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Sit and wait time


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These days, so much of my "schooling" my last one at home involves sitting and waiting while she's in a class or activity, usually less than two hours in a place that is not close enough to make running back home in the interim worth my time.


Y'all can tell I spend a lot of that time here!


I sometimes bring a book, make a grocery list, or a yarn project, but it's easier to just come in here. A personal goal for the new year is to wean myself off my smart phone, so I'd love to hear how some of you are spending your sit-and-wait time.

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Well, I'm using my Smart phone in different ways.  I am learning one language and reviewing another using Duolingo and Memrise.  I just loaded a Scripture memory app yesterday. 


Other than that, I've taken walks in the area.  I've gone to a coffee shop to sit and read a book and people watch.  I've visited a friend nearby for a short (planned) visit.  I've written letters.  I've taken a sketch book and colored pencils.

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Exercise (walk or run), grocery shop (saves me from going on a separate grocery trip), read recipes online and pick the ones that I want to use for my family, write out tomorrow's meal plan, make a chore list for tomorrow, read a book, respond to emails, return phone calls, make doctor appointments and other appointments, read up on subjects that I always mean to and take notes.

Edited by mathnerd
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That sounds like a dream! Time to read and relax while waiting instead of actively wrangling people and attempting to stuff things in their brain and have them stick for more than five seconds.



.... Ahhhhh.

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I don't feel like I have time to get into a book during DS's classes. Today I'm going to make some flannel handkerchiefs during piano. Most of the summer and fall I worked on a scarf and hat to donate, and in the spring I crocheted washcloths. Sometimes I step outside and call my BFF, but she recently started a job with hours that make it hard for me to reach her.

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I read, mostly.  I am still involved in some of the homeschooling so I read whatever book I need to discuss with them.  Or, whatever book I just want to discuss with them.


Sometimes I grocery shop - I put a cooler in the car so I don't have to worry about finding a great deal on meat 2 hours from the refrigerator. 


I don't have a smart phone (yet, getting one this Christmas) so I don't get distracted by the internet if I'm in the car.  If I go into a cafe, then all bets are off.


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I read mostly.  Usually my sit and wait times are at youngest's appointments.  I have to be in the room with him so I need something quiet to day.  During speech and occupational therapy I am not really involved, so I read a book.  When I used to have to sit and wait for DD at dance I would watch Netflix on my phone, but now her classes are such that I drop her off and she gets picked up much later so I have time to go home and get stuff done.

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I used to have to wait for kids a lot and I kept a bag in my car - like a busy bag you might bring for toddlers. g  I had an embroidery project, a book, index cards,  and a box of notecards. I tried to get disciplined enough to write a note of encouragement to someone if my wait was going to be 30 minutes or more.  Sometimes if I had a shorter wait I'd write a card before I allowed myself to play on my phone.  I wrote a lot of cards and emails during those waits. 


List making was a good use of my time because I am a devoted list follower. I make daily to do lists and weekly goals lists, grocery lists, menu plan for the week, etc.  Waiting for a kid is a great time to make lists because I could focus. I exclusively use index cards for my lists so it's easy to keep them stashed in the car. 


I often also brought along any catalogs that I hadn't looked at yet along with any magazine that I needed to finish. My recycling bin is right beside my back door so I could look at  those while waiting and then drop them in the bin when I got home. 


Having real tasks to do made the wait time go by faster. At least for me it did. But it wasn't as much fun as surfing the web or playing a game. 



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Chasing my two year old. :)


But before that it was mostly reading and goofing off on my phone. But you can knit, draw, write. Now that I think of it, I can't believe I used to be bored during those times. Uninterrupted hours of sitting, reading time just built into my week instead of stolen away from something else... :)

Edited by Mimm
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I love all these replies! I need a Busy Bag, mom edition!


I would love to use the time to read through chunkster books, but the atmosphere at the places I wait are more conducive to a sound-bite level of reading (thus the default to phone reading). A chapter of a pop fiction or YA novel might go down well.


I could write letters! I will definitely take ideas from your input for my busy bag. I also love the walking/jogging and binging an empty cooler suggestions. I could probably easily have time for a walk or grocery trip, if I'm quick about it.

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 I put a cooler in the car so I don't have to worry about finding a great deal on meat 2 hours from the refrigerator. 


Yes, I do this too - I have one of those big insulated cooler tote bags that can hold a large pizza - I got mine at costco - I stash it in the back of my car. It can easily hold 2 gallons of milk or many bags of frozen food. It comes in handy when I have more than an hour to kill and I utilize that time to go to the grocery store - added benefit is that the grocery store is warm and well lit when I head there!

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I read, do meal-planning, cross-stitch. I've also worked on lesson plans a lot on my laptop or done financial work for my church ( I'm the treasurer).


I've also been known to park close enough to the building to pick up the free WiFi and watch netflix on my phone :)


I am a bit anti- social so I relish being able to just be by myself during basketball practices. I sit in the car and just do my thing.

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I have a bag that goes with me to piano lessons. I have usually have 2+ hours to kill so I bring a variety of things to do - a couple different books to read, school things to plan or read through, catalogs, mail, grocery list, my Kindle. I'm not really into crafts but my older DD will usually bring whatever yarn craft she's working on to keep her busy while she waits for her turn. In the warmer months when it's still light out I'll go for a walk or sometimes I'll run errands or wander around the Goodwill that's down the street. Their teacher is working on cleaning out his finished basement to turn it into a den and when that's done I'll probably bring an exercise DVD and get a workout in.

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I love all these replies! I need a Busy Bag, mom edition!


I would love to use the time to read through chunkster books, but the atmosphere at the places I wait are more conducive to a sound-bite level of reading (thus the default to phone reading). A chapter of a pop fiction or YA novel might go down well.


I could write letters! I will definitely take ideas from your input for my busy bag. I also love the walking/jogging and binging an empty cooler suggestions. I could probably easily have time for a walk or grocery trip, if I'm quick about it.


I recently bought one of those adult coloring books.  Very fun..

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I work out at the nearest Y when my kids have swim lessons or kendo lessons.  The 30 minute window on swim lesson days is tight but I can get in a full set of weight training moves in (but no pull ups or push ups) since the weight room is mostly empty.  I do crunches in the locker room on the bench while they take showers.  My tummy is tighter and my arms are getting more toned.  Win-win!


For kendo nights, I drive to the Y (about 10 minutes away) and do a little cardio and then pull ups, push ups, planks, and weights (usually lower body, but some upper body - the Y at this hour is crazy crowded with gym rats, so not as easy for me to squeeze in upper body stuff).


Hope you can find something that works for you!

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