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So, debate this: I am thinking about going to Las Vegas to get my teeth fixed..........


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I have "bad teeth." I was genetically predisposed. And during marriage # 1, I was not able to access regular - or even irregular - dental care.


So, I have missing teeth. It's embarassing. I have one tooth that is breaking apart. I can't chew properly.


My whole left bottom side is missing.


I am thinking of saving a down payment and going here:




I have done a few searches. I am so upset about my teeth that I am *nearly* willing to overlook the negative reviews. I'm not getting bariatric surgery, so maybe I'll invest my medical money this direction.


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I'd be careful and make sure the place was reputable, but I totally understand why you'd want to do this. Teeth are one of those things people judge like crazy and don't even realize it. Right up there with weight and speech patterns.

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You might want to look into going to Mexico for dental work.  I know a few people who've done that and have been very happy.  One of my friend's Mom needed to get her entire mouth done basically.


Here's an old NPR article http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2014/06/09/318212444/a-reason-to-smile-mexican-town-is-a-destination-for-dental-tourism



ETA: I had bariatric surgery done in Mexico in 2000 in Monterrey.  Nothing but good things to say about the level of care I received.

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I was going to suggest Mexico too, especially since you're not too far away.  We've had a lot of dental and orthodontic work done here by English speaking professionals and it costs significantly less than it would in the US.

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My teeth are strong but they were so very, very crooked - huge gaps on top and major crowding and overlapped teeth on bottom. In my early 30s, I could finally afford the braces that had been recommended for me in childhood and got them. I knew I wanted them, I was willing to put up with the time period of having them as an adult, and yet I'm still amazed when I think about it how much having my teeth fixed has improved my self-image and self-esteem!

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I will echo the suggestions to look at Mexico for this.   Choose somewhere you feel you can trust.  Don't choose out of desperation in the moment.  It is definitely worth having the work done.  Just be sure it is done as well as possible. 


Best to you, Joanne.

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I agree that having your teeth fixed is a great investment. This procedure is new to me. It looks great. How long do the implants last? What are potential complications? Since you are being sent all over the world by the hive to have this done how about Portugal where Dr. Implant is from? :D  I've also heard good things about Costa Rica and dental work. I can't convince my dh to go further than the next town however.

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I have no idea about the place you are going. I'm generally as minimalist as they come about cosmetic stuff. But I absolutely love that we were able to afford to fix my teeth a couple of years ago and although it cost a heck of a lot I am so so glad we got it done. I really wish Id been able to keep my oldest kids teeth in better shape as he looks like ending up like me poor kid... Still we are working on it.

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I strongly suggest that you consider going to Mexico or coming to Colombia. Lots of excellent dentists and the cost, normally, for medical or dental work, is far less than it would be in the USA. Also, typically, doctors and dentists here are more "caring" about their patients. I would be skeptical of anything in the USA that is much lower in cost than in other places in the USA, especially much lower costs than in the same city/state, and I  would want to know about the quality (results) and the background and experience of the people treating me. There are a lot of charlatans out there.  GL

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I don't have specific advice on where to go, but I think you should find the best care that you can afford and go there. We travelled from Florida to Colorado (we would gave gone further, if necessary) to get my dh's hip surgery because it was the best place to go at the time.


Best wishes to you, Joanne, as you gather info and make a decision.

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another person who was going to suggest out of the country.  I've not experienced it myself but read (or heard on npr) a few articles about medical tourism. 


You should definitely do this.  Not only is it important to your self-esteem but teeth health is very important to overall health.

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But don't implants take several months? And you have to have the bone support?

It's likely I will need some in the bottom front area of my mouth in the next few years. I have not heard good things about the one-day snap teeth (I'm sorry, I don't the term). I over research, though. I'm sure you have done your research, too. So IDK about the type, BUT if you can find a good price and all, for sure go get what you need.

Best to you!

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But don't implants take several months? And you have to have the bone support?

It's likely I will need some in the bottom front area of my mouth in the next few years. I have not heard good things about the one-day snap teeth (I'm sorry, I don't the term). I over research, though. I'm sure you have done your research, too. So IDK about the type, BUT if you can find a good price and all, for sure go get what you need.

Best to you!




These are not the implants you are thinking of.  These are basically posts that act like snaps.  Some can be done permanently and others are literally like snaps.  They are also called mini dental implants.

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Just a thought, but maybe consider a dental college. The students need the practice and are overseen by their instructor. I have heard the discount is significant.



This is an *excellent* suggestion for the OP to follow up on!  


OP if there is a Dental School near to where you live:


Many years ago, I had a neighbor that was a Professor in a Dental School. I got a referral to a better dentist, from him. I need to find his email address and see how they are doing, now that he is retired...


My late mother had extensive Dental work done, many years ago, in the Dental School at U.S.C.   I do not remember the cost savings, probably 50% or more.   However, the *huge* advantage to having work done in a Dental School is that the Professors must sign off on the work, before the student gets a grade. It does require more visits, possibly many more visits, but I believe it guarantees a very high quality outcome.


The way we got our current Dentist here was that our next door neighbors daughter went to Dental School and then she went to Mexico, to study to become an Orthodontist.  An Orthodontist sees the work of a lot of Dentists Only someone like an Orthodontist is qualified to recommend a Dentist.


I would be very cautious about any professional who does a lot of advertising and lures people with low prices. The outcome is usually very expensive.  GL

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Haven't had good experiences at dental schools.  Wait times to get appointments are extremely long.  My sister ended up with a broken jaw and she didn't have medical insurance at the time so she was in a real pickle with trying to find someone who would even help her with that.  My mother too had lousy experiences.



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I, personally however, would not choose to have major dental work done somewhere so far from my home. Follow-up care would be too expensive (travel costs), as would be any punitive follow-up necessary in case the episode proved a fiasco.


As much as I love Mexico and her people, I never shall go there again because of safety concerns.


Continue the research, looking especially for proveable negative information. Best wishes!

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I, personally however, would not choose to have major dental work done somewhere so far from my home. Follow-up care would be too expensive (travel costs), ...

Medical tourism is set up so you don't make return trips.


Fixing a poorly done job would be expensive no matter where the initial job took place.

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Medical tourism is set up so you don't make return trips.


Fixing a poorly done job would be expensive no matter where the initial job took place.

I don't credit medical claims that everything is guaranteed to turn out perfectly, without "return trips". I suppose I combine experience with too many years in marketing research (with the attendant disbelief in marketing hype). :>)


"Repair care" certainly can be costly. Hence my disinterest in additional travel costs.

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I'd recommend Costa Rica too!  We've lived there off and on. They have so many dentists, and lots of U.S. Americans come down for teeth work.  You can actually go on to the U.S. Embassy site of a country and get referrals.


During off season you can get a flight to San Jose, Costa Rica for $500.  You'd have to see if the price is worth it.


One thing I don't understand about international dental work -- such as implants, is that often you have to go back and forth a few times.  Once to get the teeth pulled, another time to get the post in place, and then again to get the permanent tooth added.  I wonder if they know how to do all of that in one trip? 

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As much as I love Mexico and her people, I never shall go there again because of safety concerns.




As with the US and many other countries, there are parts of Mexico I would not go to.  I don't recommend that anyone go to Matamoros or Acapulco or Ciudad Juarez right now for medical or dental care, for example.  But the majority of the country is safe to visit and travel in.  We have been to many cities in Mexico with absolutely no fears for our safety.  I do not feel like I am putting myself or my family in danger by living in Guadalajara.


There is so much more to Mexico than the problems on the border or in a few high trafficking areas.

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Another thought I have Joanne is how long do those things last.  I read somewhere that dentures don't last forever.  With the snap in ones I imagine it's just a matter of having a new set made and you snap them on.  With the permanent ones, I wonder if that is less straight forward and if it would require surgery or a more grueling procedure.



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As with the US and many other countries, there are parts of Mexico I would not go to.  I don't recommend that anyone go to Matamoros or Acapulco or Ciudad Juarez right now for medical or dental care, for example.  But the majority of the country is safe to visit and travel in.  We have been to many cities in Mexico with absolutely no fears for our safety.  I do not feel like I am putting myself or my family in danger by living in Guadalajara.


There is so much more to Mexico than the problems on the border or in a few high trafficking areas.


I'm not more afraid of Mexico than any other place.  I'm just trying to imagine how it would be to be alone in a foreign country verses the US.  That's my only issue.  It's not fear of Mexico in particular.

Although Vegas is very far away from me too.

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My friend had a full set of implants done and she's so happy she did. She did it locally and just saved and saved until she could afford it. She looks great, but most importantly, she feels great. 


Ok but people are confusing what Joanne is talking about with dental implants.  These aren't the same thing.


Full implants cost more than most people's cars.

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Just a thought, but maybe consider a dental college. The students need the practice and are overseen by their instructor. I have heard the discount is significant.



I did some dental college engagement a few years ago. It helped save the teeth I have remaining. However, it is not an option for me now. The appointments are difficult to schedule and slow, and I would not be able to adjust my schedule to be compliant.

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You might want to look into going to Mexico for dental work.  I know a few people who've done that and have been very happy.  One of my friend's Mom needed to get her entire mouth done basically.


Here's an old NPR article http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2014/06/09/318212444/a-reason-to-smile-mexican-town-is-a-destination-for-dental-tourism



ETA: I had bariatric surgery done in Mexico in 2000 in Monterrey.  Nothing but good things to say about the level of care I received.

Or Taiwan is a huge medical tourist location now. 


I would definitely consider other options.

But then, I went to another location to have a surgery done and paid cash.  All reviews were positive though. 

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I did some dental college engagement a few years ago. It helped save the teeth I have remaining. However, it is not an option for me now. The appointments are difficult to schedule and slow, and I would not be able to adjust my schedule to be compliant.


I wish you the best of luck. I know dental work is very expensive, and I hope you can achieve the results you want.

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Come to India!!  I have a brother that gets his medical/dental stuff done when he visits us.  Great medical care and cheap!


I just had a full phyisical - all blood work, mammogram, sonography, stress test, echo, bone density scan, pap smear, consulations with cardiologist, gp, nutritionist and gynac, etc.  All for about $200.


My dental care is also really good.

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