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If anyone needs to feel better about their ability to homeschool today....


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I would just like to tell you that my 3rd grader is pretending his pencil is red hot and screams every time he touches it. He has also thrown himself on the floor and claimed he would rather be bitten by a great white shark than do grammar. This is a child who can read Harry Potter but when he is asked to write a single sentence, claims he can't spell "they". I promise you all- you are doing better than I am!

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I'll make YOU feel better...


Mine refused to follow his morning routine, so didn't take his meds, which only tone down his behaviors.


Then told me to F off when the evaluator got here and he was asked to work (SIMPLE math page).


He chewed 3 pencils, threw 2 books, and almost knocked over my coffee (as soon as I knew he was going to toss something, I protected the coffee because it was on the table with three computers).


He mooned the evaluator.




Oh, they... t-h-a-y. That's after 3 solid weeks of spelling is orally, written, and signing.

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I would just like to tell you that my 3rd grader is pretending his pencil is red hot and screams every time he touches it. He has also thrown himself on the floor and claimed he would rather be bitten by a great white shark than do grammar. This is a child who can read Harry Potter but when he is asked to write a single sentence, claims he can't spell "they". I promise you all- you are doing better than I am!

Oh wow, I am so glad my daughter isn't here to read this, because she would think it was GENIUS and our house would be suddenly filled with red-hot pencils.


The pens would probably be icy cold, and give you frostbite.

Edited by tm919
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Red hot pencils, icy cold pens, and here we have a howling puppy dog (DD) and a 12 yr old reverting back to grade school, sticking out his tongue when asked to do an assignment. It's one of those days.


It is gorgeous out. I might call it a day and head to the park.

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I would just like to tell you that my 3rd grader is pretending his pencil is red hot and screams every time he touches it. He has also thrown himself on the floor and claimed he would rather be bitten by a great white shark than do grammar. This is a child who can read Harry Potter but when he is asked to write a single sentence, claims he can't spell "they". I promise you all- you are doing better than I am!

Oh, my goodness, my third child has a clone!!!!!!!!!!


That would have completely happened in my house in third grade. (If it helps, he's in fifth now and the drama has toned down considerably.)


I started telling him that if there was any drama, the work had to be done in his room. He wanted an audience. I wish I could tell you that it stopped immediately, but it took a while (although there was a big drop when I stopped being an audience).


In third grade my first would often be under the table sobbing about one sentence. If it helps--he's 15 and writes well enough that he was accepted into AP English Lang. for next year.


I really wish I had a funny story for you --but I think I've had selective amnesia from the stress. LOL


(Typing helped a lot. So did IEW.)

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I swear to you my nearly 15 year old hides in the bathroom to get out of school work. He's in there now. LOL


Sometimes I hide in the bathroom for a few minutes of privacy.  It doesn't often work, as one child or another bursts in.  "Oh, there you are.  Why are you reading a book?  I thought you were just going potty."  Yeah, as though barging in during that is any better...

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Oh, my goodness, my third child has a clone!!!!!!!!!!


That would have completely happened in my house in third grade. (If it helps, he's in fifth now and the drama has toned down considerably.)


I started telling him that if there was any drama, the work had to be done in his room. He wanted an audience. I wish I could tell you that it stopped immediately, but it took a while (although there was a big drop when I stopped being an audience).


In third grade my first would often be under the table sobbing about one sentence. If it helps--he's 15 and writes well enough that he was accepted into AP English Lang. for next year.


I really wish I had a funny story for you --but I think I've had selective amnesia from the stress. LOL


(Typing helped a lot. So did IEW.)

I really hope the drama cools down by 5th grade. I'm really glad there are other 3rd graders that cry over one sentence. It is NOT beyond his ability. Sometimes when he has the choice between writing two things, he will count the letters and choose the shortest one. I've tried not giving him an audience, but if he's in his room, he just plays. If I leave, he plays. I usually sit there and play on my phone while ignoring him until he gets it done. Anyway, I'm glad there is hope!

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I really hope the drama cools down by 5th grade. I'm really glad there are other 3rd graders that cry over one sentence. It is NOT beyond his ability. Sometimes when he has the choice between writing two things, he will count the letters and choose the shortest one. I've tried not giving him an audience, but if he's in his room, he just plays. If I leave, he plays. I usually sit there and play on my phone while ignoring him until he gets it done. Anyway, I'm glad there is hope!

There is. After I posted I remembered that the oldest (the under the table crier) told me last week that writing was his favorite "subject". It was a jaw dropping moment. It will get better.
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Lol! Had to chuckle at some posts. Kids are creative, but I have no tolerance for some stuff. If one of mine pretends the hot pencil thing I'd made it clear that when it's time for me to take them somewhere (playdate, activity etc), I will pretend my car keys are hot and burn my hands...sorry, we don't get to go and stay home doing school instead. I can also ask for that white shark to eat me, instead of wanting to take them anywhere. Just sayin' :)

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I would just like to tell you that my 3rd grader is pretending his pencil is red hot and screams every time he touches it. He has also thrown himself on the floor and claimed he would rather be bitten by a great white shark than do grammar. This is a child who can read Harry Potter but when he is asked to write a single sentence, claims he can't spell "they". I promise you all- you are doing better than I am!




probably not for you, but ...LOL

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When my oldest was in 3rd grade at public school I got called into a parent teacher conference because my dd was pretending to be a cat during circle time.....that was apparently frowned upon.



At any given moment, I have creative entities in my house.  Not the five children with the nice normal names that I gave them.  But various animals, real or imaginary, Batman, rock stars, fairies, knights, you name it, and it's probably done school at my house at one point or another.  It's rare that all five children are dressed in normal street clothes either; they prefer costumes.  And as for the lovely schoolroom I painted in nice traditional colors, well, sometimes it's located in Middle Earth, sometimes on Cybertron, but definitely not on Planet Earth.  It's really a shame we don't have more imagination at our house. :P


This thread is hilarious!  Red hot pencils, hahaha!


We all have spring fever here.  It's nice out!

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I swear to you my nearly 15 year old hides in the bathroom to get out of school work. He's in there now. LOL

My 17 year old has been living in the bathroom since he was 15. When I have had enough I ask him if I need to take him to the doctor because there must be something wrong if he is having such difficulty going to the bathroom.

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