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Neighbor problems...


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We live in a nice neighborhood on a dead end road.  Lots are one acres and the houses are well maintained.  Our family has chickens in the backyard.  They have a hutch as well as a pen area that is fenced.  Yesterday, our neighbor's four dogs entered our backyard.  They chased the chickens around their pen and created so much stress for our hens.  One of our hens entangled herself into some chicken wire.  It was awful.  The owner of the dogs very casually retrieved his dogs as they entered our backyard.  He didn't even say anything to us as we were yelling at his dogs to leave.  My husband had to restrain one of the dogs and led it off our property by its collar.  This dog turned on him, scratched him and ran off. The owner wasn't concerned.  I was enraged.  I yelled and confronted him to apologize.  It was difficult for this very grown man to apologize.  I couldn't believe it, it was the least he could do.  I am still very upset. One of his dogs has entered our property before and harassed our chickens.  I had to yell and chase it off our property.


What I find most troubling is this neighbor's overall lack of respect for others property and/or pets.  This neighbor routinely allows his dogs to use an empty lot across our home as a dog toilet.  His dogs have even gone to the bathroom in our front and backyard on several occasions.  He could have cared less about the welfare of our chickens.


I told this neighbor in the heat of the above chicken moment that I would hit his dog(s) if they came in our yard again i.e. to defend our chickens from attack.  I am so angry right now.  


BTW These chickens are my DD's chickens.  She has cognitive delays and these chickens mean the world to her.  She has raised these chickens from chicks ( a few days old).  They have been with us for four years, they are her friends.


We need to put in a front yard fence but gosh, thousands of dollars to do so is not in our budget at the moment.  I am so disappointed, we moved into this neighborhood a year ago and I can see that this neighbor and his dogs are going to continue to be problematic.

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I'm so sorry. 


He isn't going to take any precautions to protect your family or your chickens.  It is now up to you to fence the yard.  Is it fair?  No.  


It stinks when people aren't responsible for their own pets.

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When I hear about people in the country having serious dog troubles I hear the refrain, "Shoot, Shovel, and Shut-up".


ETA: I'm not saying that is the solution. Perhaps you can find out what you can legally do, ask the police, local animal control. Try recording the trouble his dogs make. ... Document all your problems with them.

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I'm really sorry.  :(  We are having neighbor problems with dogs too, and we both have fences!  Our houses are about 6-8 yards (as in the measurement!)  apart -- so very close, and their dogs are outside barking day and night, constantly, right under our bedroom window.  I am totally baffled by people who don't realize that what they allow their pets to do bothers their neighbors.



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When I hear about people in the country having serious dog troubles I hear the refrain, "Shoot, Shovel, and Shut-up".


ETA: I'm not saying that is the solution. Perhaps you can find out what you can legally do, ask the police, local animal control. Try recording the trouble his dogs make. ... Document all your problems with them.

Yep. My parents live in the country. People tie up their dogs or the dogs disappear.

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He was scratched? Call animal control pronto.

Take a photo of the scratch, and go to animal control and report the incident. When ds11 was bitten by a neighbor's dog, the treating physician filed a report and the animal was impounded for at least ten days. You have no idea if this guy vaccinates his dogs, so it really is a health and safety issue. It's unlikely that the dog has rabies, but you can make sure the dog does not by reporting it to animal control.

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photo and animal control is good.  the guy will care if his wallet gets lighter.


other -

motion activated sprinklers so the dogs will get sprayed when the come around.

have pop cans with half a dozen small rocks and taped shut.  throw it at the dogs feet as soon as you see them on your property.  it makes a lot of noise like a loud rattle that will scare them, but you aren't actually hitting them with it.



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I'd call animal control and the police to find out what your rights are. And especially what can you do to get the dogs off your property if they come back on- since your dh was scratched, maybe you don't want to physically handle the dogs. Is an airsoft gun allowed? 


I'm sorry you have such a crappy neighbor!

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I filed a Nuisance complaint with Animal Control.  I am sure nothing will come of it but at least there is a record so when it happens again, I can show a pattern of the neighbor's irresponsibility.  I am also sure I won't be a favorite around the neighborhood.  Oh well, it's my family I need to honor.

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When I hear about people in the country having serious dog troubles I hear the refrain, "Shoot, Shovel, and Shut-up".


ETA: I'm not saying that is the solution. Perhaps you can find out what you can legally do, ask the police, local animal control. Try recording the trouble his dogs make. ... Document all your problems with them.

Yep SSS.

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I filed a Nuisance complaint with Animal Control. I am sure nothing will come of it but at least there is a record so when it happens again, I can show a pattern of the neighbor's irresponsibility. I am also sure I won't be a favorite around the neighborhood. Oh well, it's my family I need to honor.

Really?? I was just going to suggest you talk to the other neighbors. In my experience, I'm not the only neighbor annoyed by random dogs pooping in my yard.

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I agree with all the other posters who said to report this, know your local laws, etc. But, I am also baffled by someone not fencing in chickens. If it wasn't dogs, wouldn't coyotes, foxes, or something else be killing your chickens?

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I agree with all the other posters who said to report this, know your local laws, etc. But, I am also baffled by someone not fencing in chickens. If it wasn't dogs, wouldn't coyotes, foxes, or something else be killing your chickens?


The chickens were penned in, but the dog was running around outside the pen terrorizing the chickens. 

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I agree with all the other posters who said to report this, know your local laws, etc. But, I am also baffled by someone not fencing in chickens. If it wasn't dogs, wouldn't coyotes, foxes, or something else be killing your chickens?


I've met two families here with free range chickens.  they put them in their hutch in an enclosed area at night. 

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We live in a nice neighborhood on a dead end road.  Lots are one acres and the houses are well maintained.  Our family has chickens in the backyard.  They have a hutch as well as a pen area that is fenced.  Yesterday, our neighbor's four dogs entered our backyard.  They chased the chickens around their pen and created so much stress for our hens.  One of our hens entangled herself into some chicken wire.  It was awful.  The owner of the dogs very casually retrieved his dogs as they entered our backyard.  He didn't even say anything to us as we were yelling at his dogs to leave.  My husband had to restrain one of the dogs and led it off our property by its collar.  This dog turned on him, scratched him and ran off. The owner wasn't concerned.  I was enraged.  I yelled and confronted him to apologize.  It was difficult for this very grown man to apologize.  I couldn't believe it, it was the least he could do.  I am still very upset. One of his dogs has entered our property before and harassed our chickens.  I had to yell and chase it off our property.


What I find most troubling is this neighbor's overall lack of respect for others property and/or pets.  This neighbor routinely allows his dogs to use an empty lot across our home as a dog toilet.  His dogs have even gone to the bathroom in our front and backyard on several occasions.  He could have cared less about the welfare of our chickens.


I told this neighbor in the heat of the above chicken moment that I would hit his dog(s) if they came in our yard again i.e. to defend our chickens from attack.  I am so angry right now.  


BTW These chickens are my DD's chickens.  She has cognitive delays and these chickens mean the world to her.  She has raised these chickens from chicks ( a few days old).  They have been with us for four years, they are her friends.


We need to put in a front yard fence but gosh, thousands of dollars to do so is not in our budget at the moment.  I am so disappointed, we moved into this neighborhood a year ago and I can see that this neighbor and his dogs are going to continue to be problematic.


It look like the chickens are fenced.

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If the neighbor would have said something like, "Hey, sorry, that will never happen again.  Or are your chickens okay? I am sorry" I would have forgiven him and hoped it wouldn't happen again.  But, the fact that I had to insist on an apology, tells me he didn't understand why I was so upset and consequently, that anything was wrong.  I would rather handle this on my own than involve neighborhood drama.  I am sure this neighbor will stir up his own drama to justify his actions or lack thereof.

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Even though the hens are fenced in, they worked themselves into a frenzy.  One hen got entangled in chicken wire.  Her wing was stuck and her body was pinned forward so that the dogs could bite at her face and stomach.  She could have also been injured trying to free herself from the wire.  All in all, it wasn't good.

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The chickens were fenced in, but your yard has no fence around the perimeter, so this dog pack, as well as any other animal could wander into your backyard?


I agree that the neighbor is a jerk and should have offered a sincere apology. Do you have leash laws in your town? Do his dogs routinely wander the neighborhood unrestrained?


I'm thinking this is a hazard for more than just the chickens! A little child, someone's dog that's on a leash, anybody at all could be hurt by them.


Definitely file a report with the powers that be! You may just have to get some sort of cheap fencing, if not to keep the dog pack out, then for any other animal.

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I agree with all the other posters who said to report this, know your local laws, etc. But, I am also baffled by someone not fencing in chickens. If it wasn't dogs, wouldn't coyotes, foxes, or something else be killing your chickens?

I agree with pp. Document and report the scratch. 


Also, we have unfenced chickens. Around here, raccoons and opossums are the most likely predators. We set traps to catch them when we see signs. We close the chicken coop at night. But they free range during the day. 


It definitely helps that most of our neighbors have dogs. 


And while we have lost chickens to predators, we've have our current group of 25 for a while now.



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Practical advice, if not exactly fair to you:  Build the chickens a good sized coop, even one that takes up a lot of the yard, to protect them.  Call the dog warden every damned time the dogs are loose, and file a report because the dog turned on you.  Repeat as necessary until the dogs are removed from his "care" or he learns his lesson.

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OMG, do not suggest shooting bad dogs with air guns on this board, lol. A couple of years ago there was a terrible commotion over a poster whose son shot a neighbor dog that was misbehaving with an airsoft gun and some posters came undone.


Oooo, Nelly, I remember that thread!!!!




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My chickens are fenced in around their hutch/coop.  They are not free ranging chickens.  Their coop is at the very end of our one acre lot with only the front yard not fenced.  The neighbor knows we have chickens and it would be no surprise that the dogs would want to chase the chickens around and around.  I think a dog to a chicken is the equivalent of a bear to a dog.  Suffice it to say, our hens were terrified!  The neighbor had no remorse for either the chickens, my husband or my DD who btw was very upset.  My DD takes her favorite hen on scooter rides in the neighborhood.  This neighbor knows these are her chickens.  Don't even get me started....I am still so very upset.

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I filed a Nuisance complaint with Animal Control.  I am sure nothing will come of it but at least there is a record so when it happens again, I can show a pattern of the neighbor's irresponsibility.  I am also sure I won't be a favorite around the neighborhood.  Oh well, it's my family I need to honor.


yay!! good for you.  Even if nothing comes of this particular incident, at least its a start. 

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Okay, that was a funny image!!  And you are also right, it's our private property.


I actually filled out an online complaint with animal control.  There is no need for an urgent response from them since the incident is over. However it was important to begin formally documenting.  

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Scooter rides <3


It wouldn't matter if your chickens did a conga line around the edge of your property wearing cat-scent perfume and signs around their necks that read EAT ME I AM DOG MEAT, and your neighbor miraculously had the world's first reading dogs. His responsiblilty is to keep his dang dogs under his own flim flam frickin frackin control.


Did you call animal control yet?

I am so going to be saying flim flam frickin, frackin when appropriate in the next few weeks....and maybe when it's not appropriate....

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I'm so sorry about this!  We had terrible neighbor dog issues last year, and animal control came out repeatedly.  Every single time the people got their dogs back! These dogs were aggressive to people and constantly getting off and running around our property!  I have several small children, and a newborn at the time.  One day, two of the aggressive dogs were out, as well as another dog, who was huge, but dopey.  I was speaking to another neighbor, who was nearly bitten and was waiting for animal control, and the big dopey dog ran in my house!  I couldn't get him out!  He ran upstairs and got on my bed, and was too big for me to make him leave!  Did I mention I had a newborn?  I was so thankful he was a nice one, at least.


So, animal control came and hauled him out of my house.  They took him and the two aggressive dogs that were loose, as well as another that stayed in the fence in the backyard.  They assured us that we were finally done, and the dogs wouldn't be back.  Apparently, they meant the dogs wouldn't be back until the next day.  It was ridiculous.


My husband called the sheriff, and was told...SSS...in a round about way.  It went something like this, "If you ever don't feel safe on your own property..."


We didn't ever do it, but I was so thankful when that family moved out!  We could finally go outside to play again!


I'm sharing my story just to say I know how terrible it feels, and how violating.  I also know how helpless it feels when the authorities won't just take care of it. We couldn't find any ordinance that would help in our situation, but maybe there is a two dog rule?  Some counties don't allow more than that because of the pack issue.


Anyway,  I hope you get some peace and resolution soon.  It sure is awful.

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whacking the dogs temporarily helps. even better if the negligent owner of the dog sees the dog getting a good whack.


My mother use to have great success with a length of  plumbing hose. she would whack the dogs right across their back. She was distance enough form the dogs that they would not go for her, they would drop the chook or duck they were carrying and yelp home. Unfortunately the town she lives in has a huge amount of dogs and there is always another dog ready to have a go.


I have found that a mop works for chasing dogs off. they seem to be scared of them and it works better than  stick, but I haven't really used a mop for whacking them. I do not care if the neighborhood sees me the crazy lady chasing dogs with a mop. As long as the message gets out to the dogs


 I am rural now in rural properties you are allowed to shoot ( and kill) neighbour dogs if they chase stock on your property.

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Be careful. Chicken chasing is great fun. If the dogs haven't bothered them before they may be back in full force soon. We lost 50 chickens to the neighbor dog. He came back the next day and we collared him. Fortunately his owner understood and he was re homed. He paid my son for his livestock and his trouble.

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I've had chickens and neighbors for most of the last 20 years. Things I've learned:


1) You need a dog proof fence for your entire property (at least that part which you allow the chickens to access.) Before we even moved to this house, we fenced the entire back acre. (2 acre lots). Dog proof. Period. We didn't move in until the perimeter was secure. If it's not a neighbor dog, it'll be a loose dog from a mile away. Eventually, a dog is going to decimate your flock if you don't dog proof their area. 


2) People let their dogs off leash and roam sometimes. That sucks. People suck. But, good fences DO make good neighbors. See item #1. Fence them OUT because getting 100% compliance with leash laws and/or etiquettes is not going to happen in this lifetime. I have one neighbor who walks his dogs by my house, and lets them crap in my front yard while I'm right there! This is despite at least 80% of the road frontage being rough/wild woods in which no one would care if he let the dogs crap. But, no, he walks right by me, leashes or no, and smiles while his dogs shit in my yard. It steams me, but not enough to make an issue out of it. I have had angry neighbors before, 20 years ago, when we didn't have a good fence, and I won't recreate that again. It is NOT worth it. I'm considering fencing in my front yard, lol. Or maybe planting a sturdy hedge along the road. 


3) "Goat wire" or "horse wire" is a knotted wire fencing that is very sturdy (like hog wire, but with smaller openings), that has about 2x4 inch openings (dog proof! Even for puppies!), about 4 feet high, and is very economical and lasts many years. (Decades, not a few years like somewhat cheaper but infinitely crappier welded wire.) Installed using those green metal farm fence posts, it's cheap, easy to install, and very sturdy. My husband and 2 helpers did our back acre fully enclosed, including about 120 ft of split rail wood fencing for the "pretty" part along the front yard, in maybe 2 days work. The wire fencing part was a few hundred dollars. It's as good now as it was when we put it up 7 years ago. Still dog proof. And goat and chicken proof (as long as you clip their wings to keep them from flying over.) We lined a split rail fence with it for the "pretty" part of the yard, and then used it solo with the green farm posts in the woods, etc. It's awesome. 


4) In most places, you can legally shoot and kill any animal that is "harassing" your farm animals. Check your local laws, inform your neighbor, and kill the dog if you want to make an enemy. That will only solve this one dog, though, and make an enemy out of at least one neighbor, probably all of them. 



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