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S/O Are you done having dc?

If a pregnancy occurred despite your desire to be done having children, would you  

  1. 1. If a pregnancy occurred despite your desire to be done having children, would you

    • have an abortion
    • consider abortion, but place for adoption
    • consider abortion, keep baby
    • never even consider abortion - keep or adopt

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This is a spin off of the a comment in the McCain prolife thread...

For those of you who think you are done having children...


Please be kind as possible.


Maybe you need another option up there? I'm done having children, and I've taken permanent measures to ensure no further pregnancies. I felt that was the best way to go for me.

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I'd never even consider abortion, due to my religious beliefs, but getting pregnant again would be seriously dangerous for me. I would most likely die, leaving four (or five, should the unborn baby survive) motherless children. So, like the above poster we've taken steps to permanently ensure that I don't get pregnant again.

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I do agree you need another option. Have taken permanent measures to ensure no more dc.



have the baby. period. Not consider abortion or adoption. that would be the one I would choose.


Just because you want to be done having children does not meant that you would not welcome your own child if an "oops" happened. I know several ladies in my church who had "oops" children in their mid to late 40's and back in the 70's that was not a joyful occasion when the average family was 1.5 children.

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Maybe you need another option up there? I'm done having children, and I've taken permanent measures to ensure no further pregnancies. I felt that was the best way to go for me.


ah... I thought about that....

Let's presume that you suddenly discovered your measures didn't work? (pretend spontanous regeneration of a second set of reproductive organs if you need to:D)


After you got your concussion checked from hitting the gyn's office floor when you passed out...


what would you do then?:lol:

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ah... I thought about that....

Let's presume that you suddenly discovered your measures didn't work? (pretend spontanous regeneration of a second set of reproductive organs if you need to:D)


After you got your concussion checked from hitting the gyn's office floor when you passed out...


what would you do then?:lol:


Quite impossible to imagine, really. But for hypothetical sake, I would consider terminating it. I'm quite old as it is and I don't relish repeating the complications of the first pregnancy in this older model body. What would my decision be? *sigh* alas... I cannot say. I run on a "in the moment" mode when it comes to these things. Plus, my dh would undoubtedly have a voice in the issue.


You've caught me indecisive. :confused:

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I do agree you need another option. Have taken permanent measures to ensure no more dc.



have the baby. period. Not consider abortion or adoption. that would be the one I would choose.


Just because you want to be done having children does not meant that you would not welcome your own child if an "oops" happened. I know several ladies in my church who had "oops" children in their mid to late 40's and back in the 70's that was not a joyful occasion when the average family was 1.5 children.

:iagree: I did not vote because the option I would choose is not up there. I would keep, not consider giving up for adoption. I would never consider abortion. Ugh!


Dh has taken measures--I have not. FIL made a comment about us having more...I said, well, it wouldn't be a ________ (insert last name)! :tongue_smilie:

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:iagree: I did not vote because the option I would choose is not up there. I would keep, not consider giving up for adoption. I would never consider abortion. Ugh!



I can't vote because adoption would never be an option.


You can both vote #4 as you would keep

#4 is keep OR adopt, doesn't matter which you'd do.:)


You failed to post the option you recommended on the other thread: not having sex because of possibility of pregnancy.


well that would be because not having sex once you are pregnant doesn't prevent pregnancy or even affect pregnancy!:001_rolleyes:

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I'm 48, my dh is 50, I'm 99.9% we are done having children. However, if I found myself pregnant, we would welcome our 6th blessing into the family. Abortion would never, ever be a consideration. In fact, it so far off my radar, answering this pole seemed strange. That probably didn't make much sense.



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We'd welcome any child, surprise or what not. Adopting away our own child?? Not an option. If my life was definitely endangered, then my religion allows (actually encourages) me to terminate pregnancy within the first 12 weeks (I think only this early). Mother's physical life comes first, and for her mental being we accept brith-control. But guess you didn't want that.


I am opposed to people aborting 7 month old pregnancies. However, in the scope of things then I am eventually not basing my vote on this issue, but on the overall issues. I'd be in favor of abstinence policies, but nobody wants to do that, right? I mean, pre-maritally speaking.

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I do agree you need another option. Have taken permanent measures to ensure no more dc.



have the baby. period. Not consider abortion or adoption. that would be the one I would choose.


Just because you want to be done having children does not meant that you would not welcome your own child if an "oops" happened. I know several ladies in my church who had "oops" children in their mid to late 40's and back in the 70's that was not a joyful occasion when the average family was 1.5 children.


Ditto. In DH's words, planning for a potential child is different than welcoming an actual one. While we wouldn't try for another (potential), we'd welcome any children who came (actual).

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A recent experience has convinced me beyond any doubt that I am done having children. If I became pregnant, I would seriously consider terminating the pregnancy as long as I found out before 8 weeks. I do not think I would consider that option any later than that. However, said recent experience has also convinced my husband that it is probably time for a vasectomy, so pretty soon it will more than likely be a non-issue.

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We're done having kids. We pretty much always knew we wanted only one child. When he was not quite 2 my husband had a vasectomy. We were VERY careful uptill the procedure, and again until we got the 'all clear'. But somewhere in there, I don't really remember when, I was running, really, really late. The test was negative, but we were in agreement we really didn't want to have any more kids.


So yes, we took all the precautions, but things still happen. (Believe me, everyone wants to come out of the woodwork and tell you the failed vasectomy stories of their cousin's best friend's boss' brother's failed vasectomy ten years after the procedure! Do you see me rolling my eyes?)


But if we turned into one of those failed vasectomy stories, we'd abort.

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I do agree you need another option. Have taken permanent measures to ensure no more dc.



have the baby. period. Not consider abortion or adoption. that would be the one I would choose.


Just because you want to be done having children does not meant that you would not welcome your own child if an "oops" happened. I know several ladies in my church who had "oops" children in their mid to late 40's and back in the 70's that was not a joyful occasion when the average family was 1.5 children.


ITA. For me I would not even think twice about it. If I got pregnant again I would accept that baby with open arms een if I thought I was done. As a single parent if I had another surprise baby I still would accept it open arms without any other thoughts, even though I am not planning on having more while on my own.

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There is no part of me that wants to have another baby right now. And I did not have a very easy pregnancy with dd1. BUT I could never abort a baby, no matter how inconvenient a pregnancy would be at this point in our lives. And I would love that child fiercely even though it's conception was an accident. Children are such gifts, I can't imagine denying a life to one.


So I voted for the last option.

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Whoa boy -- this is going to sound really stupid, but here goes --


*Deep Breath*


I don't have to guess what I would do because I've already done it. Sweetie and I never talked about kids. The subject never came up. His youngest was 13, my youngest was 13. We each *assumed* (yeah -- THAT word) that the other was "fixed."


We'd only been married a month or two. We're sitting there watching a movie (Gene Wilder, I think, and they were trying to get pregnant) and I said something brilliant like -- "Boy, I'm sure glad we don't have to worry about THAT!" And he says, "Yeah! Good thing you got your tubes tied!" And I says, "My tubes tied? But -- you've had a vasectomy?! Right?!" The Polaroid of our faces at that moment would win some kind of prize, I'm sure!


Just like Ethel -- it was too late. I'd already got a free shot. The stick turned blue just a couple of days later. We felt like a couple of kids caught in the back of a Chevy! :blushing:


I do recall, a month or so later, I said something like, "Well, I *could* have an abortion." He just said, "Don't be ridiculous" because he knew I wouldn't want to do that. And that was the last time that came up. So I don't know if that would be "consider abortion - have the baby." I think it would take more than that to "consider it."


We found out while I was pregnant that I had cancer, so we've since taken out the factory and put in a playground. :D


Now, let this be a lesson to you. Watch Gene Wilder movies *before* you get married!


ETA: By the way, he *had* had a vasectomy -- three kids earlier. He and his first wife had two after the procedure.

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Considering that we are unexpectedly raising and probably adopting my great niece, I am confident that a surprise would be welcomed with open arms.


We have noooooooo intentions of another child, but I would never turn my back on a little one either.

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ah... I thought about that....

Let's presume that you suddenly discovered your measures didn't work? (pretend spontanous regeneration of a second set of reproductive organs if you need to:D)


After you got your concussion checked from hitting the gyn's office floor when you passed out...


what would you do then?:lol:


yes! that happened here. I had my tubes done,and 4 years later, along came a little surprise:001_smile:. we didn't even consider anything other than keeping him, I fell pregnant in spite having my tubes tied, I was obviously meant to have more children.

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yes! that happened here. I had my tubes done,and 4 years later, along came a little surprise:001_smile:. we didn't even consider anything other than keeping him, I fell pregnant in spite having my tubes tied, I was obviously meant to have more children.


I'm the youngest by 10 years for a reason.;)

My mother used to say all the time, "I know God must have wanted you because we sure as h**l didn't.":blink: Oh mom, memories of such a maternal gal... *totally sarcasticly speaking*

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My answer wasn't on the poll. If I got pregnant after I (thought) we were done having children, we would keep the baby, period. :)

ETA: I thouht of answering the last option, but while I think adoption is a great option for many, it wouldn't be a consideration for us. Abortion has never been and never will be an option for us.

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I would cry and cry and cry the whole nine months. Then I would look at the little baby and say well here we go again. Then I would cry the next 18 years LOL I am done. I was fixed but if some thing happened and a baby got there he or she would stay. I feel that if you have taken these measures and still get pregnant that baby was meant to be. I just hope if it will happen it will be that late in life baby cause as of right now I have to remember to brush my teeth so a baby would really throw off the routine I am trying to have.

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I would not consider an abortion. We'd keep the baby. In fact, I really thought we were done having babies when I got pg this time. I'd been having all sorts of wonderful symptoms - ovulationless months, painful cramping, more and/or less time in between cycles...


Despite my more general conservative notions, I also would want to have abortion as a safe option available, for those who would consider it.

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Abort dh and my baby because we were done? No way. Not even if we knew baby to be were going to have a mild condition (like Down's Syndrome). Now the only reasons I would abort are as follows:


-someone else's baby (I'm talking only about a rape case as I'm one of the most loyal people you'll ever encounter ;))

-the baby would kill me certainly (I want and need to live for my two other dc)

-baby-to-be has a severe, extreme, very abnormal condition that is irreversible, painful, she/he won't live for a month, fill-in-the-blanks.., etc.


Even that last one has to be carefully considered over here.


I think I'm done. Dh said he would have a vasectomy when I was absolutely sure and he turned 35 (which is in about five years). BTW, I'm not completely against other women having abortions, just not for our family :001_smile:




If I could make over the world and decide about laws, there would be no such thing ever again as partial-birth abortions.


...Now off the soapbox and quietly taking her place back into the group...

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