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Tell me that you can't draw....

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...so I don't feel all alone in my miserable attempts at drawing things. :seeya:


You'd think I would remember that I draw about as well as I speak Klingon, but nooooo....what do I do? I decide that it would be a great idea to draw a full size map of early Canada on bristol board. From a little picture in a book. How hard can it be? Uh huh. Canada will never look quite the same. :tongue_smilie:


Last year, I drew her a tiger - she asked me what the striped alligator was for. ;)


I know there are others out there whose hands simply will not create what their eyes see, yes? yes??? :D

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Couldn't draw to save my life. Couldn't draw my way out of a paper sack. Can. Not. Draw.


Can't sing, either. ;-)


I *can* paint (walls), decorate cakes, cook tasty food, make up words to silly songs, find ways to laugh every single day, and procrastinate with the best of 'em. I'm tenacious. I'm creative. I'm intelligent. I'm loyal. I'm friendly. But I can't draw. Oh, well.


You have lots of talents. So what if drawing isn't one of them? :grouphug:



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Yay! More people who can't draw worth a darn. :D


I'm not too worried about it with my map - it's for dd11 to use to label all the various early first nations people (she's a crafty kid, would much rather do this than make a list) and she knows what our country looks like, so the fact that the great lakes are now located several hundred kilometers in the wrong direction and hudson's bay has taken on a whole new shape shouldn't throw her off too much ;) .....


...but I Must. Remember. that I can't draw and quit thinking 'oh I'll just make her a *insert thing requiring more than a barely straight line*' .....because that results in me sitting on the living room floor at 5am wondering if there's an early bird dial-an-artist in the phone book.:tongue_smilie:


She looked at it when she got up and said "mmmm. Not bad. It kinda does look like Canada." ....I'll take what I can get! :p

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But, I cannot sing....at all.


Me neither - it's a long standing joke in my family that if you want a song to have an entirely new tune, ask me to sing it. ;)


dd11 can sing - she's awesome. She copies tunes/notes/whatever perfectly and she can also listen to a song and then go play it on a keyboard/piano/whatever - it freaks me out because the kid has never had any formal music lessons outside of a brief stint with celtic drumming (she just started yesterday with voice lessons at a music academy here) ....she does this weird little humming under her breath thing and then pick, pick, pick, aha! *plays song* ..... it's eerie. Very cool, but eerie. :D


Ha, can you tell she's not my biological kid? Lucky for her! :lol:

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I can't draw very well, but we started Drawing with Children last year and I learned that if you look at a picture of what you want to draw, it's pretty easy to copy. I've even drawn a passable horse!


Now, I would not try to draw a large map of Canada from a teeny one - I am not THAT talented - but I bet you could have drawn a good copy of the little picture. :D

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I draw stick figures. And, they are very poor stick figures. My children are very sad about this.


My dh has an art degree, as does my mil, my sil and her husband. Then, there are the other family members who don't have art degrees, but draw very well. So, I have a lot to live up to.


And I draw stick figures. Did I mention that they are not very good?


My 4 yo draws better than I do. Now that my older girls are older, they are willing to draw things for the younger ones. It takes the pressure off of me.

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My Mother is a wonderfullly talented porclelain artist who could have made a living with her painting abilities, instead she chose to raise a large family. None of her 7 children inherited her talent, but we are all talented in other ways. Sewing, singing, building, cooking, baking, scrapbookers..etc. I do have a great sense of color and what works and what doens't..but draw. Nope, can't do it. Get me a stencil and I can fill in the blanks.

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Lucky for me - and especially our kids - DH is an artist.

I can usually get away with saying "ask Daddy when he gets home.

If you are going to try and do big projects they make projectors specially for people to trace something small into something big.

You learn these kind of things when you can't draw:001_smile:

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I just spent an hour "entertaining" ds at his sibling's soccer practice drawing sharks and divers. I think he told me to put flippers on one diver ten times. I couldn't help but laugh by the end as I just keep drawing over the other nine to make it look better. It. didn't. look. better. :lol:

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