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What to do with bags of frozen mixed berries? (not smoothies)


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I have several bags of frozen mixed berries.  They have raspberry, blueberry, strawberry and marionberry in them.  


I bought them for smoothies but found that we really, really don't like the mix used for smoothies.  I think it is the blueberry that throws off the mix, but I am not sure. 


I thought about jam, but am afraid of the same thing (we won't like the mix) and then I will have expensive, but gross jam. 


What else can I do with them?  I am just about to the point that I am going to toss them all in a bowl and sort the berries, but honestly who wants to do that?



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I do a muesli for breakfast.


mixed berries (thawed), PLAIN greek yogurt (more probiotics, no added sugar), plain rolled oats. (as nice as granola might be, it has lots of added sugar too.)



I love blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries (marion berries are similar) mixed.  I would think it was the raspberries throwing off the flavor.

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Cobbler? There's a peach cobbler thread from today with a recipe. I'd use the juice from one whole lemon with the berries. Have you tasted one of each to see if there's something funky with that batch maybe? You could spread a bag out on a sheet pan and pick out the offensive kind...

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I do a muesli for breakfast.


mixed berries (thawed), PLAIN greek yogurt (more probiotics, no added sugar), plain rolled oats. (as nice as granola might be, it has lots of added sugar too.)



I love blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries (marion berries are similar) mixed.  I would think it was the raspberries throwing off the flavor.

It could be the raspberries, but there is something in the mix that makes the smoothies taste 'flat'.  Raspberries and marrion berries usually have a bit of a tart taste, strawberries may or may not have that, but since blueberries don't, I figure it was that.



Imagine if you make a fruit smoothie and then added half a cup of flour to it.  You wouldn't be able to taste the freshness of the berries,and it would pull out the sweetness, leaving a 'blah' taste.   That is what seems to happen when I use the berries, it makes the smoothie 'blah'. 

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Cobbler? There's a peach cobbler thread from today with a recipe. I'd use the juice from one whole lemon with the berries. Have you tasted one of each to see if there's something funky with that batch maybe? You could spread a bag out on a sheet pan and pick out the offensive kind...

I am thinking that I may have to sort the berries.  There is 5x4lb bags though, so it will take a bit of time.  By tasting the individual berries we cant really figure it out. They aren't great, but should be fine for smoothies. 

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This looks like a good list. Includes sauces, fruit leather, various desserts....




Pancakes, muffins, berry crumbles/cobblers/crisps, thawed for use on ice cream, cake, oatmeal...



Cobbler? There's a peach cobbler thread from today with a recipe. I'd use the juice from one whole lemon with the berries. Have you tasted one of each to see if there's something funky with that batch maybe? You could spread a bag out on a sheet pan and pick out the offensive kind...


I think cobbler is the way to go.  I can use them up in large enough quantities to make it go quick, and I can add lemon/juice and sugar before I cook it to get a decent flavor.  I won't have to worry about getting it to gel like jam, and I can pour off any extra liquid from being frozen.


If I come up with a good combination, I may even send some to my neighbor who always does Christmas cookies for us.  It would be a nice payback!


Thanks for the idea, I think that may work.

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I'd say it's the blueberries throwing it off, I have the same problem. I used to buy bags of mixed berries, pull all the blueberries out to throw in the kids yogurt and then make smoothies with the leftovers.


If you'd rather not do that.... I've made vanilla pudding with pureed berries swirled through. Or muffins/pancakes. Or possibly black forest cake with a bit of an odd difference. 

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Something I call "compote"


About 4 cups frozen fruit + 1/2 cup water + 1-2 Tbsp minute tapioca... Microwave until bubbly and thickened.


You can eat it hot (like under-sweet pie filling, or cobbler with no cake-like parts) or cool it (something like real-fruit jello). Add a sprinkle of sugar or sweetener when you want to eat it, if it's not quite to your taste.

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I use the mixed berries from Costco (blue berries and raspberries and something I cannot remember ) as an alternative to raisins and cinnamon in bread pudding---- it makes a refreshing change from the standard recipe.  I use at least two cups per batch and use extra vanilla instead of cinnamon.   Everyone likes it!

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Cooked, the mixture may taste different.  You could cook a small amount (a cup) and use it as a compote served over pancakes/french toast/waffles or ice cream to see if the fruit cooked improves the taste for everyone.  Then go from there to make muffins, jam, oatmeal fruit bars, a crisp, or a cobbler.

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It could be the raspberries, but there is something in the mix that makes the smoothies taste 'flat'.  Raspberries and marrion berries usually have a bit of a tart taste, strawberries may or may not have that, but since blueberries don't, I figure it was that.



Imagine if you make a fruit smoothie and then added half a cup of flour to it.  You wouldn't be able to taste the freshness of the berries,and it would pull out the sweetness, leaving a 'blah' taste.   That is what seems to happen when I use the berries, it makes the smoothie 'blah'. 


it's possible to have gotten a batch of flavorless berries (and it could have been any of them being flavorless).


I don't like raspberries in things (I.e.g cran-raspberry juice) as they make it too sweet.


I also am from the PNW - and we're blackberry snobs.  marion berries are only for if you can't get Himalayas . . . . . they also grow wild here, one patch is right next to Himalayas, and they don't taste "right".

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