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I miss it!

Night Elf

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I'm having a sad day and I don't know where it came from. I just miss my kids being little. I miss homeschooling. We had so much fun. Well, don't get me wrong. I love and enjoy my children now as well, but it's just different when they're little. I particularly loved reading aloud with them. We don't do that anymore. They just don't want to. The last time we did was when ds was in 9th grade and we used Literary Lessons from The Lord of the Rings. That was lots of fun to read and discuss. So I decided to read some children's literature by myself, which I actually really enjoy more than adult books a great deal of the time. I've got some Sonlight catalogs and got some ideas. Naturally my library doesn't have them so I had to request them from others in our system.


I took dd17 to breakfast this morning. Maybe that's what started it. In the booth next to us was a toddler standing on his seat and staring at us. He was cute as a button. His parents apologized if he was disturbing our meal which I thought was nice, but he was fine.


Oh well.

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I fear that I will deeply feel this way someday and regret having been so tired during this special time in my life. I love them, they're wonderful, but I feel like I'm too tired and have too much to do with the energy I do have to play with and truly enjoy them now when they're little. I have a 3yo and 6mo also (baby is a poor sleeper) and baby is our last. I will miss it so, but can't imagine handling another one.

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Awww, you guys are good mamas!


I loved my kids when they were young, but truthfully, I MUCH prefer teenagers. I love watching them step into their lives with the whole world before them. It's much harder since I can't control their environments as much, and I do miss the less frenetic pace of homeschooling with young kids (no transcript worries, credit hours, SATs and college admissions stress), but I wouldn't want to go back in time and repeat the stages.


And honestly, I spent SO much time doing read alouds, loved EVERY minute of it, but feel completely satisfied with having passed that stage.


And also, there's always grandkids!  :)

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I miss that sometimes, too. I like having a college-aged kid for different reasons, but I get that pang sometimes when I'm cleaning out old hs stuff or culling old toys and games. I was just doing that and...oh, my wooden matching blocks! And the Snail's Pace Race! And all those little plastic bears for doing math activites. Awww. I can't believe that part is over.

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and when you tell young moms - this will be over sooner than you think . . . they don't believe you.


I hear being a grandparent is a wonderful thing . . . I wouldn't know . . . . . and my only married dd just moved to texas . . . . I don't expect them to move back.  at last now, there are airplanes . . .

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I miss all that too. So much! I just loved the years when my kids were little and I especially loved reading to them. Those were the best times of my life. I love my teens too, but it's definitely not the joyful experience those baby to middle school years were.


I know my parents have loved being grandparents and I hope I get that chance and that I feel the same way about it that they do. That would really make me happy.

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I miss that sometimes, too. I like having a college-aged kid for different reasons, but I get that pang sometimes when I'm cleaning out old hs stuff or culling old toys and games. I was just doing that and...oh, my wooden matching blocks! And the Snail's Pace Race! And all those little plastic bears for doing math activites. Awww. I can't believe that part is over.


and the Snail's Pace Race still sits on the shelf. :D

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I miss that sometimes, too. I like having a college-aged kid for different reasons, but I get that pang sometimes when I'm cleaning out old hs stuff or culling old toys and games. I was just doing that and...oh, my wooden matching blocks! And the Snail's Pace Race! And all those little plastic bears for doing math activites. Awww. I can't believe that part is over.

My oldest just got big enough for Snail's Pace Race :-) We're having a great time shaking the dice.


I'm bogged down in preschooler- toddler-baby-pregnant land. I'm working on enjoying it, and it's nice to know I will probably look back fondly.


And as a word of encouragement, my mom was here last week, and she is having a blast being grandma. And, of course, my kids think GG is the most awesome person on the planet.

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I love my teens but I do miss the little years when I was the center of their universe. When they would share everything with me and they were enthralled by the simplest of things.


I don't, however, miss the constant state of exhaustion and the endless questions.

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I am fine with them getting older. My dh though keeps lamenting our "empty nest"..... Um, hello, we have FIVE kids in our house right now.


..5th grade, 8th grade, 2 seniors, and a graduate. Older 3 are our adopted kids who will be with is long term as we have guardianship of them as disabled adults. Younger 2 are fosters who could be here years as well.


We do NOT have to worry about empty nest...despite what dh says. He does miss the 8-12 year old range though.

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Liked your post, not because I like you feeling sad, but to sympathize...our oldest just turned 20, life goes by too quick. We do have younger ones though. Hope you get to enjoy every stage as it comes. And yes, hopefully grandkids in the future :)

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