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stick a fork in me, I'm done.


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Nothing major wrong, just having an introvert/sensitive person meltdown, lol.


4 straight days of social stuff...walking all around downtown Orlando, attending the theatre, caroling in a nursing home, lunch out with a group, three trips to the post office, three trips to walmart, one to Aldi, one to Walgreens, one to Trader Joes, a men's clothing store to have my son fitted for a tux, breakfast with a friend, and then today driving 3 hours round trip to my mom's house to make christmas cookies with my two littles and my two nieces (same ages as my kids). 


To top it off I got a call today that I have skin cancer on the back of my knee that needs to be removed. 


Oh, and I suck at logistics, and Christmas is nothing BUT logistics it seems. And then I mess stuff up because I'm just not good at it and then people give me a hard time and darn it, I'm trying my best. Maybe I can get a seasonal prescription for ADHD meds? Or xanax? Or both?

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That schedule is giving this introvert hives. :grouphug:  and lots, and lots of chocolate and alone time.


thanks. Can't do the lots of chocolate, but some Twinnings Christmas tea and PBS helped last night. Hoping it works again tonight. 


Pretty sure I've past social hangover and am about to lapse into a social coma. 


Oh,and did I mention I'm due for my period any minute? 

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That sucks, I'm sorry :(


You need hugs and carb free, calorie free chocolate. If you haven't tried it already Republic of Tea has some amazing cake teas like Caramel Vanilla and Cocoa Coconut that we absolutely fabulous with a little sugar free sweetener and cream. Those save me on crap days.

Edited by Arctic Mama
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Here's a thought - can you go to Starbucks for a an appropriate drink and take a good fluff book with you? I'm having way less of 'A Day' than you but decompressing with a book keeps me sane and helps me reset when I'm maxed out and drained. Escapism is a good thing ;)

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Here's a thought - can you go to Starbucks for a an appropriate drink and take a good fluff book with you? I'm having way less of 'A Day' than you but decompressing with a book keeps me sane and helps me reset when I'm maxed out and drained. Escapism is a good thing ;)


Even going to starbucks would be more social than I have left, but the idea of a book is a good one. I should go download one to my kindle. And yes, books keep me sane, the cheapest vacation there is :)

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I felt that way after a big Thanksgiving and multiple activities during the first weeks of December. The result has been/will be a very (emphasize very) low key Christmas. Sparse decorations, easy meals, few/small but great gifts, mostly siblings enjoying each other's company after going different directions all semester. I am really taking it easy, because I simply cannot muster up the mojo to do more.

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I tried to get some quiet in the bedroom and my husband kept trying to talk to me. I shushed him and he got offended and left. He's keeping a wide berth.

Man, this happens to me, too! Only, he gets offended but stays and then the younger two children notice that no adult is in their orbit, so they find us in the bedroom and start bouncing on my bed. Then I say something about how I came in to be alone and I can't be alone if half the family is in my room and dh gets more offended. And then I not only need to be alone MORE, but I have to solve problems with dh when if everyone had just left me ALONE I could have gotten myself together. Dh needs to learn the wide berth thing!
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Oh, and still no period. Which, up until a few months ago, was normal as I have an IUD that was mainly to keep me from having periods, due to long term anemia stuff. But after I lost about 50lbs I started having periods again...at first just spotting, then regular period, for the last few months, although light. I even had an ultrasound to check placement. Strings are missing, but it's there. Except, now I'm on day 30 and no period. Last few months it has been 25-26 days. 


I know the chances of me being pregnant are SO low, with an IUD, and this is probably just my weightloss messing with my hormones again, but I can't help but worry. Will have to manage to get a test tomorrow without any children asking questions, just to put my mind at ease. I'd be fine with another baby, heck I want another baby soon, but the miscarriage rate wtih an IUD is VERY high, around 50%. So yeah. Today is not good, stress wise. 

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Oh, and still no period. Which, up until a few months ago, was normal as I have an IUD that was mainly to keep me from having periods, due to long term anemia stuff. But after I lost about 50lbs I started having periods again...at first just spotting, then regular period, for the last few months, although light. I even had an ultrasound to check placement. Strings are missing, but it's there. Except, now I'm on day 30 and no period. Last few months it has been 25-26 days. 


I know the chances of me being pregnant are SO low, with an IUD, and this is probably just my weightloss messing with my hormones again, but I can't help but worry. Will have to manage to get a test tomorrow without any children asking questions, just to put my mind at ease. I'd be fine with another baby, heck I want another baby soon, but the miscarriage rate wtih an IUD is VERY high, around 50%. So yeah. Today is not good, stress wise.

I'm so sorry.


Can you take a bath and drink chamomille tea? Definitely a book. You really need to escape for a while and stop the crazies that are swirling around you. Try not to worry about the pregnancy thing (hard I know--it's just that you can't do anything one way or another. I would be a wreck, so I get it. Try to "take the thoughts captive" and not dwell.)

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I'm so sorry.


Can you take a bath and drink chamomille tea? Definitely a book. You really need to escape for a while and stop the crazies that are swirling around you. Try not to worry about the pregnancy thing (hard I know--it's just that you can't do anything one way or another. I would be a wreck, so I get it. Try to "take the thoughts captive" and not dwell.)


Thanks. I think I'm just going to go to bed. Maybe take a benedryl first. I have been so busy I haven't been getting enough protein or fluids the last few days either, so that is making me feel yucky too. Tomorrow that is my number one priority, over everything else. 


And I'm definitely going to just set the worries aside. I'm actually pretty good at that usually, I think the introvert overhelming week just made that harder. But the kids are asleep, the house is quiet, and I feel better. Not great, but better. 


tomorrow I need to wrap presents, which is a great excuse to lock myself in my room and make the teen watch the littles for a while. And I'll try to run to the store by myself too, to get the test. Although maybe I'll have my period by then and can cross that off my list. 

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I tried to get some quiet in the bedroom and my husband kept trying to talk to me. I shushed him and he got offended and left. He's keeping a wide berth.

I once resorted to hiding in my car. I so get it. Reading a book in my robe with coffee is my favorite. That is a lot of socializing on top of your other concerns.

Edited by frogger
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I once resorted to hiding in my car. I so get it. Reading a book in my robe with coffee is my favorite.


Lately, when we get home from some of the bazillion events/activities, I've just not gotten out of the car.  Everyone else goes in and I get at least 10 minutes or so before the garage door opens and a child is standing there and says "OH, there you are.  We were looking for you.  {yells behind him}} Guys, she's still in the car!"

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I totally feel for you.  I stupidly agreed to take my mom and sister shopping at the major mall in the biggest city around me and then we went to the other mall there.  OMG!!! If my sister didn't need work shoes by Monday, I'd have left.  Traffic was horrid, crowds were everywhere, and both my mom and sister have driving anxiety issues (hence why I was there at all), so they were gasping and carrying on while I was trying to maneuver in holiday traffic.  I don't handle over stimulation well and I had to lock myself in my room after I got home for a little while.  My DH may have received the brunt of some snippy comments as I made it from the door to the bedroom (seriously?!? like I wanted to deal with DD's C in math as I walked in).


As for making it through Christmas itself, my Xanax will be used.  I actually do have a prescription that is for situational anxiety (like when my DH is driving in large cities or high stimulation situations).  My kids also know that between grandma's house with their nephews and grandma's house without their nephews, they are to be quiet.  Mom HAS to have that or bad things happen (same as after really loud TKD practices).


As for the IUD, take a pregnancy test ASAP.  My youngest is an IUD failure baby and it was still in there.  You are right that the miscarriage rate is much higher, but the sooner you know and can get the IUD out of there, the better.  Not to mention, a negative should take at least one stress away.

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Thanks everyone, so glad someone gets it! No one in my life does, except maybe my teen but he won't admit it, lol. 


I did get quite a bit of sleep, although lots of drawn out nightmare/anxious dreams (my normal...I almost always have nightmares) and once the kids are dressed we will hit the store so I can get a test. I just have to think of some other things to buy so it isn't obvious, lol. I mean, the DD is only 5 but I don't need her asking me "what's that?" in the aisle. If I wait until the teen is up to babysit I'll be waiting a lot longer. 



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Also, why didn't God make it so your belly buttom pops out or something the minute you get pregnant? Something easy to tell. As it is, pregnancy and PMS signs are freaking identical. Not cool. 


I feel like I'm going to get my period, but I felt like that yesterday too. Oh, and you know, when I was pregnant and in denial with child number 1. 

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Oh, and I'm supposed to go to the dermatologist today for a recheck of my cysts on my vulva, and I'm going to cancel I think. I'm going there on monday anyway to have the basal cell carcinoma removed. I'm going a week after that to recheck the precancer stuff she froze off. The cysts are better. Is that awful?

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Oh, and I'm supposed to go to the dermatologist today for a recheck of my cysts on my vulva, and I'm going to cancel I think. I'm going there on monday anyway to have the basal cell carcinoma removed. I'm going a week after that to recheck the precancer stuff she froze off. The cysts are better. Is that awful?

Do what you need to do to keep functioning. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: Oh honey.  That's too much.


Re: escaping with a book:

I tried to get some quiet in the bedroom and my husband kept trying to talk to me. I shushed him and he got offended and left. He's keeping a wide berth. 

When I'm past my breaking point, I retreat into the bathtub with a pile of magazines, an inflatable pillow, a glass of ice cubes with lemon and a full liter of seltzer water.


My husband has been known to prance in, sit down on the toilet seat, and start CHATTING.


??? :cursing: .






I advise locking the door, or a BIG SIGN.  Restoration Work In Progress.  Detour...

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I feel your pain. I was about ready to snap off heads around Thanksgiving. Christmas season is actually not as busy here as our activities pause, I'm just starting to feel a bit decompressed. I wish I had more energy for Christmas stuff but after so much other stuff I'm wore out we actually skipped caroling and the Christmas play this year as I couldn't make myself do it.  We're skipping the anual Christmas Eve celebration this year as well(for numerous reasons), which I think likely drove dh's mother to tears, I feel guilty that I'm happy to have one less thing to do.

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oh I've learned that I can't do that.


Bah Humbug.


I dropped my dd at the nursing home with her ahg group and went to the post office. Then I sat in the car and read my book.


I seldom do parties.


I skipped the church Christmas cantata that I usually sing in.


i even make it a point to say "I am going to the grocery store and I am going BY MYSELF. NObody can come with mama right now."


Tis the season! :)

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oh I've learned that I can't do that.


Bah Humbug.


I dropped my dd at the nursing home with her ahg group and went to the post office. Then I sat in the car and read my book.


I seldom do parties.


I skipped the church Christmas cantata that I usually sing in.


i even make it a point to say "I am going to the grocery store and I am going BY MYSELF. NObody can come with mama right now."


Tis the season! :)


Yup, I need to do that. I LOVE Christmas, so I tend to not realize I'm getting overwhelmed until I hit a wall. A lot of it is the shopping (too much stimulation, too much noise, too many people) and the logistics. Figuring out who gets what and making sure it gets mailed to them is HARD for me. I come from a long line of logistically challenged absent minded professor types, lol. We can explain anything, but can't remember where we put our keys, ever. Or phone. Drive past exits, etc etc. So yeah. 


For instance, I wrapped a ton of presents. I do it on autopilot though. So afterwards, DH starts quizzing me on what I wrapped and didn't and I couldn't remember if a particular book got wrapped. I know I wrapped books, couldn't remember which ones. And he got all "how can you not know?" I told him, I don't know, the same way you don't know that you can't put a bedspread, 3 towels, and a bathmat all in the washing machine at the same time, smarty pants. We all have things we don't know. 

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Nothing major wrong, just having an introvert/sensitive person meltdown, lol.


4 straight days of social stuff...walking all around downtown Orlando, attending the theatre, caroling in a nursing home, lunch out with a group, three trips to the post office, three trips to walmart, one to Aldi, one to Walgreens, one to Trader Joes, a men's clothing store to have my son fitted for a tux, breakfast with a friend, and then today driving 3 hours round trip to my mom's house to make christmas cookies with my two littles and my two nieces (same ages as my kids). 


To top it off I got a call today that I have skin cancer on the back of my knee that needs to be removed. 


Oh, and I suck at logistics, and Christmas is nothing BUT logistics it seems. And then I mess stuff up because I'm just not good at it and then people give me a hard time and darn it, I'm trying my best. Maybe I can get a seasonal prescription for ADHD meds? Or xanax? Or both?


I get it.  We went from having a relaxing week with just immediate family to several family-wide functions as well as friends inviting us over too.  I'm already stressing a bit.  I love seeing the family, but it is people overload as we're a big family.

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Test was negative! Yay!


And I cancelled my derm appt. 


I'm still a bit stressed that our bank account is lower than it has ever been, but we have some money coming in tomorrow. More, I'm stressed that DH will be stressed, but it is what it is. And he gets paid friday. Oh, and when at the bank making a transfer at the ATM the machine ate my card. I didn't have it in me to go in and get it. So I'll do that another day, lol.

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