins - one batch makes about 2 dozen, and eating two a day (they are pretty small) has had a *very* beneficial effect in this dept. When I don't have them on hand, it's not terrible, but I notice the difference. They are super healthy and have only a small amount of date sugar in them. (IOW, dates.)


I have to leave (why am I on the board??!?) right now, but I can type out the recipe when I get in if anyone is interested.



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I second the recommendation for stool softener. I take two every night with my other meds, whether I am having trouble or not.


The only stool softener I know if is Colace, and I have a bad reaction to it. I get a racing heartbeat, sweats, nausea, chills, etc.


Miralax is also basically a stool softener, but it has a different ingredient and doesn't make me feel like that. But I think both work just to put liquid into the stool. 

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