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Oh wow, Paul Newman died.

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Oh my gosh! My husband just walked in and told me. I have to say that I am shocked in a weird kind of way because even though I knew he was getting on in years, I didn't realize that he'd been sick. How sad. What a neat, neat man. If they only thing he'd done was to have a successful movie career while staying married to the same woman lo these many years...well that would've made him remarkable in my eyes. But he did so much more than that. Talk about adding to the beauty....

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A close family friend of ours used to work at Ralph Lauren in NYC. He helped fit Mr. Newman for a suit once. Mr. Newman took such a liking to him that he would call him when he was in town so that he could help him out with his wardrobe selection. Once, Joanne Woodward called the house to thank him for helping Paul.


He told us that Mr. Newman was a very nice, down-to-earth kind of guy.

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