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s/o what was your first vehicle? and what happened to it?

Chess Dad

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Got it in 1982 after college graduation. A 1972 Plymouth Duster, for $900. Drove it for a year and a half, until the transmission fell out - yes, fell out - while I was driving on I-5 through Seattle. Even the responding officer (there was no accident, but I was stranded in the middle of a lane with no shoulder and traffic piling up) was bemused.

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'89 Honda Civic  - I inherited it from my foreign exchange 'sister' when she went away to college. It was totaled in a hit-and-run by a drunk 16 year old. (I chased him down, got his license plate, and then the cops happened upon his car at a pretty raucous party. I was so glad they found him!) 

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My first vehicle was an early 70's Mercury Bobcat.  It was white with a red, orange, and yellow strip down each side.  I loved that car.  My boyfriend (eventually my first husband and the father of  my daughter) didn't put oil in it like I told him to when he borrowed it and he burned out the engine.  :glare:  :thumbdown:  :sad:  :mad:

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A 1969 Chevy Impala named Big Blue. I bought it from my mom and stepdad for what they had left to pay on it, which was $600. This was in 1973. It got me through my senior year in high school and all through college. In 1977 I was moving from Florida to Americus, GA where I was about to start my first teaching job. It broke down on the way with all my worldly possessions in it. Fortunately my mother and brother were traveling with me in a separate car. We left it around Gainesville and rented a Toyota Corolla to get me the rest of the way. On the way back, my mom and brother stopped and took care of it. It ended up not being worthy of fixing and was sent to the junkyard. :( I then bought a brand new 1977 Datsun F10. That was the ugliest car I ever owned.


LOLOL! I typed that comment about my Datsun, then went looking for a photo to link to. I found someone else who thinks it's the ugliest car ever made! Mine was red, with striping on the side. The stripes didn't help. It was still ugly. 

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It was in 1980 and I was 16.  My first vehicle was a Red, 1972 Mercury Marquis, It had 460 4 barrel and ate gas like a pig!  I loved that car.  It was truly a Heavy Metal Car.  I remember the first day I got it.  My older brother, Melvin, helped me buy it, and I stopped in the middle of nowhere on the way home and cranked the stereo.  it had 6 speakers and the sound was amazing for a 1970's vehicle.  


I drove it for four years.  I broke down on a county road, while in college, and did not have the money to pay for the tow bill. The tow company kept it.


Here's a link to a picture of what it looked like.  http://farm8.static.flickr.com/7351/12092938705_30459dc576.jpg


I did not have a car until I had a kid. No need, as I biked and rode the bus everywhere. Then we moved to a rural area and I had a baby, so we got a Toyota Corolla. A stupid texting driver hit me and the car was totaled. I loved, loved, loved that Corolla. It had nearly 200k miles on it and it ran better than my stupid Nissan does now. I think I'm going to trade in the Nissan and get a Corolla if I go for another car to own. That car drove across the country, it drove across Europe, that tiny little car.

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1986 Buick Riviera.


I drove it for about 4 years until the day my family and I came back from a week away.  There was yellow police tape around my car's antenna and 2 bullet holes in the trunk.  Turns out some guy shot his girlfriend as she was leaning on my car.  


Yeah.  Didn't drive it again after that.



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A 1993 white Ford Escort.  I got it at an auction in 1997 for $1500.  It was low mileage and ran great.  I drove it for years.  Eventually I gave it to my dad and he drove it for years.  And then a deer jumped out in front of my dad while he was driving home from work one day.  The deer won.  Or maybe it was a draw.  Both the deer and the car died.

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1974 Dodge Charger, I adored it.



Got it in 1982 after college graduation. A 1972 Plymouth Duster,



It was a 1971, Plymouth Duster, white with dark green top, stick shift.  


Both of those cars made you cool when I was in high school, especially if you were male. The Gold Duster was a muscle car, but even just a Duster could get a guy dates. ;)


In 1987, it was a 1984 navy blue Volkswagon Rabbit (Wolfsburg edition) that I paid $3500 for with my own money at age 16.  I learned how to drive a stick on it.  It lasted through college.  I drove that thing from NJ to college in SC for two years and OH for two years.  In the end it would continue to "run" a good 30 seconds once you turned it off.  I loved that car.  I got a new car when I started law school in 1992 because my parents didn't feel the Rabbit was safe any longer.


:D I had a car like that. Mine was a 1973 Mercury Capri.

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A ridiculous pink Hyundai. With even more ridiculous personalized license plates that I swear my mom got to spite me:)

I still remember showing it to my grandpa for the first time. He walked all the way around it without saying a word. Twice. When I asked him what he was doing he said he was looking for the Tonka sticker, lol.

I sold that car when I moved to Germany in the Army and bought the coolest flaming orange BMW tank over there. Alas, some other soldier is probably still driving it, several soldiers removed from the one I sold it to when I left.


No more exciting cars...the minivan I swore I would never drive is the most amazing and helpful thing I own.

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My first car


You really need to look at these images to get the full appreciation for the hideousness of this car.  It was a weird combination of car, van, and station wagon, a 1986 Nissan Stanza.  I drove it until it died. It was actually my dad's car before it was mine and he sold it to me for $100...I wonder if I got a good deal at this point as it was already on its last leg when I got it from him. :glare: :lol: 

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Back in 2001, as newlyweds, my husband and I bought a green metallic Volkswagen Passat 2001.5 together. We had been married for about a year and a half, and it was the most exciting we had done after getting married - and getting a puppy :)


We sold it about six months ago. We were ready, and so was the car. It's too small for our family - three children and no room for all our stuff. It had served its purpose. We love our minivan. In fact, I can't think of a scenario where I won't have a minivan - I can see my husband moving his paintings in there, our luggage neatly put in the back, furniture being hauled, and taking my kids' friends to activities. As we get older, I can see myself driving grandchildren around, car seats or no carseats. 

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My first care was really my husband's - I never bought a car on my own and really didn't have much interest.


That car was a Ford F150.  I could only sort of drive stick, I learned in the army but mostly in the woods, so it took me a bit of time to get used to it.  I really liked driving it though once i was confident.


It is dead in car graveyard now, the frame rusted out.

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1992 Dodge Caravan - the one with the wood panel around the outside. 😠Passed down from my parents when they upgraded. It was a great vehicle to cram all my friends into when we went to the drive-in. I drove that for several years until the engine blew on me driving home from work one day.

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I had lots of sisters and there was always a stray old car around for me to drive when I was at home or in college, so my first car was some kind of Chevrolet that I bought with dh when we got married.  It was a pathetic car and we got rid of it a few months later and bought a Geo Prizm.  That car was wonderful and we drove it for 14 years until it really was too old and small to store for 18 months while we were overseas.  We had many adventures in that car.

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Well until I was 23 I was one of 3 siblings that used my dad's Ford Ranger..I don't even know the year.  Before that, I briefly drove his beat up old Plymouth...something with a V8 in it.  He should have thought twice about that one.  LOVED how fast that thing was.  At 15..yeah..lucky nothing happened.  


But the first car *I* personally had as mine was a brand new 2004 Honda Civic.  I waited until I got a salaried job before I got my own car so that I could choose just what I wanted. I kept it for 3 yrs until I didn't owe much on it, then I traded it in on a brand new 2007 Honda Accord Coupe...black, every option possible.  A single girl in my 20's with a smoking job, car and boyfriend and we lived by the beach...........ahhhhh the good old days.........

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A 1966 dark teal Buick Skylark convertible. White pinstripes, white interior, white rag top. It was amazing! I drag raced all through high school at every stop light someone challenged me at - never lost! Had a HUGE engine and I could watch the fuel gauge go down if I floored it. My parents sold it to a collector when I was a sophomore in college and needed more reliable transporatation. It spoiled me for ordinary cars!


Am I the only one who reads "Buick Skylark" in a My Cousin Vinny/Marisa Tomei accent?

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First "vehicle" was a new powder blue 1977 Peugeot 103 Moped. Loved that thing. Rode it for years in college. Had one minor "scare" when I was surrounded by the entire Oakland (CA) Chapter of the Hell's Angles (did I feel like a dork? :D) while riding down Broadway in Oakland one day. But it worked out OK. It was eventually stolen in Berkeley. I was bummed.


First car was an orange 1974 Mazda RX2 that I purchased for $500 from a girlfriend who was moving to NYC. It was sort of ugly and the pain was oxidized. But that car was fast!!! Those rotary engines were amazing. Looked like an econo-box, but it would fly!





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First "vehicle" was a new powder blue 1977 Peugeot 103 Moped. Loved that thing. Rode it for years in college. Had one minor "scare" when I was surrounded by the entire Oakland (CA) Chapter of the Hell's Angles (did I feel like a dork? :D) while riding down Broadway in Oakland one day. But it worked out OK. It was eventually stolen in Berkeley. I was bummed.



I had a moped too.  Turquoise 1979 Honda Express 49cc.  I saw one on the road the other day - they stopped making them in 1984.  Mine leaked water into the petrol tank when it rained, but maybe later models didn't....


Mine was totalled when a car drove out of a side road without the driver looking and I went over the bonnet.

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My first car


You really need to look at these images to get the full appreciation for the hideousness of this car. It was a weird combination of car, van, and station wagon, a 1986 Nissan Stanza. I drove it until it died. It was actually my dad's car before it was mine and he sold it to me for $100...I wonder if I got a good deal at this point as it was already on its last leg when I got it from him. :glare: :lol:

You win this thread in my book. That is like the platypus of the automobile kingdom.

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A 1974 VW Rabbit. My brother in law went with me to pick it out, and I was pretty excited that my first car was red with black interior. Went back the next day to pick it up and discovered I had bought an ORANGE car with black interior. It was awful. It was also a manual transmission car and I'd never driven one until I drove it off the lot. 


Traded it in for a 1983 Escort- my first brand new car.  

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